how to convert -> into clauses in prolog - prolog

So I am working on a practice problem, where I need to find the number of cells with opening right, up , down and left. I have a working solution but I want to change it into clauses. I don't want to to use -> to define if and else. how can I fix the code below without the affecting the solution.
Here is the code:
stats(U,D,L,R) :- maze(Size,_,_,_,_),
findall(R, genXY(Size,R), Out),
statsHelp(Out,U, L, R, D).
statsHelp([[X|[Y]]|Tl],U, L, R, D) :- cell(X,Y,Dirs,Wt),
(contains1(u,Dirs) -> U1 is 1; U1 is 0), % how do i remove -> and separate them into clauses?
(contains1(d,Dirs) -> D1 is 1; D1 is 0),
(contains1(l,Dirs) -> L1 is 1; L1 is 0),
(contains1(r,Dirs) -> R1 is 1; R1 is 0),
statsHelp(Tl,U2, L2, R2, D2),
U is U1 + U2,
D is D1 + D2,
R is R1 + R2,
L is L1 + L2.

Note that your contains1/2 predicate is just the standard member/2, which you could use instead.
As for a version that always succeeds and produces an extra 0 or 1, I think you have to use a cut or negation to achieve that. Here is one with negation:
member_reified(X, Xs, Result) :-
member(X, Xs),
Result = 1.
member_reified(X, Xs, Result) :-
\+ member(X, Xs),
Result = 0.
You could of course also just move your use of -> into your definition of member_reified/3. Different implementations can give different trade-offs on backtracking; this one may succeed several times:
?- member_reified(x, [a, b, c], Result).
Result = 0.
?- member_reified(a, [a, b, c], Result).
Result = 1 ;
?- member_reified(a, [a, b, c, a], Result).
Result = 1 ;
Result = 1 ;


Intersection of two lists with duplicate elements

I am working on defining an intersection predicate, that takes in two lists, allowing duplicated elements. This is what I have so far.
intersection([], _, []).
intersection([H1|T1], L2, [H1|R]) :- m_member(H1, L2), intersection(T1, L2, R).
intersection([_|T1], L2, R) :- intersection(T1, L2, R).
However, in the case of the follows:
intersection([a,b,b,a],[c,b,b,c,e,f], S).
The predicate-call returns [b, b]. I would like to return [b] instead. Any pointers?
A possible solution to obtain the intersection D of [X|A] and B is:
Suppose, as induction hypothesis, that the intersection of A and B is C (without repetition).
if X is member of C or X is not member of B, then D is equal to C;
otherwise, D is equal to [X|C].
% inter(++Set1, ++Set2, -Set3)
inter([], _, []).
inter([X|A], B, D) :-
inter(A, B, C),
( ( memberchk(X, C)
; \+ memberchk(X, B) )
-> D = C
; D = [X|C] ).
?- inter([a,b,b,a], [c,b,b,c,e,f], S).
S = [b].

How to shuffle lists in Prolog while preserving inner order

I'm trying to print out all possible shuffled variants of two lists in one list while preserving the order.
I need to write a predicate shuffle(L1, L2, L3) which shuffles L1 and L2 and puts the result into L3 while preserving the inner order of L1 and L2.
For example :
?- shuffle([a,b],[1,2],L).
L = [a,b,1,2] ;
L = [a,1,b,2] ;
L = [a,1,2,b] ;
L = [1,a,b,2] ;
L = [1,a,2,b] ;
L = [1,2,a,b]
What I have so far :
shuffle([X|Xs],[Y|Ys],[X,Y|Tail]) :-
shuffle([X|Xs],[Y|Ys],[Y,X|Tail]) :-
This results in :
| ?- shuffle([a,b],[1,2],L).
L = [a,1,b,2] ? ;
L = [a,1,2,b] ? ;
L = [1,a,b,2] ? ;
L = [1,a,2,b]
So I'm missing the cases of "simple append" of L1+L2 and L2+L1...
What is my predicate missing?
We can use dcg for its ease of writing:
shuffle([A|B],[C|D]) --> [A] , shuffle(B,[C|D]).
shuffle([A|B],[C|D]) --> [C] , shuffle([A|B],D).
shuffle(A,[]) --> A.
shuffle([],C) --> C.
shuffle( A, B, C) :- phrase( shuffle(A,B), C).
We either take first card from one non-empty deck or the other, but if one of them is empty we must use all the remaining cards in the non-empty deck at once.
Unfortunately this leaves one extra choice point at the end:
5 ?- shuffle([a,b],[1,2],C).
C = [a, b, 1, 2] ;
C = [a, 1, b, 2] ;
C = [a, 1, 2, b] ;
C = [1, a, b, 2] ;
C = [1, a, 2, b] ;
C = [1, 2, a, b] ;
As for your approach the problem with it was that you tried to take care of two cards at once, and it got complicated. Going by smallest steps can be the easiest.
Here's how you can shuffle two lists while preserving the relative item order.
shuffle([], Xs, Xs).
shuffle([X|Xs], Ys, Zs) :-
shuffle_(Ys, X, Xs, Zs). % use auxiliary predicate shuffle_/4
shuffle_([], X, Xs, [X|Xs]). % do indexing on both lists
shuffle_([Y|Ys], X, Xs, [X|Zs]) :-
shuffle_(Xs, Y, Ys, Zs).
shuffle_([Y|Ys], X, Xs, [Y|Zs]) :-
shuffle_(Ys, X, Xs, Zs).
Sample query using SWI-Prolog:
?- shuffle([a,b], [1,2], Xs).
Xs = [a,1,b,2]
; Xs = [a,1,2,b]
; Xs = [a,b,1,2]
; Xs = [1,a,2,b]
; Xs = [1,a,b,2]
; Xs = [1,2,a,b]. % no useless choice point at the end
#repeat's answer is more elegant and efficient, but, as an alternative:
The unwanted choice-point can be removed using a reusable empty_list_first predicate:
shuffle([A|B], [C|D]) --> [A],
shuffle(B, [C|D]).
shuffle([A|B], [C|D]) --> [C],
{ empty_list_first([A|B], D, A1, D1) },
shuffle(A1, D1).
% Rewritten to prevent needing
%shuffle([], C) --> remainder(C).
shuffle([], C, C, []).
shuffle(A, B, C) :-
empty_list_first(A, B, A1, B1),
phrase(shuffle(A1, B1), C).
empty_list_first([], L2, [], L2).
empty_list_first([H|T], L2, EL1, EL2) :-
empty_list_first_(L2, [H|T], EL1, EL2).
empty_list_first_([], L1, [], L1).
% If neither are empty, keep original order
empty_list_first_([H|T], L1, L1, [H|T]).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- shuffle([a,b], [1,2], C).
C = [a,b,1,2] ;
C = [a,1,b,2] ;
C = [a,1,2,b] ;
C = [1,a,b,2] ;
C = [1,a,2,b] ;
C = [1,2,a,b].
My answer is posted long time after original question but hoping this might prove useful to someone some day. I've taken a different approach to this, might be on the longer side but it works... :)
Since one of the requirements at the class I'm taking to not exceed material learned, some items such as delete and concatenate have been created here as well.
is_in_order(Sublist1, Sublist2, Superlist) :-
remove_elements(Superlist, Sublist1, SuperSubList),
list_equal(Sublist2, SuperSubList).
list_equal([], []).
list_equal([X|Xs],[X|Ys]) :-
list_equal(Xs, Ys).
% Remove L1 from L2 and return the resulting list
remove_elements(L, [H|T], R) :-
delete(L, H, R1),
remove_elements(R1, T, R).
remove_elements(L, [], L).
/*Shuffle first creates a concatenated list from both L1 & L2
* It then create permutation for all possible combinations of L1 & L2
* Once done, it scrubs the new lists to filter out the ones that do not
* maintain the original order of L1 & L2
* The result is only the permutations that fullfills the order condition
permutation(L3, L),
is_in_order(L1, L2, L),
is_in_order(L2, L1, L).

Tail-recursive program in prolog which outputs odd numbers in a list

I've written a tail-recursive predicate in Prolog which outputs the integers between A and B in a list K. I've used "reverse" to bring the numbers into the right order:
numbers(A,B,K) :- numbers(A,B,[],K).
numbers(Y,Y,X,K) :- !, reverse([Y|X],K).
numbers(A,B,X,K) :- A<B, C is A+1, numbers(C,B,[A|X],K).
?- numbers(3,6, K).
All works fine. What I now want to do is that I only want to have odd numbers of the range between A and B in the list K. How can I do that? Thanks in advance!
Firstly, I would try to avoid using reverse/2. If you have such a solution, it's often an indicator that there's a better way to get the answer forwards more directly. Not always, but most often. reverse/2 is probably the 2nd favorite band-aid in Prolog right behind use of the cut. :)
In many problems, an auxiliary accumulator is needed. In this particular case, it is not. Also, I would tend to use CLP(FD) operations when involving integers since it's the more relational approach to reasoning over integers. But you can use the solution below with is/2, etc, if you wish. It just won't be as general.
numbers(S, E, []) :- S #> E. % null case
numbers(X, X, [X]).
numbers(S, E, [S|T]) :-
S #< E,
S1 #= S + 1,
numbers(S1, E, T).
| ?- numbers(3, 8, L).
L = [3,4,5,6,7,8] ? ;
| ?- numbers(A, B, [2,3,4,5]).
A = 2
B = 5 ? ;
| ?-
This solution avoids reverse/2 and is tail recursive.
To update it for odd integers, the first thought is that we can easily modify the above to do every other number by just adding 2 instead of 1:
every_other_number(S, E, []) :- S #> E.
every_other_number(X, X, [X]).
every_other_number(S, E, [S|T]) :-
S #< E,
S1 #= S + 2,
every_other_number(S1, E, T).
| ?- every_other_number(3, 7, L).
L = [3,5,7] ? ;
| ?- every_other_number(3, 8, L).
L = [3,5,7] ? ;
| ?- every_other_number(4, 8, L).
L = [4,6,8] ? ;
| ?-
Then we can do odd numbers by creating an initial predicate to ensure the condition that the first value is odd and calling every_other_number/3:
odd_numbers(S, E, L) :-
S rem 2 #= 1,
every_other_number(S, E, L).
odd_numbers(S, E, L) :-
S rem 2 #= 0,
S1 #= S + 1,
every_other_number(S1, E, L).
| ?- odd_numbers(2, 8, L).
L = [3,5,7] ? ;
| ?- odd_numbers(2, 9, L).
L = [3,5,7,9] ? ;
| ?- odd_numbers(3, 8, L).
L = [3,5,7] ? ;
| ?-
This could be a solution, using mod/2 operator.
numbers(A,B,K) :-
B1 is B+1,
numbers(Y,Y1,X,K) :-
Y = Y1,
numbers(A,B,X,K) :-
C is A+1,
C1 is mod(C,2),
(C1 = 0 ->
; numbers(C,B,X,K)).
Another possibility is to use DCG :
numbers(A,B,K) :-
phrase(odd(A,B), K).
odd(A,B) --> {A > B, !}, [].
odd(A,B) --> {A mod2 =:= 0, !, C is A+1}, odd(C,B).
odd(A,B) --> {C is A+2}, [A], odd(C, B).

Prolog Out of stack error

I'm working on Problem 26 from 99 Prolog Problems:
P26 (**) Generate the combinations of K distinct objects chosen from
the N elements of a list
?- combination(3,[a,b,c,d,e,f],L).
L = [a,b,c] ;
L = [a,b,d] ;
L = [a,b,e] ;
So my program is:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
combination(0, _, []).
combination(Tot, List, [H|T]) :-
length(List, Length), Tot in 1..Length,
append(Prefix, [H], Stem),
append(Stem, Suffix, List),
append(Prefix, Suffix, SubList),
SubTot #= Tot-1,
combination(SubTot, SubList, T).
My query result starts fine but then returns a Global out of stack error:
?- combination(3,[a,b,c,d,e,f],L).
L = [a, b, c] ;
L = [a, b, d] ;
L = [a, b, e] ;
L = [a, b, f] ;
Out of global stack
I can't understand why it works at first, but then hangs until it gives Out of global stack error. Happens on both SWISH and swi-prolog in the terminal.
if you try to input, at the console prompt, this line of your code, and ask for backtracking:
?- append(Prefix, [H], Stem).
Prefix = [],
Stem = [H] ;
Prefix = [_6442],
Stem = [_6442, H] ;
Prefix = [_6442, _6454],
Stem = [_6442, _6454, H] ;
maybe you have a clue about the (main) problem. All 3 vars are free, then Prolog keeps on generating longer and longer lists on backtracking. As Boris already suggested, you should keep your program far simpler... for instance
combination(0, _, []).
combination(Tot, List, [H|T]) :-
Tot #> 0,
select(H, List, SubList),
SubTot #= Tot-1,
combination(SubTot, SubList, T).
that yields
?- aggregate(count,L^combination(3,[a,b,c,d,e],L),N).
N = 60.
IMHO, library(clpfd) isn't going to make your life simpler while you're moving your first steps into Prolog. Modelling and debugging plain Prolog is already difficult with the basic constructs available, and CLP(FD) is an advanced feature...
I can't understand why it works at first, but then hangs until it gives Out of global stack error.
The answers Prolog produces for a specific query are shown incrementally. That is, the actual answers are produced lazily on demand. First, there were some answers you expected, then a loop was encountered. To be sure that a query terminates completely you have to go through all of them, hitting SPACE/or ; all the time. But there is a simpler way:
Simply add false at the end of your query. Now, all the answers are suppressed:
?- combination(3,[a,b,c,d,e,f],L), false.
ERROR: Out of global stack
By adding further false goals into your program, you can localize the actual culprit. See below all my attempts: I started with the first attempt, and then added further false until I found a terminating fragment (failure-slice).
combination(0, _, []) :- false. % 1st
combination(Tot, List, [H|T]) :-
length(List, Length), Tot in 1..Length, % 4th terminating
append(Prefix, [H], Stem), false, % 3rd loops
append(Stem, Suffix, List), false, % 2nd loops
append(Prefix, Suffix, SubList),
SubTot #= Tot-1, false, % 1st loops
combination(SubTot, SubList, T).
To remove the problem with non-termination you have to modify something in the remaining visible part. Evidently, both Prefix and Stem occur here for the first time.
The use of library(clpfd) in this case is very suspicious. After length(List, Length), Length is definitely bound to a non-negative integer, so why the constraint? And your Tot in 1..Length is weird, too, since you keep on making a new constrained variable in every step of the recursion, and you try to unify it with 0. I am not sure I understand your logic overall :-(
If I understand what the exercise is asking for, I would suggest the following somewhat simpler approach. First, make sure your K is not larger than the total number of elements. Then, just pick one element at a time until you have enough. It could go something like this:
k_comb(K, L, C) :-
length(L, N),
length(C, K),
K =< N,
k_comb_1(C, L).
k_comb_1([], _).
k_comb_1([X|Xs], L) :-
select(X, L, L0),
k_comb_1(Xs, L0).
The important message here is that it is the list itself that defines the recursion, and you really don't need a counter, let alone one with constraints on it.
select/3 is a textbook predicate, I guess you should find it in standard libraries too; anyway, see here for an implementation.
This does the following:
?- k_comb(2, [a,b,c], C).
C = [a, b] ;
C = [a, c] ;
C = [b, a] ;
C = [b, c] ;
C = [c, a] ;
C = [c, b] ;
And with your example:
?- k_comb(3, [a,b,c,d,e,f], C).
C = [a, b, c] ;
C = [a, b, d] ;
C = [a, b, e] ;
C = [a, b, f] ;
C = [a, c, b] ;
C = [a, c, d] ;
C = [a, c, e] ;
C = [a, c, f] ;
C = [a, d, b] ;
C = [a, d, c] ;
C = [a, d, e] ;
C = [a, d, f] ;
C = [a, e, b] ;
C = [a, e, c] . % and so on
Note that this does not check that the elements of the list in the second argument are indeed unique; it just takes elements from distinct positions.
This solution still has problems with termination but I don't know if this is relevant for you.

prolog predicates - swap

I have an exam in Prolog today and am revising for it using old questions.
Would answer c be the incorrect answer? Can anyone please explain this to me? It would be very helpful. Thank you,
Consider the following predicate:
swap([], []).
swap([X1, X2 | L], [X2, X1 | S]) :- swap(L, S).
Which of the following query and answer pairs is incorrect:
(a) ?- swap([a,b,c,d], S).
S = [b, a, d, c].
(b) ?- swap([a,b,d], H).
(c) ?- swap([a,a,b,b], S).
S = [b, b, a, a].
(d) ?- swap([], S).
S = [].
(c) is indeed the incorrect answer. Item (c) has the following query:
swap([a,a,b,b], S).
If you run this query manually, it clearly doesn't match the clause swap([], []). It then does match the second clause: swap([X1,X2|L], [X2,X1|S]) :-....
swap([a, a, b, b], S).
swap([X1, X2 | L], [X2, X1 | S]) :- swap(L, S).
==> X1 = a, X2 = a, L = [b, b]
==> swap([a, a| [b,b]], [a, a | S]) :- swap([b, b], S).
Prolog can instantiate the first argument [X1,X2|L] with the given list, [a,a,b,b]. That, then, means X1 = a, X2 = a, and the rest of the list, L = [b,b]. Already from this information, you know that the list [X2,X1|S] is [a,a|S] but the answer shown by (c) is [b,b,a,a]. You don't even need to find out what S because since you know alrady that [a,a|S] isn't going to match [b,b,a,a].
