I`ve tried finding a similar error to mine to avoid asking a already repeated question but I cannot find anything. I apologise for the code being quite long. If somebody could explain to me what I am doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
// Physical Constants
float g=-9.81; // Gravity
float k=0.0; // Friction const (Try 0.02)
float m=0.25; // Mass kg
float dt=0.01; // Time step 10ms
// Boundary (starting) conditions
float vy=0; // Initial vertical velocity
float y=0.9; // Initial vertical position
float x=0; // Initial horizontal position
float vx=0.8; // Initial horizontal velocity
float t=0; // Initial time
Ball [] b;
void setup()
b=new Ball[50];
for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
b[i]=new Ball();
size(500, 500);
void draw()
for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
int Collision(int j,Ball b[])
int res=-1;
for(int i=0;i<50;i++)
if (i!=j)
float sep=sqrt(pow(b[i].x-b[j].x,2)+pow(b[i].y-b[j].y,2));
float rads=b[i].radius+b[j].radius;
if(sep<rads){ res=i;}
class Ball
color c;
float radius;
float vy;
float y;
float x;
float vx;
float t;
c=color(random(255),random(255), random(255));
radius = 0.01+random(0.04);
void advance()
if (y<=0) {vy=-vy; y=y+(vy*dt);}
if (x<=0) {vx=-vx; x=x+(vx*dt);}
if (x>=1) {vx=-vx; x=x+(vx*dt);}
int r=Collision(i,b); // Check if ball i collides with any balls in array b
if(r!=-1) // -1 means no collision, r is index that identifies ball in b
float nvxj = (b[i].vx * (b[i].radius - b[r].radius) + (2 * b[r].radius * b[r].vx)) /
(b[i].radius + b[r].radius);
float nvyj = (b[i].vy * (b[i].radius - b[r].radius) + (2 * b[r].radius * b[r].vy)) /
(b[i].radius + b[r].radius);
float nvxr = (b[r].vx * (b[r].radius - b[i].radius) + (2 * b[i].radius * b[i].vx)) /
(b[i].radius + b[r].radius);
float nvyr = (b[r].vy * (b[r].radius - b[i].radius) + (2 * b[i].radius * b[i].vy)) /
(b[i].radius + b[r].radius);
void draw_ball()
float sx=map(x,0,1,0,width);
float sy=map(y,0,1,height-1,0);
float rx=map(radius,0,1,0,width);
float ry=map(radius,0,1,0,height);
You'll have better luck if you fix your indentation so you can better match up { } curly brackets.
You've got an advance() function, but then right after that function ends (find the matching closing curly bracket), you've got this disconnected snippet of code:
int r=Collision(i, b); // Check if ball i collides with any balls in array b
if (r!=-1) // -1 means no collision, r is index that identifies ball in b
float nvxj = (b[i].vx * (b[i].radius - b[r].radius) + (2 * b[r].radius * b[r].vx)) /
(b[i].radius + b[r].radius);
float nvyj = (b[i].vy * (b[i].radius - b[r].radius) + (2 * b[r].radius * b[r].vy)) /
(b[i].radius + b[r].radius);
float nvxr = (b[r].vx * (b[r].radius - b[i].radius) + (2 * b[i].radius * b[i].vx)) /
(b[i].radius + b[r].radius);
float nvyr = (b[r].vy * (b[r].radius - b[i].radius) + (2 * b[i].radius * b[i].vy)) /
(b[i].radius + b[r].radius);
void draw_ball()
float sx=map(x, 0, 1, 0, width);
float sy=map(y, 0, 1, height-1, 0);
float rx=map(radius, 0, 1, 0, width);
float ry=map(radius, 0, 1, 0, height);
ellipse(sx, sy, 2*rx, 2*ry);
There's a lot going on here. It's not a syntax error to have a block of code inside { } curly brackets like this, but I'm not sure what you're expecting this code to do, or when you expect it to run. But your error is caused by the fact that you're using an i variable in this code that you haven't defined.
It is a syntax error to define a function inside { } curly brackets like this though.
To fix your problem, you need to take a step back and really think about where this section of code belongs.
I wrote the following shader to render a pattern with a bunch of concentric circles. Eventually I want to have each rotating sphere be a light emitter to create something along these lines.
Of course right now I'm just doing the most basic part to render the different objects.
Unfortunately the shader is incredibly slow (16fps full screen on a high-end macbook). I'm pretty sure this is due to the numerous for loops and branching that I have in the shader. I'm wondering how I can pull off the geometry I'm trying to achieve in a more performance optimized way:
EDIT: you can run the shader here: https://www.shadertoy.com/view/lssyRH
One obvious optimization I am missing is that currently all the fragments are checked against the entire 24 surrounding circles. It would be pretty quick and easy to just discard these checks entirely by checking if the fragment intersects the outer bounds of the diagram. I guess I'm just trying to get a handle on how the best practice is of doing something like this.
#define N 10
#define M 5
#define K 24
#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
float aspectRatio = iResolution.x / iResolution.y;
float h = 1.0;
float w = aspectRatio;
vec2 uv = vec2(fragCoord.x / iResolution.x * aspectRatio, fragCoord.y / iResolution.y);
float radius = 0.01;
float orbitR = 0.02;
float orbiterRadius = 0.005;
float centerRadius = 0.002;
float encloseR = 2.0 * orbitR;
float encloserRadius = 0.002;
float spacingX = (w / (float(N) + 1.0));
float spacingY = h / (float(M) + 1.0);
float x = 0.0;
float y = 0.0;
vec4 totalLight = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
// compute the center of the diagram
vec2 center = vec2(spacingX * (float(i) + 1.0), spacingY * (float(j) + 1.0));
x = center.x + orbitR * cos(iGlobalTime);
y = center.y + orbitR * sin(iGlobalTime);
vec2 bulb = vec2(x,y);
if (length(uv - center) < centerRadius) {
// frag intersects white center marker
fragColor = vec4(1.0);
} else if (length(uv - bulb) < radius) {
// intersects rotating "light"
fragColor = vec4(uv,0.5+0.5*sin(iGlobalTime),1.0);
} else {
// intersects one of the enclosing 24 cylinders
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
float theta = M_PI * 2.0 * float(k)/ float(K);
x = center.x + cos(theta) * encloseR;
y = center.y + sin(theta) * encloseR;
vec2 encloser = vec2(x,y);
if (length(uv - encloser) < encloserRadius) {
fragColor = vec4(uv,0.5+0.5*sin(iGlobalTime),1.0);
Keeping in mind that you want to optimize the fragment shader, and only the fragment shader:
Move the sin(iGlobalTime) and cos(iGlobalTime) out of the loops, these remain static over the whole draw call so no need to recalculate them every loop iteration.
GPUs employ vectorized instruction sets (SIMD) where possible, take advantage of that. You're wasting lots of cycles by doing multiple scalar ops where you could use a single vector instruction(see annotated code)
[Three years wiser me here: I'm not really sure if this statement is true in regards to how modern GPUs process the instructions, however it certainly does help readability and maybe even give a hint or two to the compiler]
Do your radius checks squared, save that sqrt(length) for when you really need it
Replace float casts of constants(your loop limits) with a float constant(intelligent shader compilers will already do this, not something to count on though)
Don't have undefined behavior in your shader(not writing to gl_FragColor)
Here is an optimized and annotated version of your shader(still containing that undefined behavior, just like the one you provided). Annotation is in the form of:
// annotation
// old code, if any
new code
#define N 10
// define float constant N
#define fN 10.
#define M 5
// define float constant M
#define fM 5.
#define K 24
// define float constant K
#define fK 24.
#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
// predefine 2 times PI
#define M_PI2 6.28318531
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
float aspectRatio = iResolution.x / iResolution.y;
// we dont need these separate
// float h = 1.0;
// float w = aspectRatio;
// use vector ops(2 divs 1 mul => 1 div 1 mul)
// vec2 uv = vec2(fragCoord.x / iResolution.x * aspectRatio, fragCoord.y / iResolution.y);
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
uv.x *= aspectRatio;
// most of the following declarations should be predefined or marked as "const"...
float radius = 0.01;
// precalc squared radius
float radius2 = radius*radius;
float orbitR = 0.02;
float orbiterRadius = 0.005;
float centerRadius = 0.002;
// precalc squared center radius
float centerRadius2 = centerRadius * centerRadius;
float encloseR = 2.0 * orbitR;
float encloserRadius = 0.002;
// precalc squared encloser radius
float encloserRadius2 = encloserRadius * encloserRadius;
// Use float constants and vector ops here(2 casts 2 adds 2 divs => 1 add 1 div)
// float spacingX = w / (float(N) + 1.0);
// float spacingY = h / (float(M) + 1.0);
vec2 spacing = vec2(aspectRatio, 1.0) / (vec2(fN, fM)+1.);
// calc sin and cos of global time
// saves N*M(sin,cos,2 muls)
vec2 stct = vec2(sin(iGlobalTime), cos(iGlobalTime));
vec2 orbit = orbitR * stct;
// not needed anymore
// float x = 0.0;
// float y = 0.0;
// was never used
// vec4 totalLight = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) {
// compute the center of the diagram
// Use vector ops
// vec2 center = vec2(spacingX * (float(i) + 1.0), spacingY * (float(j) + 1.0));
vec2 center = spacing * (vec2(i,j)+1.0);
// Again use vector opts, use precalced time trig(orbit = orbitR * stct)
// x = center.x + orbitR * cos(iGlobalTime);
// y = center.y + orbitR * sin(iGlobalTime);
// vec2 bulb = vec2(x,y);
vec2 bulb = center + orbit;
// calculate offsets
vec2 centerOffset = uv - center;
vec2 bulbOffset = uv - bulb;
// use squared length check
// if (length(uv - center) < centerRadius) {
if (dot(centerOffset, centerOffset) < centerRadius2) {
// frag intersects white center marker
fragColor = vec4(1.0);
// use squared length check
// } else if (length(uv - bulb) < radius) {
} else if (dot(bulbOffset, bulbOffset) < radius2) {
// Use precalced sin global time in stct.x
// intersects rotating "light"
fragColor = vec4(uv,0.5+0.5*stct.x,1.0);
} else {
// intersects one of the enclosing 24 cylinders
for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
// use predefined 2*PI and float K
float theta = M_PI2 * float(k) / fK;
// Use vector ops(2 muls 2 adds => 1 mul 1 add)
// x = center.x + cos(theta) * encloseR;
// y = center.y + sin(theta) * encloseR;
// vec2 encloser = vec2(x,y);
vec2 encloseOffset = uv - (center + vec2(cos(theta),sin(theta)) * encloseR);
if (dot(encloseOffset,encloseOffset) < encloserRadius2) {
fragColor = vec4(uv,0.5+0.5*stct.x,1.0);
I did a little more thinking ... I realized the best way to optimize it is to actually change the logic so that before doing intersection tests on the small circles it checks the bounds of the group of circles. This got it to run at 60fps:
Example here:
The issue is i got an array of PVectors placed around my main PVector which is in the middle. I want my array of PVectors to rotate around my main PVector based on a rotation variable. Is there any way to do this?
Right now I have this code but it does not rotate the PVectors, just places them farther away based on the rotation var.
class Box {
PVector location;
PVector[] points;
float rotation = random(360);
Box() {
location = new PVector(random(width), random(height));
points = new PVector[4];
for(a = 0; a < points.length; a ++) {
points[a] = new PVector(0,0);
void update() {
points[0].x = location.x + 10 * sin(rotation);
points[0].y = location.y + 10 * sin(rotation);
points[1].x = location.x + 10 * sin(rotation);
points[1].y = location.y - 10 * sin(rotation);
points[2].x = location.x - 10 * sin(rotation);
points[2].y = location.y + 10 * sin(rotation);
points[3].x = location.x - 10 * sin(rotation);
points[3].y = location.y - 10 * sin(rotation);
To rotate the vectors, you do need to use trig functions like sin and cos like you have in your code. However, your approach isn't really the best. Adding onto the existing (x,y) coordinates on each update isn't really feasible, since the number you have to add on is changing every time. It's easier just to overwrite and calculate new values for each update. The x and y coordinates for a given angle are given by the unit circle:
So, the x of a given PVector varies with cos(theta) and the y varies with sin(theta). Check the following code:
Box b;
void setup(){
b = new Box();
void draw(){
b.update(mouseX, mouseY);
class Box {
PVector location;
PVector[] points;
float rotation;
float radius;
Box() {
location = new PVector(width/2,height/2);
points = new PVector[7];
rotation = 0;
radius = 50;
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i ++) {
//this centers the points around (0,0), so you need to add in
//the box coordinates later on.
points[i] = new PVector(radius*cos(rotation + i*TWO_PI/points.length),
radius*sin(rotation + i*TWO_PI/points.length));
void update(int x, int y) {
rotation += 0.08; // change for different rotation speeds.
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
points[i].set(radius*cos(rotation + i*TWO_PI/points.length),
radius*sin(rotation + i*TWO_PI/points.length));
void display(){
for(int i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
//points are treated as offsets from the center point:
For every update() call, it increments the rotation variable and calculates the new x and y values for each point in the array. You can change the speed and direction of rotation by changing 0.08 to bigger/smaller/positive/negative numbers.
To rotate a point around location:
double x = cos(rotation) * (point.x-location.x) - sin(rotation) * (point.y-location.y) + location.x;
double y = sin(rotation) * (point.x-location.x) + cos(rotation) * (point.y-location.y) + location.y;
point.x = x;
point.y = y;
See Rotate a point by an angle
For some odd reason, the code below does not produce the desired effect. The sinewave is fine and functional, and the snippet of code below works perfectly, except for the movement forward, which is jolty.
I am using millis() and dividing by 1000 to convert to seconds, but the effect still produces what I would expect form using the second() function - the sinewave moving forward every 1 second. I want the lines to move horizontally smoothly, as the sinewave line does vertically. What have I done wrong?
int cyclesBeforeStopping = 4;
int distanceBeforeStopping = 400;
float frequency = 0.2; // in Hz
float peak = 25; // Highest point of wave
float trough = 275; // Lowest point of wave
float amplitudeOffset;
float forwardOffset;
float timeUntilStop = (1 / frequency) * cyclesBeforeStopping;
void setup(){
forwardOffset = ForwardOffset();
void draw(){
float forwardOffsetNow = forwardOffset * (millis() / 1000);
// Guidelines
line(50 + forwardOffsetNow, peak, 100 + forwardOffsetNow, peak);
line(50 + forwardOffsetNow, trough, 100 + forwardOffsetNow, trough);
// Sine line
float newPosition = NewPosition();
line(50 + forwardOffsetNow, newPosition, 100 + forwardOffsetNow, newPosition);
float ForwardOffset() {
float forwardOffsetVar = (distanceBeforeStopping) / timeUntilStop;
return forwardOffsetVar;
float NewPosition() {
float omega = TWO_PI * frequency;
float amplitude = trough - peak;
float halfway = peak + amplitude / 2;
float newPosition = halfway - (amplitude * sin(omega * millis() / 1000) / 2);
return newPosition;
A one dot solution :) just do:
float forwardOffsetNow = forwardOffset * (millis() / 1000.);//mind the dot after 1000
and also:
float newPosition = halfway - (amplitude * sin(omega * millis() / 1000.) / 2);
This is called integer division, well documented in Processing's wiki troubleshooting, here.
It can be avoided by using a dot or an f after the number, like:
All will work.
Here is my source code:
int index;
int num = 60;
float mx[] = new float[num];
float my[] = new float[num];
float explosion;
float x;
float y;
float px;
float py;
float xold;
float yold;
float xplode1;
float yplode1;
float xplode2;
float yplode2;
float xplode3;
float yplode3;
float xplode4;
float yplode4;
float easing = 0.05;
void setup() {
size(1366, 768);
// noFill();
fill(25, 155);
void draw() {
int which = frameCount % num;
explosion = explosion + 0.32;
background(92, 55, 169);
float targetX = mouseX;
float dx = targetX - px;
float lx = targetX - x;
if (abs(dx) > 1) {
mx[which] += dx * easing;
x += lx * easing;
if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == LEFT)) {
xplode1 = dx + 50 + sin(explosion)*30;
xplode2 = dx + 50 + sin(explosion)*30;
xplode3 = dx - 50 - sin(explosion)*30;
xplode4 = dx - 50 - sin(explosion)*30;
else {
xplode1 = -10;
xplode2 = -10;
xplode3 = -10;
xplode4 = -10;
float targetY = mouseY;
float dy = targetY - py;
float ly = targetY - y;
if (abs(dy) > 1) {
my[which] += dy * easing;
y += dy * easing;
if (mousePressed && (mouseButton == LEFT)) {
yplode1 = dy + 50 + sin(explosion)*30;
yplode2 = dy - 50 - sin(explosion)*30;
yplode3 = dy - 50 - sin(explosion)*30;
yplode4 = dy + 50 + sin(explosion)*30;
else {
yplode1 = -10;
yplode2 = -10;
yplode3 = -10;
yplode4 = -10;
for(int i = 0;i<num;i++){
index = (which + 1 + i) % num;
ellipse(mx[index], my[index], i, i);
ellipse(xplode1, yplode1, 10, 10);
ellipse(xplode2, yplode2, 10, 10);
ellipse(xplode3, yplode3, 10, 10);
ellipse(xplode4, yplode4, 10, 10);
I would like to have a trail of ~60 and also have some easing for the whole thing. I have got each feature working individually but when I added in the fading. There is quite alot of unneeded variables, I have not cleaned the code at all, I have been working on it for hours, I know there is probably a very simple solution that I just cannot see at the moment. Any help would be great, thanks.
Don't bite more than you can chew, learn the little things. Vectors will make your code much less messy. You can find a detailed description of the Vector class on the Processing site. In this way, instead of having two different variables xplode1 and xplode2, there will be one Vector object that stores both values. You may find those concepts difficult at first, but they'll be invalubale tools for future sketches.
If you feel comfortable with basic concepts such as variables, functions, conditionals and loops, start studying OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Again, Daniel Shiffman comes to help.
Also, be more specific when asking on StackOverflow. Solving a problem often means finding the right question.
I'm having a bit of a mind blank on this at the moment.
I've got a problem where I need to calculate the position of points around a central point, assuming they're all equidistant from the center and from each other.
The number of points is variable so it's DrawCirclePoints(int x)
I'm sure there's a simple solution, but for the life of me, I just can't see it :)
Given a radius length r and an angle t in radians and a circle's center (h,k), you can calculate the coordinates of a point on the circumference as follows (this is pseudo-code, you'll have to adapt it to your language):
float x = r*cos(t) + h;
float y = r*sin(t) + k;
A point at angle theta on the circle whose centre is (x0,y0) and whose radius is r is (x0 + r cos theta, y0 + r sin theta). Now choose theta values evenly spaced between 0 and 2pi.
Here's a solution using C#:
void DrawCirclePoints(int points, double radius, Point center)
double slice = 2 * Math.PI / points;
for (int i = 0; i < points; i++)
double angle = slice * i;
int newX = (int)(center.X + radius * Math.Cos(angle));
int newY = (int)(center.Y + radius * Math.Sin(angle));
Point p = new Point(newX, newY);
Sample output from DrawCirclePoints(8, 10, new Point(0,0));:
Good luck!
Placing a number in a circular path
// variable
let number = 12; // how many number to be placed
let size = 260; // size of circle i.e. w = h = 260
let cx= size/2; // center of x(in a circle)
let cy = size/2; // center of y(in a circle)
let r = size/2; // radius of a circle
for(let i=1; i<=number; i++) {
let ang = i*(Math.PI/(number/2));
let left = cx + (r*Math.cos(ang));
let top = cy + (r*Math.sin(ang));
console.log("top: ", top, ", left: ", left);
Using one of the above answers as a base, here's the Java/Android example:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
RectF bounds = new RectF(canvas.getClipBounds());
float centerX = bounds.centerX();
float centerY = bounds.centerY();
float angleDeg = 90f;
float radius = 20f
float xPos = radius * (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angleDeg)) + centerX;
float yPos = radius * (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angleDeg)) + centerY;
//draw my point at xPos/yPos
For the sake of completion, what you describe as "position of points around a central point(assuming they're all equidistant from the center)" is nothing but "Polar Coordinates". And you are asking for way to Convert between polar and Cartesian coordinates which is given as x = r*cos(t), y = r*sin(t).
PHP Solution:
class point{
private $x = 0;
private $y = 0;
public function setX($xpos){
$this->x = $xpos;
public function setY($ypos){
$this->y = $ypos;
public function getX(){
return $this->x;
public function getY(){
return $this->y;
public function printX(){
echo $this->x;
public function printY(){
echo $this->y;
function drawCirclePoints($points, $radius, &$center){
$pointarray = array();
$slice = (2*pi())/$points;
$angle = $slice*$i;
$newx = (int)($center->getX() + ($radius * cos($angle)));
$newy = (int)($center->getY() + ($radius * sin($angle)));
$point = new point();
return $pointarray;
Here is how I found out a point on a circle with javascript, calculating the angle (degree) from the top of the circle.
const centreX = 50; // centre x of circle
const centreY = 50; // centre y of circle
const r = 20; // radius
const angleDeg = 45; // degree in angle from top
const radians = angleDeg * (Math.PI/180);
const pointY = centreY - (Math.cos(radians) * r); // specific point y on the circle for the angle
const pointX = centreX + (Math.sin(radians) * r); // specific point x on the circle for the angle
I had to do this on the web, so here's a coffeescript version of #scottyab's answer above:
points = 8
radius = 10
center = {x: 0, y: 0}
drawCirclePoints = (points, radius, center) ->
slice = 2 * Math.PI / points
for i in [0...points]
angle = slice * i
newX = center.x + radius * Math.cos(angle)
newY = center.y + radius * Math.sin(angle)
point = {x: newX, y: newY}
console.log point
drawCirclePoints(points, radius, center)
Here is an R version based on the #Pirijan answer above.
points <- 8
radius <- 10
center_x <- 5
center_y <- 5
drawCirclePoints <- function(points, radius, center_x, center_y) {
slice <- 2 * pi / points
angle <- slice * seq(0, points, by = 1)
newX <- center_x + radius * cos(angle)
newY <- center_y + radius * sin(angle)
plot(newX, newY)
drawCirclePoints(points, radius, center_x, center_y)
The angle between each of your points is going to be 2Pi/x so you can say that for points n= 0 to x-1 the angle from a defined 0 point is 2nPi/x.
Assuming your first point is at (r,0) (where r is the distance from the centre point) then the positions relative to the central point will be:
Working Solution in Java:
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Robot;
public class CircleMouse {
/* circle stuff */
final static int RADIUS = 100;
final static int XSTART = 500;
final static int YSTART = 500;
final static int DELAYMS = 1;
final static int ROUNDS = 5;
public static void main(String args[]) {
long startT = System.currentTimeMillis();
Robot bot = null;
try {
bot = new Robot();
} catch (Exception failed) {
System.err.println("Failed instantiating Robot: " + failed);
int mask = InputEvent.BUTTON1_DOWN_MASK;
int howMany = 360 * ROUNDS;
while (howMany > 0) {
int x = getX(howMany);
int y = getY(howMany);
bot.mouseMove(x, y);
System.out.println("x:" + x + " y:" + y);
long endT = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Duration: " + (endT - startT));
* #param angle
* in degree
* #return
private static int getX(int angle) {
double radians = Math.toRadians(angle);
Double x = RADIUS * Math.cos(radians) + XSTART;
int result = x.intValue();
return result;
* #param angle
* in degree
* #return
private static int getY(int angle) {
double radians = Math.toRadians(angle);
Double y = RADIUS * Math.sin(radians) + YSTART;
int result = y.intValue();
return result;
Based on the answer above from Daniel, here's my take using Python3.
import numpy
def circlepoints(points,radius,center):
shape = []
slice = 2 * 3.14 / points
for i in range(points):
angle = slice * i
new_x = center[0] + radius*numpy.cos(angle)
new_y = center[1] + radius*numpy.sin(angle)
p = (new_x,new_y)
return shape