How to align two GloVe models in text2vec? - matrix

Let's say I have trained two separate GloVe vector space models (using text2vec in R) based on two different corpora. There could be different reasons for doing so: the two base corpora may come from two different time periods, or two very different genres, for example. I would be interested in comparing the usage/meaning of words between these two corpora. If I simply concatenated the two corpora and their vocabularies, that would not work (the location in the vector space for word pairs with different usages would just be somewhere in the "middle").
My initial idea was to train just one model, but when preparing the texts, append a suffix (_x, _y) to each word (where x and y stand for the usage of word A in corpus x/y), as well as keep a separate copy of each corpus without the suffixes, so that the vocabulary of the final concatenated training corpus would consist of: A, A_x, A_y, B, B_x, B_y ... etc, e.g.:
this is an example of corpus X
this be corpus Y yo
this_x is_x an_x example_x of_x corpus_x X_x
this_y be_y corpus_y Y_y yo_y
I figured the "mean" usages of A and B would serve as sort of "coordinates" of the space, and I could measure the distance between A_x and A_y in the same space. But then I realized since A_x and A_y never occur in the same context (due to the suffixation of all words, including the ones around them), this would probably distort the space and not work. I also know there is something called an orthogonal procrustes problem, which relates to aligning matrices, but I wouldn't know how to implement it for my case.
What would be a reasonable way to fit two GloVe models (preferably in R and so that they work with text2vec) into a common vector space, if my final goal is to measure the cosine similarity of word pairs, which are orthographically identical, but occur in two different corpora?

I see 2 possible solutions:
try to initialize second glove model with solution from first and hope that coordinate system won't change too much during the fit of the second model
fit two models and get word vector matrices A, B. Then find rotation matrix that minimize sum of the angles between rows of A and B (don't know how to do that yet)
Also check, mb it will help with methodology.
Seems this is a good question for


word2vec window size at sentence boundaries

I am using word2vec (and doc2vec) to get embeddings for sentences, but i want to completely ignore word order.
I am currently using gensim, but can use other packages if necessary.
As an example, my text looks like this:
['apple', 'banana','carrot','dates', 'elderberry', ..., 'zucchini'],
['aluminium', 'brass','copper', ..., 'zinc'],
I intentionally want 'apple' to be considered as close to 'zucchini' as it is to 'banana' so I have set the window size to a very large number, say 1000.
I am aware of 2 problems that may arise with this.
Problem 1:
The window might roll in at the start of a sentence creating the following training pairs:
('apple', ('banana')), ('apple', ('banana', 'carrot')), ('apple', ('banana', 'carrot', 'date')) before it eventually gets to the correct ('apple', ('banana','carrot', ..., 'zucchini')).
This would seem to have the effect of making 'apple' closer to 'banana' than 'zucchini',
since their are so many more pairs containing 'apple' and 'banana' than there are pairs containing 'apple' and 'zucchini'.
Problem 2:
I heard that pairs are sampled with inverse proportion to the distance from the target word to the context word- This also causes an issue making nearby words more seem more connected than I want them to be.
Is there a way around problems 1 and 2?
Should I be using cbow as opposed to sgns? Are there any other hyperparameters that I should be aware of?
What is the best way to go about removing/ignoring the order in this case?
Thank you
I'm not sure what you mean by "Problem 1" - there's no "roll" or "wraparound" in the usual interpretation of a word2vec-style algorithm's window parameter. So I wouldn't worry about this.
Regarding "Problem 2", this factor can be essentially made negligible by the choice of a giant window value – say for example, a value one million times larger than your largest sentence. Then, any difference in how the algorithm treats the nearest-word and the 2nd-nearest-word is vanishingly tiny.
(More specifically, the way the gensim implementation – which copies the original Google word2vec.c in this respect – achieves a sort of distance-based weighting is actually via random dynamic shrinking of the actual window used. That is, for each visit during training to each target word, the effective window truly used is some random number from 1 to the user-specified window. By effectively using smaller windows much of the time, the nearer words have more influence – just without the cost of performing other scaling on the whole window's words every time. But in your case, with a giant window value, it will be incredibly rare for the effective-window to ever be smaller than your actual sentences. Thus every word will be included, equally, almost every time.)
All these considerations would be the same using SG or CBOW mode.
I believe a million-times-larger window will be adequate for your needs, for if for some reason it wasn't, another way to essentially cancel-out any nearness effects could be to ensure your corpus's items individual word-orders are re-shuffled between each time they're accessed as training data. That ensures any nearness advantages will be mixed evenly across all words – especially if each sentence is trained on many times. (In a large-enough corpus, perhaps even just a 1-time shuffle of each sentence would be enough. Then, over all examples of co-occurring words, the word co-occurrences would be sampled in the right proportions even with small windows.)
Other tips:
If your training data starts in some arranged order that clumps words/topics together, it can be beneficial to shuffle them into a random order instead. (It's better if the full variety of the data is interleaved, rather than presented in runs of many similar examples.)
When your data isn't true natural-language data (with its usual distributions & ordering significance), it may be worth it to search further from the usual defaults to find optimal metaparameters. This goes for negative, sample, & especially ns_exponent. (One paper has suggested the optimal ns_exponent for training vectors for recommendation-systems is far different from the usual 0.75 default for natural-language modeling.)

How to rotate a word2vec onto another word2vec?

I am training multiple word2vec models with Gensim. Each of the word2vec will have the same parameter and dimension, but trained with slightly different data. Then I want to compare how the change in data affected the vector representation of some words.
But every time I train a model, the vector representation of the same word is wildly different. Their similarity among other words remain similar, but the whole vector space seems to be rotated.
Is there any way I can rotate both of the word2vec representation in such way that same words occupy same position in vector space, or at least they are as close as possible.
Thanks in advance.
That the locations of words vary between runs is to be expected. There's no one 'right' place for words, just mutual arrangements that are good at the training task (predicting words from other nearby words) – and the algorithm involves random initialization, random choices during training, and (usually) multithreaded operation which can change the effective ordering of training examples, and thus final results, even if you were to try to eliminate the randomness by reliance on a deterministically-seeded pseudorandom number generator.
There's a class called TranslationMatrix in gensim that implements the learn-a-projection-between-two-spaces method, as used for machine-translation between natural languages in one of the early word2vec papers. It requires you to have some words that you specify should have equivalent vectors – an anchor/reference set – then lets other words find their positions in relation to those. There's a demo of its use in gensim's documentation notebooks:
But, there are some other techniques you could also consider:
transform & concatenate the training corpuses instead, to both retain some words that are the same across all corpuses (such as very frequent words), but make other words of interest different per segment. For example, you might leave words like "hot" and "cold" unchanged, but replace words like "tamale" or "skiing" with subcorpus-specific versions, like "tamale(A)", "tamale(B)", "skiing(A)", "skiing(B)". Shuffle all data together for training in a single session, then check the distances/directions between "tamale(A)" and "tamale(B)" - since they were each only trained by their respective subsets of the data. (It's still important to have many 'anchor' words, shared between different sets, to force a correlation on those words, and thus a shared influence/meaning for the varying-words.)
create a model for all the data, with a single vector per word. Save that model aside. Then, re-load it, and try re-training it with just subsets of the whole data. Check how much words move, when trained on just the segments. (It might again help comparability to hold certain prominent anchor words constant. There's an experimental property in the model.trainables, with a name ending _lockf, that lets you scale the updates to each word. If you set its values to 0.0, instead of the default 1.0, for certain word slots, those words can't be further updated. So after re-loading the model, you could 'freeze' your reference words, by setting their _lockf values to 0.0, so that only other words get updated by the secondary training, and they're still bound to have coordinates that make sense with regard to the unmoving anchor words. Read the source code to better understand how _lockf works.)

AMPL: what's a good way to specify equality constraints for large list of pairs of variable-size sets?

I'm working on a problem that involves reconciling data that represents estimates of the same system under two different classification hierarchies. I want to enforce the requirement that equivalent classes or groups of classes have the same sum.
For example, say Classification A divides industries into: Agriculture (sheep/cattle), Agriculture (non-sheep/cattle), Mining, Manufacturing (textiles), Manufacturing (non-textiles), ...
Meanwhile, Classification B has a different breakdown: Agriculture, Mining (iron ore), Mining (non-iron-ore), Manufacturing (chemical), Manufacturing (non-chemical), ...
In this case, any total for A_Agric_SheepCattle + A_Agric_NonSheepCattle should match the equivalent total for B_Agric; A_Mining should match B_MiningIronOre + B_Mining_NonIronOre; and A_MFG_Textiles+A_MFG_NonTextiles should match B_MFG_Chemical+B_MFG_NonChemical.
For bonus complication, one category may be involved in multiple equivalencies, e.g. B_Mining_IronOre might be involved in an equivalency with both A_Mining and A_Mining_Metallic.
I will be working with multi-dimensional tables, with this sort of concordance applied to more than one dimension - e.g. I might be compiling data on Industry x Product, so each equivalency will be used in multiple constraints; hence I need an efficient way to define them once and invoke repeatedly, instead of just setting a direct constraint "A_Agric_SheepCattle + A_Agric_NonSheepCattle = B_Agric".
The most natural way to represent this sort of concordance would seem to be as a list of pairs of sets. The catch is that the set sizes will vary - sometimes we have a 1:1 equivalence, sometimes it's "these 5 categories equate to those 7 categories", etc.
I found this related question which offers two answers for dealing with variable-sized sets. One is to define all set members in a single ordered set with indices, then define the starting index for each set within that. However, this seems unwieldy for my problem; both classifications are likely to be long, so I'd need to be hopping between two loooong lists of industries and two looong lists of indices to see a single equivalency. This seems like it would be a nuisance to check, and hard to modify (since any change to membership for one of the early sets changes the index numbers for all following sets).
The other is to define pairs of long fixed-length sets, and then pad each set to the required length with null members.
This would be a much better option for my purposes since it lets me eyeball a single line and see the equivalence that it represents. But it would require a LOT of padding; most of the equivalence groups will be small but a few might be quite large, and everything has to be padded to the size of the largest expected length.
Is there a better approach?

Geohashes - Why is interleaving index values necessary?

I have had a look at this post about geohashes. According to the author, the final step in calculating the hash is interleaving the x and y index values. But is this really necessary? Is there a proper reason not to just concatenate these values, as long as the hash table is built according to that altered indexing rule?
From the wiki page
Geohashes offer properties like arbitrary precision and the
possibility of gradually removing characters from the end of the code
to reduce its size (and gradually lose precision).
If you simply concatenated x and y coordinates, then users would have to take a lot more care when trying to reduce precision by being careful to remove exactly the right number of characters from both the x and y coordinate.
There is a related (and more important) reason than arbitrary precision: Geohashes with a common prefix are close to one another. The longer the common prefix, the closer they are.
54.321 -2.345 has geohash gcwm48u6
54.322 -2.346 has geohash gcwm4958
(See to try this)
This feature enables fast lookup of nearby points (though there are some complications), and only works because we interleave the two dimensions to get a sort of approximate 2D proximity metric.
As the wikipedia entry goes on to explain:
When used in a database, the structure of geohashed data has two
advantages. First, data indexed by geohash will have all points for a
given rectangular area in contiguous slices (the number of slices
depends on the precision required and the presence of geohash "fault
lines"). This is especially useful in database systems where queries
on a single index are much easier or faster than multiple-index
queries. Second, this index structure can be used for a
quick-and-dirty proximity search - the closest points are often among
the closest geohashes.
Note that the converse is not always true - if two points happen to lie on either side of a subdivision (e.g. either side of the equator) then they may be extremely close but have no common prefix. Hence the complications I mentioned earlier.

Effective clustering of a similarity matrix

my topic is similarity and clustering of (a bunch of) text(s). In a nutshell: I want to cluster collected texts together and they should appear in meaningful clusters at the end. To do this, my approach up to now is as follows, my problem is in the clustering. The current software is written in php.
1) Similarity:
I treat every document as a "bag-of-words" and convert words into vectors. I use
filtering (only "real" words)
tokenization (split sentences into words)
stemming (reduce words to their base form; Porter's stemmer)
pruning (cut of words with too high & low frequency)
as methods for dimensionality reduction. After that, I'm using cosine similarity (as suggested / described on various sites on the web and here.
The result then is a similarity matrix like this:
A 0 30 51 75 80
B X 0 21 55 70
C X X 0 25 10
D X X X 0 15
E X X X X 0
A…E are my texts and the number is the similarity in percent; the higher, the more similar the texts are. Because sim(A,B) == sim(B,A) only half of the matrix is filled in. So the similarity of Text A to Text D is 71%.
I want to generate a a priori unknown(!) number of clusters out of this matrix now. The clusters should represent the similar items (up to a certain stopp criterion) together.
I tried a basic implementation myself, which was basically like this (60% as a fixed similarity threshold)
foreach article
get similar entries where sim > 60
foreach similar entry
check if one of the entries already has a cluster number
if no: assign new cluster number to all similar entries
if yes: use that number
It worked (somehow), but wasn't good at all and the results were often monster-clusters.
So, I want to redo this and already had a look into all kinds of clustering algorithms, but I'm still not sure which one will work best. I think it should be an agglomerative algoritm, because every pair of texts can be seen as a cluster in the beginning. But still the questions are what the stopp criterion is and if the algorithm should divide and / or merge existing clusters together.
Sorry if some of the stuff seems basic, but I am relatively new in this field. Thanks for the help.
Since you're both new to the field, have an unknown number of clusters and are already using cosine distance I would recommend the FLAME clustering algorithm.
It's intuitive, easy to implement, and has implementations in a large number of languages (not PHP though, largely because very few people use PHP for data science).
Not to mention, it's actually good enough to be used in research by a large number of people. If nothing else you can get an idea of what exactly the shortcomings are in this clustering algorithm that you want to address in moving onto another one.
Just try some. There are so many clustering algorithms out there, nobody will know all of them. Plus, it also depends a lot on your data set and the clustering structure that is there.
In the end, there also may be just this one monster cluster with respect to cosine distance and BofW features.
Maybe you can transform your similarity matrix to a dissimilarity matrix such as transforming x to 1/x, then your problem is to cluster a dissimilarity matrix. I think the hierarchical cluster may work. These may help you:hierarchical clustering and Clustering a dissimilarity matrix
