Shellscript - Log of mv files - bash

Im writing a script to use as a sort of Recycle Bin to delete and restore files.
When calling the 'del' script I can specify a file using a wildcard, full filepath, or just a filename.
For the restoring I think I'll need a log file to store the original locations from where they were "deleted" using mv
To create the log file I am using code
# echo $path >> /root/Dustbin/log.txt
This works fine when I specify the entire path for deleting `
# del /root/A_Folder/Afile.txt
However I need a way to store the entire filepath when I only delete it using
# del afile.txt
Is there anyway to retreive the path of the file when I delete it as such?
Hope that makes sense
Thanks in advance

I ended up figuring this out - I could save the full filepath using the code below:
readlink -f $path >> /root/Dustbin/log.txt


OS X bash For loop only processes one file in a directory

I'm trying to get this code to process all files in a directory :
I run it in the terminal and add path to file ./ /path/to/ How can I get it to move on to the next? I'll also need to make sure that it only processes AV files, such as .avi/.mkv/*.mov etc.
I've tried using while loops with shift but I can't get that to work either.
I've tried adding a specific path like here but I'm failing
I've tried this and it keeps looping the same file rather than moving on to the next one. this didn't help me either.
I know this is going to be a horribly simple solution but I'm very new to this.
You don't actually have any kind of loop in your code. You need to do something like
for file in path/to/*.avi path/to/*.avg
./ "$file"
which will loop through all the specified files and substitute each one for $1
You can put whatever file names you want instead of the path/to/*.avi path/to/*.avg. If you cd to the directory first, you can leave out the paths, and just use *.avi *.avg
To do it all in one script, do something like this:
cd <your directory>
for file in *.avi *.avg
<your existing script here>
replacing all the $1's in your script with "$file" (not duplicating any quotes you already have, of course)

unknown error in shell script

I have cobbled together a shell script to submit multiple jobs on a cluster, which it appears to without giving me an error message, but the output files are missing and the error log files are also empty. What the script supposed to do is 1.) make a bunch of new directories, 2.) copy four files to each (mainparams, extraparams, infile, and structurejobsubmissionfile) 3.) then submit each one to the cluster for it to run structure while changing one parameter in the mainparams file every tenth directory (that's the 's/changethis/'$k'/g' line).
Test running it on the front end gives no errors, the structure program is up to date on the cluster, and the cluster administrators don't see anything wrong. Thanks!
for k in $(seq $numK);
for i in $(seq $reps);
#make folder name (ex. k4rep7)
#echo "Making folder and filename $tmpstr"
#make the new folder
mkdir $tmpstr
#go to that folder
cd ./$tmpstr
#copy in the input files
cp ../str_in/* ./
#modify the recently copied input file here so source file remains the same
cp ./mainparams ./temp.txt
#change maxpops to current value of k and the directory for the files to the current directory
sed -e 's/changethis/'$k'/g' -e "s:pathforrunningstructurehere:$PWD:g" ./temp.txt > ./mainparams
#get rid of temporary file
rm ./temp.txt
#inside $i so run STRUCTURE here
qsub -q fnrgenetics -l nodes=1:ppn=1,walltime=20:00:00 structurejobsubmissionfile
#go back to parent directory
cd ../
I can't see anything obviously wrong, but I think the place that you'll find the answer lies in better logging and better error checking. Some of the things that you're not checking that you should:
Is $tmpstr created correctly? (will fail on disk full or if permissions are not set correctly)
does str_in/ exist, and is it a directory?
does it contain files?
does it contain mainparams?
is qsub in $PATH?
does the call to qsub return an error?
You can roll an error logging function of your own, or use a package like log4bash

Getting directory of a file in Unix

I have a requirement where I need to copy some files from one location to other (Where the file may exist). While doing so,
I need to take a backup if the file already exists.
Copy the new file to the same location
I am facing problem in point 2. While I am trying to get the destination path for copying files, I am unable to extract the directory of the file. I tried using various options of find command, but was unable to crack it.
I need to trim the file name from the full file path so that it can be used in cp command. I am new to shell scripting. Any pointers are appreciated.
You can use
cp --backup
*Note Backup options::. Make a backup of each file that would
otherwise be overwritten or removed. As a special case, `cp'
makes a backup of SOURCE when the force and backup options are
given and SOURCE and DEST are the same name for an existing,
regular file. One useful application of this combination of
options is this tiny Bourne shell script:
# Usage: backup FILE...
# Create a GNU-style backup of each listed FILE.
for i; do
cp --backup --force -- "$i" "$i"
If you need only the filename, why not do a
basename /root/wkdir/index.txt
and assign it to a variable which would return only the filename?

Bash script for taking a screenshot, renaming and moving

First bash script and I'm running into some issues. I want to take a screenshot, then change the name of the .png to a random number (so that pictures don't overwrite). After it's renamed I want to move the picture to my dropbox folder.
This is what I've got:
#Take screenshot
import -window root $HOME/screenshot.png
#Move to dropbox folder
mv $HOME/screenshot.png $HOME/Dropbox/Max-Max/$RANDOM.png
When I run it dropbox is getting some kind of something because my taskbar icon indicates a file transfer. When I open up the folder however, nothing's there.
Thanks for the help.
Instead of $RANDOM use $(date|tr " :" _)
Much more useful
You can do that with scrot like this:
scrot -e 'mv $f ~/Dropbox/Max-Max'
But your script looks fine... Try to create an empty file first to make sure your dropbox functions fine.
echo > ~/Dropbox/Max-Max/testfile
The commands you're using are correct. The only way it could fail is if Max-Max doesn't exist. mv moves and renames files among existing directories -- mv cannot create directories.

How to get date/time when file was placed in a directory on Windows?

Is there a way to tell when a file was moved to a certain directory?
I'm being asked why a script of mine did not find a file in a certain directory. The file was created last January but I suspect it was placed in the directory after the script was run. Is there a way for me to confirm my suspicion?
Viewing the file properties gives me the created, modified, and accessed times, and the first two do not change when moving files from one directory to another.
EDIT: I have cygwin installed, if that helps at all. Is there a unix way of determining when a directory entry was created?
If the file in question can be shown to have been the last file added to that directory, you can look at the last modified date of the directory itself, since directories are modified when files are inserted into them. Otherwise, I don't hold much hope.
If you're on Windows XP or 2000 or higher, you should be able to use dir /tc to get the creation time of the file (which will be when it was copied to the directory). Under Cygwin, you can use ls -lc.
Using wmic and or creating a layer for yourself really helps when using cyging. For example a function like this will return everything in the actual windows properties dialog for a file...
finfo() { [[ -f "$(cygpath "$#")" ]] || { echo "bad-file";return 1;}; echo "$(wmic datafile where name=\""$(echo "$(cygpath -wa "$#")"|sed 's/\\/\\\\/g')"\" get /value)"|sed 's/\r//g;s/^M$//;/^$/d'|awk -F"=" '{print $1"=""\033[1m"$2"\033[0m"}';}
This way regardless of how the file was touched you have multiple ways of knowing.
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