Reading from a TCPSocket in Ruby - ruby

This code sends two HTTP requests to the website:
require 'socket'
#host = ''
#port = 80
#path = "/"
# Build HTTP request
def request(close=false)
"GET #{#path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: #{#host}#{"\r\nConnection: close" if close}\r\n\r\n"
# Build socket
socket =,#port) # Connect to server
# Send request twice via socket
2.times {socket.print request}
Here are various methods I have found for reading the response:
# Method 1: close_write and read
socket.close_write # Without this line, the next line hangs
response =
puts response.length
# Method 2: send another http request with 'Connection: close' header, then use 'read'
socket.print request(true) # Without this line, the next line hangs
response =
puts response.length
# Method 3: recv
# puts socket.eof? # Method fails when I add this line
r1, r2 = socket.recv(1000000), socket.recv(1000000)
puts r1.length, r2.length
# Method 4: and read_nonblock
puts socket.eof?
#[socket]) # The code still works without this
r1 = socket.read_nonblock(9999999)[socket]) # ...but not without this one
r2 = socket.read_nonblock(9999999)
puts r1.length, r2.length
puts socket.eof? # Hangs for ages before returning 'true'
What exactly is 'socket.close_write' line doing in Method 1 and why is it necessary for the method to work?
In Method 2, is the 'Connection: close' header somehow achieving the same result as the 'socket.close_write' line in Method 1? If not, what is it doing, and why is it necessary for the rest of the method to work?
Why, in Method 3, does the addition of the commented line, 'puts socket.eof?', cause the rest of the code to hang?
In Method 3, how and why does the recv call stop at the end of an HTTP response (as opposed to picking up the next response as well)?
Why is it that the second in Method 4 is necessary, but the first isn't?
What does actually do?
Why does the last line, 'puts socket.eof?', in Method 4 hang for ages before returning true?
Is there a general way of checking how many responses a socket is currently expecting, and reading that number of responses from the socket, without closing the socket for writing?
Finally, if not possible in an answer here, is there a good resource somewhere where I can get some clarity on all of the above, and general clarity on reading from TCP sockets (or network sockets in general)?

socket.close_write is not necessary. I mean you can get what socket returns by, but you are gonna to wait some time. The reason why is because you are trying to read the whole stream in one with It takes time. You can find out what socket returns by doing:
socket.each_line do |line|
puts line
BTW, Nagle's algorithm makes it slow too.
Whatclose_write does is let the client side half-close the socket.When the server side notice this, it will also close its side. Then you can finish reading very quickly.
Or you can use IO::select.As the documentation said:
It monitors given arrays of IO objects, waits one or more of IO objects ready for reading, are ready for writing, and have pending exceptions respectively, and returns an array that contains arrays of those IO objects. It will return nil if optional timeout value is given and no IO object is ready in timeout seconds.
ready =[socket], nil, nil, 10)
if ready
# do something
# raise timeout
Here we pass the first parameter, which is the object ready for reading and the last is the timeout you want set. This means if the reading is not ready in 10 seconds it will return nil then raise timeout error.


Read data both ways TCPServer Ruby

im new in Ruby and Im trying to set up a TCPServer and a Client, but Im having trouble getting the data from the client to the server because for some reason when the client connects, the connection is freezed inside the while loop.
Here is the code:
require "socket"
server = 1234
test = ""
loop do
session = server.accept
puts "Entering enter code herewhile loop."
while line = session.gets
puts "Inside while loop"
test << line
puts "Finished reading data"
puts "Data recieved - #{test}" # Read data from client
session.write "Time is #{}" # Send data to clent
require "socket"
socket ="localhost", 1234)
socket.puts "Sending data.." # Send data to server
while(line = socket.gets)
puts line
end # Print sever response
The server prints "Inside while loop" one time, and then for some reason it never prints "Finished reading data" until I manually end the client connection, after the client ends the connection the server prints everything OK. How can I make this code work? Thanks!
IO#gets is a blocking call. It waits for either a new line from the underlying I/O stream, or the end of the stream. (in which case it returns nil)
In server.rb you have
while line = session.gets
puts "Inside while loop"
test << line
session.gets reads one line from your client, prints some debug info and appends the line to test. It then attempts to read another line from the client.
Your client.rb however never sends a seconds line, nor does it close the stream. It sends a single line:
socket.puts "Sending data.." # Send data to server
and then waits for a response:
while(line = socket.gets)
puts line
which never comes because the server is sitting in the while loop, waiting for more data from the client.
You can solve this by calling close_write after all data has been sent:
socket.puts "Sending data.." # Send data to server
socket.close_write # Close socket for further writing
Calling close_write instead of close allows you to still read from the socket. It will also cause the server's session.gets to return nil, so it can get out of its loop.

How to stop a udp_server_loop from the outside

I've written little UDP server in Ruby:
def listen
puts "Started UDP server on #{#port}..."
Socket.udp_server_loop(#port) do |message, message_source|
puts "Got \"#{message}\" from #{message_source}"
I start it in a separate thread:
thread = { listen }
Is there a way to gracefully stop the udp_server_loop from outside the thread without just killing it (thread.kill)? I also dont't want to stop it from the inside by receiving any UDP message. Is udp_server_loop maybe not the right tool for me?
I don’t think you can do this with udp_server_loop (although you might be able to use some of the methods it uses). You are going to have to call IO::select in a loop of your own with some way of signalling it to exit, and some way of waking the thread so you don’t have to send a packet to stop it.
A simple way would be to use the timeout option to select with a variable to set to indicate you want the thread to end, something like:
#halt_loop = false
def listen
puts "Started UDP server on #{#port}..."
sockets = Socket.udp_server_sockets(#port)
loop do
readable, _, _ =, nil, nil, 1) # timeout 1 sec
break if #halt_loop
next unless readable # select returns nil on timeout
Socket.udp_server_recv(readable) do |message, message_source|
puts "Got \"#{message}\" from #{message_source}"
You then set #halt_loop to true when you want to stop the thread.
The downside to this is that it is effectively polling. If you decrease the timeout then you potentially do more work on an empty loop, and if you increase it you have to wait longer when stopping the thread.
Another, slightly more complex solution would be to use a pipe and have the select listen on it along with the sockets. You could then signal directly to finish the select and exit the thread.
#read, #write = IO.pipe
#halt_loop = false
def listen
puts "Started UDP server on #{#port}..."
sockets = Socket.udp_server_sockets(#port)
sockets << #read
loop do
readable, _, _ =
break if #halt_loop
readable.delete #read
Socket.udp_server_recv(readable) do |message, message_source|
puts "Got \"#{message}\" from #{message_source}"
def end_loop
#halt_loop = true
#write.puts "STOP!"
To exit the thread you just call end_loop which sets the #halt_loop flag then writes to the pipe, making the other end readable and causing the other thread to return from select.
You could have this code check the readable IOs and exit if one of them is the read end of the pipe instead of using the variable, but at least on Linux there is a potential bug where a call to select might return a file descriptor as readable when it actuallt isn’t. I don’t know if Ruby deals with this, so better safe than sorry.
Also be sure to remove the pipe from the readable array before passing it to udp_server_recv. It’s not a socket so will cause an exception if you don’t.
A downside to this technique is that pipes are “[n]ot available on all platforms".
Although I doubt I understand what would be wrong with Thread::kill and/or Thread#exit, you might use the thread local variable for that.
def listen
Socket.udp_server_loop(#port) do |message, message_source|
break :interrupted if Thread.current[:break]
and do
thread[:break] = true
from the outside.

Ruby--How to get input from server without error? (socket.gets.chomp throwing error)

I'm running a server/client program, I keep getting an error I don't understand:
FishClientRun.rb:18:in `<main>': undefined method `chomp' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
Shizuo:FISHGAME2 macowner$
However, the code runs once. It actually receives the cards and stores them just fine. When the client comes loops back around and hangs on the get statement incoming = client.socket.gets.chomp. It doesn't like the .chomp. If I take of the .chomp, it hangs like it is supposed to without throwing an error, but then I get the newline character and get bad input for client.input_decision(incoming).
My client:
client ='localhost', 2012)
while true
puts "IN WHILE TRUE!!!"
incoming = ""
incoming = client.socket.gets.chomp
puts "INPUT RECEIVED:::::::: #{incoming}"
Here's the server. I think this part is okay:
server =, number_of_players)
number_of_players.times do
puts "Clients accepted"
puts "client cards sent to server"
while true
gets will return nil if it encounters an end of file. Presumably, you want to terminate at that point.

How to implement timer that runs independently along with http request?

I have a ruby code that triggers php script over https.
Use case: The php script usually finishes in 5 minutes so I have set up time out for https request after 10 minutes. I need a timer that would trigger code after let's say 7 minutes after the https request started.
I was thinking of using thread that I created just before I initiate https request. I am not sure if this the correct way to approach this. Maybe there is not need to use threads at all. I am using ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mingw32]. Also I don't now if I can 'kill' the thread on successful finish of https request.
uri = URI.parse(url)
start =
connection =, 443)
connection.use_ssl = true
response = connection.start() do |http|
http.open_timeout = 50
http.read_timeout = http_read_timeout
# here I need to place a code that is triggered
# in case of custom timeout is reached
rescue Timeout::Error
# "Connection failed
time_out_message ="security time out - after #{http_read_timeout} sec"
return time_out_message
puts "finished"
The basic structure could be like this:
seconds_timer = MyDelay
counter = 0
test_thread = do
while test_thread.alive?
counter += 1
if counter > seconds_timer
# if you want to halt run_http_php_test:
test_thread.kill if test_thread.alive?
# otherwise:
sleep 1
# the below doesn't apply if you kill the run_http_php_test thread
test_thread.join if test_thread.alive?
...but of course you could change that sleep 1 to whatever polling interval you like. Polling is nicer than just forcing your original thread to sleep, because the code will finish faster if run_http_php_test is done before you hit your custom timeout value.
Most or all of your code above can be in the run_http_php_test method, or inserted directly...whichever you'd prefer.
ruby 1.9.3 implements timeout module that has a timeout function. you can see it here. if you scroll down you can click show source and see the definition for timeout method. you can copy it if you dont want to upgrade to ruby 1.9.3 (I recommend upgrade since 1.8.7 is very slow compared to 1.9.3)

How can I only read one line of data from a TCPSocket in Ruby?

I'm using the following code to connect to a network service i'm writing (thats backed by EventMachine) and I'm having a bit of trouble getting into a situation allowing me to use one socket connection to execute multiple commands.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'socket'
opts = {
:address => "",
:port => 2478
connection = opts[:address], opts[:port]
# Get ID
connection.print "ID something"
# Status
connection.print "STATUS"
# Close the connection
Here's what my EventMachine server hander looks like...
module ConnectionHandler
def receive_data data
send_data "Some output #{data}"
However, my first ruby script hangs when it executes as I presume its waiting for the connection to close so it knows its got all of the data? This is not what I want to happen.
My socket server will just take one command (on one line) and return one line of output.
Any ideas how I can do this? Thanks.
It turns out the connection.gets method will return a line of data received if the server sends a response ending in a \n character. So I just added \n to the end of my send_data call and switch to using puts connection.gets and it worked great!
