Display data with an AngularJS ng-repeat, in a div, side by side - angularjs-ng-repeat

I have an arraylist from which I need to get values where isActive = true, and to display the data in a <div> tag with the use of ng-repeat.
My problem is that I don't want to keep using ng-repeat every time, while fetching values in each <div> tag.
Is there any generic solution which will iterate only once, and I can see the value in <div>, side by side. Please see this attempt:
enter link description here
I want to see a result like this:

You can write your ng-repeat like below.
Whenever it get isActive true, it will create the div section for this.
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="tempData in data">
<div ng-if="tempData.isActive == true" >
<div class="col-xs-12" >
<div class="col-xs-4">Plan Type:</div>
<div class="col-xs-8">{{tempData.plantype}}</div>
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="col-xs-4">Term:</div>
<div class="col-xs-8">{{tempData.term}}</div>
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="col-xs-4">Rate:</div>
<div class="col-xs-8">{{tempData.rate}}</div>


Xpath get child that does not contain class

I have a xml like this and am trying to select the groupIdentifier element without the display:none child (would like to use the css "identifier" along with it) to finally select the input. Have been at this for hours and would like to call the xpath gods to help me out.
<div class="groupIdentifier">
<input class="inputClassIdentifier">
<div class="something">
... some more elements
<div class="identifier hidden" style="display: none">
... some more elements
<div class="something">
... some more elements
<div class="groupIdentifier">
<input class="inputClassIdentifier">
<div class="something">
... some more elements
<div class="identifier ">
... some more elements
I have
//div[contains(#class, 'identifier') and not(contains(#style, 'display: none'))] which basically selects the identifier div of the second section.
What I need now is to select the input with class inputClassIdentifier within its parent.
Here's your xpath.
//div[#class='groupIdentifier' and div/div/div[not(contains(#style, 'display: none'))]]
I got it using descendant axis
//div[#data-testid='groupIdentifier' and descendant::div[contains(#class, 'identifier') and not(contains(#style, 'display: none'))]]//input[#name='inputClassIdentifier']

i need help display data in a two column div in laravel blade file

Im having trouble displaying data in a two column div in laravel using bootstrap. The content of the other div is going below the other for some reason. Heres the code.
<!--twitch client id!-- vzq62rzb1bbh0d1ebtp5pcx70ysvva!-->
<h1>Hello {{user->user_name}}</h1>
<body background = "img/cool_background.png">
<div class = "container">
<div class = "col-md-3">
<div id = "firstNewsCard" class = "row wow fadeInLeft">
<div class = "c0l-md-9">
<!--the other column div!-->
you made a little mistake, '0' instead of 'o'
<div class = "c0l-md-9"> --> ` <div class = "col-md-9">`
good luck
As bootstrap doc suggests, you should use an element with class="row" to wrap all inner col-x-y classed elements (with "x" being xs, sm, md or lg and "y" usually summing 12, could be less but not more), like:
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="col-md-9">

xpath: How to get EXACTLY next node (siblings)

I have HTML organized like below.
<div class="statement">
<div class="reply">
<div class="statement">
<div class="statement">
<div class="reply">
<div class="statement">
<div class="statement">
<div class="reply">
It's random whether there is a reply div or not next to statement div.
What i want is to select the reply div class while knowing which nth statement it is. I thought to iterate every statement (by iterate variable, ofc), and in this case:
i end up got all following replies.
So, how to get exactly one next following sibling?
This will get the first following div that has #class='reply'
This will get the first following div provided that it has #class='reply'
I wasn't quite sure which of these you wanted.

XPath: how to select elements that are related to other on the same level

The question is simple but I don't have enough practice for this case :)
How to get price text value from every div within "block" if we know that we need only item_promo elements.
<div class="block">
<div class="item_promo">item</div>
<div class="item_price">123</div>
<div class="block">
<div class="item_promo">item</div>
<div class="item_price">456</div>
<div class="block">
<div class="item_promo">item</div>
<div class="item_price">789</div>
<div class="block">
<div class="item">item</div>
<div class="item_price">222</div>
<div class="block">
<div class="item">item</div>
<div class="item_price">333</div>
You could use the xpath :
You look for div elements that has attribute class with value item_promo and look at its following sibling which has an attribute item_price and grab the text.
This XPath,
will return those item_price class div elements with sibling item_promo class div elements:
<div class="item_price">123</div>
<div class="item_price">456</div>
<div class="item_price">789</div>
This will work regardless of label/price order.

Looking for all descendant elements which parent does not have this css class

I am trying to get all children which has specific class and parent of this parent does not have a specific class.
I am trying a code like this, but it's not working.
$hrefs = $xpath->evaluate("//div[not contains(#class, 'tested-app-section')]/div[#class='product-container-body']/div");
Structure of the HTML I am working with and need to edit a little bit looks like this, other HTML content in <body> is irrelevant. (<body> contains more then just this block of HTML):
<div class="product-detail-section tested-app-section">
<div class="product-container-head"> ... </div>
<div class="product-container-body"> ... </div>
<div class="product-container-body"> ... </div>
<div class="product-detail-section publish-app-section">
<div class="product-container-head"> ... </div>
<div class="product-container-body"> ... </div>
<div class="product-container-body"> ... </div>
<div class="product-detail-section product-specific-section">
<div class="product-container-head"> ... </div>
<div class="product-container-body"> ... </div>
<div class="product-container-body"> ... </div>
I am trying to avoid in the result the very first <div> box (box with class "tested-app-section"), then I am trying to avoid everything witch class "product-container-head".
But I just cannot find a way how to do it.
Edit: So basically I am trying to get
/html/body/div[contains(#class, 'product-detail-section') AND not contains(#class, 'tested-app-section')]/div[not(#class='product-container-head')]
but this code doesn't return anything...
You are close, but missed a few things. Try this xpath expression and see if it works:
//div[not(contains(#class, 'tested-app-section'))]/div[not(#class='product-container-head')]
