Random selection between 2 or more ranges - ruby

I'm trying to make a random number generator which will pick more "evenly" between 3 and 4 digit ranges. If I just do:
result = rand(100..9999)
I'm well aware that in the majority of cases, a 4 digit number will be selected. I want to give 3-digit numbers more chance of being selected, so I did this:
rand_3_digit_num = (100..999)
rand_4_digit_num = (1000..9999)
rand([rand_3_digit_num, rand_4_digit_num].sample)
Is there any other approach to do this? My goal is to just give 3-digit numbers bigger chance of being selected than with an ordinary rand. This problem gets even worse if I introduce 5-digit or 6-digit numbers, the chance of 3-digit or 4-digit numbers to get selected quickly diminishes.

Brute solution:
list = (100..999).to_a*10 + (1000..9999).to_a
=> [100, ..., 9999]
=> 18000
list.count { |e| e < 1000 }
=> 9000
list.count { |e| 999 < e && e < 10000 }
=> 9000
Now list.sample should give equal probabilities of 3- and 4-digits numbers.

First specify a probability distribution over ranges, say:
range_prob = { (100..999) => 0.2,
(1000..9999) => 0.5,
(10000..43562) => 0.3 }
Given these probabilities, a range can be selected at random thusly:
def select_random_range(range_prob)
rnd_cum_prob = rand
cum_prob = 0.0
range_prob.each_with_object({}) do |(rng, prob),h|
cum_prob += prob
h[rng] = cum_prob
end.find { |rng, cum_prob| rnd_cum_prob <= cum_prob }.first
What I have done here is construct a cumulative distribution function ("cdf") from the discrete probability density function ("pdf") range_prob. (See the graph below.) To obtain a random variate we generate a pseudo-random number between zero and one, plot that on the vertical axis, determine where a horizontal line intersects the cdf and select the associated value on the horizontal axis.
For range_prob above,
select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 10000..43562
select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 100..999
select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 1000..9999
select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 100..999
select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 10000..43562
Selecting a random value in a random range is small additional step.
rand select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 6467
rand select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 16689
rand select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 2282
rand select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 1317
rand select_random_range(range_prob) #=> 9015
See Kernel#rand.

I think your idea is good. What you want to achieve is find the uniformly random N, where N represents number of digits in the number, then find the random number of length N.
You could split that in two functions:
K = A random number from the array lengths
return randomNumberForLength(K)
lower_bound = 10^K
upper_bound = 10^(K+1) - 1
return rand(lower_bound, upper_bound)
If you wanted to find a random number between 100 - 9999 giving equal probability to both 2-length and 3-length numbers, you can just call randomSelection([2,3])

It depends entirely on how you want to bias the results. For example, if you want an even chance that you'll get a three or four digit number, you can use something as simple as (pseudo-code):
def getRand():
if rand(0, 1) == 0: // assume inclusive both ends.
return rand(100, 999)
return rand(1000, 9999)
Although the fact that you're calling rand twice may stuff up distributions for truly random requirements, it's probably good enough for most purposes.
To do it in a single call which is therefore likely to preserve distribution, you can just map values:
def getRand():
num = rand(1000, 18999)
if num > 9999:
num = (num - 10000) % 900 + 100
This would generate two equal-sized groups, 1000-9999 and 10000-18999 and would map the values in the upper group to become 100-999 (hence equally likely to get a three- or four-digit number):
10000 - 10899 -> 100 - 999
10900 - 11799 -> 100 - 999
11800 - 12699 -> 100 - 999
12700 - 13599 -> 100 - 999
13600 - 14499 -> 100 - 999
14500 - 15399 -> 100 - 999
15400 - 16299 -> 100 - 999
16300 - 17199 -> 100 - 999
17200 - 18099 -> 100 - 999
18100 - 18999 -> 100 - 999
There are no doubt other ways to do it but it all depends on the desired distribution.

For the problem you described, your solution is good enough.
999 will appear 10 times more often than 1000, though. If you want a smoother transition between the ranges, you could use :
# Defines a distribution for random numbers between min and max.
# Smaller numbers have a higher probably to appear.
class BiasedGenerator
def initialize(min, max)
#range = (Math.log(min)..Math.log(max))
def self.digit_range(min_digit, max_digit)
new(10**(min_digit - 1), 10**max_digit - 1)
def rand
You just need to initialize it once :
generator = BiasedGenerator.digit_range(3, 4)
and use generator.rand as many times as you want :
random_numbers = (1..1_000_000).map do
puts 'Min :'
puts random_numbers.min
puts 'Max :'
puts random_numbers.max
random_numbers.group_by { |n| n.to_s.size }.sort_by(&:first).each do |digits, numbers|
puts "#{digits} digits : #{numbers.size}"
it outputs :
Min :
Max :
3 digits : 500061
4 digits : 499939
The distribution looks like this :
The green area between 100 and 999 should be almost the same as the one between 1000 and 9999.
Your generator also has this property :
For comparison, here is Kernel.rand :
With BiasedGenerator.digit_range(3, 6) :
Min :
Max :
3 digits : 250342
4 digits : 250714
5 digits : 249814
6 digits : 249130


Ruby: find multiples of 3 and 5 up to n. Can't figure out what's wrong with my code. Advice based on my code please

I have been attempting the test below on codewars. I am relatively new to coding and will look for more appropriate solutions as well as asking you for feedback on my code. I have written the solution at the bottom and for the life of me cannot understand what is missing as the resultant figure is always 0. I'd very much appreciate feedback on my code for the problem and not just giving your best solution to the problem. Although both would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
The test posed is:
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or
5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
Finish the solution so that it returns the sum of all the multiples of
3 or 5 below the number passed in. Additionally, if the number is
negative, return 0 (for languages that do have them).
Note: If the number is a multiple of both 3 and 5, only count it once.
My code is as follows:
def solution(number)
array = [1..number]
multiples = []
if number < 0
return 0
array.each { |x|
if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
multiples << x
return multiples.sum
In a situation like this, when something in your code produces an unexpected result you should debug it, meaning, run it line by line with the same argument and see what each variable holds. Using some kind of interactive console for running code (like irb) is very helpfull.
Moving to your example, let's start from the beginning:
number = 10
array = [1..number]
puts array.size # => 1 - wait what?
puts array[0].class # => Range
As you can see the array variable doesn't contain numbers but rather a Range object. After you finish filtering the array the result is an empty array that sums to 0.
Regardless of that, Ruby has a lot of built-in methods that can help you accomplish the same problem typing fewer words, for example:
multiples_of_3_and_5 = array.select { |number| number % 3 == 0 || number % 5 == 0 }
When writing a multiline block of code, prefer the do, end syntax, for example:
array.each do |x|
if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
multiples << x
I'm not suggesting that this is the best approach per se, but using your specific code, you could fix the MAIN problem by editing the first line of your code in one of 2 ways:
By either converting your range to an array. Something like this would do the trick:
array = (1..number).to_a
or by just using a range INSTEAD of an array like so:
range = 1..number
The latter solution inserted into your code might look like this:
number = 17
range = 1..number
multiples = []
if number < 0
return 0
else range.each{|x|
if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
multiples << x
#=> 60
The statement return followed by end suggests that you were writing a method, but the def statement is missing. I believe that should be
def tot_sum(number, array)
multiples = []
if number < 0
return 0
else array.each{|x|
if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
multiples << x
return multiples.sum
As you point out, however, this double-counts numbers that are multiples of 15.
Let me suggest a more efficient way of writing that. First consider the sum of numbers that are multiples of 3 that do not exceed a given number n.
n = 3
m = 16
then the total of numbers that are multiples of three that do not exceed 16 can be computed as follows:
3 * 1 + 3 * 2 + 3 * 3 + 3 * 4 + 3 * 5
= 3 * (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
= 3 * 5 * (1 + 5)/2
= 45
This makes use of the fact that 5 * (1 + 5)/2 equals the sum of an algebraic series: (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5).
We may write a helper method to compute this sum for any number n, with m being the number that multiples of n cannot exceed:
def tot_sum(n, m)
p = m/n
n * p * (1 + p)/2
For example,
tot_sum(3, 16)
#=> 45
We may now write a method that gives the desired result (remembering that we need to account for the fact that multiples of 15 are multiples of both 3 and 5):
def tot(m)
tot_sum(3, m) + tot_sum(5, m) - tot_sum(15, m)
tot( 9) #=> 23
tot( 16) #=> 60
tot(9999) #=> 23331668

Find all natural numbers which are multiplies of 3 and 5 recursively

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
def multiples_of(number)
number = number.to_f - 1.0
result = 0
if (number / 5.0) == 1 || (number / 3.0) == 1
return result = result + 5.0 + 3.0
elsif (number % 3).zero? || (number % 5).zero?
result += number
return result
p multiples_of(10.0)
My code is returning 9.0 rather than 23.0.
Using Core Methods to Select & Sum from a Range
It's not entirely clear what you really want to do here. This is clearly a homework assignment, so it's probably intended to get you to think in a certain way about whatever the lesson is. If that's the case, refer to your lesson plan or ask your instructor.
That said, if you restrict the set of possible input values to integers and use iteration rather than recursion, you can trivially solve for this using Array#select on an exclusive Range, and then calling Array#sum on the intermediate result. For example:
(1...10).select { |i| i.modulo(3).zero? || i.modulo(5).zero? }.sum
#=> 23
(1...1_000).select { |i| i.modulo(3).zero? || i.modulo(5).zero? }.sum
#=> 233168
Leave off the #sum if you want to see all the selected values. In addition, you can create your own custom validator by comparing your logic to an expected result. For example:
def valid_result? range_end, checksum
(1 ... range_end).select do |i|
i.modulo(3).zero? || i.modulo(5).zero?
end.sum.eql? checksum
valid_result? 10, 9
#=> false
valid_result? 10, 23
#=> true
valid_result? 1_000, 233_168
#=> true
There are a number of issues with your code. Most importantly, you're making recursive calls but you aren't combining their results in any way.
Let's step through what happens with an input of 10.
You assign number = number.to_f - 1.0 which will equal 9.
Then you reach the elsif (number % 3).zero? || (number % 5).zero? condition which is true, so you call result += number and multiples_of(number-1).
However, you're discarding the return value of the recursive call and call return result no matter what. So, your recursion doesn't have any impact on the return value. And for any input besides 3 or 5 you will always return input-1 as the return value. That's why you're getting 9.
Here's an implementation which works, for comparison:
def multiples_of(number)
number -= 1
return 0 if number.zero?
if number % 5 == 0 || number % 3 == 0
number + multiples_of(number)
puts multiples_of(10)
# => 23
Note that I'm calling multiples_of(number) instead of multiples_of(number - 1) because you're already decrementing the input on the function's first line. You don't need to decrement twice - that would cause you to only process every other number e.g. 9,7,5,3
to step throgh the recursion a bit to help you understand it. Let's say we have an input of 4.
We first decrement the input so number=3. Then we hits the if number % 5 == 0 || number % 3 == 0 condition so we return number + multiples_of(number).
What does multiples_of(number) return? Now we have to evaluate the next recursive call. We decrement the number so now we have number=2. We hit the else block so now we'll return multiples_of(number).
We do the same thing with the next recursive call, with number=1. This multiples_of(1). We decrement the input so now we have number=0. This matches our base case so finally we're done with recursive calls and can work up the stack to figure out what our actual return value is.
For an input of 6 it would look like so:
5 + multiples_of(5)
3 + multiples_of(3)
The desired result can be obtained from a closed-form expression. That is, no iteration is required.
Suppose we are given a positive integer n and wish to compute the sum of all positive numbers that are multiples of 3 that do not exceed n.
1*3 + 2*3 +...+ m*3 = 3*(1 + 2 +...+ m)
m = n/3
1 + 2 +...+ m is the sum of an algorithmic expression, given by:
We therefore can write:
def tot(x,n)
m = n/x
For example,
tot(3,9) #=> 18 (1*3 + 2*3 + 3*3)
tot(3,11) #=> 18
tot(3,12) #=> 30 (18 + 4*3)
tot(3,17) #=> 45 (30 + 5*3)
tot(5,9) #=> 5 (1*5)
tot(5,10) #=> 15 (5 + 2*5)
tot(5,14) #=> 15
tot(5,15) #=> 30 (15 + 3*5)
The sum of numbers no larger than n that are multiple of 3's and 5's is therefore given by the following:
def sum_of_multiples(n)
tot(3,n) + tot(5,n) - tot(15,n)
- tot(15,n) is needed because the first two terms double-count numbers that are multiples of 15.
sum_of_multiples(9) #=> 23 (3 + 6 + 9 + 5)
sum_of_multiples(10) #=> 33 (23 + 2*5)
sum_of_multiples(11) #=> 33
sum_of_multiples(12) #=> 45 (33 + 4*3)
sum_of_multiples(14) #=> 45
sum_of_multiples(15) #=> 60 (45 + 3*5)
sum_of_multiples(29) #=> 195
sum_of_multiples(30) #=> 225
sum_of_multiples(1_000) #=> 234168
sum_of_multiples(10_000) #=> 23341668
sum_of_multiples(100_000) #=> 2333416668
sum_of_multiples(1_000_000) #=> 233334166668

the number of trailing zeros in a factorial of a given number - Ruby

Having a little trouble trying calculate the number of trailing zeros in a factorial of a given number. This is one of the challenges from Codewars- can't get mine to pass.
zeros(12) = 2 #=> 1 * 2 * 3 .. 12 = 479001600
I think I'm on the wrong path here and there is probably a more elegant ruby way. This is what I have down so far.
def zeros(n)
x = (1..n).reduce(:*).to_s.scan(/[^0]/)
return 0 if x == []
return x[-1].length if x != []
This is more of a math question. And you're right, you are off on a wrong path. (I mean the path you are on is going to lead to a very inefficient solution)
Try to reduce the problem mathematically first. (BTW you are shooting for a log N order algorithm.)
In my answer I will try to skip a few steps, because it seems like a homework question.
The number of trailing zeros is going to be equal to the total power of 5s in the multiplication of the series.
the numbers between 1 and n will have n/5, n/25, n/125 numbers which are multiples of 5s, 25s, 125s respectively... and so on.
Try to take these hints and come up with an algorithm to count how many powers of 10 will be crammed in to that factorial.
Spoilers Ahead
I've decided to explain in detail below so if you want to try and solve it yourself then stop reading, try to think about it and then come back here.
Here is a step by step reduction of the problem
The number of trailing zeros in a number is equivalent to the power of 10 in the factor of that number
40 = 4 * 10^1 and it has 1 trailing zero
12 = 3 * 4 * 10^0 so it has 0 trailing zeros
1500 = 3 * 5 * 10^2 so it has 2 trailing zeros
The number power of 10 in the factors is the same as the minimum of the power of 2 and power of 5 in the factors
50 = 2^1 * 5^2 so the minimum power is 1
300 = 3^1 * 2^2 * 5^2 so the minimum is 2 (we are only concerned with the minimum of the powers of 2 and 5, so ignore powers of 3 and all other prime factors)
In any factorial there will be many more powers of 2 than the powers of 5
5! = 2^3 * 3^1 * 5^1
10! = 2^8 * 3^4 * 5^2 * 7^1
As you can see the power of 2 is going to start increasing much faster so the power of 5 will be the minimum of the two.
Hence all we need to do is count the power of 5 in the factorial.
Now lets focus on the power of 5 in any n!
4! ~ 5^0
5! ~ 5^1 (up to 9!)
10! ~ 5^2 (up to 14!)
15! ~ 5^3 (up to `19!)
20! ~ 5^4 (up to 24!)
25! ~ 5^6 (notice the jump from 5^4 to 5^6 because the number 25 adds two powers of 5)
The way I'd like to count the total power of five in a factorial is... count all the multiples of 5, they all add one power of 5. Then count all the multiples of 25, they all add an extra power of 5. Notice how 25 added two powers of 5, so I can put that as, one power because it's a multiple of 5 and one extra power because it's a multiple of 25. Then count all the multiple of 125 (5^3) in the factorial multiplication, they add another extra power of 5... and so on.
So how'd you put that as an algorithm ?
lets say the number is n. So...
pow1 = n/5 (rounded down to an integer)
pow2 = n/25
pow3 = n/125
and so on...
Now the total power pow = pow1 + pow2 + pow3 ...
Now can you express that as a loop?
So, now that #Spunden has so artfully let the cat out of the bag, here's one way to implement it.
def zeros(n)
return 0 if n.zero?
k = (Math.log(n)/Math.log(5)).to_i
m = 5**k
zeros(3) #=> 0
zeros(5) #=> 1
zeros(12) #=> 2
zeros(15) #=> 3
zeros(20) #=> 4
zeros(25) #=> 6
zeros(70) #=> 16
zeros(75) #=> 18
zeros(120) #=> 28
zeros(125) #=> 31
Suppose n = 128.
Then each number between one and 128 (inclusive) that is divisible by 5^1=>5 provides at least one factor, and there are 128/5 => 25 such numbers. Of these, the only ones that provide more than one factor are those divisible by 5^2=>25, of which there are 128/25 => 5 (25, 50, 75, 100, 125). Of those, there is but 128/125 => 1 that provides more than two factors, and since 125/(5^4) => 0, no numbers contribute more than three divisors. Hence, the total number of five divisors is:
128/5 + 128/25 + 128/125 #=> 31
(Note that, for 125, which has three divisors of 5, one is counted in each of these three terms; for 25, 50, etc., which each have two factors of 5, one is counted in each of the first terms.)
For arbitrary n, we first compute the highest power k for which:
5**k <= n
which is:
k <= Math.log(n)/Math.log(5)
so the largest such value is:
k = (Math.log(n)/Math.log(5)).to_i
As #spundun noted, you could also calculate k by simply iterating, e.g.,
last = 1
(0..1.0/0).find { |i| (last *= 5) > n }
The total number of factors of five is therefore
(n/5) + (n/25) +...+ (n/5**k)
r = 1/5,
this sum is seen to be:
n * s
s = r + r**2 +...+ r**k
The value of s is the sum of the terms of a geometric series. I forget the formula for that, but recall how it's derived:
s = r + r**2 +...+ r**k
sr = r**2 +...+ r**(k+1)
s-sr = r*(1-r**k)
s = r*(1-r**k)/(1-r)
I then did some rearrangement so that only only integer arithmetic would be used to calculate the result.
def zeros(n)
zeros = 0
zeros += n /= 5 while n >= 1
If N is a number then number of trailing zeroes in N! is
N/5 + N/5^2 + N/5^3 ..... N/5^(m-1) WHERE (N/5^m)<1
You can learn here how this formula comes.
Here's a solution that is easier to read:
def zeros(num)
char_array = num.to_s.split('')
count = 0
while char_array.pop == "0"
count += 1
Let me know what you think and feel free to edit if you see an improvement!
The article A Note on Factorial and its Trailing Zeros in GanitCharcha is insightful and has explained the Mathematics behind this well. Take a look.
My solution
def zeros(n)
trailing_zeros = []
fact = (1..n).inject(:*)
fact.to_s.split('').reverse.select {|x| break if (x.to_i != 0); trailing_zeros << x}
return trailing_zeros.count
n = int (raw_input())
count = 0
num = 1
for i in xrange(n+1):
if i != 0:
num = num * i
while(num >= 10):
if num%10 == 0:
num = num/10
print count
As per the explanation given by #spundan and apart from #cary's code you can find number of trailing zero by just very simple and efficient way..see below code..
def zeros(n)
ret = 0
while n > 0 do
ret += n / 5
n = n/5
For example zeros(100000000) this will give you output -> 24999999
With the time Time Elapsed -> 5.0453e-05(Just See 5.0453e-05 )
This is the part of even milliseconds.
while int(n/j)>0:
count = 0
i =5
n = 100
k = n
n = k
print count
def zeros(n)
n < 5 ? 0 : (n / 5) + zeros(n / 5)

No of numbers less than a given number with no repeating digits

How can we find the number of numbers less than a given number with no repeating digits in it?
For example the number of such numbers less than 100 is 90. (11, 22, 33,44, 55,66,77,88,99 have repeating digits so are excluded).
Similarly for less than 1000, digits like 101, 110, 122, 202 etc have to be excluded.
Here is a way to make it quicker. Notice that there is a correlation between the number of digits in the max number and the solution (number of numbers which I will call NON)
100 (3 digits) => NON = 10 * 9
1000 (4 digits) => NON = 10 * 9 * 8
10000 (5 digits) => NON = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7
10000000000 (11 digits) => NON = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
after one billion you're bound to repeat a digit
You can consider two cases:
numbers shorter than the limit
numbers that that differ from the limit at some digit
The count of d-digit numbers is 9*9*8*... = 9*9!/(9-d)! (the first digit may not be zero). The count of all numbers shorter than d is the count of 0-digit numbers + .. count of d-1-digit numbers. These sums may be precomputed (or even hard-coded).
The count of d-digit numbers with f first digits given is (10-f)*...*(10-(d-1)) = (10-f)!/(10-d)!. You can precomupte the factorials as well.
Pseudocode :
To precompute fac:
- fac = int[10];
- fac[0] = 1;
- for i in 1..10:
- fac[i] = fac[i-1] * i;
To precompute count_shorter:
- cs = int[10];
- cs[0] = 0;
- cs[1] = 1; // if zero is allowed
- for i in 1..10:
- cs[i+1] = cs[i] + 9 * fac[9] / fac[10-i]
- count_shorter = cs;
To determine the count of numbers smaller than d:
- sl = strlen(d)
- if sl > 10
- return count_shorter[11]
- else
- sum = 0
account for shorter numbers:
- sum += count_shorter[sl]
account for same-length numbers; len=count of digits shared with the limit:
- sum += 9* fac[9] / fac[10-sl];
- for every len in 1..{sl-1}:
count the unused digits less than d[len]; credits to #MvG for noting:
- first_opts = d[len]-1;
- for every i in 0..{len-1}:
- if d[i] < d[len]
- first_opts -= 1;
- sum += first_opts * fac[9-len] / fac[10-sl]
- return sum
Here is some code that does this. Comments in the code. The basic idea is that you iterate over the digits of the last counted number one at a time, and for every digit position you can count the numbers that have the same digits prior to that position but a smaller digit at that current position. The functions build upon one another, so the cntSmaller function at the very end is the one you'd actually call, and also the one with the most detailed comments. I've checked that this agrees with a brute-force implementation for all arguments up to 30000. I've done extensive comparisons against alternate implementations, so I'm fairly confident that this code is correct.
from math import factorial
def take(n, r):
"""Count ways to choose r elements from a set of n without
duplicates, taking order into account"""
return factorial(n)/factorial(n - r)
def forLength(length, numDigits, numFirst):
"""Count ways to form numbers with length non-repeating digits
that take their digits from a set of numDigits possible digits,
with numFirst of these as possible choices for the first digit."""
return numFirst * take(numDigits - 1, length - 1)
def noRepeated(digits, i):
"""Given a string of digits, recursively compute the digits for a
number which is no larger than the input and has no repeated
digits. Recursion starts at i=0."""
if i == len(digits):
return True
while digits[i] in digits[:i] or not noRepeated(digits, i + 1):
digits[i] -= 1
for j in range(i + 1, len(digits)):
digits[j] = 9
if digits[i] < 0:
digits[i] = 9
return False
return True
def lastCounted(n):
"""Compute the digits of the last number that is smaller than n
and has no repeated digits."""
digits = [int(i) for i in str(n - 1)]
while not noRepeated(digits, 0):
digits = [9]*(len(digits) - 1)
while digits[0] == 0:
digits = digits[1:]
assert len(digits) == len(set(digits))
return digits
def cntSmaller(n):
if n < 2:
return 0
digits = lastCounted(n)
cnt = 1 # the one from lastCounted is guaranteed to get counted
l = len(digits)
for i in range(1, l):
# count all numbers with less digits
# first digit non-zero, rest all other digits
cnt += forLength(i, 10, 9)
firstDigits = set(range(10))
for i, d in enumerate(digits):
# count numbers which are equal to lastCounted up to position
# i but have a smaller digit at position i
firstHere = firstDigits & set(range(d)) # smaller but not duplicate
if i == 0: # this is the first digit
firstHere.discard(0) # must not start with a zero
cnt += forLength(l - i, 10 - i, len(firstHere))
return cnt
Edit: cntSmaller(9876543211) returns 8877690 which is the maximum number of numbers you can form with non-repeating digits. The fact that this is more than 10!=3628800 had me confused for a while, but this is correct: when you consider your sequences padded to length 10, then sequences of leading zeros are allowed in addition to a zero somewhere in the number. This increases the count above that of the pure permutations.

Algorithm for detecting repeating decimals?

Is there an algorithm for figuring out the following things?
If the result of a division is a repeating decimal (in binary).
If it repeats, at what digit (represented as a power of 2) does the repetition start?
What digits repeat?
Some examples:
1/2 = 1/10 = 0.1 // 1 = false, 2 = N/A, 3 = N/A, 4 = N/A
1/3 = 1/11 = 0.010101... // 1 = true, 2 = -2, 3 = 10
2/3 = 10/11 = 0.101010... // 1 = true, 2 = -1, 3 = 10
4/3 = 100/11 = 1.010101... // 1 = true, 2 = 0, 3 = 10
1/5 = 1/101 = 0.001100110011... // 1 = true, 2 = -3, 3 = 1100
Is there a way to do this? Efficiency is a big concern. A description of the algorithm would be preferred over code, but I'll take what answer I can get.
It's also worth noting that the base isn't a big deal; I can convert the algorithm over to binary (or if it's in, say base 256 to use chars for ease, I could just use that). I say this because if you're explaining it might be easier for you to explain in base 10 :).
if the divisor is not a power of 2 (in general, contains prime factors not shared with the base of representation)
repeat cycle length will be driven by the largest prime factor of the dividend (but not connected with the length of the representation of that factor -- see 1/7 in decimal), but the first cycle length may differ from the repeat unit (e.g. 11/28 = 1/4+1/7 in decimal).
the actual cycle will depend on the numerator.
I can give a hint - repeating decimals in base ten are all fraction with the denominator having at least one prime factors other than two and five. If the denominator contains no prime factors two or five, they can always be represented with a denominator of all nines. Then the nominator is the repeating part and the number of nines is the length of the repeating part.
3 _
- = 0.3
1 142857 ______
- = ------ = 0.142857
7 999999
If there are prime factors two or five in the denominator, the repeating part starts not at the first position.
17 17 ______
-- = ----- = 0.4857142
35 5 * 7
But I cannot remember how to derive the non-repeating part and its length.
This seem to translate well to base two. Only fraction with a power of two denominator are non-repeating. This can be easily checked by asserting that only a single bit in the denominator is set.
1/2 = 1/10 = 0.1
1/4 = 1/100 = 0.01
3/4 = 11/100 = 0.11
5/8 = 101/1000 = 0.101
All fraction with odd denominators should be repeating and the pattern and its length can be obtained by expressing the fraction with a denominator in the form 2^n-1.
1/3 = 1/(2^2-1) = 1/11 = 0.01
2/3 = 2/(2^2-1) = 10/11 = 0.10
4/3 => 1 + 1/3 => 1.01
10/3 => 3 + 1/3 => 11.01
1/5 = 3/15 = 3/(2^4-1) = 11/1111 = 0.0011
11/17 = 165/255 = 11/(2^8-1) = 10100101/11111111 = 0.10100101
As for base ten, I cannot tell how to handle denominators containing but not being a power of two - for example 12 = 3 * 2^2.
First of all, one of your examples is wrong. The repeating part of 1/5 is 0011 rather than 1100, and it begins at the very beginning of the fractional part.
A repeating decimal is something like:
a/b = c + d(2-n + 2-n-k + 2-n-2k + ...)
= c + 2-n * d / (1 - 2-k)
in which n and d are what you want.
For example,
1/10(dec) = 1/1010(bin) = 0.0001100110011... // 1 = true, 2 = -1, 3 = 0011
could be represented by the formula with
a = 1, b = 10(dec), c = 0, d = 0.0011(bin), n = 1, k = 4;
(1 - 2-k) = 0.1111
Therefore, 1/10 = 0.1 * 0.0011/0.1111. The key part of a repeating decimal representation is generated by dividing by (2n - 1) or its any multiple of 2. So you can either find a way to express your denominator as such (like building constant tables), or do a big number division (which is relatively slow) and find the loop. There's no quick way to do this.
Check out decimal expansion, and specifically about the period of a fraction.
You can do a long division, noting the remainders. The structure of the remainders will give you the structure of any rational decimal:
the last remainder is zero: it is a decimal without any repeating part
the first and the last remainder are equal: the decimal is repeating right after the dot
the distance between the first and the first remainder equal to the last are the non-repeating digits, the remainder is the repeating part
In general the distances will give you the amount of digits for each part.
You can see this algorithm coded in C++ in the method decompose() here.
Try 228142/62265, it has a period of 1776 digits!
To find the repeating pattern, just keep track of the values you use along the line:
1/5 = 1/101:
1 < 101 => 0
(decimal separator here)
10 < 101 => 0
100 < 101 => 0
1000 >= 101 => 1
1000 - 101 = 11
110 >= 101 => 1
110 - 101 = 1
10 -> match
As you reach the same value as you had at the second bit, the process will just repeat from that point producing the same bit pattern over and over. You have the pattern "0011" repeating from the second bit (first after decimal separator).
If you want the pattern to start with a "1", you can just rotate it until it matches that condition:
"0011" from the second bit
"0110" from the third bit
"1100" from the fourth bit
Example in C#:
void FindPattern(int n1, int n2) {
int digit = -1;
while (n1 >= n2) {
n2 <<= 1;
Dictionary<int, int> states = new Dictionary<int, int>();
bool found = false;
while (n1 > 0 || digit >= 0) {
if (digit == -1) Console.Write('.');
n1 <<= 1;
if (states.ContainsKey(n1)) {
Console.WriteLine(digit >= 0 ? new String('0', digit + 1) : String.Empty);
Console.WriteLine("Repeat from digit {0} length {1}.", states[n1], states[n1] - digit);
found = true;
states.Add(n1, digit);
if (n1 < n2) {
} else {
n1 -= n2;
if (!found) {
Console.WriteLine("No repeat.");
Called with your examples it outputs:
No repeat.
Repeat from digit -1 length 2.
Repeat from digit -1 length 2.
Repeat from digit 0 length 2.
Repeat from digit -1 length 4.
As others have noted, the answer involves a long division.
Here is a simple python function which does the job:
def longdiv(numerator,denominator):
digits = []
remainders = [0]
n = numerator
while n not in remainders: # until repeated remainder or no remainder
remainders.append(n) # add remainder to collection
digits.append(n//denominator) # add integer division to result
n = n%denominator * 10 # remainder*10 for next iteration
# Result
result = list(map(str,digits)) # convert digits to strings
result = ''.join(result) # combine list to string
if not n:
result = result[:1]+'.'+result[1:] # Insert . into string
recurring = remainders.index(n)-1 # first recurring digit
# Insert '.' and then surround recurring part in brackets:
result = result[:1]+'.'+result[1:recurring]+'['+result[recurring:]+']'
return result;
print(longdiv(31,8)) # 3.875
print(longdiv(2,13)) # 0.[153846]
print(longdiv(13,14)) # 0.9[285714]
It’s heavily commented, so it shouldn’t be too hard to write in other languages, such as JavaScript.
The most important parts, as regards recurring decimals are:
keep a collection of remainders; the first remainder of 0 is added as a convenience for the next step
divide, noting the integer quotient and the remainder
if the new remainder is 0 you have a terminating decimal
if the new remainder is already in the collection, you have a recurring decimal
repeat, adlib and fade etc
The rest of the function is there to format the results.
