What is difference between Liberty Core,Liberty Base,Liberty Network Deployment versions? - websphere-liberty

Is there any document which provide information about difference between Liberty Core, Liberty Base, Liberty Network Deployment versions?
I want to use Liberty and deploy my application in Docker Data Center. But I am not sure which version of Liberty should I use. Also what is the main difference between these versions? My applications will have different technology stacks like REST, SOAP, EJB, RPC, Caching, JPA etc.

Is there any document which provide information about difference between Liberty Core,Liberty Base,Liberty Network Deployment versions.
These are called "editions" and each edition includes a set of features. The smallest edition is "core" and it contains the most minimal set of features. Each successive edition adds a few more features, with ND basically including everything (except the zOS specific features).
Here is a chart to help you visualize how the editions relate to one another.
Note that this image is already out of date, because more features have been delivered since it was created.
To see the official table of what features are included in each edition, see Liberty Features.


What's the drawback of using Camunda Community edition vs Enterprise, in a production environment?

I've recently started to get into Camunda (version 7). I have already develoiped a few workflows, and everything is running smoothly, including the basic Cockpit, which I find highly useful.
Now I want to put my workflows into production. What are the limitations of doing so, using only the Community edition, instead of the Enterprise one? Am I losing out on something important by not going for the full commercial service?
Will I encounter any limitations down the road that will block my workflows?
You can find a comparison of Camunda 7 CE and EE here:
There is no (e.g. volume) limitation on engine level you will be surprised by later on. Apart from commercial support, the additional Cockpit features are very useful and Optimize to add business analytics to your environment may also be of interest.

WebSphere ND 8.5 Profiles

I was looking for the complete or at least the mechanics of different profiles that can be created in WebSphere Profiles Management Tool (i'm not talking about different DISTRIBUTIONS like "express"/"for developer"/"ND" etc).
I could not find any relevant information about Developer profile, that is what I'm focusing. The only thing I found is in this link.
Can someone tell me more about the differences (provide links plz) between then? (standard x developer x production)
This article breaks down the differences in performance settings per tuning template. One of the larger differences between development and the other tuning profiles is that the server is configured in development mode which starts the server faster by disabling some settings that improve production performance.

can i Use glassfish 4 as Production server

Can I use Glassfish 4.0 which is open source and the production/enterprise glassfish hasn't released yet in Production.
I just did small app using java ee 7, and I want to deploy it in production.
It depends on what are the needs and practices in your organization. The Open Source edition has a final release and is certified as JAVA EE7 compliant. So it's good for production use in a sense. If you keep to standards and best practices, you shouldn’t have any problems.
Don't know how the question with frameworks is...
However if you are in need of support, you're stuck to the Glassfish community/Google/StackOverflow. That's where the Enterprise edition makes a difference - you're essentially paying for the same product (with a little bit of add-ons), but mainly for Oracle's support.

What features of Rational Application Developer for WebSphere make you the most productive

I am mainly interested in the 'integration features' between the IDE and the application server.
One example would be GUI editors for various server specific deployment descriptors.
Another example, from the NetBeans IDE integration with GlassFish, is the ability to:
edit a java file that is part of a
web application,
save the file and
see the effect of the change that you
just saved in the browser (without a
bunch of reloading).
Please include a link to any reference to the feature in user docs, if you have it at the tips of your fingers.
Over my years using RAD, the feature I'd recommend everybody to use would be its uninstaller...
Seriously though, RAD's advantage used to be IBM's plugins for Web / J2EE development; over the years, though, the Eclipse community has been making great progress with WTP and JST, so for most J2EE development you should do fine using Eclipse+WTP+JST... which are free (comparing RAD with 5-10K USD licensing fees. Per machine, that is).
One person suggested that the 'Web site navigation' tooling was useful.

cloud and existing enterprise applications technologies

What is the significance of new cloud platforms and databases like Microsoft Azure and Amazon EC2?
Is it a replacement for enterprise application platforms like .net or Java EE in a cloud environment?
Is it neccessary to use these or other cloud specific platforms, or can we implement .net or Java EE on a cloud based environment?
I think the comparison is not correct to some extent. Cloud is a deployment issue and J2EE Technologies is a development issue.
The idea of clouds was to take away the hardware costs for existing application which have been build on J2EE or .NET or any other application development framework.
Yes when you deploy your applications in clud, there are some changes and some deployment strategies which would enforce some change in your application but application would still be J2EE or .NET as was the case before
I see two kinds of clouds, those that offer their own programming model and those that host applications developed in an existing programming model. Give the choice I would prefer the latter, I don't want to redevelop my existing apps and I want to sure that I'm free to host my app on my choice of host.
As it happens I'm a Java EE developer and there are Java EE clouds, so I'm OK. So for me Azure has little immediate significance other that to reinforce the message that serious vendors see a future for cloud computing.
Now, what is Azure? Is it a hoster of .NET apps, or is it offering a different programmng model? Or Both? I'm finding it hard to determine from the various web sites and reviews. There's talk of .NET programming an C# and VB and maybe other languages and using existing tooling, so my current guess is that .NET developers will be at home, but perhaps need to adapt their style.
My tentative opinion: if I'm a doing .NET I'll keep doing it and expect to find a suitable cloud one day. If Azure is that cloud (and I'd want to find out) well and good, if not then I'll wait for something better.
In a serious enterprise space I don't need to back a winner in a market place that's still evolving. I probably will have sensitive apps that I'm not going to put in a public cloud anyway, so sticking to Java EE suits me fine, I've got private cloud capabilities if I need them.
EC2 is kind of a hybrid; at its root it's a hosted virtual machine service that lets you choose the operating system you want (most Linux distributions, Solaris or a couple of versions of Windows Server) and then configure them as you like without restrictions.
On top of that, Amazon has built services such as Simple DB, Simple Queue Service and Simple Notification Service that make it into more of a development platform, but it's important to note that these run cross-platform and can be programmed to in multiple languages.
A link to Windows Azure's Tomcat Solution Accelerator can be found on MSDN's "Windows Azure Platform" landing page where you will also find links to the following:
Windows Azure SDK for Java
Windows Azure SDK for PHP
Windows Azure Tools for Eclipse
AppFabric SDK for Java™ Developers
AppFabric SDK for Ruby Developers
AppFabric SDK for PHP Developers
As well as...
MySQL PHP Solution Accelerator
MediaWiki MySQL Solution Accelerator
