Vagrant r10k not installing modules from PuppetFile Windows 10 - vagrant

I run Vagrant under Windows 10, provisioning it with puppets. I need some modules from forge, so I've added Puppet file and installed vagrant r10k plugin with vagrant plugin install vagrant-r10k
First, I tried puppet modules, so my Puppetfile looked like:
forge ''
mod 'stankevich/python'
mod 'saz/locales'
I had to install vagrant plugin puppet as well with vagrant plugin install puppet . However, when I run vagrant up mymachine I get:
==> mymachine: vagrant-r10k: Beginning r10k deploy of puppet modules into c:/test/puppet/vendor using c:/test/puppet/Puppetfile
INFO -> Loading modules from Puppetfile into queue
INFO -> Deploying locales into c:/test/puppet/vendor
ERROR -> Task #<R10K::Task::Module::Sync:0x5afab00> failed while running: Permission denied - puppet module --modulepath c:/test/puppet/vendor --color false install --force saz/locales
INFO -> Deploying python into c:/test/puppet/vendor
ERROR -> Task #<R10K::Task::Module::Sync:0x5afab30> failed while running: Permission denied - puppet module --modulepath c:/test/puppet/vendor --color false install --force stankevich/python
RuntimeError: Permission denied - puppet module --modulepath c:/test/puppet/vendor --color false install --force saz/locales
Not giving up, I tried to use repositories instead, so my Puppetfile looks like:
mod 'locales',
:git => ""
mod 'python',
:git => ""
This time, I get:
==> mymachine: Invalid syntax in Puppetfile at c:/test/puppet/Puppetfile
I run everything from command line, tried both normal and administrator mode. Vagrant version: 1.8.6

Ok, so if anyone has such problem:
Install the newest version of Vagrant
Find gem inside Vagrant path (usually c:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\embedded\bin>)
Follow steps given here:
Install plugins as given in question.


The provider 'vmware_desktop' could not be found on macos m1

install both vagrant and vmware via homebrew
brew install --cask vagrant
brew install --cask vmware-fusion
verify that everything is installed
➜ ~ vmrun -T ws list
Total running VMs: 0
➜ ~ vagrant -v
Vagrant 2.3.0
set the default provider as vmware_desktop in my .zshrc (and "sourced" it)
export VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER=vmware_desktop
initialize a folder and add a box following official get started
vagrant init hashicorp/bionic64
vagrant box add hashicorp/bionic64
and select the option 3) vmware_desktop
finally run vagrant up from the initialised folder and observe the error
The provider 'vmware_desktop' could not be found, but was requested to
back the machine 'default'. Please use a provider that exists.
Vagrant knows about the following providers: docker, hyperv, virtualbox
did I make some mistake in the setup
You miss to install the Vagrant VMWare plugin
First you need to install Vagrant VMware Utility
Then you can install the plugin
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-desktop

vagrant up failing because of PPA: libapache2-mod-php5

When I try to launch a new development environment running Ubunut in virtualbox I save my framework to a directory in Sites on my mac, then open terminal and cd to the directory with the Vagrantfile before running "vagrant up". After an initial start I get several errors that end in the environment not starting. The error is:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libapache2-mod-php5 : Depends: apache2-api-20120211 but it is not installable. PreDepends: apache2 (>= 2.4)
When I try to upgrade the PPA, for example running the code:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5
sudo apt-get update
I get the error that add-apt and/or get-app command not found! I do not know what to do.
Vagrantfile and Provision script

vagrant up fails with cannot load winrm

I am trying to run a Vagrant box with SQL Server for local development. I am running Fedora 23. The box in question is this.
vagrant up fails with the following error message:
/usr/share/vagrant/plugins/communicators/winrm/shell.rb:9:in `require':
cannot load such file -- winrm (LoadError)
I have tried to install winrm with gem install winrm, and it installs just fine, but vagrant still fails.
The following ruby script runs without errors:
require "winrm"
puts "hello world"
Does anyone know how to fix this?
The winrm and winrm-fs gems are not packaged with Fedora or Debian. You can run:
$ vagrant plugin install winrm
$ vagrant plugin install winrm-fs
(i.e. vagrant plugin install, not gem install).
Note: Using Vagrant version 1.8.1, the winrm gem failed to install and this fixed it:
$ vagrant plugin install winrm --plugin-version 1.8.1
$ vagrant plugin install winrm-fs
Had the same issue:
With Ubuntu Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS running ruby 2.7.0p0 and Vagrant 2.2.6
The solution that worked for me -
$ vagrant plugin install winrm
$ vagrant plugin install winrm-fs
$ vagrant plugin install winrm-elevated (this additional error showed after the first two were installed)
Not sure what the problem was, but I fixed it by uninstalling vagrant with dnf, and installing the latest version from Seems winrm is included in the latest vagrant version.
Same resolution as here:!topic/vagrant-up/mBYMUHm-YBI
So this is an issue with the Debian packaged version of Vagrant. Installing the DEB package from works (both for 1.6.5 and 1.7+).
780036 has been raised with Debian to track this issue.

Vagrant plugin command is not available when running `vagrant plugin install`

I have tried installing vagrant from both an apt repo and gem but here's the output I am getting when I try to run vagrant plugin install (clearly no plugin command in output):
Usage: vagrant [-v] [-h] command [<args>]
-v, --version Print the version and exit.
-h, --help Print this help.
Available subcommands:
I have tried installing vagrant from both apt and Rubygems and in both cases I get no plugin command. I am running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Install Vagrant from source.
The github repo is here:
And these instructions should allow you to build and install the bleeding edge version:
If you want the latest stable version then once you have cloned the repo as described in the link above you should checkout the 1.2.2 tag with git checkout v1.2.2 and then build that.

Shapado: deploy on heroku failed with system package missing error

I have successfully ran the shapado rails application on my local system(am using ubuntu). But While running the bundle install, it fails with following error
configure: error: Neither uuid/uuid.h nor uuid.h found - required for
brass, chert and flint (you may need to install the uuid-dev,
libuuid-devel or e2fsprogs-devel package)
Then I installed the packages by using
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev
While running the rake task
rake bootstrap RAILS_ENV=development
Got some nil error and fixed the same by applying below patch
Called id for nil
After this, I can able to run the application on my local successfully.
When I tried to deploy on Heroku it fails with
configure: error: Neither uuid/uuid.h nor uuid.h found - required for brass, chert and flint (you may need to install the uuid-dev, libuuid-devel or e2fsprogs-devel package)
it tries to install the gem 'xapian-ruby', '' and fails due to unavailable of packages.
Is any one facing the same issue. Suggest me to sort this out.
Deploying shapado to heroku would require you to make a custom buildpack that has the binary dependencies that shapado needs built in. Instructions on how to do that can be found here It is possible though.
