Drools 6.5 Final CEP (Fusion) stability and performance problems - performance

I am trying to see the max EPS capacity of Drools CEP. I am using 8 core 2.6 GHz CPU with 16 GB RAM. I am testing just 200 EPS with 2 rules. Drools starts good but later (within 5 to 15 minutes) it stucks or starts NOT TO FIRE
I have tested with fireAllRules and fireUntilHalt.
My Test Code:
package com.anet.correlation;
public class TestRealCase {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RulesRegistery.starttime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (RuleRunTimeRegistery.isFireuntilHalt) {
Thread t = new Thread(new FT());
int i = 0;
if (Main.ruleEngine != null) {
while (true) {
GeneralCorrelationObject ao1 = new GeneralCorrelationObject();
ao1.setSourceMachine("" + (i % 500));
if (i % RulesRegistery.EPS == 0)
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
My DRL File
import com.anet.correlation.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.anet.ntLog.collector.*;
import com.anet.alarm.*;
import com.anet.util.*;
import com.anet.correlation.operators.*;
import com.anet.correlation.utils.*;
declare GeneralCorrelationObject
#expires( 1200s )
rule "Port Scan_Port Scan_16"
salience 0
$map1: Map()
from accumulate(
generalcorrelationobject1:GeneralCorrelationObject(LOGTYPE=='Firewalls') over window:time( 1m )
,init( Map m = new HashMap();Hashtable ht= new Hashtable(); ),
String key="SourceMachine="+generalcorrelationobject1.getSourceMachine();
List list = (List)m.get(key);
if( list == null )
list = new ArrayList();
Object val1=generalcorrelationobject1.getDestinationPort();
String value1;
if (val1 instanceof Integer)
String not_key=value1;
if (ht.containsKey(key)){
Hashtable ht_hash=(Hashtable)ht.get(key);
Object ht_val=ht_hash.get(not_key);
String ht_value;
if (ht_val instanceof Integer)
if (!not_key.equalsIgnoreCase(ht_value)){
ht_hash.put(not_key, not_key);
ht.put(key, ht_hash);
list.add( generalcorrelationobject1 );
Hashtable ht_hash=new Hashtable();
ht_hash.put(not_key, not_key);
ht.put(key, ht_hash);
list.add( generalcorrelationobject1 );
result( m )
if ((new CheckListSize()).check($map1,10)){
Iterator s = $map1.keySet().iterator();
while (s.hasNext()) {
String key = (String) s.next();
List list = (List) $map1.get(key);
System.out.println(key+" : "+list.size());
rule "Port eee Scan_161"
salience 100
if (RulesRegistery.numberofsingleruleexecution % RulesRegistery.printEPS == 0) {
RuleEngine Code
package com.anet.correlation;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Date;
import org.kie.api.KieBase;
import org.kie.api.KieBaseConfiguration;
import org.kie.api.KieServices;
import org.kie.api.builder.KieBuilder;
import org.kie.api.builder.KieFileSystem;
import org.kie.api.builder.Message;
import org.kie.api.builder.ReleaseId;
import org.kie.api.conf.EventProcessingOption;
import org.kie.api.runtime.KieContainer;
import org.kie.api.runtime.KieSession;
import org.kie.api.runtime.KieSessionConfiguration;
import org.kie.internal.builder.conf.RuleEngineOption;
import org.kie.internal.KnowledgeBase;
import org.kie.internal.KnowledgeBaseFactory;
import org.kie.internal.builder.KnowledgeBuilder;
import org.kie.internal.builder.KnowledgeBuilderFactory;
import org.kie.internal.io.ResourceFactory;
import org.kie.api.io.ResourceType;
public final class RulesEngine {
KieSession ksession;
KieBuilder kbuilder;
public static String header = null;
public RulesEngine(boolean b) {
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieFileSystem kfs = ks.newKieFileSystem();
kfs.write("src/main/resources/bench.drl", getRule());
this.kbuilder = ks.newKieBuilder(kfs);
if (this.kbuilder.getResults().hasMessages(new Message.Level[] { Message.Level.ERROR })) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(this.kbuilder.getResults().toString());
ReleaseId relId = this.kbuilder.getKieModule().getReleaseId();
KieContainer kcontainer = ks.newKieContainer(relId);
KieBaseConfiguration kbconf = ks.newKieBaseConfiguration();
// kbconf.setOption(RuleEngineOption.RETEOO);
System.out.println("KB " + kbconf.getProperty("drools.ruleEngine"));
KieBase kbase = kcontainer.newKieBase(kbconf);
KieSessionConfiguration ksconf = ks.newKieSessionConfiguration();
this.ksession = kbase.newKieSession(ksconf, null);
String readFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
try {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String line = br.readLine();
while (line != null) {
line = br.readLine();
String rule = (sb.toString());
System.out.println("New Final");
return rule;
} finally {
public String getRule() {
try {
return readFile(".." + File.separator + "rules" + File.separator + "all.drl");
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public void evaluate(GeneralCorrelationObject message) {
if (message == null) {
System.out.println("message null ");
if (ksession == null) {
System.out.println("ksession null ");
try {
Long n = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (RulesRegistery.numberofrules % RulesRegistery.printEPS == 0) {
System.out.println("Inserting Objects " + RulesRegistery.numberofrules + " EPS : "
+ (RulesRegistery.numberofrules / ((n - RulesRegistery.starttime) / 1000)) + " : Total time "
+ ((n - RulesRegistery.starttime) / (1000 * 60)) + " : " + new Date());
if (RulesRegistery.numberofrules % RulesRegistery.printEPS == 0) {
System.out.println("Inserted Objects " + RulesRegistery.numberofrules + " EPS : "
+ (RulesRegistery.numberofrules / ((n - RulesRegistery.starttime) / 1000)) + " : Total time "
+ ((n - RulesRegistery.starttime) / (1000 * 60)) + " : " + new Date());
if (!RuleRunTimeRegistery.isFireuntilHalt) {
if (RulesRegistery.numberofrules % RulesRegistery.printEPS == 0) {
System.out.println("Running Rules " + RulesRegistery.numberofrules + " EPS : "
+ (RulesRegistery.numberofrules / ((n - RulesRegistery.starttime) / 1000))
+ " : Total time " + ((n - RulesRegistery.starttime) / (1000 * 60)) + " : "
+ new Date());
if (RulesRegistery.numberofrules % RulesRegistery.printEPS == 0) {
System.out.println("Runned Rules " + RulesRegistery.numberofrules + " EPS : "
+ (RulesRegistery.numberofrules / ((n - RulesRegistery.starttime) / 1000))
+ " : Total time " + ((n - RulesRegistery.starttime) / (1000 * 60)) + " : "
+ new Date());
RuleRunTimeRegistery.lasttiem = n;
} catch (Exception ee) {

Unless I've missed it: there isn't a retract statement in your code. This means that you keep inserting objects, with the usual result, after some time.
Retract facts as soon they aren't needed any more in any of your rules.


how to print image to thermal printer in kotlin

i already able to print text using kotlin to thermal printer, but im still dont know how to print image to thermal printer in kotlin. please give me sample printing image to thermal printer in kotlin.i already search for the topics, but it written in java, i doesnt know java very much thanks for the help
private fun p1() {
val namaToko = "Rose Medical"
val alamatToko = "Pramuka raya no.1 Jakarta Timur"
val telp = "021-85901642"
val enter = "\n"
val strip = "-"
val rp ="Rp."
val ex = " X "
val textTotal = "Total Rp:"
val ppnTv = "PPN :Rp."
val chargeTv ="Charge :Rp."
val totalTv = "Total Belanja :Rp."
val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)
scope.launch {
// chunks1
}catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("PrintActivity", "Exe ", e)
// chunks2
for(pointer in salesBody.indices){
try {
val merk = salesBody[pointer].merk
val barang = salesBody[pointer].namaBrg
val varian = salesBody[pointer].varian
val harga = ValidNumber().deciformat(salesBody[pointer].hargaJual.toString())
val jumlah = ValidNumber().deciformat(salesBody[pointer].qty.toString())
val satuan = salesBody[pointer].unit
val total = ValidNumber().deciformat(salesBody[pointer].total.toString())
}catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("PrintActivity", "Exe ", e)
// chunks3
val tanggal = salesHeader[0].tanggal
val jam = salesHeader[0].jam
val idTag= salesHeader[0].idTag
val payment= salesHeader[0].payment
val ppnValue = ValidNumber().deciformat(salesHeader[0].ppn.toString())
val chargeValue = ValidNumber().deciformat(salesHeader[0].charge.toString())
var totalValue = ValidNumber().deciformat(salesHeader[0].allTotal.toString())
}catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("PrintActivity", "Exe ", e)
//print code
class Formatter {
/** The format that is being build on */
private val mFormat: ByteArray
init {
// Default:
mFormat = byteArrayOf(27, 33, 0)
* Method to get the Build result
* #return the format
fun get(): ByteArray {
return mFormat
fun bold(): Formatter {
// Apply bold:
mFormat[2] = (0x8 or mFormat[2].toInt()).toByte()
return this
fun small(): Formatter {
mFormat[2] = (0x1 or mFormat[2].toInt()).toByte()
return this
fun height(): Formatter {
mFormat[2] = (0x10 or mFormat[2].toInt()).toByte()
return this
fun width(): Formatter {
mFormat[2] = (0x20 or mFormat[2].toInt()).toByte()
return this
fun underlined(): Formatter {
mFormat[2] = (0x80 or mFormat[2].toInt()).toByte()
return this
companion object {
fun rightAlign(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf(0x1B, 'a'.code.toByte(), 0x02)
fun leftAlign(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf(0x1B, 'a'.code.toByte(), 0x00)
fun centerAlign(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf(0x1B, 'a'.code.toByte(), 0x01)
fun writeWithFormat(buffer: ByteArray, pFormat: ByteArray?, pAlignment: ByteArray?): Boolean {
val mmOutStream: OutputStream = mBluetoothSocket.outputStream
return try {
// Notify printer it should be printed with given alignment:
// Notify printer it should be printed in the given format:
// Write the actual data:
mmOutStream.write(buffer, 0, buffer.size)
// Share the sent message back to the UI Activity
//App.getInstance().getHandler().obtainMessage(MESSAGE_WRITE, buffer.size, -1, buffer).sendToTarget()
} catch (e: IOException) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception during write", e)
//print code close
Using Thermal Printer repo references, I managed to print image to Bluetooth thermal printer. Make sure to use a proper black and white image to print.
Here is the piece of code I used to make a java class
public class BitmapHelper {
private static String[] binaryArray = { "0000", "0001", "0010", "0011",
"0100", "0101", "0110", "0111", "1000", "1001", "1010", "1011",
"1100", "1101", "1110", "1111" };
public static byte[] decodeBitmap(Bitmap bmp){
//Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, 50, 50, false);
int maxWidth = 350;
int bmpWidth = bmp.getWidth();
int bmpHeight = bmp.getHeight();
if(bmpWidth > maxWidth){
float aspectRatio = bmp.getWidth() /
(float) bmp.getHeight();
bmpWidth = maxWidth;
bmpHeight = Math.round(bmpWidth / aspectRatio);
bmp = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bmp, bmpWidth, bmpHeight, false);
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); //binaryString list
StringBuffer sb;
int zeroCount = bmpWidth % 8;
StringBuilder zeroStr = new StringBuilder();
if (zeroCount > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < (8 - zeroCount); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < bmpHeight; i++) {
sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int j = 0; j < bmpWidth; j++) {
int color = bmp.getPixel(j, i);
int r = (color >> 16) & 0xff;
int g = (color >> 8) & 0xff;
int b = color & 0xff;
// if color close to white,bit='0', else bit='1'
if (r > 160 && g > 160 && b > 160)
if (zeroCount > 0) {
List<String> bmpHexList = binaryListToHexStringList(list);
String commandHexString = "1D763000";
String widthHexString = Integer
.toHexString(bmpWidth % 8 == 0 ? bmpWidth / 8
: (bmpWidth / 8 + 1));
if (widthHexString.length() > 2) {
Log.e("decodeBitmap error", " width is too large");
return null;
} else if (widthHexString.length() == 1) {
widthHexString = "0" + widthHexString;
widthHexString = widthHexString + "00";
String heightHexString = Integer.toHexString(bmpHeight);
if (heightHexString.length() > 2) {
Log.e("decodeBitmap error", " height is too large");
return null;
} else if (heightHexString.length() == 1) {
heightHexString = "0" + heightHexString;
heightHexString = heightHexString + "00";
List<String> commandList = new ArrayList<>();
return hexList2Byte(commandList);
private static List<String> binaryListToHexStringList(List<String> list) {
List<String> hexList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String binaryStr : list) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < binaryStr.length(); i += 8) {
String str = binaryStr.substring(i, i + 8);
String hexString = myBinaryStrToHexString(str);
return hexList;
private static String myBinaryStrToHexString(String binaryStr) {
StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder();
String f4 = binaryStr.substring(0, 4);
String b4 = binaryStr.substring(4, 8);
String hexStr = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (int i = 0; i < binaryArray.length; i++) {
if (f4.equals(binaryArray[i]))
hex.append(hexStr.substring(i, i + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < binaryArray.length; i++) {
if (b4.equals(binaryArray[i]))
hex.append(hexStr.substring(i, i + 1));
return hex.toString();
private static byte[] hexList2Byte(List<String> list) {
List<byte[]> commandList = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
for (String hexStr : list) {
return sysCopy(commandList);
private static byte[] hexStringToBytes(String hexString) {
if (hexString == null || hexString.equals("")) {
return null;
hexString = hexString.toUpperCase();
int length = hexString.length() / 2;
char[] hexChars = hexString.toCharArray();
byte[] d = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int pos = i * 2;
d[i] = (byte) (charToByte(hexChars[pos]) << 4 | charToByte(hexChars[pos + 1]));
return d;
private static byte[] sysCopy(List<byte[]> srcArrays) {
int len = 0;
for (byte[] srcArray : srcArrays) {
len += srcArray.length;
byte[] destArray = new byte[len];
int destLen = 0;
for (byte[] srcArray : srcArrays) {
System.arraycopy(srcArray, 0, destArray, destLen, srcArray.length);
destLen += srcArray.length;
return destArray;
private static byte charToByte(char c) {
return (byte) "0123456789ABCDEF".indexOf(c);
Then I use it in the print activity:
private fun p2(){
val convertBmp : Bitmap
convertBmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),com.example.ronibluetooth.R.drawable.poly)
val decodeBmp = BitmapHelper.decodeBitmap(convertBmp)
val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO)
scope.launch {
try {
val os =mBluetoothSocket.outputStream
catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("PrintActivity", "Exe ", e)
image to print
result print

Convert logic to Streams (Java) (nested for loops with counter)

I'm new to Streams and want to convert some logic to using them:
this is the logic:
for (String headerKey : map.keySet()) {
int counter = 1;
for (String value : map.get(headerKey)) {
if (map.get(headerKey).size() != 1) {
System.out.println("Response header: " + headerKey + "[" + counter++ + "]: " + value);
} else {
System.out.println("Response header: " + headerKey + ": " + value);
the problem is the "counter"...
I got as far as:
private static long after(Map<String, List<String>> map) {
return map.keySet().stream().map(key -> output(key, map)).count(); // use print() here instead of output()
private static String output(String key, Map<String, List<String>> map) {
counter = 1;
long longString = map.get(key).stream().map(value -> print(value, key, map.get(key))).count();
return "" + longString;
private static String print(String value, String key, List<String> strings) {
if (strings.size() != 1) {
System.out.println("Response header: " + key + "[" + counter++ + "]: " + value);
} else {
System.out.println("Response header: " + key + ": " + value);
return "";
And I suppose I can put the print() method at the indicated spot,
but I don't know how to get the counter to behave as in the original code...
All comment/ideas are welcome :)
Thanks beforehand!
Create a helper method like
static Stream<String> values(List<?> list) {
return list.size() == 1? Stream.of(": " + list.get(0)):
IntStream.range(0, list.size()).mapToObj(ix -> "[" + ix + "]: " + list.get(ix));
Instead of re-evaluating the list.size() == 1 condition in each iteration, it selects the right shape of the operation upfront. When the size is not one, rather than trying to maintain a counter, stream over the index range in the first place.
This method now can be used when streaming over the map, like
.flatMap(e -> values(e.getValue()).map(("Response header: " + e.getKey())::concat))

h2o DeepLearning failed: Illegal argument for field: hidden of schema: DeepLearningParametersV3: cannot convert ""200"" to type int

I wanted to execute the DeepLearning example by using H2O. But it went wrong when running "DeepLearningV3 dlBody = h2o.train_deeplearning(dlParams);"
The error message:
Illegal argument for field:
hidden of schema:
cannot convert ""200"" to type int
This is my code, I used the default value of dlParam except "responseColumn". After it went wrong, I added one line to set value of "hidden", but the results didn't change.
private void DL() throws IOException {
//H2O start
String url = "http://localhost:54321/";
H2oApi h2o = new H2oApi(url);
//STEP 0: init a session
String sessionId = h2o.newSession().sessionKey;
//STEP 1: import raw file
String path = "hdfs://kbmst:9000/user/spark/datasets/iris.csv";
ImportFilesV3 importBody = h2o.importFiles(path, null);
System.out.println("import: " + importBody);
//STEP 2: parse setup
ParseSetupV3 parseSetupParams = new ParseSetupV3();
parseSetupParams.sourceFrames = H2oApi.stringArrayToKeyArray(importBody.destinationFrames, FrameKeyV3.class);
ParseSetupV3 parseSetupBody = h2o.guessParseSetup(parseSetupParams);
System.out.println("parseSetupBody: " + parseSetupBody);
//STEP 3: parse into columnar Frame
ParseV3 parseParams = new ParseV3();
H2oApi.copyFields(parseParams, parseSetupBody);
parseParams.destinationFrame = H2oApi.stringToFrameKey("iris.hex");
parseParams.blocking = true;
ParseV3 parseBody = h2o.parse(parseParams);
System.out.println("parseBody: " + parseBody);
//STEP 4: Split into test and train datasets
String tmpVec = "tmp_" + UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String splitExpr =
"(, " +
" (tmp= " + tmpVec + " (h2o.runif iris.hex 906317))" +
" (assign train " +
" (rows iris.hex (<= " + tmpVec + " 0.75)))" +
" (assign test " +
" (rows iris.hex (> " + tmpVec + " 0.75)))" +
" (rm " + tmpVec + "))";
RapidsSchemaV3 rapidsParams = new RapidsSchemaV3();
rapidsParams.sessionId = sessionId;
rapidsParams.ast = splitExpr;
// STEP 5: Train the model
// (NOTE: step 4 is polling, which we don't require because we specified blocking for the parse above)
DeepLearningParametersV3 dlParams = new DeepLearningParametersV3();
dlParams.trainingFrame = H2oApi.stringToFrameKey("train");
dlParams.validationFrame = H2oApi.stringToFrameKey("test");
dlParams.hidden=new int[]{200,200};
ColSpecifierV3 responseColumn = new ColSpecifierV3();
responseColumn.columnName = "class";
dlParams.responseColumn = responseColumn;
System.out.println("About to train DL. . .");
DeepLearningV3 dlBody = h2o.train_deeplearning(dlParams);
System.out.println("dlBody: " + dlBody);
// STEP 6: poll for completion
JobV3 job = h2o.waitForJobCompletion(dlBody.job.key);
System.out.println("DL build done.");
// STEP 7: fetch the model
ModelKeyV3 model_key = (ModelKeyV3)job.dest;
ModelsV3 models = h2o.model(model_key);
System.out.println("models: " + models);
DeepLearningModelV3 model = (DeepLearningModelV3)models.models[0];
System.out.println("new DL model: " + model);
// STEP 8: predict!
ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 predict_params = new ModelMetricsListSchemaV3();
predict_params.model = model_key;
predict_params.frame = dlParams.trainingFrame;
predict_params.predictionsFrame = H2oApi.stringToFrameKey("predictions");
ModelMetricsListSchemaV3 predictions = h2o.predict(predict_params);
System.out.println("predictions: " + predictions);
// STEP 9: end the session
I found the relative source code, but I can't understand why it goes wrong.
This is the definition of hidden.
public class DeepLearningParametersV3 extends ModelParametersSchemaV3 {{
* Hidden layer sizes (e.g. [100, 100]).
public int[] hidden;
//other params
And this is the code where the error message showed.It was the line String msg = "Illegal argument for field: " + field_name + " of schema: " + schemaClass.getSimpleName() + ": cannot convert \"" + s + "\" to type " + fclz.getSimpleName();
static <E> Object parse(String field_name, String s, Class fclz, boolean required, Class schemaClass) {
if (fclz.isPrimitive() || String.class.equals(fclz)) {
try {
return parsePrimitve(s, fclz);
} catch (NumberFormatException ne) {
String msg = "Illegal argument for field: " + field_name + " of schema: " + schemaClass.getSimpleName() + ": cannot convert \"" + s + "\" to type " + fclz.getSimpleName();
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException(msg);
// An array?
if (fclz.isArray()) {
// Get component type
Class<E> afclz = (Class<E>) fclz.getComponentType();
// Result
E[] a = null;
// Handle simple case with null-array
if (s.equals("null") || s.length() == 0) return null;
// Handling of "auto-parseable" cases
if (AutoParseable.class.isAssignableFrom(afclz))
return gson.fromJson(s, fclz);
// Splitted values
String[] splits; // "".split(",") => {""} so handle the empty case explicitly
if (s.startsWith("[") && s.endsWith("]") ) { // It looks like an array
read(s, 0, '[', fclz);
read(s, s.length() - 1, ']', fclz);
String inside = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1).trim();
if (inside.length() == 0)
splits = new String[]{};
splits = splitArgs(inside);
} else { // Lets try to parse single value as an array!
// See PUBDEV-1955
splits = new String[] { s.trim() };
// Can't cast an int[] to an Object[]. Sigh.
if (afclz == int.class) { // TODO: other primitive types. . .
a = (E[]) Array.newInstance(Integer.class, splits.length);
} else if (afclz == double.class) {
a = (E[]) Array.newInstance(Double.class, splits.length);
} else if (afclz == float.class) {
a = (E[]) Array.newInstance(Float.class, splits.length);
} else {
// Fails with primitive classes; need the wrapper class. Thanks, Java.
a = (E[]) Array.newInstance(afclz, splits.length);
for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
if (String.class == afclz || KeyV3.class.isAssignableFrom(afclz)) {
// strip quotes off string values inside array
String stripped = splits[i].trim();
if ("null".equals(stripped.toLowerCase()) || "na".equals(stripped.toLowerCase())) {
a[i] = null;
// Quotes are now optional because standard clients will send arrays of length one as just strings.
if (stripped.startsWith("\"") && stripped.endsWith("\"")) {
stripped = stripped.substring(1, stripped.length() - 1);
a[i] = (E) parse(field_name, stripped, afclz, required, schemaClass);
} else {
a[i] = (E) parse(field_name, splits[i].trim(), afclz, required, schemaClass);
return a;
// Are we parsing an object from a string? NOTE: we might want to make this check more restrictive.
if (! fclz.isAssignableFrom(Schema.class) && s != null && s.startsWith("{") && s.endsWith("}")) {
return gson.fromJson(s, fclz);
if (fclz.equals(Key.class))
if ((s == null || s.length() == 0) && required) throw new H2OKeyNotFoundArgumentException(field_name, s);
else if (!required && (s == null || s.length() == 0)) return null;
return Key.make(s.startsWith("\"") ? s.substring(1, s.length() - 1) : s); // If the key name is in an array we need to trim surrounding quotes.
if (KeyV3.class.isAssignableFrom(fclz)) {
if ((s == null || s.length() == 0) && required) throw new H2OKeyNotFoundArgumentException(field_name, s);
if (!required && (s == null || s.length() == 0)) return null;
return KeyV3.make(fclz, Key.make(s.startsWith("\"") ? s.substring(1, s.length() - 1) : s)); // If the key name is in an array we need to trim surrounding quotes.
if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(fclz)) {
return EnumUtils.valueOf(fclz, s);
// TODO: these can be refactored into a single case using the facilities in Schema:
if (FrameV3.class.isAssignableFrom(fclz)) {
if ((s == null || s.length() == 0) && required) throw new H2OKeyNotFoundArgumentException(field_name, s);
else if (!required && (s == null || s.length() == 0)) return null;
else {
Value v = DKV.get(s);
if (null == v) return null; // not required
if (!v.isFrame()) throw H2OIllegalArgumentException.wrongKeyType(field_name, s, "Frame", v.get().getClass());
return new FrameV3((Frame) v.get()); // TODO: version!
if (JobV3.class.isAssignableFrom(fclz)) {
if ((s == null || s.length() == 0) && required) throw new H2OKeyNotFoundArgumentException(s);
else if (!required && (s == null || s.length() == 0)) return null;
else {
Value v = DKV.get(s);
if (null == v) return null; // not required
if (!v.isJob()) throw H2OIllegalArgumentException.wrongKeyType(field_name, s, "Job", v.get().getClass());
return new JobV3().fillFromImpl((Job) v.get()); // TODO: version!
// TODO: for now handle the case where we're only passing the name through; later we need to handle the case
// where the frame name is also specified.
if (FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3.class.isAssignableFrom(fclz)) {
return new FrameV3.ColSpecifierV3(s);
if (ModelSchemaV3.class.isAssignableFrom(fclz))
throw H2O.fail("Can't yet take ModelSchemaV3 as input.");
if( (s==null || s.length()==0) && required ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing key");
else if (!required && (s == null || s.length() == 0)) return null;
else {
Value v = DKV.get(s);
if (null == v) return null; // not required
if (! v.isModel()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model argument points to a non-model object.");
return v.get();
throw H2O.fail("Unimplemented schema fill from " + fclz.getSimpleName());
} // parse()
It looks like this could be a bug. A jira ticket has been created for this issue, you can track it here: https://0xdata.atlassian.net/browse/PUBDEV-5454?filter=-1.

How can we improve the Update / Write operation on BaseX datastore?

I am using BaseX (XML based datastore) for its performance benchmarking. For testing it with ,
I) 10,000 users, 10 friends, 10 resources
II) 100,000 users , 10 friends, 10 resources
I faced below issues:
1) Loading of data is too slow. Gets slowed with eh increase in the number of threads.
2) Plus point - Reading/retriving values from BaseX is faster (17k operation per second)
3) Updating the data in BaseX is very slow. Throughput is ~10 operations per second.
Am I correct to say BaseX is 'TOO' slow for write/update operations (20/sec) compared to read/retrieve (10k/sec)?
Please advice me to make it more efficient for the write and update :
I have a function insertEntity (update or insert function) in to the BaseX datastore as follows -
public int insertEntity(String entitySet, String entityPK,
HashMap<String, ByteIterator> values, boolean insertImage) {
String parentTag ="",childTag ="", key="", entryTag="";
StringBuffer insertData = new StringBuffer();
Set<String> keys = values.keySet();
Iterator<String> iterator = keys.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
String entryKey = iterator.next();
if(!(entryKey.equalsIgnoreCase("pic") || entryKey.equalsIgnoreCase("tpic")))
insertData.append("element " + entryKey + " {\"" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(values.get(entryKey).toString()) + "\"},");
if(entitySet.equalsIgnoreCase("users")&& insertImage){
byte[] profileImage = ((ObjectByteIterator)values.get("pic")).toArray();
String encodedpImage = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(profileImage);
insertData.append(" element pic {\"" + encodedpImage + "\"},");
profileImage = ((ObjectByteIterator)values.get("tpic")).toArray();
encodedpImage = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(profileImage);
insertData.append(" element tpic {\"" + encodedpImage + "\"},");
parentTag = "users";
childTag = "members";
entryTag = "member";
key = "mem_id";
insertData.append("element confirmed_friends {}, element pending_friends {}");
parentTag = "resources";
childTag = "resources";
entryTag = "resource";
key = "rid";
insertData.append("element manipulations {}");
try {
session.execute(new XQuery(
"insert node element " + entryTag
+ "{ attribute " + key + "{"
+ entityPK + "}, "
+ insertData.toString()
+ "} "
+ "into doc('" + databaseName + "/" + parentTag +".xml')/" + childTag
String q1 = "insert node element " + entryTag
+ "{ attribute " + key + "{"
+ entityPK + "}, "
+ insertData.toString()
+ "} "
+ "into doc('" + databaseName + "/" + parentTag +".xml')/" + childTag;
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return 0;
And the below function is acceptFriendship (update function)
public int acceptFriend(int inviterID, int inviteeID) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
String acceptFriendQuery1 = "insert node <confirmed_friend id = '"
+ inviterID + "'>"
+ " </confirmed_friend>"
+ "into doc('"+databaseName+"/users.xml')/members/member[#mem_id = '"+inviteeID+"']/confirmed_friends";
String acceptFriendQuery2 = "insert node <confirmed_friend id = '"
+ inviteeID + "'>"
+ " </confirmed_friend>"
+ "into doc('"+databaseName+"/users.xml')/members/member[#mem_id = '"+inviterID+"']/confirmed_friends";
String acceptFriendQuery3 = "delete node doc('"+databaseName+"/users.xml')/members/member[#mem_id = '"
+ inviteeID + "']/pending_friends/pending_friend[#id = '"+ inviterID +"']";
try {
session.execute(new XQuery(acceptFriendQuery1));
session.execute(new XQuery(acceptFriendQuery2));
session.execute(new XQuery(acceptFriendQuery3));
System.out.println("Inviter: "+inviterID +" AND Invitee: "+inviteeID);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return 0;

How to find the address where width and height are stored inside an mp4 file?

I need to find the addresses where the width and height are stored, but the IUT version of the standard don't give a clear definition of the file format.
What I found so far... :
Both values are stored in "a QuickTime float". I couldn't find the format, but it seems it use two 16-bits integer: a signed one followed by an unsigned one.
Unlike many file format, there are no fixed position, so it is file specific. It depend on the TrackHeaderBox address.
What I desperatly need :
A clear canonical answer describing the places to find only those kind of information. I don't want answers only referring to third party libraries (unless they are written in proper JavaScript). Some pseudo C like structures can help.
There is no fixed position. You need to parse into the file. Please check this Java example.
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class GetHeight {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(args[0]));
GetHeight ps = new GetHeight();
byte[] lastTkhd;
private void find(InputStream fis) throws IOException {
while (fis.available() > 0) {
byte[] header = new byte[8];
long size = readUint32(header, 0);
String type = new String(header, 4, 4, "ISO-8859-1");
if (containers.contains(type)) {
} else {
if (type.equals("tkhd")) {
lastTkhd = new byte[(int) (size - 8)];
} else {
if (type.equals("hdlr")) {
byte[] hdlr = new byte[(int) (size - 8)];
if (hdlr[8] == 0x76 && hdlr[9] == 0x69 && hdlr[10] == 0x64 && hdlr[11] == 0x65) {
System.out.println("Video Track Header identified");
System.out.println("width: " + readFixedPoint1616(lastTkhd, lastTkhd.length - 8));
System.out.println("height: " + readFixedPoint1616(lastTkhd, lastTkhd.length - 4));
} else {
fis.skip(size - 8);
public static long readUint32(byte[] b, int s) {
long result = 0;
result |= ((b[s + 0] << 24) & 0xFF000000);
result |= ((b[s + 1] << 16) & 0xFF0000);
result |= ((b[s + 2] << 8) & 0xFF00);
result |= ((b[s + 3]) & 0xFF);
return result;
public static double readFixedPoint1616(byte[] b, int s) {
return ((double) readUint32(b, s)) / 65536;
List<String> containers = Arrays.asList(
