Why can't I execute systemctl commands as superuser? - bash

I wrote a script to download and install kubernetes on an ubuntu machine.
The last part of the script would be to start the kubelet service.
echo "Initializing the master node"
kubeadm reset
systemctl start kubelet.service
kubeadm init
I am forcing the user to run the script as root user. However, when the script reaches the systemctl command, it is not able to execute it. Moreover, I tried to execute the command manually as the root user. I was not able to do so. However, I am able to execute it as a regular user.
Does anyone know why? Is there a workaround?

A possible workaround is to start the service as a regular user, even though the script runs as root. First, you need to find out who is the "original" user:
originalUser="$(logname 2>/dev/null)"
and then call the service as this user:
su - "$originalUser" -c "systemctl start kubelet.service"
Maybe that specific service is dependent on being run by an user who is not root (some programs test for that).


Auto Start Script

So I am making a script that can run these commands whenever a server boot/reboot:
sudo bash
su - erp
cd frappe-bench/
bench start >/tmp/bench_log &
I found guides here and there about how can I change user in script I came out with the following script:
#! /bin/sh
sudo -u erp bash
cd /home/erp/frappe-bench/
bench start >/tmp/bench_log &
And, I have created a service at /etc/systemd/system/ and set it to run automatically when the server boots up.
The problem is, whenever I run sudo systemctl start erpnextd.service and checked the status, it came up with this
May 24 17:10:05 appbsystem2 systemd[1]: Started ERPNext | Auto Restart.
May 24 17:10:05 appbsystem2 sudo[18814]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=>erp ; COMMAND=/bin/bash
May 24 17:10:05 appbsystem2 systemd[1]: erpnextd.service: Succeeded.
But it still doesn't start up ERPNext.
All I wanted to do is make a script that will start erpnext automatically everytime a server reboot.
Note: I only install frappe-bench on user erp only
Because you are using systemd, you already have all the features from your script available, and better. So you don't even need the script anymore:
# Run as user erp.
# You probably also want to run as group erp, if it exists.
# Change to this directory before executing.
# Redirect standard output to the given log file.
# Redirect standard error to the same log file.
# Command line for starting the program. Make sure to use an absolute path!
ExecStart=/full/path/to/bench start
Using crontab (the script will start after every reboot/startup)
#crontab -e
#reboot sh /full/path/to/bench start >/tmp/bench_log
The answer provide by Thomas is very helpful.
However, I found another workaround by adding the path of my script file into the bottom of /etc/rc.local file.
Both method works, just a matter of preference ;)

gcloud compute ssh --command flag not working

I am using google's compute ssh command from compute engine's vm1 to connect another project's vm2. The problem occur when i try to connect with --command flag. The shell command is not executed but ssh connection is established. However i can see the bash command in the processes of vm2 as pid =xxxx 'bash -c sudo su && service nginx stop && source /home/x/bin/activate && python example.py'
When i terminated the ssh command from vm1, the bash command immediately starts on vm2. I could not figure it out what cause this problem.
sudo gcloud compute ssh --project=project_name vm_name --zone=zone --command='sudo su && service nginx stop && source /home/x/bin/activate && python example.py'
OS: ubuntu 18.04
That command set won't work. You're approaching it as if you were the one running the commands inside a terminal, in which case:
sudo su (would get you a root shell and all subsequent commands would run as root)
service nginx stop (you're root)
source /home/x/bin/activate (you're root)
python example.py (you're root)
When you try to chain your commands with &&, it runs the next command after the first one worked and all the commands are actually being run as you:
sudo su (run as you, when this exits successfully, trigger next command)
service nginx stop (as you)
etc (as you)
So what ends up happening is you get a root shell and then nothing. Unless that exits (cleanly), you won't run the next command in the chain and so you're waiting, because the root shell is also waiting. As #DazWilkin mentioned above, what you should actually be doing is removing the sudo su (you don't need a root shell, you can't do anything in there anyway) and preface your other commands with sudo instead so that they are each run with elevated perms.

How to run bash script as background process on system forever?

I have a script(sync.sh) which runs a while loop inside for syncing.
while :
#my PHP scripts runs parallel
sleep 60
I want to run this script independently forever in my vm.
I know I can run this sh file as a background process by using nohup, disown command.
But what I want to know is? How can I run this .sh file on system restart or it process is killed. How to start .sh file automatically without terminal command in Ubuntu VM.(Like we have starting Apache, MySQL services on system start)
Thanks in advance.
If you're using systemD, you should create a service for your script sync.sh, this file will be:
You can edit this file (with 'root' or 'sudo' privileges) so it contains:
Description=My Shell Script for Sync
Then, you re-load your systemD daemon (so it knows that a service has been added) :
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Then you can enable your service (so it will be launched at every system start:
sudo systemctl enable sync.service
Then you can start it manually so it will be started right away, not waiting for the next system restart :
sudo systemctl start sync.service
(of course, you can change the name of your service and it's not necessarily called "sync.service"

Run an shell script on startup (not login) on Ubuntu 14.04

I have a build server. I'm using the Azure Build Agent script. It's a shell script that will run continuously while the server is up. Problem is that I cannot seem to get it to run on startup. I've tried /etc/init.d and /etc/rc.local and the agent is not being run. Nothing concerning the build agent in the boot logs.
For /etc/init.d I created the script agent.sh which contains:
sh ~/agent/run.sh
Gave it the proper permissions chmod 755 agent.shand moved it to /etc/init.d.
and for /etc/rc.local, I just appended the following
sh ~/agent/run.sh &
before exit 0.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: added examples.
EDIT 2: Just noticed that the init.d README says that shell scripts need to start with #!/bin/sh and not #!/bin/bash. Also used absolute path, but no change.
FINAL EDIT: As #ewrammer suggested, I used cron and it worked. crontab -e and then #reboot /home/user/agent/run.sh.
It is hard to see what is wrong if you are not posting what you have done, but why not add it as a cron job with #reboot as pattern? Then cron will run the script every time the computer starts.
Just in case, using a supervisor could be a good idea, In Ubuntu 14 you don't have systemd but you can choose from others https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_supervision.
If using immortal, after installing it, you just need to create a run.yml file in /etc/immortal with something like:
cmd: /path/to/command
file: /var/log/command.log
This will start your script/command on every start, besides ensuring your script/app is always up and running.

Startup script run as a specific user Ubuntu

So I have a user, userA on Ubuntu. When the machine starts I want to add a script to /etc/rc0.d called startService
From inside of this script it will start several services using three scripts
I'd like those three scripts to be started from userA, not root. How would I achieve this?
You can use commands like: su, sudo, runuser
Be sure to check the man pages.
This site might be able to help you also
You can run commands inside your startup script with:
sudo -u <username> ....
Note: you will need to to preface every command in the file that you want to run as another user. I'd recommend making a variable at the top of your script like so:
SUDO="sudo -u <username>"
Then just do: $SUDO <command>
