how to select a field with a dinstinct with elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I want to do something like this :
I tried :
"fields" : ["category"],
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"by_category": {
"terms": {
"field": "category"
but don't work.
In my java code, i do
ElasticSearchInstance instance = ElasticSearchInstance.getInstance();
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("{\"fields\" : [\"category\"],"
+ "\"size\":0,\"aggs\":{ "
+ " \"by_category\": { "
+ " \"terms\": { "
+ " \"field\": \"category\",\"size\":0 "
+ " } } } "
+ "}");
SearchResult searchResult = instance.execute("String", stringBuilder.toString());
And my searchResult is :
My result should be "Blues" and "Other".
Any ideas ?

This could help you
SearchRequestBuilder srb = ClientInstance.getInstance().getClient().prepareSearch();

Finally, I found it.
My query is :
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"category": {
"terms": {
"field": "category"
In my java code, I use :
Search.Builder searchBuilder = new Search.Builder(stringBuilder.toString());
SearchResult searchResult = instance.execute(searchBuilder);
List<Entry> res = searchResult.getAggregations().getTermsAggregation("category").getBuckets();
I loop on my list to get the key !!


Elasticsearch merging documents in response

I am having data in 3 indexes. I want to generate a invoice report using information from other indexes. For example the following are the sample document of each index
Users index
"_id": "userId1",
"name": "John"
Invoice index
"_id": "invoiceId1",
"userId": "userId1",
"cost": "10000",
"startdate": "",
"enddate": ""
Orders index
"_id": "orderId1",
"userId": "userId1",
"productName": "Mobile"
I want to generate a invoice report by combining information from these three indexes as follows
"_id": "invoiceId1",
"userName": "John",
"productName": "Mobile",
"cost": "10000",
"startdate": "",
"enddate": ""
How to write Elasticsearch query which returns response by combining information from other index documents?
You cannot do query-time joins in Elasticsearch and will need to denormalize your data in order to efficiently retrieve and group it.
Having said that, you could:
leverage the multi-target syntax and query multiple indices at once
use an OR query on the id and userId -- since either of those is referenced at least once in any of your docs
and then trivially join your data through a map/reduce tool called scripted metric aggregations
Quick side note: you won't be able to use the _id keyword inside your docs because it's reserved.
Assuming your docs and indices are structured as follows:
POST users_index/_doc
POST invoices_index/_doc
POST orders_index/_doc
Here's how the scripted metric aggregation could look like:
POST users_index,invoices_index,orders_index/_search
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"term": {
"id.keyword": {
"value": "userId1"
"term": {
"userId.keyword": {
"value": "userId1"
"aggs": {
"group_by_invoiceId": {
"scripted_metric": {
"init_script": "state.users = []; state.invoices = []; state.orders = []",
"map_script": """
def source = params._source;
if (source.containsKey("name")) {
// we're dealing with the users index
} else if (source.containsKey("cost")) {
// we're dealing with the invoices index
} else if (source.containsKey("productName")) {
// we're dealing with the orders index
"combine_script": """
def non_empty_state = [:];
for (entry in state.entrySet()) {
if (entry != null && entry.getValue().length > 0) {
non_empty_state[entry.getKey()] = entry.getValue();
return non_empty_state;
"reduce_script": """
def final_invoices = [];
def all_users = [];
def all_invoices = [];
def all_orders = [];
// flatten all resources
for (state in states) {
for (kind_entry in state.entrySet()) {
def map_kind = kind_entry.getKey();
if (map_kind == "users") {
} else if (map_kind == "invoices") {
} else if (map_kind == "orders") {
// iterate the invoices and enrich them
for (invoice_entry in all_invoices) {
def invoiceId =;
def userId = invoice_entry.userId;
def userName = -> == userId).findFirst().get().name;
def productName = -> o.userId == userId).findFirst().get().productName;
def cost = invoice_entry.cost;
def startdate = invoice_entry.startdate;
def enddate = invoice_entry.enddate;
'id': invoiceId,
'userName': userName,
'productName': productName,
'cost': cost,
'startdate': startdate,
'enddate': enddate
return final_invoices;
which'd return
"aggregations" : {
"group_by_invoiceId" : {
"value" : [
"cost" : "10000",
"enddate" : "",
"id" : "invoiceId1",
"userName" : "John",
"startdate" : "",
"productName" : "Mobile"
Summing up, there are workarounds to achieve query-time joins. At the same time, scripts like this shouldn't be used in production because they could take forever.
Instead, this aggregation should be emulated outside of Elasticsearch after the query resolves and returns the index-specific hits.
BTW — I set size: 0 to return just the aggregation results so increase this parameter if you want to get some actual hits.

Elasticsearch ingest pipeline: how to recursively modify values in a HashMap

Using an ingest pipeline, I want to iterate over a HashMap and remove underscores from all string values (where underscores exist), leaving underscores in the keys intact. Some values are arrays that must further be iterated over to do the same modification.
In the pipeline, I use a function to traverse and modify the values of a Collection view of the HashMap.
PUT /_ingest/pipeline/samples
"description": "preprocessing of samples.json",
"processors": [
"script": {
"tag": "remove underscore from sample_tags values",
"source": """
void findReplace(Collection collection) {
collection.forEach(element -> {
if (element instanceof String) {
element.replace('_',' ');
} else {
return true;
Collection samples = ctx.samples;
samples.forEach(sample -> { //sample.sample_tags is a HashMap
Collection sample_tags = sample.sample_tags.values();
return true;
When I simulate the pipeline ingestion, I find the string values are not modified. Where am I going wrong?
POST /_ingest/pipeline/samples/_simulate
"docs": [
"_index": "samples",
"_id": "xUSU_3UB5CXFr25x7DcC",
"_source": {
"samples": [
"sample_tags": {
"Entry_A": [
"Entry_B": "A_multiple_underscore_example",
"Entry_C": [
"Entry_E": "last_example"
"docs" : [
"doc" : {
"_index" : "samples",
"_type" : "_doc",
"_id" : "xUSU_3UB5CXFr25x7DcC",
"_source" : {
"samples" : [
"sample_tags" : {
"Entry_E" : "last_example",
"Entry_C" : [
"Entry_B" : "A_multiple_underscore_example",
"Entry_A" : [
"_ingest" : {
"timestamp" : "2020-12-01T17:29:52.3917165Z"
Here is a modified version of your script that will work on the data you provided:
PUT /_ingest/pipeline/samples
"description": "preprocessing of samples.json",
"processors": [
"script": {
"tag": "remove underscore from sample_tags values",
"source": """
String replaceString(String value) {
return value.replace('_',' ');
void findReplace(Map map) {
map.keySet().forEach(key -> {
if (map[key] instanceof String) {
map[key] = replaceString(map[key]);
} else {
map[key] = map[key].stream().map(this::replaceString).collect(Collectors.toList());
ctx.samples.forEach(sample -> {
return true;
The result looks like this:
"samples" : [
"sample_tags" : {
"Entry_E" : "last example",
"Entry_C" : [
"another example with underscores"
"Entry_B" : "A multiple underscore example",
"Entry_A" : [
"A hyphentated-sample",
You were on the right path but you were working on copies of values and weren't setting the modified values back onto the document context ctx which is eventually returned from the pipeline. This means you'll need to keep track of the current iteration indexes -- so for the array lists, as for the hash maps and everything in between -- so that you can then target the fields' positions in the deeply nested context.
Here's an example taking care of strings and (string-only) array lists. You'll need to extend it to handle hash maps (and other types) and then perhaps extract the whole process into a separate function. But AFAIK you cannot return multiple data types in Java so it may be challenging...
PUT /_ingest/pipeline/samples
"description": "preprocessing of samples.json",
"processors": [
"script": {
"tag": "remove underscore from sample_tags values",
"source": """
ArrayList samples = ctx.samples;
for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++) {
def sample = samples.get(i).sample_tags;
for (def entry : sample.entrySet()) {
def key = entry.getKey();
def val = entry.getValue();
def replaced_val;
if (val instanceof String) {
replaced_val = val.replace('_',' ');
} else if (val instanceof ArrayList) {
replaced_val = new ArrayList();
for (int j = 0; j < val.length; j++) {
replaced_val.add(val[j].replace('_',' '));
// else if (val instanceof HashMap) {
// do your thing
// }
// crucial part
ctx.samples[i][key] = replaced_val;

Mongodb query to Spring mongoTemplate

i have this mongo query:
{ $project: { warehouses: { $objectToArray: "$outputVariables" } } },
{ $unwind: "$warehouses" },
{ $group: { _id: "$warehouses.k" }}
someone could help me to translate in spring mongoTemplate?
The query should be write as below:
import static*;
AggregationOperation project = project()
AggregationOperation unwind = unwind("warehouses");
AggregationOperation group ="warehouses.k");
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(
String collectionName = "My_collection_name";
System.out.println("aggregation=" + aggregation);
this.mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, collectionName, Output.class);
It generate output:
aggregation={ "aggregate" : "__collection__", "pipeline" : [{ "$project" : { "warehouses" : { "$objectToArray" : "$outputVariables" } } }, { "$unwind" : "$warehouses" }, { "$group" : { "_id" : "$warehouses.k" } }] }

Translate ElasticSearch query to Nest c#

I need some help in creating an AggregationDictionary from the following elasticsearch query
GET organisations/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"by_country": {
"nested": {
"path": "country"
"aggs": {
"by_country2": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"country.isDisplayed": "true"
"aggs": {
"by_country3": {
"terms": {
"field": "country.displayName.keyword",
"size": 9999
I managed to write this horrible piece of code which I am pretty sure it is wrong, I am totally new to this.
AggregationDictionary aggs = new AggregationDictionary()
new NestedAggregation("countries_step1")
Path = "country",
Aggregations = new AggregationDictionary()
new FilterAggregation("countries_step2")
Filter = new BoolQuery
Must = new QueryContainer[] {
new NestedQuery
Query = new TermQuery
Field = "country.isDisplayed",
Value = true
Aggregations = new AggregationDictionary
new TermsAggregation("countries_step3")
Field = "country.displayName.keyword",
Size = 9999
Can someone tell me if I am in the correct direction? I am using Nest 6.6.0. Is there any tool that helps with these translations?
What you have so far is pretty solid, but when you try to execute this aggregation with the following call
var searchAsync = await client.SearchAsync<Document>(s => s.Size(0).Aggregations(aggs));
you will get this error
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "query malformed, empty clause found at [14:22]"
"type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
"reason" : "query malformed, empty clause found at [14:22]"
"status" : 400
Checking request which was sent to elasticsearch give us the answer why it happened
"aggs": {
"countries_step1": {
"aggs": {
"countries_step2": {
"aggs": {
"countries_step3": {
"terms": {
"field": "country.displayName.keyword",
"size": 9999
"filter": {}
"nested": {
"path": "country"
"size": 0
filter clause is empty, this is because you tried to used nested query but you didn't pass path parameter. We don't need nested query here (as shown in your example query), we can simplify the whole query to
var aggs = new AggregationDictionary()
new NestedAggregation("countries_step1")
Path = "country",
Aggregations = new AggregationDictionary()
new FilterAggregation("countries_step2")
Filter = new BoolQuery
Must = new QueryContainer[]
new TermQuery
Field = "country.isDisplayed",
Value = true
Aggregations = new AggregationDictionary
new TermsAggregation("countries_step3")
Field = "country.displayName.keyword",
Size = 9999
Now we have a valid request sent to elasticsearch.
There are a couple of things we can improve here:
1. Remove unnecessary bool query
Filter = new BoolQuery
Must = new QueryContainer[]
new TermQuery
Field = "country.isDisplayed",
Value = true
Filter =
new TermQuery
Field = "country.isDisplayed",
Value = true
2. Replace string field names
Usually, when doing calls from .Net there is some kind of POCO type which is helping us with writing strongly-typed requests to elasticsearch which helps us managing clean code and refactoring. With this, we can change field definition from
Infer.Field<Document>(f => f.Country.FirstOrDefault().DisplayName.Suffix("keyword"))
my types definition
public class Document
public int Id { get; set; }
public List<Country> Country { get; set; }
public class Country
public bool IsDisplayed { get; set; }
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
3. Consider using a fluent syntax
With NEST you can write queries in two ways: using object initializer syntax (which you did) or with help of fluent syntax. Have a look. Trying to write above query with the fluent syntax you will get something like
var searchResponse = await client.SearchAsync<Document>(s => s
.Aggregations(a => a.Nested("by_country", n => n
.Path(p => p.Country)
.Aggregations(aa => aa
.Filter("by_country2", f => f
.Filter(q => q
.Term(t => t
.Field(field => field.Country.FirstOrDefault().IsDisplayed)
.Aggregations(aaa => aaa
.Terms("by_country3", t => t
.Field(field => field.Country.FirstOrDefault().DisplayName.Suffix("keyword"))
which I find a little bit easier to follow and write, maybe it will be better for you as well.
As a final note, have a look into docs and check how you can debug your queries.
Hope that helps.

Group Data on elastic search with same value on two key

I have just started to learn about elastic search and facing a problem on group aggregation. I have a data set on elastic search like :
srcIP : "",
dstIP : "",
totalMB : "0.25"
srcIP : "",
dstIP : "",
totalMB : "0.50"
srcIP : "",
dstIP : "",
totalMB : "0.75"
srcIP : "",
dstIP : "",
totalMB : "0.25"
I Just want to group data on the basis of srcIP and sum the field totalMB but I just wanna add up on more thing like when group by performing on scrIP then it will match the srcIP value to dstIP value and also sum the totalMB for dstIP.
Output should be like this :
buckets : [{
key : "",
total_GB_SrcIp :{
value : "0.25"
total_GB_dstIP :{
value : "0.75"
key : "",
total_MB_SrcIp :{
value : "0.50"
total_MB_dstIP :{
value : "0.25"
I have done normal aggregation for one key but didn't get the final query for my problem.
Query :
GET /index*/_search
size : 0,
"aggs": {
"group_by_srcIP": {
"terms": {
"field": "srcIP",
"size": 100,
"order": {
"total_MB_SrcIp": "desc"
"aggs": {
"total_MB_SrcIp": {
"sum": {
"field": "TotalMB"
Hope you understand my problem on the basis of sample output.
Thanks in advance.
As per my understanding, you need a sum aggregation on field (totalMB) with respect to distinct values in two another fields (srcIP, dstIP).
AFAIK, elastic search is not that good for aggregating on values of multiple fields, unless you combine those fields together using some document ingestion or combine it on application side itself. (I may be wrong here, though).
I gave it a try to get required output using scripted_metric aggregation. (Please read about it if you don't know what it is or how it works)
I experimented on painless script to do following in aggregation:
pick srcIp, dstIp & totalMB from each doc
populate a cross-mapping like IP -> { (src : totalMBs), (dst : totalMBs) } in a map
return this map as result of aggregation
Here is the actual search query with aggregation:
GET /testIndex/testType/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"ip-addr": {
"scripted_metric": {
"init_script": "params._agg.addrs = []",
"map_script": "def lst = []; lst.add(doc.srcIP.value); lst.add(doc.dstIP.value); lst.add(doc.totalMB.value); params._agg.addrs.add(lst);",
"combine_script": "Map ipMap = new HashMap(); for(entry in params._agg.addrs) { def srcIp = entry.get(0); def dstIp = entry.get(1); def mbs = entry.get(2); if(ipMap.containsKey(srcIp)) {def srcMbSum = mbs + ipMap.get(srcIp).get('srcMB'); ipMap.get(srcIp).put('srcMB',srcMbSum); } else {Map types = new HashMap(); types.put('srcMB', mbs); types.put('dstMB', 0.0); ipMap.put(srcIp, types); } if(ipMap.containsKey(dstIp)) {def dstMbSum = mbs + ipMap.get(dstIp).get('dstMB'); ipMap.get(dstIp).put('dstMB',dstMbSum); } else {Map types = new HashMap(); types.put('srcMB', 0.0); types.put('dstMB', mbs); ipMap.put(dstIp, types); } } return ipMap;",
"reduce_script": "Map resultMap = new HashMap(); for(ipMap in params._aggs) {for(entry in ipMap.entrySet()) {def ip = entry.getKey(); def srcDestMap = entry.getValue(); if(resultMap.containsKey(ip)) {Map types = new HashMap(); types.put('srcMB', srcDestMap.get('srcMB') + resultMap.get(ip).get('srcMB')); types.put('dstMB', srcDestMap.get('dstMB') + resultMap.get(ip).get('dstMB')); resultMap.put(ip, types); } else {resultMap.put(ip, srcDestMap); } } } return resultMap;"
Here are experiment details:
Index mapping:
GET testIndex/_mapping
"testIndex": {
"mappings": {
"testType": {
"dynamic": "true",
"_all": {
"enabled": false
"properties": {
"dstIP": {
"type": "ip"
"srcIP": {
"type": "ip"
"totalMB": {
"type": "double"
Sample input:
POST testIndex/testType
"srcIP" : "",
"dstIP" : "",
"totalMB" : "0.25"
POST testIndex/testType
"srcIP" : "",
"dstIP" : "",
"totalMB" : "0.50"
POST testIndex/testType
"srcIP" : "",
"dstIP" : "",
"totalMB" : "0.75"
POST testIndex/testType
"srcIP" : "",
"dstIP" : "",
"totalMB" : "0.25"
Query output:
"took": 3,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 1,
"successful": 1,
"skipped": 0,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 4,
"max_score": 0,
"hits": []
"aggregations": {
"ip-addr": {
"value": {
"": {
"srcMB": 0.75,
"dstMB": 0
"": {
"srcMB": 0.25,
"dstMB": 0
"": {
"srcMB": 0.5,
"dstMB": 0.25
"": {
"srcMB": 0,
"dstMB": 0.75
"": {
"srcMB": 0.25,
"dstMB": 0.75
Here is readable query for better understanding.
"scripted_metric": {
"init_script": "params._agg.addrs = []",
"map_script": """
def lst = [];
"combine_script": """
Map ipMap = new HashMap();
for(entry in params._agg.addrs) {
def srcIp = entry.get(0);
def dstIp = entry.get(1);
def mbs = entry.get(2);
if(ipMap.containsKey(srcIp)) {
def srcMbSum = mbs + ipMap.get(srcIp).get('srcMB');
} else {
Map types = new HashMap();
types.put('srcMB', mbs);
types.put('dstMB', 0.0);
ipMap.put(srcIp, types);
if(ipMap.containsKey(dstIp)) {
def dstMbSum = mbs + ipMap.get(dstIp).get('dstMB');
} else {
Map types = new HashMap();
types.put('srcMB', 0.0);
types.put('dstMB', mbs);
ipMap.put(dstIp, types);
return ipMap;
"reduce_script": """
Map resultMap = new HashMap();
for(ipMap in params._aggs) {
for(entry in ipMap.entrySet()) {
def ip = entry.getKey();
def srcDestMap = entry.getValue();
if(resultMap.containsKey(ip)) {
Map types = new HashMap();
types.put('srcMB', srcDestMap.get('srcMB') + resultMap.get(ip).get('srcMB'));
types.put('dstMB', srcDestMap.get('dstMB') + resultMap.get(ip).get('dstMB'));
resultMap.put(ip, types);
} else {
resultMap.put(ip, srcDestMap);
return resultMap;
However, prior to going in depth, I would suggest you to test it out on some sample data and check if it works. Scripted metric aggregations do have considerable impact on query performance.
One more thing, to get required key string in aggregation result, replace all occurrences of 'srcMB' & 'dstMB' in script to 'total_GB_SrcIp' & 'total_GB_DstIp' as per your need.
Hope this may help you or some one.
FYI, I tested this on ES v5.6.11.
