what is the best route to check is username exist? - asp.net-web-api

I want to create a method to check if the username already exists. I have a method to get user details(an object) which have the route as "organization/user/userid" . I want to keep this route for getting details.
So guys could you please tell me, which is the best route for "check if the user exists" method.

For grabbing user details it could look like this :-
For checking if a user exists:-


Xcode - ask user to accept request from other user

I was having trouble wording the title, sorry.
Basically, I want to know the best practice when asking permissions from one user to another. An example would be those family tracker apps, where one user requests to follow another, and said user has to accept that request so the first user can follow their locations.
I am using Parse if that makes a difference. Thanks!
For achieving this with Parse, I would recommend creating a class in Parse called Following which will have two User class pointers - fromUser and toUser. The class could also have a bool called allowed.
When a user requests to follow someone else, a new Following object is created and allowed defaults to false. Only when the toUser accepts to be followed, then you can update allowed to be true.
In terms of how to prompt the toUser if they accept the follower, you could use a simple UIAlertController.
Also, I highly recommend checking out the Parse Anypic tutorial.

How to handle encrypted URL's in rails?

I am sending email to user, in that email one link is there to redirect that user to rails application. I want that link to be in encrypted form with domain name for example:
when user click on this link, he should directly redirect to controller method we specified in that URL which is not visible.
Controller and methods given in URL may vary according to user.
So my question is how we can do this in rails.
If I encrypt controller name, method name and parameter we passed. How routes file come to know where to redirect this URL? How to decrypt this in routes file and redirect internally to decrypted URL?
Life will be easier if you can do a slight modification to your url, something like:
Then you can create a route for that path to redirect where you want.
get '/enc/:encoded_path' => "controller#action"
This would give you access to params[:encoded_path], which would equal hdurstihnzdfalgfgdfhdrbnhduolsasrtyumyrtyr in this case. From there, you could decode in the controller and then redirect however you want.
That's not the right approach. Here's what you can do instead:
Create a new controller action, say for instance, activate.
def activate
activation_token = params[:auth_token]
your logic to do whatever with this token
Create a corresponding route:
match '/activate' => 'your_awesome_controller#activate'
Now, when you email your users, I'm guessing you're sending some sort of activation token. If not, create two new fields in your users table:
Use some unique string generation algorithm to generate your activation_token and email it to your user:

CodeIgniter Pagination is not working with routing

I want to show all users page wise initially. So if I browse http://mydomain/user it will redirect to http://mydomain/user/page/1 and so on. But if I browse http://mydomain/user/1 it will show only single user with id of user.
http://mydomain/user/1 >> it works fine. But as I want pagination so I want to redirect http://mydomain/user to http://mydomain/user/page/1 always
My Routing Info is:
$route['user/(:num)'] = 'user/index/$1';
$route['user'] = 'user/page/$1';
But when I pressed to http://mydomain/user it does not rout to user/page/$1. I have index() method which output to single user information if I give slug. so get a page wise list I used routing and page method. But it is not working. it gives 404 Page not found
Could anybody have solution please..
I think you need to look at the manual for routing:
As far as i can see your second route doesn´t make much sense, you are calling the method page() of your User class - and trying to pass in $1 which does not exist. I think you need to explain better what you want to achieve with your second route - I don´t really see why you need it at all at the moment.

Ensuring that only a particular user has access

If I want to protect an action for being accessed by everyone except one user, how do I do that?
So let's say a user has a product. When they go to the EditProduct action, how can I prevent anyone else from accessing it? In the past I always used User.Idenity.Name and compare dthat to their username. But if someone logs in as username instead of UserName then the case breaks even though it's the same user.
Using .ToUpper() or something like this on every check seems very flimsy and inefficient.
You can put an Authorize attribute above the action like this:
[Authorize(Users = "username")]
I'm not completely sure if it is case sensitive, but this is the best method for protecting actions and controllers. In addition, you can do the same with Roles:
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
String has a property for Equals:

Redirect CI problem

I'm kind of new with CodeIgniter and I'm still learning (a lot).
So I have a view and when I submit a form I 'call' the controller by surfing to the right URL dynamically e.g. site/delete
class Site extends Controller {
function index(){$this->load->view('...')}
function delete() {
Now when that action is done (deleted the row) I'm calling $this->index(); to redirect to my initial page (which is good) but my url stays: site/delete . I want my URL to be ../site/index (or without the /index)
Any help would be appreciated :-) .
So far I found something to solve this:
instead of:
I'm using:
Does anyone know this is a good practice?
Redirect is what you should use.
In the user guide:
they use it after checking if a user is logged in. Depending on if they are or not, they redirect to a different place.
Also, note that any code after the redirect won't run. Make sure and redirect after you've done everything you need to.
My preferred method is to have actions like that handled by the same method that will be seen by the user afterwards.
What if you go to /site/delete afterwards, as a user? It will either have to detect and throw a error (show a message) or redirect to an appropriate page. /site/delete has no meaning.
For example, if a user would normally see an overview after deleting, then my form will be posted to /site/index; with index quickly checking for the condition and calling _delete() in the same controller, before doing its normal work.
That way, if the user refreshes the page, or presses 'back', things should look consistent to them.
Another example would be that /settings/edit would post to itself - this means that it can act on the post and show any output (e.g. validation errors). It means there's no /settings/do_edit location on my site, and also means that the user can go back to /settings/edit safely, and see a form for editing their settings.
I suppose this is a subjective take on a perhaps objective question, and I would encourage feedback on my view, but it's my way of avoiding the problem you have asked about.
Call of function in a function simply execute the functionality within that function.
And url never changed.
for changing the url you should use.
redirect ( base_url().'site');
but you should load url helper in constructor.
