How do I test form submission with Spring MVC test? - spring

Most of my experience with creating controllers with Spring are for REST controllers that consume JSON formatted requests. I've been searching for documentation on how to do testing for form submission, and so far this is how I understand it should go using MockMvc:
MvcResult result = mockMvc.perform(post("/submit")
.param('title', 'test title')
.param('description', 'test description'))
However, I'm not sure how to map the form parameters to a model object. I've seen the #ModelAttribute annotation pop up in my searches but I can't figure out how it should be used for mapping. In addition, this quick start guide from the official documentation does not elaborate on how things like th:object and th:field translate to HTML and subsequently to URL encoded form.
I have my controller code similar to the following:
def submit(#ModelAttribute WriteUp writeUp) {
//do something with writeUp object

I discovered through trial and error that my specific problem might have been Groovy specific. There test code and the controller code, it turns out, have no issues. To reiterate, for testing form submission, use the param method through perform method of MockMvcRequestBuilders. Another thing to note is that this doesn't seem to work if content type is not specified. Here's a sample test code that works for me:
MvcResult result = webApp.perform(post("/submit")
.contentType(APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) //from MediaType
.param('title', 'test title')
.param('description', 'test description'))
As you can see, it's not much different from what I posted originally. The controller code is pretty much just the same, with #ModelAttribute working just fine.
The problem with my setup though was that since I was using Groovy, I assumed that getters and setters were automatically generated in my WriteUp class. Here's how the WriteUp class looked originally:
class WriteUp {
private String title
private String description
I haven't written code in Groovy for a while, and the last time I did, classes like the one above can be assumed to have getters and setters implicitly. However, it turns out that is not the case. To solve my specific issue, I updated the access modifier in the fields to be default (package level):
class WriteUp {
String title
String description

I've seen the #ModelAttribute annotation pop up in my searches but I
can't figure out how it should be used for mapping.
When you mark your writeUp object with #ModelAttribute, then the Spring container populates the parameters (like title, description, etc..) from HttpServletRequest object & injects the object to the controller method, when the request comes to the server from the client (could be a Browser or MockMvc unit test client or anything else).
Also, few other basic points for your quick understanding:
(1) Controller methods are mapped to an URI and RequestMethod (like POST/GET/DELETE/PUT et..) like shown below:
#RequestMapping(value="/submit", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String submit(#ModelAttribute WriteUp writeUp) {
//Call the service and Save the details
model.addAttribute("Writeup details added successfully");
return "writeUpResult"; //Returns to the View (JSP)
(2) #ModelAttribute will be mapped to an object (like your writeUp) for http POST/PUT requests where the html formd data is part of http body.
(3) #RequestParam or #PathParam will be used for http GET requests where the parameters are part of URL (i.e., not part of http body).
You can look here for understanding the DispatcherServlet request handling & Spring MVC basic web flow.


Spring controller method invocation advice

I have a controller that exposes the following endpoint:
List<User> getAllUsers() {
I have also an annotation that helps me out with versioning of those endpoints, which ends up on something like this:
#Version(version=1, latests=LATEST_ALL_USERS)
List<User> getAllUsers() {
Now I want to introduce an additional standard behavior to all handlers mapped wish method contains #Version annotation which will simply wrap the response object into another object which contains the current version and latest version of the invoked method. Some information to build this object are provided by #PathVariable parameters. I'm trying to find a hook that allows me that but no luck so far.
I tried first to have a custom RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor but if I add it will not take any effect because the original RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor comes before and I don't want to remove the ResponseBody from my endpoints.
Afterward I tried to go for the mapping instead, once I cannot handle it on the processor, maybe I could handle that on mapping time introducing my code pre and post method invocation, but got stuck on the point where mapping is registered where a method object is needed, not allowing me to introduce my advice code.
Is there any way to get this done?
Some of the information needed to build the new returned object are provided as #PathVariables, and are available on end-point method call.

What data is sent as part of http response

What is actually sent within a http request response ?
In below simple spring controller a String is sent to client. But this string is wrapped in some html elements that the browser understands ? Is this response always the same but different frameworks just provide different convenient methods/annotations to make the process simpler ?
#RequestMapping(value="myrequest", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String redirect(#RequestParam String param) {
return "test";
In Spring MVC Framework, the lifecycle of an HTTP Request is something like this:
The user makes a request of a resource, and Spring' DispatcherServlet delegates that request to an specific controller method (like redirect). This is made through a Handler Mapping that can use -for example- the annotations (like #RequestMapping) in the controllers to select an appropriate one.
Tipically, Controller methods return instances of ModelAndViews, that are the classes responsible of generating some Markup (HTML, JSON, XLS a.k.a the View) and show some information in that Views (The Model). It is possible also that Controllers return Views Logical Names (like test)that should be later resolver in ModelAndView instances by a View Resolver.
The View Resolver selects and appropriate view based on the Logical Name returned by the Controller, and then the View generates the Markup that is sent to the browser. For example, JstlView generates HTML Markup and AbstractExcelView generates XLS files.
So to answer your question, you must find what View Resolver is configured in your application context and find what markup is produced.

How to troubleshoot spring mvc mapping issue?

I have a simple Spring program, the backend is Spring MVC with Restful web service, the front end is pure HTML + ajax.
My problem is, when I try to use the following to map a HTTP request params to a pojo, it always fails:
#RequestMapping(value = "/books", method = RequestMethod.PUT)
public #ResponseBody
String updateBook(BookInfo book)
Here I use PUT method, because it's a modification operation. There's no exception, but I get nothing injected into book object.
With same HTTP request parameters, if I change the method to POST, and client send it via a POST, it would be success:
#RequestMapping(value = "/books", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<String> addBook(BookInfo book)
This time book will always get the filled.
Why there's difference between PUT and POST? or it's the issue of return type? (one is ResponseBody, the other is ResponseEntity)? Or, if you use PUT, then the pojo must be in persistent context?
How should I investigate the issue?
I think its not the problem with your configuration or code.
In Spring Framework there is a filter provided named HiddenHttpMethodFilter that serves all the method but initially it will do the POST request but with a hidden _method form field. And this filter reads this hidden field value and then changes the method value accordingly. Please refere this link to know more about this. I think configuring with this filter will resolve your problem.
Hope this helps you. Cheers.


Posted in spring forum with no response.
I have the following code snippet (from here), which is part of my pet project.
public class MediaBrowser {
public final ModelAndView listContents(final HttpServletRequest request) {
String folder = (String) request.getAttribute(
I access the following url:
In spring 3.0.6.RELEASE, I got the folder variable as null, which is the expected value.
In spring 3.1.RC1, the folder variable is /browse.
Is this a bug or has something changed in spring-3.1?
As skaffman said, you probably shouldn't use PATH_WITHIN_HANDLER_MAPPING_ATTRIBUTE. Take a look at How to match a Spring #RequestMapping having a #pathVariable containing "/"? for an example of using AntPathMatcher to accomplish what you are trying
This looks very much like an internal implementation detail of the framework, one that you should not be relying on.
Note: This attribute is not required to be supported by all HandlerMapping implementations. URL-based HandlerMappings will typically support it, but handlers should not necessarily expect this request attribute to be present in all scenarios.
I wouldn't be surprised if the behaviour changed slightly between 3.0 and 3.1.

how to organize & implement jsp file structure using Spring

I'm a php programmer now doing a Java web project using Spring framework. I'm trying to organize my JSP files the way i would have organized my .tpl files in php.
So if it would have been php i would have done it like this:
includes one of layout.tpls (ajax.tpl, mobile.tpl, general.tpl, simplified.tpl . . .)
includes the header of the page
includes menus
includes the actual content of the page
includes the page footer
then from the php controller i would be able to do something like this:
beside that i would have organized my stuff so that my views (tpl files) will be organized in folderŅ‹ each corresponding to a single controller. like this:
and in each controller somehow define from which folder to load my content template.
Now in Spring i have a controller with methods handling requests and each of the methods returning what the view should be. I can extend all my controllers from a single abstract class where i will create an instance of ModelAndView with all default values set, then request handling methods will add what they need to the instance their daddy already created and return it.
The problem with the above approach is that i'm not forcing the coder who's writing controllers to use the ModelAndView object i created, he way still return anything he wants from the handling method he wrote.
Is there some interface containing a method like ModelAndView getModelAndView() my daddy controller will implement so Spring will ignore whatever handler methods are returning?
Or is there some better way to do this ?
Content Template Issue
The Java world has a (more than one actually, but I'm sticking with the one I know) solution for this problem, it is called Tiles. check out section 16 of the Spring 3.0.5 Reference.
ModelAndView Issue
This is more interesting. First, you can use Model with out view and have your controllers just return the view name (i.e. return a String). I believe you want to create the initial Model somewhere. Then have each controller hander method accept an argument of type Model.
Here is what I tend to do (no claim that it is a best practice):
Have a Controller.get(Model model) method that sets the initial values.
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String get(Model model)
{ ... set default stuff ... }
Every Handler method is a variation of this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/search", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String search(Model model, ... other stuff as needed ...)
{ ... set stuff in model ... }
