Do i need to be connected to the internet everytime i want to create gluon mobile project - javafxports

When my computer is offline, i cannot create mobile project using gluon mobile. Here is the stacktrace (the top line):
org.gradle.tooling.BuildException: Could not run build action using Gradle installation 'C:\tools\gradle'.
Once I'am connected to the Internet, i can create projects without any issue.
so the Internet connection is required to create gluon poject?

Once you have created your first project, all the main dependencies are downloaded and installed in your local repositories, so you can make use of them to create a new project without being connected to the Internet.
For that you need to use this option when calling any gradle task: --offline.
From your IDE you can set it as a default option:
NetBeans -> Preferences->Miscellaneous->Gradle, Gradle arguments, add --offline.
IntelliJ -> Preferences->Build, Execution, Deployment->Gradle, select offline work under Gradle Global Settings.
Eclipse -> Select a task, right click, Open Gradle Run Configuration... -> Arguments, add --offline to Program Arguments.
Note that some versions (jfxmobile plugin, charm, ...) are updated remotely in the file, so when offline you'll need to make sure you have a proper version.


How to work on different projects in different eclipses in parallel?

I am working on two different projects in parallel.
Can I have two eclipse applications in my PC for PAF Execution?
or How to start the two projects with different directory ?
Please assist me with the solution as soon as possible.
Instead of parallel execution of eclipse in a local system there is another way to run two projects
Create and Set up New Project in Eclipse Editor
Once users install PAF with Editor, they can create new projects to the Project Container.
To create new project, user need to open Eclipse and right click on the project navigator panel on left hand side, select new java project, type the project name and click Finish. The new project will be listed under project explorer.
To configure the PAF dependencies on the new project created, User need to navigate to the ProjectContainer folder and execute the “refreshClassPath.bat”.
User need to input the project name where the PAF dependencies needs to be installed. Once the project configuration is complete user can create folders for drivers, scripts and execute the scripts under new Project.

Why Intellij IDEA skips Maven test

I use IntelliJ IDEA version 13 on MacOS. I have a maven project, the project is stored in Git. Everything worked well.
Yesterday my Macbook crashed, then I reinstalled MacOS as well as IntelliJ IDEA. After that I checked out my project from Git and open the project in IDEA again. But now In Maven Project's Lifecycle, test is disabled, there a dash across test. I can still package my project, but "Tests are skipped".
Since my project code has no any change, I'm guessing I might miss configured something in IntelliJ IDEA. Any idea?
There's a skip test toggle in Maven Projects tool window.
To enable the maven Test, these are two steps need to complete
Step-1: Go to the settings tab, then go to Build, Execution, Deployment
Step-2: Then select the testing, and uncheck the Enable test runs.......

are there other possible ways to use groovy in Eclipse except plugin

I am using eclipse Mars 4.5.0 IDE and I would like to do some Groovy project.Adding groovy as a plugin is not working, because I am not able to connect to In fact even simple update are not working. There is always some connection time out like connection to
However I do have groovy installed on my system. Is there anyway I could tell the IDE to use the system groovy? Or is it possible to download the plugin and manually add it to the IDE? I am using windows 7
The groovy compiler delivered by the plugin is patched and therefore I don't think it is possible to use an external groovy compiler.
If you're behind a proxy, try to configure eclipse with manual proxy settings.
At least the 4.6 and 4.7 snapshot update site works well for me ATM, but when i had access problems, I downloaded the last working build from the ci server mentioned in the wiki:
e.g. E45 build and publish -> #393 -> Artifacts -> Zipped Update Site
and used it as an update site (add.. -> archive).

Jenkins RequireJs Build / CI

I've just started a project that uses RequireJs, Backbone etc. Everything is running well client-side and I wan't to set up my build environment.
I was planning on using Jenkins but have found zero information on how to go about this. I've managed to set up Gradle and use that to do things like minify the js etc, but I think I need to run R.js and have no idea where to get started or if this is even what I should be doing.
I've googled a bunch and found nothing. Sorry for my ignorance.
Jenkins has a Gradle plugin: Gradle Jenkins Plugin
The plugin is very easy to install and use. To install it, just use the Jenkins web interface.
Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available Plugins -> Install
Search for Gradle, check the box and click install.
Create a job
Click new job. Select free style job and add a Gradle build step.

Jenkins- multiple locations SVN. Is it possible to specify the build version

I am new to Jenkins CI tool and I want to know if it is possible to specify what build to use when there are several projects, on different SVN locations, dependent on one another. For example, if I have the web project on SVN location1 and the backend project on SVN location2 and the web depends on the backend and one of the developers modifies something in backend, when the web developer does a commit, there will be a build failure. Is there the possibility to specify that the build from the web part should take into consideration build x from backend and not the newest build?
Thanks in advance.
yes that can be done. in Jenkins check for the Build Triggers options in your project web-settings and on the line Build after other projects are built you can specify the name of projects you want to build automatically after there has been changes made to the base project.
And similarly, in the Post-build Actions, look for Build other projects, where you can specify that if the base project builds successfully, it will automatically trigger a build on children projects.
Hope this helps.
Your example of building a project against a specific version of another project is a little non-standard, but not impossible.
In your case, I would use Jenkins' ability to execute arbitrary scripts to help. The script would take care of getting the correct version of the project that the one I want to build depends on.
Building on your example of a Web and Backend project, here's how I would do things without using a parametrized build:
Add a file to the repository of the Web project that stores the version of the Backend project to use
Configure a job to build the Web project when the source for the backend project changes in SVN.
The project should check out the latest version of the Web project
The first Build Step for the project would be a script (Execute Shell or Execute Windows Batch Command) that does the following:
Gets the version of the Backend to use from the file containing the version info
Either pulls the appropriate version of the Backend from the Backend's repository; or pulls the source of the appropriate version of the Backend's source
(If you pulled the source only for the Backend, the next Build Step should be to build the Backend next)
Build the Web piece
Do any unit tests
