Spring Integration poll aggregator programmatically - spring

I've been using Spring boot and getting rid of all XML files in my project.
Unfortunately it also uses Spring integration which from my experience is very heavily XML based.
I have a scenario which requires me to have an aggregator, and have that aggregator polled every x amount of seconds.
This can be done using XML like so (example taken from a previous SO question):
the poller will process 100 messages every minute
if the size of the group is 100 (the poll reached the max messages) or 60 seconds time out (poll has less than 100 messages) then the payload with the list of messages is passed to defined output channel
<int:aggregator input-channel="logEntryChannel" output-channel="logEntryAggrChannel"
release-strategy-expression="size() == 100">
<int:poller max-messages-per-poll="100" fixed-rate="60000"/>
I've managed to find a class that kinda sorta does the trick and it's bean definition is:
#Bean(name = "aggregatingMessageHandler")
public AggregatingMessageHandler aggregatingMessageHandler() {
AggregatingMessageHandler aggregatingMessageHandler =
new AggregatingMessageHandler(messageGroupProcessorBean(),
new SimpleMessageStore(10));
new TimeoutCountSequenceSizeReleaseStrategy(3,
return aggregatingMessageHandler;
However this triggers the canRelease() method of the ReleaseStrategy only when a new message is received in the inboundChannel associated with this handler, and not at a fixed time interval which is not the desired result.
I want all groups older than one minute to be redirected to the output channel.
My question is - is there a way to programmatically attach a Poller such as the one in the XML definition?

For Java & Annotation configuration take a look here and here.
The Aggregator component has AggregatorFactoryBean for easier Java Configuration.
Anyway you have to pay attention that there is a #ServiceActivator annotation together with a #Bean on that handler definition. And exactly #ServiceActivator has poller attribute.
Also pay attention that there is a Java DSL for Spring Integration.
Another part of your question is a bit confusion. The poller fully isn't related to the release strategy. Its responsibility in this case to receive messages from the PollableChannel which is that logEntryChannel. And only after that already polled messages are placed to the aggregator for it correlation and release logic.
What is done in that sample is fully different story and we can discuss it in the separate SO thread.


Should I use SeekToCurrentErrorHandler with API restTemplate retry mechanism?

I am trying to write a kafka consumer application in spring-kafka. As consumer, I have to make sure I am not missing any record and all records should get processed.
My application design is like this :
Topics --> Read records from topic --> dump it into a table A in oracle database --> pick records from a table A --> call rest api to update records in system table B --> update response of API in table a --> commit records
Retry Mechanism on API level :
Now, if any of the records gets failed, means the response code is not as desired (400,500 etc..). We would retry those records 2 times.
Retry Mechanism on Topic level :
But, what if I got an error while committing offsets ? means, I need to have some kind of retry mechanism on the topic level as well. I went over documents and found an option :SeekToCurrentErrorHandler
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> kafkaListenerContainerFactory() {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory();
factory.setErrorHandler(new SeekToCurrentErrorHandler(new FixedBackOff(1000L, 2L)));
return factory;
Now, what I understand, suppose If I am not able to commit any offsets, then after adding above code, this will retry a delivery up to 2 times (3 delivery attempts) with a back off of 1 second. So, does this means, my whole flow will be replayed twice ? if this is true, then do I need to add retry mechanism on the API level separately ?
I am just trying to understand, how can I make my consumer application more resilient so I don't miss any record from processing and should have error mechanism to handle any error/missed records. Please suggest.
It's best to avoid situations where the offsets can't be committed (make sure the max.poll.interval.ms is sufficient).
But, yes, if committing the offsets fails (and commitSync is true) then the record will be redelivered to the application. If commitSync is false, the failure will simply be logged (or sent to your listener) and the "next" offset for that partition will have its offset committed later (presumably).
Adding retry at the application level (e.g. using a RetryTemplate in the listener adapter - via the container factory) will still suffer from the same problem; it also can cause a rebalance if the retries take too long.
If you really want to avoid reprocessing in this situation, you need to make your listener code idempotent - e.g. store the topic/partition/offset someplace to indicate you have already processed that record.

How to better correlate Spring Integration TCP Inbound and Outbound Adapters within the same application?

I currently have a Spring Integration application which is utilizing a number of TCP inbound and outbound adapter combinations for message handling. All of these adapter combinations utilize the same single MessageEndpoint for request processing and the same single MessagingGateway for response sending.
The MessageEndpoint’s final output channel is a DirectChannel that is also the DefaultRequestChannel of the MessageGateway. This DirectChannel utilizes the default RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy which is doing a Round Robin search for the correct Outbound Adapter to send the given response through. Of course, this round robin search does not always find the appropriate Outbound Adapter on first search and when it doesn’t it logs accordingly. Not only is this producing a large amount of unwanted logging but it also raises some performance concerns as I anticipate several hundred inbound/outbound adapter combinations existing at any given time.
I am wondering if there is a way in which I can more closely correlate the inbound and outbound adapters in a way that there is no need for the round robin processing and each response can be sent directly to the corresponding outbound adapter? Ideally, I would like this to be implemented in a way that the use of a single MessageEndpoint and single MessageGateway can be maintained.
Note: Please limit solutions to those which use the Inbound/Outbound Adapter combinations. The use of TcpInbound/TcpOutboundGateways is not possible for my implementation as I need to send multiple responses to a single request and, to my knowledge, this can only be done with the use of inbound/outbound adapters.
To add some clarity, below is a condensed version of the current implementation described. I have tried to clear out any unrelated code just to make things easier to read...
// Inbound/Outbound Adapter creation (part of a service that is used to dynamically create varying number of inbound/outbound adapter combinations)
public void configureAdapterCombination(int port) {
TcpNioServerConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new TcpNioServerConnectionFactory(port);
// Connection Factory registered with Application Context bean factory (removed for readability)...
TcpReceivingChannelAdapter inboundAdapter = new TcpReceivingChannelAdapter();
inboundAdapter.setOutputChannel(context.getBean("sendFirstResponse", DirectChannel.class));
// Inbound Adapter registered with Application Context bean factory (removed for readability)...
TcpSendingMessageHandler outboundAdapter = new TcpSendingMessageHandler();
// Outbound Adapter registered with Application Context bean factory (removed for readability)...
context.getBean("outboundResponse", DirectChannel.class).subscribe(outboundAdapter);
// Message Endpoint for processing requests
public class RequestProcessor {
private OutboundResponseGateway outboundResponseGateway;
// Direct Channel which is using Round Robin lookup
public DirectChannel outboundResponse() {
return new DirectChannel();
// Removed additional, unrelated, endpoints for readability...
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel="sendFirstResponse", outputChannel="sendSecondResponse")
public Message<String> sendFirstResponse(Message<String> message) {
// Unrelated message processing/response generation excluded...
outboundResponseGateway.sendOutboundResponse("First Response", message.getHeaders().get(IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID, String.class));
return message;
// Service Activator that puts second response on the request channel of the Message Gateway
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "sendSecondResponse", outputChannel="outboundResponse")
public Message<String> processQuery(Message<String> message) {
// Unrelated message processing/response generation excluded...
return MessageBuilder.withPayload("Second Response").copyHeaders(message.getHeaders()).build();
// Messaging Gateway for sending responses
public interface OutboundResponseGateway {
public void sendOutboundResponse(#Payload String payload, #Header(IpHeaders.CONNECTION_ID) String connectionId);
#Artem's suggestions in the comments/answers below seem to do the trick. Just wanted to make a quick note about how I was able to add a replyChannel to each Outbound Adapter on creation.
What I did was create two maps that are being maintained by the application. The first map is populated whenever a new Inbound/Outbound adapter combination is created and it is a mapping of ConnectionFactory name to replyChannel name. The second map is a map of ConnectionId to replyChannel name and this is populated on any new TcpConnectionOpenEvent via an EventListener.
Note that every TcpConnectionOpenEvent will have a ConnectionFactoryName and ConnectionId property defined based on where/how the connection is established.
From there, whenever a new request is received I use theses maps and the 'ip_connectionId' header on the Message to add a replyChannel header to the Message. The first response is sent by manually grabbing the corresponding replyChannel (based on the value of the replyChannel header) from the application's context and sending the response on that channel. The second response is sent via Spring Integration using the replyChannel header on the message as Artem describes in his responses.
This solution was implemented as a quick proof of concept and is just something that worked for my current implementation. Including this to hopefully jumpstart other viewer's own implementations/solutions.
Well, I see now your point about round-robin. You create many similar TCP channel adapters against the same channels. In this case it is indeed hard to distinguish one flow from another because you have a little control over those channels and their subscribers.
On of the solution would be grate with Spring Integration Java DSL and its dynamic flows: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/reference/html/dsl.html#java-dsl-runtime-flows
So, you would concentrate only on the flows and won't worry about runtime registration. But since you are not there and you deal just with plain Java & Annotations configuration, it is much harder for you to achieve a goal. But still...
You may be know that there is something like replyChannel header. It is taken into an account when we don't have a outputChannel configured. This way you would be able to have an isolated channel for each flow and the configuration would be really the same for all the flows.
I would create a new channel for each configureAdapterCombination() call.
Propagate this one into that method for replyChannel.subscribe(outboundAdapter);
Use this channel in the beginning of your particular flow to populate it into a replyChannel header.
This way your processQuery() service-activator should go without an outputChannel. It is going to be selected from the replyChannel header for a proper outbound channel adapter correlation.
You don't need a #MessagingGateway for such a scenario since we don't have a fixed defaultRequestChannel any more. In the sendFirstResponse() service method you just take a replyChannel header and send a newly created message manually. Technically it is exactly the same what you try to do with a mentioned #MessagingGateway.
For Java DSL variant I would go with a filter on the PublishSubscribeChannel to discard those messages which don't belong to the current flow. Anyway it is a different story.
Try to figure out how you can have a reply channel per flow when you configure particular configureAdapterCombination().

Spring-Kafka Concurrency Property

I am progressing on writing my first Kafka Consumer by using Spring-Kafka. Had a look at the different options provided by framework, and have few doubts on the same. Can someone please clarify below if you have already worked on it.
Question - 1 : As per Spring-Kafka documentation, there are 2 ways to implement Kafka-Consumer; "You can receive messages by configuring a MessageListenerContainer and providing a message listener or by using the #KafkaListener annotation". Can someone tell when should I choose one option over another ?
Question - 2 : I have chosen KafkaListener approach for writing my application. For this I need to initialize a container factory instance and inside container factory there is option to control concurrency. Just want to double check if my understanding about concurrency is correct or not.
Suppose, I have a topic name MyTopic which has 4 partitions in it. And to consume messages from MyTopic, I've started 2 instances of my application and these instances are started by setting concurrency as 2. So, Ideally as per kafka assignment strategy, 2 partitions should go to consumer1 and 2 other partitions should go to consumer2. Since the concurrency is set as 2, does each of the consumer will start 2 threads, and will consume data from the topics in parallel ? Also should we consider anything if we are consuming in parallel.
Question 3 - I have chosen manual ack mode, and not managing the offsets externally (not persisting it to any database/filesystem). So should I need to write custom code to handle rebalance, or framework will manage it automatically ? I think no as I am acknowledging only after processing all the records.
Question - 4 : Also, with Manual ACK mode, which Listener will give more performance? BATCH Message Listener or normal Message Listener. I guess if I use Normal Message listener, the offsets will be committed after processing each of the messages.
Pasted the code below for your reference.
Batch Acknowledgement Consumer:
public void onMessage(List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> records, Acknowledgment acknowledgment,
Consumer<?, ?> consumer) {
for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
System.out.println("Record : " + record.value());
// Process the message here..
listener.addOffset(record.topic(), record.partition(), record.offset());
Initialising container factory:
public ConsumerFactory<String, String> consumerFactory() {
return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<String, String>(consumerConfigs());
public Map<String, Object> consumerConfigs() {
Map<String, Object> configs = new HashMap<String, Object>();
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, bootStrapServer);
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, groupId);
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, enablAutoCommit);
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.MAX_POLL_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, maxPolInterval);
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, autoOffsetReset);
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, clientId);
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
configs.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
return configs;
public ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> kafkaListenerContainerFactory() {
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String> factory = new ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory<String, String>();
// Not sure about the impact of this property, so going with 1
factory.getContainerProperties().setMessageListener(new BatchAckConsumer());
return factory;
#KafkaListener is a message-driven "POJO" it adds stuff like payload conversion, argument matching, etc. If you implement MessageListener you can only get the raw ConsumerRecord from Kafka. See #KafkaListener Annotation.
Yes, the concurrency represents the number of threads; each thread creates a Consumer; they run in parallel; in your example, each would get 2 partitions.
Also should we consider anything if we are consuming in parallel.
Your listener must be thread-safe (no shared state or any such state needs to be protected by locks.
It's not clear what you mean by "handle rebalance events". When a rebalance occurs, the framework will commit any pending offsets.
It doesn't make a difference; message listener Vs. batch listener is just a preference. Even with a message listener, with MANUAL ackmode, the offsets are committed when all the results from the poll have been processed. With MANUAL_IMMEDIATE mode, the offsets are committed one-by-one.
From the documentation,
The #KafkaListener annotation is used to designate a bean method as a
listener for a listener container. The bean is wrapped in a
MessagingMessageListenerAdapter configured with various features, such
as converters to convert the data, if necessary, to match the method
You can configure most attributes on the annotation with SpEL by using
"#{…​} or property placeholders (${…​}). See the Javadoc for more information."
This approach can be useful for simple POJO listeners and you do not need to implement any interfaces. You are also enabled to listen on any topics and partitions in a declarative way using the annotations. You can also potentially return the value you received whereas in case of MessageListener, you are bound by the signature of the interface.
Ideally yes. If you have multiple topics to consume from, it gets more complicated though. Kafka by default uses RangeAssignor which has its own behaviour (you can change this -- see more details under).
If your consumer dies, there will be rebalancing. If you acknowledge manually and your consumer dies before committing offsets, you do not need to do anything, Kafka handles that. But you could end up with some duplicate messages (at-least once)
It depends what you mean by "performance". If you meant latency, then consuming each record as fast as possible will be the way to go. If you want to achieve high throughput, then batch consumption is more efficient.
I had written some samples using Spring kafka and various listeners - check out this repo

spring integration bridge direct channel to queue Channel

At unit test time, I try to bridge the Spring Integration default channel to a queued channel, since I want to check the correctness of the amount of message flow into this channel.
<int:filter input-channel="prevChannel" output-channel="myChannel">
<int:bridge input-channel="myChannel" output-channel="aggregateChannel">
// the reason I have above bridge is I want to check the amount of message after filter.
// I cannot check prevChannel since it is before filtering, and I cannot check aggregateChannel
// because it has other processing branch
// in test xml I import above normal workflow xml and added below configuration to
// redirect message from myChannel to checkMyChannel to checking.
<int:bridge input-channel="myChannel"
<int:channel id="checkMyChannel">
I autowired checkMyChannel in my unit test
but checkMyChannel.getqueuesize() always return 0.
Is there sth I did wrong?
You missed to share test-case with us. We don't have the entire picture. And looks like you have a race condition there. Someone polls all your messages from the checkMyChannel before you start assert that getqueuesize().
In our tests we don't use <poller> for such a cases. We use PollableChannel.receive(timeout) manually.
got this fixed, I have to declare myChannel to be a publish-subscribe-channel
How to test Spring Integration
This one helps, for my case there is a race condition since.
"A regular channel with multiple subscribers will round-robin ..."

spring integration message released twice from aggregator

I have a spring integration flow that starts with a channel inboundadapter and picks up files and passes them through the system as messages.
After a few components, the messages are aggregated at an "Aggregator" from where they are released based on release strategies or by group timeout of 30 sec.
The downstream processing has another bunch of components till the final one.
The problem I am facing is this,
When I send 33 files which create 33 "groups/buckets" based on correlation IDs, aggregated at the "Aggregator", some of the files or messages seems to be "released" twice. The reason I conclude that is because I have a channel interceptor which shows a few messages passing through the "released" channel (appearing right after the aggregator) a second time, after completing the downstream processing successfully, the first time. Additionally, this behavior causes my application to not find a file and throw an exception which I see. This leads me to conclude that the message bucket/group/corrID is somehow being "Released" twice.
I have tried to debug this many ways , but essentially, I want to know how a corrID/bucket after being released and having successfully gone through all downstream components in a single thread, can be "released" again.
My question is, how can I debug this? I want to know what is making this message/bucket re-appear in the aggregator.
My aggregator is as follows,
<int:aggregator id="bufferedFiles" input-channel="inQueueForStage"
output-channel="released" expire-groups-upon-completion="true"
send-partial-result-on-expiry="true" release-strategy="releaseHandler"
group-timeout-expression="size() > 0 ? T(com.att.datalake.ifr.loader.utils.MessageUtils).getAggregatorTimeout(one, #sourceSnapshot) : -1">
<int:poller fixed-delay="${files.pickup.delay:3000}"
task-executor="executor" />
Explanation of aggregator: The size()>0 applies to EACH correlation bucket. each of the 33 files I am sending will spawn/generate/create a new bucket because of the file name, so the aggregator will have 33 buckets/groups/corrIds, each bucket will contain only one file.
So the aggregator SPEL expression simply says that if there no release strategies, then release the bucket/group after 30 secs if the group indeed has at least some files.
My Channel inbound adapter is as follows:
<int-file:inbound-channel-adapter id="files"
channel="dispatchFiles" directory="${source.dir}" scanner="directoryScanner">
<int:poller fixed-delay="${files.pickup.delay:3000}"
max-messages-per-poll="${num.files.pickup.per.poll:10}" />
here is the log of message completing the flow the first time. The completion time invoked suggests reaching the last component a "completionHandler" SA.
Explanation of Log: "cor" is the bucket/corrId that is being released twice. The reason I get the final exception is because during the first time, the file is removed from that original location and processed. So the second time around when this erroneous release happens, there is nothing to process there.
From the pictures it can be seen that the first batch/corrId/bucket is processed and finished around 11:09, and the second one is started around 11:10
an important point I noticed that this behavior only happens when I have a global channel interceptor in which I am doing somewhat long processing. When this interceptor is commented out, the errors go away.
is it possible for aggregator to double release a batch/corrId under any circumstance? How can I make aggregator emit any logs?
Edit 10:15pm
My channel following the aggregator has an interceptor as follows,
public Message<?> preSend(Message<?> message, MessageChannel channel) {
LOGGER.info("******** Releasing from aggregator(interceptor) , corrID:{} at time:{} ********",MessageUtils.getCorrelationId(message), new Date() );
finalReporter.callback(channel.toString(), message);
return message;
From Aggregator down to final compeltionHandler SA, I have single threaded processing
Aggregator -> releasedChannel -> some SA1 -> some channel -> ..... -> completionChannel->completeSA
When I run for 33 partitions, let's follow corrId = "alh" The first time it is released, it looks like following,
What it shows is that thread-5 released it and it should process all the downstream components. But it leaves it mid-way and starts doing other things and is picked up again by a diffferent thread a little later as follows,
That seems/seemed to be the problem,
Solution Update:
I did following 3 things to sort of work around, at the moment,
for some reason, my interceptors were doing return super.preSend(message, channel) instead of simply return message. I changed it to latter
I had a global channel interceptors, I removed global and kept individual ones
If the channel interceptors had any issues before returning, would that cause a new release?
Although I still see the above scenario depicted in pictures, I am not getting double processing attempts and as such it avoids the errors. I am still trying to make sense out of this.
I understand it's too specific and difficult to explain; still thanks for the time and comments...
However, yes. I think #GaryRussell is right: since you use expire-groups-upon-completion="true" some partial groups may be released by group-timeout-expression and the new messages with the same correlationId will form a new group, which is released by the next group-timeout. Your size() > 0 isn't good too. It means that it is going to release partial group after that group-timeout. Maybe size() > 1? The group can't be size() == 0 though. Because it is created on the first message, so, if gruop exists, it contains at least one message. Yes, group can be empty, but in that case the aggregator should be marked with expire-groups-upon-completion="false". In that case it is marked as completed and doesn't allow new messages.
After struggling with debugging and various blind scenarios, I believe that at least I have a workaround and a possible root cause. I will try to outline all the things that I modified,
Root Cause:
My interceptors were calling a Common class with a common callback method. This method, based on the channel name from which the request was coming from, would decide the appropriate action to take. The actions were essentially collecting data, incrementing counters and persisting to database some information.
It seems that some of them were having errors and consequently, the thread was dying and message re-released. I am not entirely sure about it and please correct me if that's not the case.
But after I fixed those errors, the re-release issue seems to have subsided or vanished altogether.
The reason it was hard to diagnose was because I could not see those errors thrown during callback method invocations; may be I was catching them or may be they were lost.
I also found that the issue was only on any channel interceptors AFTER the aggregator. Interceptors before the aggregator did not present any issues; may be because they were simpler...
To debug,
I removed the interceptors and made the callback directly from various components (SAs), removed global interceptors and tried to add individual interceptors for specific channels.
Thanks for all the help.
