How can I get the return value and matched line by grep in bash at once? - bash

I am learning bash. I would like to get the return value and matched line by grep at once.
if cat 'file' | grep 'match_word'; then
match_by_grep="$(cat 'file' | grep 'match_word')"
read a b <<< "${match_by_grep}"
In the code above, I used grep twice. I cannot think of how to do it by grep once. I am not sure match_by_grep is always empty even when there is no matched words because cat may output error message.
match_by_grep="$(cat 'file' | grep 'match_word')"
if [[ -n ${match_by_grep} ]]; then
# match_by_grep may be an error message by cat.
# So following a and b may have wrong value.
read a b <<< "${match_by_grep}"
Please tell me how to do it. Thank you very much.

You can avoid the double use of grep by storing the search output in a variable and seeing if it is not empty.
Your version of the script without double grep.
grepOutput="$(grep 'match_word' file)"
if [ ! -z "$grepOutput" ]; then
read a b <<< "${grepOutput}"
An optimization over the above script ( you can remove the temporary variable too)
grepOutput="$(grep 'match_word' file)"
[[ ! -z "$grepOutput" ]] && (read a b <<< "${grepOutput}")
Using double-grep once for checking if-condition and once to parse the search result would be something like:-
if grep -q 'match_word' file; then
grepOutput="$(grep 'match_word' file)"
read a b <<< "${grepOutput}"

When assigning a variable with a string containing a command expansion, the return code is that of the (rightmost) command being expanded.
In other words, you can just use the assignment as the condition:
if grepOutput="$(cat 'file' | grep 'match_word')"
echo "There was a match"
read -r a b <<< "${grepOutput}"
echo "No match"

Is this what you want to achieve?
grep 'match_word' file ; echo $?
$? has a return value of the command run immediately before.
If you would like to keep track of the return value, it will be also useful to have PS1 set up with $?.
Ref: Bash Prompt with Last Exit Code


Is there a way to access variables inside of a .xcconfigfile from the terminal?

I have an .xcconfig file that I want to access via the terminal to access variables in the file. Is there a command or is there some way to do this? For example I have a variable called Build_Code = 1234. How would I access that?
Create a script to read the value of a variable.
Ex: .xconfig
var1 = value1
var2 = value2
# get_value.bash <file> <variable>
echo "Usage: get_value.bash <file> <variable>"
exit 1
# Arguments
if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]
# Check if the file exists
if [[ ! -f "$file" ]]
echo "ERROR: file $file does not exist."
exit 2
# Get the variable's value
grep -w "$var" "$file" | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d ' '
This simple version assumes the format of the lines is VARIABLE\s*=\s*VALUE.
The tr is to remove spaces around the value.
The VALUE cannot contain spaces.
The <file> argument could be hard coded if you will only ever check .xconfig
Many other solutions could be conceived, depending on the exact requirements, but this does the basic need you put in your question.

Finding presence of substring within a string in BASH

I have a script that is trying to find the presence of a given string inside a file of arbitrary text.
I've settled on something like:
for j in `cat blacklist.txt`; do
echo Searching for $j...
unset match
match=`grep -i -m1 -o "$j" $file`
if [ $match ]; then
echo "Match: $match"
Blacklist.txt contains lines of potential matches, like so:
"match this too"
"This is multiple words"
myfile.txt could be something like:
I would matchthis if I could match things with grep. I really wish I could.
When I ask it to match this too, it fails to matchthis. It should match this too - right?
If I run this at a bash prompt, like so:
j="match this too"
grep -i -m1 -o "$j" myfile.txt
...I get "match this too".
However, when the batch file runs, despite the variables being set correctly (verified via echo lines), it never greps properly and returns nothing.
Where am I going wrong?
grep -owF -f blacklist.txt myfile.txt
instead of writing an inefficient loop, do what you want?
Would you please try:
while IFS= read -r j; do
j=${j#\"}; j=${j%\"} # remove surrounding double quotes
echo "Searching for $j..."
match=$(grep -i -m1 -o "$j" "$file")
if (( $? == 0 )); then # if match
echo "Match: $match" # then print it
done < blacklist.txt
Searching for matchthis...
Match: matchthis
Searching for match this too...
Match: match this too
match this too
Searching for thisisasingleword...
Searching for This is multiple words...
I wound up abandoning grep entirely and using sed instead.
match=`sed -n "s/.*\($j\).*/\1/p" $file
Works well, and I was able to use unquoted multiple word phrases in the blacklist file.
With this:
if [ $match ]; then
you are passing random arguments to test. This is not how you properly check for variable net being empty. Use test -n:
if [ -n "$match" ]; then
You might also use grep's exit code instead:
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
for ... in X splits X at spaces by default, and you are expecting the script to match whole lines.
Define IFS properly:
for j in `cat blacklist.txt`; do
blacklist.txt contains "match this too" with quotes, and it is read like this by for loop and matched literally.
j="match this too" does not cause j variable to contain quotes.
j='"match this too"' does, and then it will not match.
Since whole lines are read properly from the blacklist.txt file now, you can probably remove quotes from that file.
for j in `cat blacklist.txt`; do
echo Searching for $j...
unset match
match=`grep -i -m1 -o "$j" "$file"`
if [ -n "$match" ]; then
echo "Match: $match"
Alternative to the for ... in ... loop (no IFS= needed):
while read; do
done < 'blacklist.txt'

Can I make a shell function in as a pipeline conditionally "disappear", without using cat?

I have a bash script that produces some text from a pipe of commands. Based on a command line option I want to do some validation on the output. For a contrived example...
if [[ "$CHECK_OUTPUT" != "--check" ]]; then
# Don't check the output. Passthrough and return.
return 0
# Check each line exists in the fs root
while read line; do
if [[ ! -e "/$line" ]]; then
echo "Error: /$line does not exist"
return 1
echo "$line"
return 0
ls /usr | grep '^b' | check_output
[EDIT] better example:
This is really useful, particularly if I have multiple functions that can becomes passthroughs. Yes, I could move the CHECK_OUTPUT conditional and create a pipe with or without check_output but I'd need to write lines for each combination for more functions. If there are better ways to dynamically build a pipe I'd like to know.
The problem is the "useless use of cat". Can this be avoided and make check_output like it wasn't in the pipe at all?
Yes, you can do this -- by making your function a wrapper that conditionally injects a pipeline element, instead of being an unconditional pipeline element itself. For example:
maybe_checked() {
if [[ $CHECK_OUTPUT != "--check" ]]; then
"$#" # just run our arguments as a command, as if we weren't here
# run our arguments in a process substitution, reading from stdout of same.
# ...some changes from the original code:
# IFS= stops leading or trailing whitespace from being stripped
# read -r prevents backslashes from being processed
local line # avoid modifying $line outside our function
while IFS= read -r line; do
[[ -e "/$line" ]] || { echo "Error: /$line does not exist" >&2; return 1; }
printf '%s\n' "$line" # see
done < <("$#")
ls /usr | maybe_checked grep '^b'
Caveat of the above code: if the pipefail option is set, you'll want to check the exit status of the process substitution to have complete parity with the behavior that would otherwise be the case. In bash version 4.3 or later (IIRC), $? is modified by process substitutions to have the relevant PID, which can be waited for to retrieve exit status.
That said, this is also a use case wherein using cat is acceptable, and I'm saying this as a card-carying member of the UUOC crowd. :)
Adopting the examples from John Kugelman's answers on the linked question:
maybe_sort() {
if (( sort )); then
"$#" | sort
maybe_limit() {
if [[ -n $limit ]]; then
"$#" | head -n "$limit"
printf '%s\n' "${haikus[#]}" | maybe_limit maybe_sort sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'

What does [[ $(echo ${lines} | grep \'_SUCCESS\') ]] mean?

I came across this bash command and not able to interpret as it always print NO which is in else part.
if [[ $(echo ${lines} | grep \'_SUCCESS\') ]] ; then echo \'Y\'; else echo \'N\'; fi;
exit 0
I have _SUCCESS file ins
[[ ... ]] is a bash construct that will transform the truth value of the expression within into a exit status code 0/1. if will execute the then branch if the exit status code is 0, and the else branch otherwise.
Within [[ ... ]], you still get command substitution, so echo ${lines} | grep \'_SUCCESS\' will be executed, and its output substituted into the command. These commands will output the line inside ${lines} that contains '_SUCCESS' (with single quotes!) if such is present, or nothing.
[[ ... ]] that contains a single string evaluates as true if string is non-empty, and false if empty.
Thus, the then branch will execute if ${files} contains '_SUCCESS'. If you are always getting a 'N' as output, it follows ${files} does not contain '_SUCCESS' (even if it maybe does contain _SUCCESS). If you want to look for _SUCCESS (without quotes), then grep _SUCCESS or equivalently grep '_SUCCESS' suffices.
This is a long way around of writing what sergio says in comments: grep will not only output (or not output) the lines, it will also signal with its exit status code whether something is found or not, and can thus directly be used as the if condition, without using [[ ... ]].

Why does my script report ls: not found

I have the following korn script:
if [[ls $TAPPDATADIR/zip_file_MD5_checksum*.txt | wc -l > 1]]
exit "asdf"
When I attempt to run it I get:
./iftest.ksh: line 7: [[ls: not found
Why isn't my if statement working?
I'm trying to see if there are multiple checksum files in the Data directory. If there are I want to exit the script.
There are several problems:
There shouldn't be any spaces around = in the assignment.
You need spaces around [[ and ]] in the if statement.
To substitute the result of a command into the test expression, you need to use backticks or $(...).
The parameter to exit should be a number, I think you just want to echo the string.
> performs string comparison, you have to use -gt to perform numeric comparison.
So the full script should be:
if [[ $(ls $TAPPDATADIR/zip_file_MD5_checksum*.txt | wc -l) -gt 1 ]]
echo "asdf"
