Spring Security Ant Matchers for home root / - spring boot 1.4.2 release version - spring

I have a requirement to display custom based login form(/auth/login.html) through spring security when user hits http://localhost:8080. If user login successfully with admin role, redirect the user to /admin/adminsuccess.html. Once admin user redirected to /adminsuccess.html, I need to permit admin user to access other pages e.g. (/admin/assetallocate.html,/admin/assetdeallocate.html..)If user not logging in with admin role, show the same login page with errors..
Below are my code:
public class AssetWebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
<form name="loginform" th:action="#{/login}" method="post" class="form-signin">
Above code whatever i written not working as expected. It could be the issue with ant matches pattern. Please guide.
When i hit "http://localhost:8080", custom login page is displaying now. But when i enter correct credentials, it's not re-directing to view name '/admin/auth-success.html' based on AssetWebConfig.java configuration. Below is the current response if i enter correct credentials.
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Wed Nov 23 11:42:59 IST 2016
There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404).
No message available

Yes. Issue is with your ant matchers.
As per my understanding, when you say anyRequest.permitAll , it doesn't comply with antMatchers("/admin/*").access("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')")
because you're telling web security to allow every request to go through without authorization.
Change as below,
https://github.com/satya-j/rab/blob/master/src/main/java/com/satya/rab/config/WebSecurityConfig.java - refer to this, its my repo where I had earlier tried out with spring security.
Here is an update
You can use a authentication provider of your choice to set roles based on the user.
public class CustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication auth) throws AuthenticationException {
String username = auth.getName();
String password = auth.getCredentials().toString();
if(username.equals("user") && password.equals("user")) {
List<GrantedAuthority> grantedAuths = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
grantedAuths.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER"));
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password, grantedAuths);
} else if(username.equals("admin") && password.equals("admin")) {
List<GrantedAuthority> grantedAuths = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
grantedAuths.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_ADMIN"));
grantedAuths.add(new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_USER"));
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password, grantedAuths);
} else {
throw new CustomException("Unable to auth against third party systems");
public boolean supports(Class<?> auth) {
return auth.equals(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class);
I've used a Custom authentication. As I'm playing with spring security I didn't go for any database configuration. You can implement it in your own way. The above validates auth credentials and sets role(authorities). As admin can be able to view user modules as well(most cases, at least that's my conception), I've attached authorities user& admin when admin logs in. In simple words,
1. When a user log in he'll be able access every /** , but not /admin/**
2. When a admin log in he'll be able access every /** and /admin/**
I've tested the scenarios, and the entire code you can go though here - https://github.com/satya-j/rab


How do I redirect to a specific uri after Google oauth using Spring Boot

I'm implementing a server using Spring Boot. After the user do an oauth login, I want the user to go redirect to a specific uri so I can let the user register or login. The Google OAuth login seems like it is working fine but it keeps going to "/" uri. I want to user to be redirected to "/api/v1/member/oauth"
This is my Spring Security setup.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/swagger-ui/**", "/swagger-resources/**", "/v2/api-docs")
This is the OAuth service that a user is directed to. (This works fine)
public class CustomOAuth2MemberService implements OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User> {
public OAuth2User loadUser(OAuth2UserRequest userRequest) {
OAuth2UserService<OAuth2UserRequest, OAuth2User> delegate = new DefaultOAuth2UserService();
OAuth2User oAuth2User;
try {
oAuth2User = delegate.loadUser(userRequest);
} catch (OAuth2AuthenticationException e) {
throw new CustomException(OAUTH_FAIL);
return new DefaultOAuth2User(oAuth2User.getAuthorities(), oAuth2User.getAttributes(), "sub");
I want to get the DefaultOAuth2User which is returned from the above to this uri.
public Object registerOrLogin(DefaultOAuth2User defaultOAuth2user) {
return ResponseEntity.status(200)
It currently is not going to this uri and is redirected to "/".
NEW: I redirected it by having .defaultSuccessUrl() but now the DefaultOAuth2User is not sent with the redirection, causing the parameter of redirected api to be null. How do I fix this problem?
Try to use
this should override post-authentication behavior and redirect to the desired page after successful login. Also, there is a similar method for setting redirection URL for failed authentication .failureUrl("url").
Spring-Security AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter class has successfulAuthentication() methos, which defines what happens when a User is successfully authenticated. You can register your success handler and put your redirect logic there.
But here is a catch, when using OAuth2.0, we need to specify redirect-uri to which user will be landed after client receives an access-token.
If you are okay with this Oauth's redirect-uri, do not alter the redirect in success handler or if you need to redirect irrespective of that, use response.sendRedirect("/social-login-sample/some-page");
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/swagger-ui/**", "/swagger-resources/**", "/v2/api-docs")
new AuthenticationSuccessHandler() {
public void onAuthenticationSuccess(
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Authentication authentication)
throws IOException, ServletException {
// authentication.getName() : Principal Name
CustomOAuth2User oauthUser = (CustomOAuth2User) authentication.getPrincipal();
// Check if user is registered in your Database, if not, register new user
// Get actual redirect-uri set in OAuth-Provider(Google, Facebook)
String redirectUri =
log.info("redirectUri: {}", redirectUri);
// Ignore redirect-uri, and send user to a different page instead...
// response.sendRedirect("/social-login-sample/some-ther-page");

SAML with Spring security anonymousUser

We have to implement SSO using SAML in SpringBoot. I have achieved to redirect the user to the identity provider login page and make the login. The problem is that after the login, when I try to get the user info with SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication() I get anonymousUser, and not the logged user data.
Here is my SecurityConfig
protected void configure(final HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
And the implementation of SAMLUserDetailService
public class SamlUserServiceImpl implements SAMLUserDetailsService {
public Object loadUserBySAML(SAMLCredential credential) {
String userID = credential.getNameID().getValue();
GrantedAuthority userAuthority = new SimpleGrantedAuthority("ROLE_GESTOR");
return new User(userID, "DUMMY", Collections.singletonList(userAuthority));
I have debugged the code and in the SAMLUserDetailsService implementation I receive the user data after logging.
Also, is there a way to indicate the redirection url when the user has logged? Now it redirects to same url.
Thanks in advance

How to scale horizontally a spring-boot oauth2 server with JDBC implementation

I have a spring boot oauth2 server that uses a JDBC implementation. It is configured as an authorization server with #EnableAuthorizationServer.
I'd like to scale that application horyzontally but it doesn't seem to work properly.
I can connect only if I have one instance (pods) of the server.
I use autorisation_code_client grant from another client service to get the token.
So first the client service redirect the user to the oauth2 server form, then once the user is authenticated he is supposed to be redirect to the client-service with a code attached to the url, finally the client use that code to request the oauth2 server again and obtain the token.
Here the user is not redirected at all if I have several instance of the oauth2-server. With one instance it works well.
When I check the log of the two instances in real time, I can see that the authentication works on one of them. I don't have any specific error the user is just not redirected.
Is there a way to configure the oauth2-server to be stateless or other way to fix that issue ?
Here is my configuration, the AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter implementation.
public class AuthorizationServerConfiguration extends AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter {
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
public DataSource oauthDataSource() {
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;
public JdbcClientDetailsService clientDetailsSrv() {
return new JdbcClientDetailsService(oauthDataSource());
public TokenStore tokenStore() {
return new JdbcTokenStore(oauthDataSource());
public ApprovalStore approvalStore() {
return new JdbcApprovalStore(oauthDataSource());
public AuthorizationCodeServices authorizationCodeServices() {
return new JdbcAuthorizationCodeServices(oauthDataSource());
public TokenEnhancer tokenEnhancer() {
return new CustomTokenEnhancer();
public AuthorizationServerTokenServices tokenServices() {
DefaultTokenServices tokenServices = new DefaultTokenServices();
return tokenServices;
public void configure(ClientDetailsServiceConfigurer clients) throws Exception {
public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer) {
public void configure(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) {
The main class
public class AuthorizationServerApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(AuthorizationServerApplication.class, args);
The Web Security Configuration
public class WebSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public UserDetailsService userDetailsServiceBean() throws Exception {
return new JdbcUserDetails();
public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
return super.authenticationManagerBean();
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { // #formatter:off
.authorizeRequests()//autorise les requetes
} // #formatter:on
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
Client side the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
public class UiSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.addFilterAfter(csrfHeaderFilter(), SessionManagementFilter.class);
the oauth2 configuration properties
oauth2-server is the service name (load balancer) on kubernetes and also the server path that is why it appears twice.
clientId: **********
clientSecret: *******
accessTokenUri: https://oauth2-server/oauth2-server/oauth/token
userAuthorizationUri: https://oauth2.mydomain.com/oauth2-server/oauth/authorize
userInfoUri: https://oauth2-server/oauth2-server/me
Here an important detail, the value of userAuthorizationUri is the address to access the oauth2-server from the outside of the k8s cluster. The client-service send back that address into the response with a 302 http code if the user is not connected and tries to access to the /login path of the client-service. then the user is redirected to the /login path of the oauth2-server.
https://oauth2.mydomain.com target an Nginx Ingress controller that handle the redirection to the load balancer service.
Here is a solution to this problem. It's not a Spring issue at all but a bad configuration of the Nginx Ingress controller.
The authentication process is done in several stages :
1 - the user clic on a login button that target the /login path of the client-server
2 - the client-server, if the user is not authenticated yet, send a response to the
browser with a 302 http code to redirect the user to the oauth2-server, the value of
the redirection is composed with the value of the
security.oauth2.client.userAuthorizationUri property
and the redirection url that will be used by the browser to allow the client-server to get the Token once the user is authenticated.
That url look like this :
3 - the user is redirected to the previous url
4 - the oauth2-server send a 302 http code to the browser with the login url of the
oauth2-server, h*tps://oauth2.mydomain.com/oauth2-server/login
5 - the user submit his credentials and the token is created if they are correct.
6 - the user is redirected to the same address as at the step two, and the oauth-server
add informations to the redirect_uri value
7 - the user is redirected to the client-server. The redirection part of the response look like this :
location: h*tps://www.mydomain.com/login?code=gnpZ0r&state=bSWtGx
8 - the client-server contact the oauth2-server and obtain the token from the code and the state that authenticates it. It doesn't matter if the instance of the oauth2
server is different than the one used by the user to authenticate himself. Here the
client-server use the value of security.oauth2.client.accessTokenUri to get the
token, this is the internal load balancing service address that targets the oauth2 server
pods, so it doesn't pass through any Ingress controller.
So at the steps 3 to 6 the user must communicate with the same instance of the oauth2-server throught the Ingress controller in front of the load balancer service.
Its is possible by configuring the Nginx Ingress controller with a few annotations :
"annotations": {
"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/affinity": "cookie",
"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-expires": "172800",
"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-max-age": "172800",
"nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-name": "route"
That way we ensure that the user will be redirected to the same pods/instance of the oauth2-server during the authentication process as long he's identified with the same cookie.
The affinity session mecanism is a great way to scale the authentication server and also the client-server. Once the user is authenticated he will always use the same instance of the client and keep his session informations.
Thanks to Christian Altamirano Ayala for his help.
By default an in-memory TokenStore is used.
The default InMemoryTokenStore is perfectly fine for a single server
If you want multiple pods, you probably should go for JdbcTokenStore
The JdbcTokenStore is the JDBC version of the same thing, which stores token data in a relational database. Use the JDBC version if you can share a database between servers, either scaled up instances of the same server if there is only one, or the Authorization and Resources Servers if there are multiple components. To use the JdbcTokenStore you need "spring-jdbc" on the classpath.
Source Spring Security: OAuth 2 Developers Guide

Spring Boot 2 Security downloading font file upon login

I've setup a spring boot 2 application with a login form, however, when you login, instead of redirecting to /admin like it's supposed to, it downloads a font file referenced by the stylesheet via an #import.
Here is my security setup;
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
UserService userService;
public PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder() {
return PasswordEncoderFactories.createDelegatingPasswordEncoder();
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// These pages don't require the user to be logged in
.antMatchers("/", "/login", "/logout", "/report/**").permitAll()
// When the user has logged in as XX.
// But access a page that requires role YY,
// AccessDeniedException will be thrown.
// Config for Login Form
// Submit URL of login page.
.loginProcessingUrl("/j_spring_security_check") // Submit URL
// Config for Logout Page
Where am I going wrong? From what I can see, I'm enabling access to Spring resources that are stored in the static folder.
I figured this one out, I read the code that allows access to resources and noticed it said 'atCommonLocations', and guess this adds access to folders such as css, js, img, images etc. I had fonts in a folder labelled webfonts, so I updated my security configuration;
.antMatchers("/", "/login", "/logout", "/report/**", "/webfonts/**").permitAll()

How to redirect UsernameNotFoundException from PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider when using multiple AuthenticationProviders?

Using Spring Security 4.02, can anyone help with some tips on how I can handle UsernameNotFoundException from PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider when using multiple AuthenticationProviders so that authenticated requests, with the correct header, but which are unauthorized, are sent to a specific URL instead of the forms-login page?
Let me explain further what I'm trying to accomplish for accessing a web app being secured by SSO behind a proxy. Not all users who are authenticated by SSO will have access to this app. So I need to account for 3 access scenarios:
authenticated user (header is present) is authorized (username/roles are present in app's db)
authenticated user (header is present) is unauthorized (username/roles are not present in app's db)
unauthenticated user with username/roles present in app's db
The actions when accessing the website should be:
authenticated/authorized user proceeds directly to target URL
authenticated/unauthorized user is redirected to error/info page
unauthenticated user is redirected to forms-login page for authentication
With my current configuration, scenarios 1 & 3 appear to be working as desired. For scenario 2 I've tried setting RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter#setExceptionIfHeaderMissing to both true and false.
If setExceptionIfHeaderMissing=false, authenticated/unauthorized request is handled by ExceptionTranslationFilter where AccessDeniedException is thrown and user is redirected to forms-login page.
If setExceptionIfHeaderMissing=true, authenticated/unauthorized request encounters PreAuthenticatedCredentialsNotFoundException from AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter.doAuthenticate and HTTP 500 is returned.
So I've read and reread the Spring Security reference and api documents and scoured the web and just can't quite figure out what I need to do. I think I somehow need to enable some kind of filter or handler to trap the PreAuthenticatedCredentialsNotFoundException with a redirected response. But I can't seem to wrap my head around how to implement that with all the spring tools available. Can someone please offer some specifics? Many thanks in advance!!
Here is my configuration:
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private static final String AUTHENTICATION_HEADER_NAME = "PKE_SUBJECT";
CustomUserDetailsServiceImpl customUserDetailsServiceImpl;
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
.withUser("admin").password("password").roles("USER", "ADMIN");
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/javax.faces.resource/**", "/resources/**", "/templates/**", "/public/**").permitAll()
#Bean PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider preAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider() throws Exception {
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider provider = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationProvider();
return provider;
public RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter requestHeaderAuthenticationFilter() throws Exception {
RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter filter = new RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter();
return filter;
public UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper<PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken>
userDetailsServiceWrapper() throws Exception {
UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper<PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken> wrapper
= new UserDetailsByNameServiceWrapper<PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken>();
return wrapper;
My customized UserDetailsService:
public class CustomUserDetailsServiceImpl implements UserDetailsService {
UserRepo userRepo;
public UserDetails loadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException {
UserDetailDO userDetail = userRepo.getUserDetailById(username);
if(userDetail == null) {
throw new UsernameNotFoundException("user is not authorized for this application");
List<UserRoleDO> roles = userRepo.getRolesByUsername(username);
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities = new ArrayList<GrantedAuthority>();
if(CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(roles)) {
for(UserRoleDO role : roles) {
SimpleGrantedAuthority authority = new SimpleGrantedAuthority(role.getRole());
UserDetails user = new User(username, "N/A", authorities);
return user;
I realized that I did not need to handle the exception. What I did was to shift my thinking on this. I realized that even if the username was not found by the customUserDetailsService, the request was still an authenticated request since the request is trusted to be authenticated by the SSO and the proxy server.
So instead of returning a UsernameNotFoundException I returned the org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.User with an empty Authorities collection. And because the RequestHeaderAuthenticationFilter.setExceptionIfHeaderMissing = false by default, no exception is thrown and then the authenticated request is passed to the access filter where it is determined that the request has no authorization to access any resources. So instead of redirecting to the next authentication filter which would be the forms login provider, a 403 Access Denied http status is returned which I can then override to redirect to a user-friendly error page.
