Laravel 5.3 Notification Vs Mailable - laravel

I am a little confused about whether to use Laravel's Notification or Mailable class. From what I understand, Mailables are used to send only emails whereas Notifications can be used to send emails and sms. In my application, I dont have plans to send sms notifications for now, so I am confused if I should just use the Mailable class in this case. My questions are:
If I am only going to be sending emails notifications, is it
better for me to use Mailables instead of Notifications?
If each emails have different html layout, then would Mailable be
the better option?
Even if all emails are Notification emails in nature, does it still make
sense to send them using Mailables instead of Notifications?
Can someone tell me the main difference between these 2 and how should we decide on which method to choose when sending emails in Laravel 5.3.

Although it is not in the documentation, as of Laravel 5.3.7, the Notifications mail channel can work with Mailable objects in addition to the notification MailMessage objects.
Therefore, you can create all your emails as Mailable objects, and if you decide to send them via Notifications, you would just have your toMail() method return the Mailable objects you've already made.

Yes, definitively, if each email layout is different, you should use Mailable
Mailable is the new way to send emails, easier than before. More customizable than Notifications.
Notification is very nice if you want to send a predefined layout in differents channel ( Mail, SMS, Slack, etc )
You can customize notifications layout, but having 1 layout by notification is going to get more difficult... it is just not the use case for notifications


Specifying queue name for Laravel notifications

I'm building a SAAS and I want each tenant to have their own queue for notifications. I have a notification class that implements Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue and I send the notification like this
But I haven't found a way to specify the queue that I want the notification to be pushed to. I know that jobs can be pushed to specific queues with onQueue:
But is it possible to do something like this for queueable notifications as well?
Since your notification should use the Illuminate\Bus\Queueable trait you can simply set the $queue property of the object. There's a helper function for it:

Laravel Mail or Notification? which one should use for email sending? and Why?

I'm new in laravel. I have to use email feature in my project. In Laravel Docs, I got Mail and Notification options for sending email feature. Now I want to know which one should be used and why?
Please Note: I will use ShouldQueue as well.
If you want to send the information via just one channel, say email only, then use Mailable. If you are likely to send the information as email or SMS, some other medium or multiple(eg. email and SMS), your best bet is to use Notification.
You should use Mailable, if each email you send out has different layout. Mailable is a very flexible way to send emails. And it's more customizable than Notification.
Notification is useful if you have to send a predefined layout in differents channel.
You can customize notifications layout, but it's not advisable as it's out of scope to have more than one layout of notification.
According to this laracasts video
"a general rule of thumb, what's nice about Notifications is you are notifying the user in response to some action that took place on the website, so they made a payment, they close their account they liked something these are all responses to an action."
I use the Mail facade for marketing, for example: to inform the new features in our website, inform some special day is coming soon, etc.

Laravel send email with multiple senders

I have a Laravel application that send two different kind of emails from different senders. One for the users and other one for the admins.
The emails for the admins works fine, i'm using smtp gmail.
How can I send the other type of emails using different sender? Thank you.
You can use the from() function in the mailable or the facade (if Mailables aren't in your version of Laravel):

is it possible to notify all users using Laravel notification with pusher?

Is it possible to create/send notification(s) to all users when there is new announcement.
I want all users to be notified using the database notification.
Since most of the tutorials I have seen are all email notification, is this possible? Please attach links or any idea on how I could implement this.
Literally in the documentation:
Alternatively, you may send notifications via the Notification facade.
This is useful primarily when you need to send a notification to
multiple notifiable entities such as a collection of users. To send
notifications using the facade, pass all of the notifiable entities
and the notification instance to the send method:
Notification::send($users, new InvoicePaid($invoice));
So yes, you can send to all user by getting them from the database and sending a notification using the facade.
For example:
Notification::send(User::all(), new InvoicePaid($invoice));

Use Laravel Notification for Email Verification

You can send notifications via email like this in Laravel...
public function toMail($notifiable)
$url = url('/invoice/' . $this->invoice->id);
return (new MailMessage)
->line('One of your invoices has been paid!')
->action('View Invoice', $url)
->line('Thank you for using our application!');
However, is it a good approach (in software design) to use this feature to send verification emails upon user registration?
yes, it is a fast way to send notification, we register a greeting, a line of text, a call to action, and then another line of text. These methods provided by the MailMessage object make it simple and fast to format small transactional emails. The mail channel will then translate the message components into a nice, responsive HTML email template with a plain-text counterpart.
you can also formatting the notification in better way for example:
Error Messages
Customizing The Recipient
Customizing The Subject
Customizing The Templates
reference Laravel Reference
Laravel Notifications is an all new feature coming to Laravel 5.3 that allows you to make quick notification updates through services like Slack, SMS, Email, and more.
This is great. Notifications are so simple and robust, you may no longer find yourself needing to use any other notification tool (mail, Slack SDK directly, etc.)—especially when you see how many custom notification channels the community has created. It's bonkers.
As always, with great power comes great responsibility; make sure you're being careful with your users' time and attention and you don't go overboard with the notifications.
So, go forth. Notify.
