Group Array of Hashes by Key followed by values - ruby

Assuming I have the following dataset
:name => "sam",
:animal => "dog",
:gender => "male"
}, {
:name => "max",
:animal => "cat",
:gender => "female"
}, {
:name => "joe",
:animal => "snake",
:gender => "male"
How would you group the array of hashes to:
:name => ["sam", "max", "joe"]
:animal => ["dog", "cat", "snake"]
:gender => ["male", "female", "male"]
I've read similar articles such as this and Group array of hashes by key
However, most examples return the values as increment counts where I'm looking for actual separate values.
My attempt
keys = []
values = []
arr.each do |a|
a.each do |k, v|
keys << k
#this is where it goes wrong and where I'm stuck at
values << v
keys = keys.uniq
I understand where I went wrong is how I'm trying to segment the values. Any direction would be appreciated!

input.reduce { |e, acc| acc.merge(e) { |_, e1, e2| [*e2, *e1] } }
#⇒ {:name=>["sam", "max", "joe"],
# :animal=>["dog", "cat", "snake"],
# :gender=>["male", "female", "male"]}

few more approaches
data.each_with_object({}){ |i,r| i.each{ |k,v| (r[k] ||= []) << v } }
data.flat_map(&:to_a).each_with_object({}){ |(k,v), r| (r[k] ||= []) << v }
data.flat_map(&:to_a).group_by(&:first).inject({}){ |r, (k,v)| r[k] =; r }


How do I convert a Ruby hash so that all of its keys are strings

I have a ruby hash which looks like:
{ id: 123, name: "test" }
I would like to convert it to:
{ "id" => 123, "name" => "test" }
If you are using Rails or ActiveSupport:
hash = { id: 123, description: "desc" }
hash.stringify #=> { "id" => 123, "name" => "test" }
If you are not:
hash = { id: 123, name: "test" }
Hash[ { |key, value| [key.to_s, value] }] #=> { "id" => 123, "name" => "test" }
I love each_with_object in this case :
hash = { id: 123, name: "test" }
hash.each_with_object({}) { |(key, value), h| h[key.to_s] = value }
#=> { "id" => 123, "name" => "test" }
In pure Ruby (without Rails), you can do this with a combination of Enumerable#map and Array#to_h:
hash = { id: 123, name: "test" }{|key, v| [key.to_s, v] }.to_h
{ id: 123, name: "test" }.transform_keys(&:to_s)
#=> {"id"=>123, "name"=>"test"}
See Hash#transform_keys.

Convert array of key value object to object of the key values (ruby)

I have a list of objects that have key attribute and value attribute.
I would like to convert it to an object that contains attributes named as keys with the values.
Example will make it clearer...
:key => "key1",
:value => "value1"
}, {
:key => "key2",
:value => "value2"
Should become like this:
:key1 => "value1"
:key2 => "value2"
I'm sure there is one line to make it happen
Using Hash::[], Array#map:
a = [{
:key => "key1",
:value => "value1"
}, {
:key => "key2",
:value => "value2"
Hash[ { |h| [h[:key], h[:value]] }]
# => {"key1"=>"value1", "key2"=>"value2"}
Hash[ { |h| h.values_at(:key, :value) }]
# => {"key1"=>"value1", "key2"=>"value2"}
Hash[ { |h| [h[:key].to_sym, h[:value]] }]
# => {:key1=>"value1", :key2=>"value2"}
a.each_with_object({}) {|h,g| g.update({h[:key].to_sym => h[:value]}) }
# => {:key1=>"value1", :key2=>"value2"}
#=> {"key1"=>"value1", "key2"=>"value2"}
Just to promote the to_h a bit:
:key => "key1",
:value => "value1"
}, {
:key => "key2",
:value => "value2"
}].map(&:values).map{|k,v| [k.to_sym,v]}.to_h
# => {:key1=>"value1", :key2=>"value2"}

turn list of depth first traversal nodes back into tree structure in Ruby

Given the following input (from a CSV file):
input = [
{ :level => 0, :value => "a" },
{ :level => 1, :value => "1" },
{ :level => 1, :value => "2" },
{ :level => 2, :value => "I" },
{ :level => 2, :value => "II" },
{ :level => 2, :value => "III" },
{ :level => 0, :value => "b" },
{ :level => 0, :value => "c" },
{ :level => 0, :value => "d" },
{ :level => 1, :value => "3" },
{ :level => 1, :value => "4" },
How can I convert this to the following in "The Ruby Way":
expected = [
{ :value => "a", :children => [ { :value => 1, :children => nil },
{ :value => 2, :children => [ { :value => "I", :children => nil },
{ :value => "II", :children => nil },
{ :value => "III", :children => nil } ] } ] },
{ :value => "b", :children => nil },
{ :value => "c", :children => nil },
{ :value => "d", :children => [ { :value => 3, :children => nil },
{ :value => 4, :children => nil } ] },
My solution to this was to sidestep the problem, transform it and get someone else to solve it:
require 'yaml'
def linear_to_tree(a)
yaml_lines = []
a.each do |el|
indent = " " * 4 * el[:level]
yaml_lines << "#{indent}-"
yaml_lines << "#{indent} :value: #{(el[:value])}"
yaml_lines << "#{indent} :children:"
yaml_lines << "" # without this, YAML.load complains
yaml = yaml_lines.join("\n")
# open("test_yaml.txt", "w"){|f| f.write(yaml)}
But there must be a more elegant way to solve this.
P.S. I'd also like to see a one-liner for this transformation, just to see if it's possible.
You should use an empty array for nodes that have no children, an empty array is the null object for a collection. Otherwise you have to dance around both when you assign it, and when you use it.
def transform(inputs)
transform! inputs.dup
def transform!(inputs, output=[], current_level=0)
while inputs.any?
input = inputs.shift
level, value = input.values_at :level, :value
value = value.to_i if value =~ /\A\d+\z/
if level < current_level
inputs.unshift input
elsif level == current_level
next_children = []
output << {value: value, children: next_children}
transform! inputs, next_children,
raise "presumably should not have gotten here"

Hash into grouped array

I'm not very experienced in ruby, so I'm struggling to format a piece of data.
I have this hash, which contains some keys that have the same value, ex:
{"key" => "value1", "key2" => "value2", "key3" => "value3", "key4" => "value1", "key5" => "value2" ..}
I'm trying to turn this into, an array containing the keys grouped by the values
new_hash = {}
hash.each do |key, value|
new_hash[value] ||= []
new_hash[value] << key
array = new_hash.values # => [["key", "key4"], ["key2", "key5"], ["key3"]]
hash = {
"key" => "value1",
"key2" => "value2",
"key3" => "value3",
"key4" => "value1",
"key5" => "value2"
hash.group_by { |key, value| value } { |pairs| &:first }
# => [["key", "key4"], ["key2", "key5"], ["key3"]]
hash.group_by{|k,v| v}.map{|k,v| v.reduce([]){|res,n| res << n.first}}

ruby language - merge an array into another by finding same element

A = [
{ :id => 1, :name => 'good', :link => nil },
{ :id => 2, :name => 'bad', :link => nil }
B = [
{ :id => 3, :name => 'good' },
{ :id => 4, :name => 'good' },
{ :id => 5, :name => 'bad' }
I need to merge array B into A so that :link in array A includes the entry in array B if :name is the same value in each array.
For example, after processing array A should be:
A = [
{ :id => 1, :name => 'good', :link => [{ :id => 3, :name => 'good' }, { :id => 4, :name => 'good' }] },
{ :id => 2, :name => 'bad', :link => [{ :id => 5, :name => 'bad' }] }
The short version;
a.each { | item | item[:link] = b.find_all { | x | x[:name] == item[:name] } }
Demo here.
In ruby the constants begin with an uppercase letter, so you should use lowercase letter:
A => a, B => b
a.each do |ha|
b.each do |hb|
if ha[:name] == hb[:name]
ha[:link] |= []
ha[:link] << hb
Functional approach:
B_grouped = B.group_by { |h| h[:name] }
A2 = { |h| h.merge(:link => B_grouped[h[:name]]) }
#=> [{:link=>[{:name=>"good", :id=>3}, {:name=>"good", :id=>4}], :name=>"good", :id=>1},
# {:link=>[{:name=>"bad", :id=>5}], :name=>"bad", :id=>2}]
