Access and remove negative pixels - image

How should I approach the problem of removing negative pixels from MRI slices (or any image)?
Also, it would really help if someone can briefly explain why they occur.
I have read many online references especially those on MATLAB forum, but they seem to have diverse reasons as to why they occur.
Sorry, I don't have a code to post, since I am figuring out my approach yet.

An MRI slice is presumably for us here nothing but an image, which is also nothing but a matrix. Since a matrix representing an image have only positive values, 'a negative pixel' also, presumably, mean the pixels having a value lower than a certain threshold. Let's have such a scenario:
load clown loads a matrix X to your workspace representing a clown image, to see it first do imagesc(X);colormap(gray);. If you want to cut out some values lower than a threshold, you can do:

Assume for example the following image matrix:
>> Img = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2];
You could set all negative elements to zero:
>> ImgZeros = Img;
>> ImgZeros(Img<0) = 0
ImgZeros =
0 0 0 1 2
Or any other value useful to you, e.g. NaN:
>> ImgNans = Img;
>> ImgNans(Img<0) = nan
ImgNans =
NaN NaN 0 1 2
You could 'shift' all the values up such that the lowest negative value becomes zero:
>> ImgZeroFloor = Img - min(Img(:))
ImgZeroFloor =
0 1 2 3 4
You could convert the whole thing to a grayscale image in the range (0,1):
>> ImgGray = mat2gray(Img)
ImgGray =
0 0.2500 0.5000 0.7500 1.0000
As to why you're getting negative values, who knows. It's problem specific. (If I had to guess for MRI I would say it's due to numerical inaccuracy during the conversion process from an MRI signal to pixel intensities.)

Another way to limit your values is to use a sigmoid function
It can be scaled so that all answers range from 0 to 255
And it can be used to limit the spikes in raw data balance.
Its often used in neural networks.


Saving a MATLAB matrix as an image to a specific size and resolution

After having read this question, I wanted to use this code to save my picture as to particular size.
I_c(:,:) = cropped_matrix(i,:,:);
set(I_c, 'PaperUnits', 'inches');
x_width = 7.25;
y_width = 9.125;
set(I_c, 'PaperPosition', [0 0 x_width y_width]);
I_c represents a 2D matrix (about 40x40) of uint8's.
However, I get the error:
Error using set Invalid handle
This makes me believe that I can only use this code with figures and not matrices which contain matrices. How would I go about this?
I have looked at the API for print, as suggested as the first answer of the aforementioned linked question, but it also suggests using set and 'PaperUnits'.
Note: This question also looks at this problem but suggests the same solution.
Notes About Crowley's Answer
So I just tried the code that you have given with your answer. The .jpg being produced is the one shown below. How would I get rid of all the extra white area through code?
How would I change the colourmap of the figure being produced, to greyscale when I just use image(ImData)?
And here is how the actual figure appears:
Here is the code that I have put in:
im = image(I_c);
set(gcf,'units','inches','position',[1 2 5 5]);
set(gca,'ydir','normal','units','centimeters','position',[0 0 0.5 0.5].*get(gcf,'position')) ;
filename = strcat('slice',int2str(i),'_','bead',int2str(j),'.jpg');
Suppose we have matrix I_c containing values and x and y the coordinates so value I_c(ii,jj) corresponds to x(ii) and y(jj) coordinates.
ImMin=min(min(I_c)); % Find the minimum value in I_c
ImData=I_c-ImMin; % Ensure non-zero values
ImMax=max(max(ImData)); % Find maximum value in ImData
ImData=ImData./ImMax; % Ensure ImData do NOT exceed 1
image(x,y,ImData*[1 1 1]) % plot the image in greyscale
set(gcf,'units','inches','position',[1 2 5 5]) % set active figure properties
set(gca,'ydir','normal','units','inches','position',[0 0 1 1].*get(gcf,'position')) % set active axes properties
'ydir','normal' parameter change default (1,1) point being in top-left corner to "normal" position in bottom-left corner.
[0 0 1 1].*get(gcf,'position) will read active figure position (here [1 2 5 5]) and after element-by-element multiplication the [0 0 5 5] is passed to the position which causes that axes fit the image.
export_fig function will create figure-I_c.png image as it is shown in Matlab figure, if -nocrop is omitted the possible white space in the edges is cropped out. This function is available from MathWorks' File Exchange.

please explain this equation exactly

I have this equation :
I = (I - min(I(:))) / (max(I(:)) - min(I(:)));
where I is a matrix, I know that min(I(:)) and max(I(:)) compute minimum and maximum element of the I matrix respectively.
When I make a random matrix rand(5,5) or randi(5,5) I don't see any change before and after the implement above equation:
but when I implement this equation on gray-scale image the result is binary image:
Can anyone here explain this equation exactly please?
I = (I - min(I(:))) / (max(I(:)) - min(I(:)));
The code line
I = (I - min(I(:))) / (max(I(:)) - min(I(:)));
linearly transforms data from the range [min(I(:)), max(I(:))] to the range [0, 1] – it is a form of standardization. The part before the division moves the data such that the minimal value becomes 0. Then the division squeezes the data such that the maximal value becomes 1.
You can get a feeling for what happens by plotting the original and transformed data against each other:
I = randi(100, 1, 10);
plot(I, (I - min(I(:))) / (max(I(:)) - min(I(:))), '.')
xlabel original
ylabel transformed
By chance, the minimum value was 5 and the maximum value 75. The data are linearly transformed such that the minimum is mapped to 0 and the maximum to 1.
That you don't see a difference in your matrix plots is probably due to the way you plot it. If you use e.g. imagesc, it does such a transformation internally before plotting (hence the sc part for "scaling") and so you don't see a difference. But the difference is there, just look at the numbers themselves:
>> I = randi(3, 3, 3)
I =
1 2 2
1 2 2
2 3 3
>> I = (I - min(I(:))) / (max(I(:)) - min(I(:)))
I =
0 0.5 0.5
0 0.5 0.5
0.5 1 1
The gray-scale image that you used, tire.tif from Matlab, is an 8-bit image. If you read it into Matlab
I = imread('tire.tif');
you get an array of uint8 values:
>> whos I
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
I 205x232 47560 uint8
In Matlab, if you do computations with such an integer data type, in many cases the result stays an integer, too. You scale to [0, 1], but there are only two integers in that range. As a result you get an image that contains only 0 and 1 as values, a binary image. The effect can again be visualized by plotting:
plot(I(:), (I(:) - min(I(:))) / (max(I(:)) - min(I(:))), '.')
xlabel original
ylabel transformed
The original data are integers from 0 to 255, and they are mapped to 0 for the range 0–127, and to 1 for the range 128–255. To avoid that, first convert the data to a floating-point data type:
I = double(I);
For more information on integer arithmetic, see the Matlab documentation.

Mutual information and joint entropy of two images - MATLAB

I have two black and white images and I need to calculate the mutual information.
Image 1 = X
Image 2 = Y
I know that the mutual information can be defined as:
MI = entropy(X) + entropy(Y) - JointEntropy(X,Y)
MATLAB already has built-in functions to calculate the entropy but not to calculate the joint entropy. I guess the true question is: How do I calculate the joint entropy of two images?
Here is an example of the images I'd like to find the joint entropy of:
X =
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
Y =
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0.38 0.82 0.38 0.04
0 0 0.32 0.82 0.68 0.17
0 0 0.04 0.14 0.11 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
To calculate the joint entropy, you need to calculate the joint histogram between two images. The joint histogram is essentially the same as a normal 1D histogram but the first dimension logs intensities for the first image and the second dimension logs intensities for the second image. This is very similar to what is commonly referred to as a co-occurrence matrix. At location (i,j) in the joint histogram, it tells you how many intensity values we have encountered that have intensity i in the first image and intensity j in the second image.
What is important is that this logs how many times we have seen this pair of intensities at the same corresponding locations. For example, if we have a joint histogram count of (7,3) = 2, this means that when we were scanning both images, when we encountered the intensity of 7, at the same corresponding location in the second image, we encountered the intensity of 3 for a total of 2 times.
Constructing a joint histogram is very simple to do.
First, create a 256 x 256 matrix (assuming your image is unsigned 8-bit integer) and initialize them to all zeroes. Also, you need to make sure that both of your images are the same size (width and height).
Once you do that, take a look at the first pixel of each image, which we will denote as the top left corner. Specifically, take a look at the intensities for the first and second image at this location. The intensity of the first image will serve as the row while the intensity of the second image will serve as the column.
Find this location in the matrix and increment this spot in the matrix by 1.
Repeat this for the rest of the locations in your image.
After you're done, divide all entries by the total number of elements in either image (remember they should be the same size). This will give us the joint probability distribution between both images.
One would be inclined to do this with for loops, but as it is commonly known, for loops are notoriously slow and should be avoided if at all possible. However, you can easily do this in MATLAB in the following way without loops. Let's assume that im1 and im2 are the first and second images you want to compare to. What we can do is convert im1 and im2 into vectors. We can then use accumarray to help us compute the joint histogram. accumarray is one of the most powerful functions in MATLAB. You can think of it as a miniature MapReduce paradigm. Simply put, each data input has a key and an associated value. The goal of accumarray is to bin all of the values that belong to the same key and do some operation on all of these values. In our case, the "key" would be the intensity values, and the values themselves are the value of 1 for every intensity value. We would then want to add up all of the values of 1 that map to the same bin, which is exactly how we'd compute a histogram. The default behaviour for accumarray is to add all of these values. Specifically, the output of accumarray would be an array where each position computes the sum of all values that mapped to that key. For example, the first position would be the summation of all values that mapped to the key of 1, the second position would be the summation of all values that mapped to the key of 2 and so on.
However, for the joint histogram, you want to figure out which values map to the same intensity pair of (i,j), and so the keys here would be a pair of 2D coordinates. As such, any intensities that have an intensity of i in the first image and j in the second image in the same spatial location shared between the two images go to the same key. Therefore in the 2D case, the output of accumarray would be a 2D matrix where each element (i,j) contains the summation of all values that mapped to key (i,j), similar to the 1D case that was mentioned previously which is exactly what we are after.
In other words:
indrow = double(im1(:)) + 1;
indcol = double(im2(:)) + 1; %// Should be the same size as indrow
jointHistogram = accumarray([indrow indcol], 1);
jointProb = jointHistogram / numel(indrow);
With accumarray, the first input are the keys and the second input are the values. A note with accumarray is that if each key has the same value, you can simply assign a constant to the second input, which is what I've done and it's 1. In general, this is an array with the same number of rows as the first input. Also, take special note of the first two lines. There will inevitably be an intensity of 0 in your image, but because MATLAB starts indexing at 1, we need to offset both arrays by 1.
Now that we have the joint histogram, it's really simple to calculate the joint entropy. It is similar to the entropy in 1D, except now we are just summing over the entire joint probability matrix. Bear in mind that it will be very likely that your joint histogram will have many 0 entries. We need to make sure that we skip those or the log2 operation will be undefined. Let's get rid of any zero entries now:
indNoZero = jointHistogram ~= 0;
jointProb1DNoZero = jointProb(indNoZero);
Take notice that I searched the joint histogram instead of the joint probability matrix. This is because the joint histogram consists of whole numbers while the joint probability matrix will lie between 0 and 1. Because of the division, I want to avoid comparing any entries in this matrix with 0 due to numerical roundoff and instability. The above will also convert our joint probability matrix into a stacked 1D vector, which is fine.
As such, the joint entropy can be calculated as:
jointEntropy = -sum(jointProb1DNoZero.*log2(jointProb1DNoZero));
If my understanding of calculating entropy for an image in MATLAB is correct, it should calculate the histogram / probability distribution over 256 bins, so you can certainly use that function here with the joint entropy that was just calculated.
What if we have floating-point data instead?
So far, we have assumed that the images that you have dealt with have intensities that are integer-valued. What if we have floating point data? accumarray assumes that you are trying to index into the output array using integers, but we can still certainly accomplish what we want with this small bump in the road. What you would do is simply assign each floating point value in both images to have a unique ID. You would thus use accumarray with these IDs instead. To facilitate this ID assigning, use unique - specifically the third output from the function. You would take each of the images, put them into unique and make these the indices to be input into accumarray. In other words, do this instead:
[~,~,indrow] = unique(im1(:)); %// Change here
[~,~,indcol] = unique(im2(:)); %// Change here
%// Same code
jointHistogram = accumarray([indrow indcol], 1);
jointProb = jointHistogram / numel(indrow);
indNoZero = jointHistogram ~= 0;
jointProb1DNoZero = jointProb(indNoZero);
jointEntropy = -sum(jointProb1DNoZero.*log2(jointProb1DNoZero));
Note that with indrow and indcol, we are directly assigning the third output of unique to these variables and then using the same joint entropy code that we computed earlier. We also don't have to offset the variables by 1 as we did previously because unique will assign IDs starting at 1.
You can actually calculate the histograms or probability distributions for each image individually using the joint probability matrix. If you wanted to calculate the histograms / probability distributions for the first image, you would simply accumulate all of the columns for each row. To do it for the second image, you would simply accumulate all of the rows for each column. As such, you can do:
histogramImage1 = sum(jointHistogram, 1);
histogramImage2 = sum(jointHistogram, 2);
After, you can calculate the entropy of both of these by yourself. To double check, make sure you turn both of these into PDFs, then compute the entropy using the standard equation (like above).
How do I finally compute Mutual Information?
To finally compute Mutual Information, you're going to need the entropy of the two images. You can use MATLAB's built-in entropy function, but this assumes that there are 256 unique levels. You probably want to apply this for the case of there being N distinct levels instead of 256, and so you can use what we did above with the joint histogram, then computing the histograms for each image in the aside code above, and then computing the entropy for each image. You would simply repeat the entropy calculation that was used jointly, but apply it to each image individually:
%// Find non-zero elements for first image's histogram
indNoZero = histogramImage1 ~= 0;
%// Extract them out and get the probabilities
prob1NoZero = histogramImage1(indNoZero);
prob1NoZero = prob1NoZero / sum(prob1NoZero);
%// Compute the entropy
entropy1 = -sum(prob1NoZero.*log2(prob1NoZero));
%// Repeat for the second image
indNoZero = histogramImage2 ~= 0;
prob2NoZero = histogramImage2(indNoZero);
prob2NoZero = prob2NoZero / sum(prob2NoZero);
entropy2 = -sum(prob2NoZero.*log2(prob2NoZero));
%// Now compute mutual information
mutualInformation = entropy1 + entropy2 - jointEntropy;
Hope this helps!

binary or contiuous image?

I have an image which I want to use it in MATLAB. But, I am looking for a method by which I be able to automatically find that my image is binary (0 and 1) or continuous. Is there any solution of piece of code?
For starters you cannot formally talk about binary or continuous images. Digital images have a discrete set of values, taken from a finite value set depending on their format and pixel bit-wise representation.
For example a "binary" image would have 2 levels of gray (white and black), represented by 0 or 1 or any other combination of values, e.g. an image of levels 0, 255 is still "binary". A grayscale image for an 8-bit representation (i.e. 8 bits per pixel) will have 2^8 discrete levels of intensity from min 0 (black) to max 255 (white).
Thus you can test for the number of unique levels of gray, i.e. unique values in your input image:
I = imread(image_filename);
if length(unique(I))==2,
flag_binary = true
I = imread('cameraman.tif');
>> disp(flag_binary)
I = imread('circles.png');
>> disp(flag_binary)
From your question I'm guessing you are dealing only with images of the logical or double class. The first should be used for real binary images but unfortunately, that's not always the case when using code out in the wild.
It seems to me your problem is to distinguish between a real image of double class (all values between 0 and 1) or a binary image as class double (all values are 0 or 1). The best way to do it is the following which returns true if the image only has the values 1 and 0:
bool = all ((image(:) == 1) + (image(:) == 0));
This is a line from isbw() in Octave image package where you can use isbw (img, "non-logical")
Calculate the histogram using imhist. If there are more than two distinct grayvalues in the histogram your image is not binary.

count and average certain pixels in image with MATLAB

I have one image in bmp format, with size of 512*512. I want to count the number of pixels with values more than 11 and then find the average of these pixels. Here is my code. I don't know what is the problem but the sum of pixel values is wrong and it is always 255. I tried with different images.
Could you please help me to figure it out?
sum=0; count=0;
for i=1:512
for j=1:512
if (A(i,j)>=11)
disp('Number of pixels grater than or equal to 11')
Why doesn't your code work
Difficult to tell, could you display a portion of your matrix and the size using something like
% possibly also the min and max...
just to be sure the format of A is as you expect - imread could have given you a 512x512x3 matrix if the image was read in color, or the image may be in the interval [0,1].
Better approach
Once you're sure that the matrix is indeed 512x512, and has values above 11, you're best off by generating a mask, i.e.
mask = A > 11;
numabove11 = sum(mask(:));
avabove11 = mean(A(mask));
Also in your code you use >= i.e. greater than or equal to, but you say 'greater than' - pick which you want and be consistent.
So what do these 3 lines do?
Generate a logical matrix, same size as A that is true wherever A > 11, else false.
Sum the logical matrix, which means sum values that are 1 everywhere that A > 11, else 0 (boolean values are converted to floats for this summation).
Index in to matrix A using logical indexing, and take the mean of those values.
Avoid shadowing builtins
In your code you use the variable sum - this is bad practice as there is a builtin matlab function with the same name, which becomes unusable if you use a variable of the same name.
I also faced a similar problem and actually the solution lies in the fact that matlab stores A(i,j) in uint8 format whose maximum value is 255, so, just change the statement:
I hope this helps.
