Sporadic issues with debugging Xamarin in Visual Studio 2015 on an Android device - debugging

When debugging, building, and deploying in debug mode to my Nexus 9, I sometimes see sigsegv 11 and/or my breakpoints not getting hit. I think this is due to my debug code not always getting updated on the actual device. Why, I don't know. I have tried all the following:
turn OFF "use Shared Runtime"
delete all bin and obj directories
full clean of the entire solution
After doing a complete fetch of my entire project in a clean directory to make sure I was starting fresh, I saw that my old log statements were STILL appearing in my output. I finally found the obsolete versions of the DLL files that should have been replaced by VS2015 on the device using ADB shell running on the Nexus:
I executed in the ADB shell a rm:
flounder:/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.myproject.debug/files/.__override__ $ rm *.*
in the above directory on the Nexus and my debugging starting working after that. I hope this is the end of all my issues but I'm not sure how my code ended up there anyway and why my deploy was failing to get it updated. I now make sure to change my log statements every time I deploy just to make sure that it is actually running the new code. It's been deploying and working well since I deleted those files on the device.
So, I guess my question is, how did my debug DLL files end up in that directory (they haven't come back) and how can I avoid ending up in this situation again?
Thank you.

In addition, please change another device to check whether this issue caused by this device only. If only this device has this issue, I'm afraid this issue related to the device itself, please reboot your device and check whether there has any settings will lead to app file caches.
If other devices also has this issue, I suggest you uninstall the app from your device before you re-deploy it to device, which could make sure the old dlls are removed from your device.


VS2017 - Build returns D8050: failed to get command line into debug records

I'm using VS2017 (Enterprise) to build a project. I'm pretty new to VS and especially to setting up my machine for a big project, so please do let me know if you need more info.
A while ago, my build was working fine, all cpp files were compiling well. Then I made some changes to a few cpp files (harmless little changes). But after I restarted my machine, I keep getting a
D8050: failed to get command line into debug records
The full error message is:
D8050 cannot execute 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.15.26726\bin\HostX86\x86\c1xx.dll': failed to get command line into debug records projectnameC:\Users\username\Documents\reponame\projectname\cl 1
However, this seems to be a really outdated error. I can't find the official support doc for this error (when I click on the error code on VS, it leads me to the support main page) and all the S/O questions are from 3-4 years ago. This question's answer suggests changing the TMP variable, but this can't be found under Properties anymore.
Just fyi, my OS is Windows 8, and my computer shut down abruptly while the project was building (it's a borrowed laptop, battery is old). I'm wondering if that has anything to do with this issue.
Again, please let me know if you need more details (eg logs).
I was able to solve this by switching to a user with admin rights, I had a feeling this was something related to user-permission rights
I was suggested by a friend to do a clean build (clean + rebuild), but this also failed.
What did solve my problem was deleting and reinstalling VS all over again. This reset the program files folder for VS and my build is working again.
I did uninstall McAfee at the same time, because I saw somewhere that antivirus software might be disturbing the build, but I'm not sure if this affected the build.

Visual Studio 2015 can't open project.exe for writing. Access to path denied

I am developing a VB.NET (4.5 framework) solution in Visual Studio 2015, Win10 OS, and have been able to run the builds uninhibited for several months, but now I am receiving the following error upon starting the build:
vbc : error BC2012: can't open
'C:\MyProject\ProjR5\ProjR5\obj\Debug\ProjR5.exe' for writing: Access
to the path 'C:\MyProj\ProjR5\ProjR5\obj\Debug\GenTagR5.exe' is
At first, VS2015 would give me the option to run the last successful build, but even that is no longer an option. After exhaustive internet searches on this problem, none of the dozen or so given solutions are solving my issue.
Here is what I have tried in order to resolve the error so far:
Ran sfc /scannow (elevated prompt)
Using ProcessExplorer, find handle or DLL substring that included my project
Made sure there were no hanging procs (including procs with my project name, devenv.exe, [project].exe, [myproject].vhost.exe, etc.)
Restarted VS2015
Restarted VS2015, running "as Administrator"
Restarted Computer
Full Shutdown of computer
Complete Rebuild of Solution
Build->Clean Solution
Build->Clean Solution, then Build->Build Solution
Build->Rebuild Solution
Uninstalled and Reinstalled VS2015
Disabled all indexing
Removed "Read Only" attribute from entire project folder and files within
Checked startup scripts for like- or identical processes
Disabled all AV apps
Disabled all antispyware apps
Disabled all firewalls
Verified that Application Experience (services.msc) wasn't disabled (I'm using
Win10 ... it isn't even in the list of services)
Set Tools->Options->Projects and Solutions->Build and Run->Max. parallel
builds to 1
Rerun aspnet_regiis.exe (under .NET\Framework)
Checked Local Security Policies and verified account was listed under
"Impersonate a client after authentication"
Removed \bin and \obj folders
Put \bin and \obj back when removing them didn't help
Removed \bin and \obj folders, then Rebuilt
None of these have worked. Any suggestions?
The problem ended up being Samsung Magician's Rapid Mode losing data during its write-caching phase to my solid state drive. I turned off Rapid Mode, and now the project builds without any problems.
Sorry for came too late, but i had this problem and i wanted to show how i fixed for the next devs who need a solution:
It's quite simple, just change your proyect assembly name:1) On your solution explorer: Right click on your proyect.
2) Properties>> aplication>> assembly name>> change it.
3) Compile, run to test it.
4) Change the name again if u wanted the original name.
Adding a description:
Changin the assembly name
New 2 programing in VS but i had same problem of Access or Write exe file ON BUILD.
Problem came out of nowhere. I didn't use or make changes 2 exe file in months,
made exe file, used it now and then and forgot about it....
Then after few months i wanted 2 start exe but no icon on desktop ??? ....tried everything, lost 3 days of searching inside code for error in VS and then called Google....
I read last comment ABOVE which mentioned Bitdefender, opened it and found BitD did block and isolate exe files ..... so i tried exluding files and folders which made problems inside BitD but no help....
So i went back 2 VS.
Within debug i got some X86 processor error which didnt make problem to build but it was warning (free component name in error description helped me ), - errors you can ignore but they are here on build ....
So i made last move before starting it all over again. Removed COMPONENT from application, deleted it on PC ...started VS from start .. and ALL was OK !!!
So in my case it was all about FREE component i used in app inside VS .... Bitdefender found some add / virus in it and blocked build progress.
BitD deleted or blocked exe file in start....
Hope this help anyone with similar problem !
The cause of this error for me was that Team Foundation Server had pulled in a bunch of files to my work space as Read-only. Not sure why it pulled them down from the server with read-only checked, but all I had to do was uncheck it.
Ok. Create a new solution and add its directories to the exception list and copy all your work, except for the '.vbproj' and except for the '.csproj' and the directory files to the directory of the directory of the new solution. I have tried that and it works, due that I have Bitdefender, it will be the only way to sort that issue. After doing so, try to build the app again. If it does not work, then I am definitely out of ideas.

Unable to Activate Windows Store App

I installed a retail version of Windows 8 Pro. I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Express 2012. I asked for and received a developers certificate. Then I tried to create a hello world app.
From there I get a "Unable to Activate Windows Store App" message box when I try to debug the app. Most commentary on the web says delete build directories. This didn't work for me
Does anyone have a solution for how to fix this and debug my app?
This happened to me once too, but the deleting build directories advice fixed it. Specifically, you just need to delete the bin\Debug and bld\Debug folders in your projects. Their contents will be regenerated by Visual Studio when you rebuild. I assume that this is only one project since it's a Hello World app; otherwise I would ask if you deleted build directories from all projects in your solution.
You can also try running "Clean Solution" from the BUILD menu in Visual Studio.
I'm sorry...it's horrible if this is happening on a clean install as you describe.
I ran into the same issue, and tried rebuilding, cleaning, deleting temp files, rebooting the computer, etc... and nothing helped.
Then finally I made a release build then went back to debug. And now it works.
I have no idea what happened, nor if that really helped, but it's worth a try.
For me a RESTART of pc solved this error message.
For me the problem was that I created the app on a TrueCrypt mounted virtual drive and when I moved the project files to a normal drive then everything worked just fine. Weird.
I was getting the exact same error. In my case the culprit was a NuGet package. It had added an app.config file to the project and it was confusing VS. I removed the app.config file and it solved my issue.
I got the solution at Iris Classon's site.
This can be solved by Uninstalling the app from the start screen then again building the app from Visual Studio.
I had a similar problem, and the cause was creating the project on a USB thumb drive. Creating a project on a normal hard drive volume works.
this can happen when the application signing key (.pfx file) is missing.
Try the following:
Open the Package.appxmanifest file in Visual Studio
Go to the register "Packaging"
Select [Choose Certificate…]
Select the test certificate using [Configure Certificate…] [From File…], or create a new one using [Configure Certificate…] [Test Certificate…]
When using a test certificate, ensure that it is in the .gitignore file. There should be an entry like !**\*_TemporaryKey.pfx to include the key in Git.
Note: The certificate for release build should only be available to the build server and not included in Git.
Rebuild the project
This has happened to me in the past and I have always found that deleting the build directories resolves it.
However this time this is not working for me.
I have tried
- Rebooting
- Deleting build directories
- Running Build | Clean Solution in VS
- Renewing Developer Account
The only thing that will work for me is changing my Package name under the Package.appxmanifest
However I am not overly happy with this as a solution. I will keep investigating.
The issue might be caused because NuGet will try to add an app.config with binding redirects to Windows Store apps if it thinks it is needed. However, Windows Store apps don’t need app.config, and will actually fail to start with a very confusing error message if it is present.
And the solution in this case would be to Remove the App.config
This error generally comes when you try to deploy in debug mode.
I would suggest, deploy the app first in release mode and then try in debug mode.
This worked for me.
Making a new certificate works for me. For this, go to Package.manifest->Packaging, and follow the Choose certificate.... Click on Configure certificate and select Create test certificate. Give it a name and press OK.
Increasing the revision number of the package worked for me
Tried so many of the above fixes. Nothing worked (deleting bin, obj dirs, editing the manifest, editing the registry, changing package name, etc, etc.) My Avast antivirus software was running and so I uninstalled it completely. That was it. App now runs fine.
This sort of problems are common with Windows 8 Visual Studio. Such errors encounters when your developer license of Visual Studio has expired so you may want to renew or get a new developer license here's how you get that. How to get a developer license in Windows 8
And similar problem may also encounter with E_Fail issues here's how to solve Unable to activate Windows Store app E_Fail Issue
For me, the fix was a combination of two of these answers -
Renew the developer license (How to get a developer license in Windows 8)
And deleting the build directories (though I deleted more then the screenshot depicted) Delete the Build directories
NuGet will try to add an app.config with binding redirects to Windows Store apps if it thinks it is needed. However, Windows Store apps don’t need app.config, and will actually fail to start with a very confusing error message if it is present.
Remove the App.config
and build again
For those who get a similar error but who are searching for a solution while debugging an IOT background app on a local machine specifically - you can find it here.
Using the search term "unable to activate windows store app the activation request failed with error" brought me here.
Because of Two things i resolved this issue.
Basically, we just need to delete the bin\Debug and bld\Debug folders in our projects. Those contents will be regenerated by Visual Studio when you rebuild project.
Just Restart the Visual Studio. And Clean Build and Rebuild the solution and RUN it.
Hope this helps.,
Playing with this issue for 3 days, tried every suggestions, nothing works. Until now!!!
The solution was this for me:
renew developer licence
build and deploy solution in Release mode (after this step it still not worked, but VS installed some packages in rpi)
start VS remote debugger with default account (http://:8080/#Debug%20settings)
configure remote device with Universal authentication mode (VS2017 -> Project settings -> debug -> target device: remote machine, authentication mode: Universal (unencrypted protocol))
...and now I can sleep.
Hope it helps somebody.
This gift was courtesy of Microsoft's automatic updates for VS2015 which was one of the 2 culprits:
It also broke SourceTree and other apps that draw the GUI - making an outline of the app but not drawing the contents.
For me changing the Package Name in Package.appxmanifest fixed the problem
In my case, the C# UWP app had a native library which failed in the application startup code, and called exit(1). The symptoms were identical to those in the question, though. Visual Studio would throw a message:
Unable to activate Windows Store app '88888888-6666-5555-4444-111111111111_abcdefgh!App'. The Acme.exe process started, but the activation request failed with error 'Operation not supported. Unknown error: 0x80040905'.
In addition, there was a message in the UWP app Windows log under Microsoft\Windows\Apps\Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational: event ID 5961, message:
Activation for 88888888-6666-5555-4444-111111111111_abcdefgh!App failed. Error code: Unknown HResult Error code: 0x80040905. Activation phase: COM App activation
Internally, the C# part would try to construct a native class instance from the App constructor, the native class constructor would encounter an unrecoverable error and bail. From the UWP subsystem standpoint, and from the debugger standpoint, though, this looked as something distinct from the mere programmatic exit. I'll leave this answer here, 'cause I've spent some time chasing various UWP failure scenarios instead of running under a native debugger.
I've replaced the exit() call with throw ref new Exception(E_INVALIDARG). At least this way the error manifests in the managed debugger, and the message is descriptive.
I've been having this problem a lot with a UWP Windows 10 app on Visual Studio 2019...for me the reliable workaround is to bump the Build number in the Package.appxmanifest file (Packaging tab). It's a huge pain...really hope Microsoft will sort this out soon
Any existing error in the code can also cause this issue. Make sure your previous version of the code is working fine. Compare the difference and make sure all looks good.
I was getting this error and nothing else worked so I had to dissect my program. Turns out I referenced a StaticResource in my App.xaml that didn't exist.
Seems like a silly error but you'd also think Visual Studio would pick up on something like that and throw a different error so if nothing else works, double check your application resources.
As suggested by #Iman in a comment, in the UWP project settings, enable "Compile with .NET Native tool chain".
(After trying just about every answer in this question)

Xcode fails without specifying and errors

All of a sudden my project fails to build in Xcode. If I look at the log I see all the needed dependencies being built, and then I get a strange error:
Verify final result code for the complete build operation
Build operation failed without specifying any errors.
Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons.
I removed my code directory and replaced it with a backup, did a clean, tried building all the other components separately (they succeed) - nothing works. I tried a command line build, same issue.
There were only a few hits on google for this error, none offered any useful advice.
Can anyone please help?
Update: When I run the command line build, I see the following error:
2012-05-25 08:55:53.830 xcodebuild[3358:4203] No recorder, buildTask: <Xcode3BuildTask: 0x400f35e60:'ProcessPCH MyProject-Prefix.pch':REfc(32370056113422336):deps=0:phaseNum=4>
I checked the output of xcodebuild and it is returning '65'.
I thought there might be a problem with the MyProject-Previx.pch file, so I shut off "Precompile Prefix Header", and now I get the same error with a different file:
2012-05-25 09:15:11.784 xcodebuild[3882:3703] No recorder, buildTask: <Xcode3BuildTask: 0x40048ab60:'CompileC HelperRoutines.m':REfc(33777199068741632):deps=0:phaseNum=4>
Build operation failed without specifying any errors. Individual build
tasks may have failed for unknown reasons. One possible cause is if
there are too many (possibly zombie) processes; in this case,
rebooting may fix the problem. Some individual build task failures (up
to 12) may be listed below.
I've run into this problem consistently recently while running Xcode 9.0 Beta 3 and Xcode 8.3.3.
The fix is to delete ALL in the Derived Data folder. It then seems to work again.
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
NOTE: just cleaning the build or deleting the current build folder for a project does not seem to help.
Hope this helps :)
I was hitting this error and it infuriated me for an hour or so. The answer below helped me out a lot: essentially your machine has a ton of running processes, XCode can't handle it, and rebooting your machine is the best answer.
I looked around for a bit and the only one that worked for me was shortening my project folder name.
All other tries: restarting, recloning, deleting derived data, etc. didn't work. The only thing that worked was making the project folder name shorter.
I also encountered same error. I was edited .pch (Prefix Header) file. Then I started getting this strange error.
Then I removed all editions which I made in .PCH.
Then I quit my Xcode.
When I restarted Xcode this strange error was gone.
Hope this will work for you also.
Best luck Buddy (y)
Build operation failed without specifying any errors. Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons.
One possible cause is if there are too many (possibly zombie) processes; in this case, rebooting may fix the problem.
Some individual build task failures (up to 12) may be listed below.
This happens occur when the total path length is too long.
change the folder name or location of directory, shorter then before.
Happy 2019, everyone, but sad to say this can still happen in Xcode 10.2.
I had four projects open in Xcode but only one failed in this way. I tried a main menu > Product > Clean Build Folder. The little progress spinner started up and 5 minutes later was still spinning. Hmmmm.
So I quit Xcode and in Terminal did a cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData. Although ls -alww showed only one subfolder named after each of my other projects, as expected, there were five subfolders whose name began with the name of the problem project. I deleted all of them
rm -R ProblemProjectName-*
and relaunched Xcode. Problem solved.
Mine gave this error sometimes, also LLVM failed with exit code 1 and clang failed with exit code 255, at different code locations each time. I just had to reboot (OS X 10.7, Xcode 4.5).
I rebooted, no luck. Then I noticed that when I relaunched XCode, one of my tabs was loaded with no file in it. I figured out what file I was editing in it, opened it, saved it and then I was able to build.
None of these answers worked for me on XCode 5.
Luckily, I'm still only testing XCode 5 - I kept XCode 4 around.
XCode 5 simply won't build one of my two projects, claiming that my libraries aren't built with the right settings, and I keep running into the error described on this page on the other one... so I'm sticking with XCode 4, which builds both of my projects perfectly well.
If you are experiencing this issue on XCode 5, consider "reverting to XCode 4" as another strategy.
Overall the idea that repeatedly running a program, XCode or not, degrades your system to the point where you have to reboot does not fill me with confidence in that program.
With Xcode 5.0.0, this error was caused after an update to the CLI tools.
Updating to Xcode 5.0.1 and installing all the required components again still didn't fix the error. However, 5.0.1 was kind enough to actually emit an error that was useful.
/bin/mkdir -p /Users/xxx/Documents/XCode/SampleApp/bin/SampleAppDebug.app/Contents
error: (null)
This lead me to look at the bin folder, and find out that the 5.0.0 build with broken CLI tools had made a symlink in bin/ to the derived information folder with SampleAppDebug.app, which for some reason it could not write to.
I manually removed all contents of the bin/ folder and rebuilt without errors.
I faced same problem. I have change my System time.I delete file "/Users/YOURNAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ModuleCache/YOURBUNDLEID/UIKit.pcm". Then it's work fine for me. Try this.
I added into the Framework search paths the header file location.... removing this from the top level project settings fixed the issue for me.
Change at your peril.
The only workaround, that works for me - push your code to git repo and clone it to new location.
I highly recommend to reclone your repo, because you'll deal with some random problems if you prefer rebooting/turning off and onXcode.
did you set "Perform Single-Object Prelink" to Yes?
try turn it off.
i had the similar problem. i have tons of files in a static library. reducing the number of files or setting "Perform Single-Object Prelink" to NO solved my problem.
Same error and following didn't work for me for Xcode 6.3.2 on Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.3:
Git discarded changes to last successful build point
Creation of new fresh project from scratch from a builtin template (though I cannot recall whether it built successfully or not)
Restart of Xcode
System Reboot
and the following worked:
I faced the problem in the morning and it got resolved in the evening with a couple of Xcode restarts and System reboots and creation of new project. So, I'm not sure what really triggered.
I faced the same problem today. Cleaning the DerivedData and cloning the project somewhere else didn't help. What fixed my problem was repairing the volume from the Disk Utility app and removal of all Xcode plugins.
I have encountered same issue without having any code changes for my project running on Xcode 9.2. It looks like if you have some run scripts or external build systems attached to the project, this might cause an issue. Try committing or discarding changes and build again. If it still persist, delete local repo and clone again. Also maintain smaller folder names for project location.
Same issue when added watchOS target inside iOS app, using Xcode 11.1 with SwiftUI:
Go to menu Xcode / Preferences / Locations
Open Derived Data folder in Finder clicking on the arrow next to /Users/yourUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Locate your app Derived Data folder and delete it
Menu Product / Clean Build Folder
You should be able to compile again.
I know this is super late to answer but I'm answering since none of the above solutions worked.
For me restarting, clean building, deleting derived data nothing worked.
Because the issue was not due to any zombie objects or something like that.
I'm using Xcode 11. I think it's an Xcode bug that sometimes errors are not shown in the issue navigator. But don't worry check the build report in Report navigator(The last tab in project navigator: the one that looks like a comment box with lines in it. or simply cmd + 9).
Click the relevant build and resolve the issue, mine was missing file in pods directory.
just try to rename the folder name of the project. it did the trick for me
I had this same problem, however the accepted solution did not work for me, what worked was:
deleting .workspace file
deleting Podfile.lock file
deleting the Pods folder
pod deintegrate ; pod install
For me it was fixed by changing to the new build system(in File -> Project settings)
I have Xcode 11.7

Xcode error: failed to launch

I have a Mac app I have written to support iCloud. However, I get this when trying to run the app:
error: failed to launch /Users/padsoftware/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Scrawl-heofvoywsunchdhjowxkvkoiqvan/Build/Products/Release/Scrawl.app/Contents/MacOS/Scrawl
The odd thing is that this appears for all of my Mac apps, with or without iCloud, with or without sandboxing, with or without entitlements, or ever with or without code signing. Any idea on how to fix this?
I had this problem too. For me, it was a code sign issue. Make sure you're signing with developer, not distribution.
I encounter this problem every once in a while. Like the others mentioned, these are the steps I take:
1. Clean (Shift+Cmd+K) ------
Removes all the product files, as well as any object files (.o files) or other intermediate files created during the build process (Apple Doc)
2. Navigate to "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData", delete folder for app in question ------
Derived data consists of project indexes, logs, and build products including intermediate files (Apple Doc)
3. Restart Xcode
One or the other usually fixes it. I haven't had to change Code Signing settings, but that would be my next step. Wouldn't re-install Xcode unless absolutely necessary.
I had such problem also and restarting Xcode Fixed the issue .
even it happened after renaming the application ....
Under Build Settings make sure you are signing with a valid developer profile for debug and release.
Then Build for Testing
That fixed the problem.
"Product"->"Scheme"->"New Scheme" fixed my problem
Just in case it helps anyone else, my problem was fixed by rebooting my iPhone (4S). Then the app suddenly appeared on the Springboard (it was like it was already installed but somehow hidden).
...I did all the other steps (restart Xcode, clean project, delete derived data) but none of it worked this time.
What worked for me... I was already code signed as developer so I cleaned my code
menu bar -> Product -> Clean
That still didn't fix it but I noticed that I was getting handshake error, I had a large amount of apps already running on my phone (~15-20) so I exited out of all of them and retried. It worked after exiting out of all other apps.
