Difference between concrete builder and builder? - builder

Builder design pattern has four principle include concrete builder and builder. What is the difference between concrete builder and builder?

I preusume you are referring to this picture (borrowed from Wikipedia):
Builder would just be the interface (meaning no implementation) and ConcreteBuilder is the implemenation of that interface. ConcreteBuilder would handle the creation of other objects
// Builder interface
public interface ICarBuilder
void SetColour(string colour); // no implementation
// ConcreteBuilder implementation
public class CarBuilder: ICarBuilder
private Car _car;
public CarBuilder()
this._car = new Car();
// implementation
public void SetColour(string colour)
this._car.Colour = colour;


Is there a way to override JPA saveAll method to used customized UPSERT query?

I am trying to override the JpaRepository saveAll method to use the custom UPSERT query in java SpringBoot. Is it possible?
As it's only one repository you can create a custom repository like this. I assume that the Entity name is User:
Your interface with only this saveAll Method
interface CustomizedUserRepository {
void savAllWithUpsert(Iterator<User> entities);
Then you have to implement the interface
class CustomizedUserRepositoryImpl implements CustomizedUserRepository {
public void savAllWithUpsert(Iterator<User> entities) {
// Your custom implementation
The most important part of the class name that corresponds to the fragment interface is the Impl postfix.
And finally use but all together:
interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long>, CustomizedUserRepository {
Please also read the full docuementaion: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#repositories.single-repository-behavior
I used JdbcTemplate (NamedParameterJdbcTemplate)
public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate() {
JdbcTemplate template = new JdbcTemplate(hikariDataSource);
return new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(template);
//Autowire NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
MapSqlParameterSource[] paramsArray =
namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(SQL_qUERY, paramsArray);
//Mapper class
public static MapSqlParameterSource[]
mapDTOstoSqlParameterSource(List<ItemDTO> items) {
List<MapSqlParameterSource> params = new ArrayList<>();
for (ItemDTO obj : items) {
MapSqlParameterSource source = new MapSqlParameterSource();
source.addValue("queryPara1", obj.getID());
source.addValue("queryPara2", obj.getSomething());
return params.toArray(MapSqlParameterSource[]::new);

Spring data neo4j embedded property MappingException

I am fairly new to Neo4J; I am developing a project for learning purposes on which I am facing an issue that I am not managing to solve. My model might be somewhat relational DB influenced, but design issues aside, I believe however that what I am attempting should technically be done.
I have a NodeEntity Foo with an nested object Bar, converted to- and from String via ConversionService. In effect, Bar contains only one single String field, making the mapping trivial.
public class Foo {
private Long id;
private Bar bar;
public class Bar {
private String value;
When returning from a fairly simple Cypher query defined as follows on my repository:
public interface FooRepository
extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Foo, Long> {
#Query ("MATCH (foo) RETURN foo.bar")
Iterable<Bar> listBars ();
Conversion is configured as follows:
#ComponentScan(value = "de.h7r.playground.sd.neo4j",
excludeFilters = #ComponentScan.Filter({ Configuration.class }))
public class PKanbanConfiguration {
public ConversionServiceFactoryBean conversionService ()
throws Exception {
final ConversionServiceFactoryBean csfb = new ConversionServiceFactoryBean ();
csfb.setConverters (getConverters ());
return csfb;
private Set<Converter> getConverters () {
return Sets.newHashSet (new BarConverter.ToString (), new BarConverter.FromString ());
Where the code for BarConverter is as follows.
public class BarConverter {
public static class FromString <S extends String, P extends Bar>
implements Converter<S, P> {
public P convert (final S source) {
// sets value into new instance of Bar and returns
public static class ToString <P extends Bar, S extends String>
implements Converter<P, S> {
public S convert (final P source) {
// gets value from Bar and returns
I am getting the following exception.
org.springframework.data.mapping.model.MappingException: Unknown persistent entity test.domain.Bar
at org.springframework.data.mapping.context.AbstractMappingContext.getPersistentEntity(AbstractMappingContext.java:178)
Bar is indeed not a persitent entity nor should in my understanding be one. I grasp that this might have something to do with the defined return type of listBars; on the other hand, the repository if of Foos, so I had expected it to work. I would very much not like to fetch the whole set of nodes and then filter only the nested objects; the same way I would not like to have Bar replaced by String on Foo, since their type might have semantic relevance.
I am a bit lost as to how to returning all the property values for the existing nodes, specially since this query works as expected from neo4j-shell, so I see this as a pure Spring mapping issue.
I can add any further information that might prove helpful upon request.
Any help is very much appreciated.

How to Moq a service in a controller which use unitofwork with generic repository

I am a newbie in TDD (Asp.net MVC3 environment) and trying to adopt TDD as our better better development approach.
In our production code,we have a following scenario
In web
//Autofac used to resolve Dependency
TestController(XService xSerivice,YSerivice yService)
{_xService =xService,_YService= yService}
ActionResult Create(A1 a1)
// where X, Y are different context,Concrete class, no interface implemented!
In Business Layer
Xservice(XUnitofWork) // no interface implemented!
In DAL Layer
GenericRepository<a1Entity> A1,
GenericRepository<a2Entity> A2
Now I realize that we should implement interface both in our BAL and Web layer.
My question is are there any way i can mock the services(XService,YService) in our controller to test some behavior (TDD) [for example save change exception occur while saving a entity via' _xService.XUnitOfwork.SaveChanges()'?
Please help.Thanks in Advance!
If you mark members (properties, methods) in your concrete class as virtual, I think you may be able to just mock those methods / properties individually. (I think the VB equivalent of virtual is Overridable..?)
Moq works by creating a new concrete implementation of something at runtime when your test runs. This is why it works so well with interfaces and abstract classes. But if there is no interface or abstract class, it needs to override a method or property.
Reply to question author's answer:
Since you are a self-proclaimed TDD newbie, I just wanted to point out that adding a parameterless constructor to a class just for the sake of making the class testable should not be an acceptable solution.
By giving your GenericRepository class a hard dependency on Entity Framework's DbSet / IDbSet, you are creating a tight coupling between your repository implementation and EF... note the using System.Data.Entity line at the top of that file.
Any time you decide to add a constructor dependency, you should seriously consider adding it as an interface or abstract class. If you need access to members of a library which you do not control (like EF's DbContext), follow Morten's answer and wrap the functionality in your own custom interface.
In the case of DbContext, this class does more than just provide you with a UnitOfWork implementation. It also provides you a way of querying out data and adding / replacing / removing items in your repository:
public interface IUnitOfWork
int SaveChanges();
public interface IQuery
IQueryable<TEntity> GetQueryable<TEntity>() where TEntity : class;
public interface ICommand : IQuery
void Add(object entity);
void Replace(object entity);
void Remove(object entity);
You can pretty easily wrap DbContext in these 3 interfaces like so:
public class MyCustomDbContext : DbContext, IUnitOfWork, ICommand
// DbContext already implements int SaveChanges()
public IQueryable<TEntity> GetQueryable<TEntity>() where TEntity : class
return this.Set<TEntity>();
public void Add(object entity)
this.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Added;
public void Replace(object entity)
this.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Modified;
public void Remove(object entity)
this.Entry(entity).State = EntityState.Deleted;
Note how your interfaces take no dependencies on System.Data.Entity. They use primitives and standard .NET types like object, IQueryable<T>, and int. This way, when you give your generic repository dependencies on the interfaces, you can remove the dependency on System.Data.Entity:
// using System.Data.Entity; // no need for this dependency any more
public class GenericRepository
private readonly ICommand _entities;
private readonly IQueryable<TEntity> _queryable;
public GenericRepository(ICommand entities)
this._entities = entities;
this._queryable = entities.GetQueryable<TEntity>();
//public GenericRepository()
// no need for a parameterless constructor!
...and your GenericRepository is now fully unit testable, since you can easily mock any of these interface methods.
Final Notes:
Also, after seeing your answer to your own question, it looks like you have CompanyRepository as a property of your UnitOfWork class. You then inject UnitOfWork as a dependency on your CompanyInformationController. This is backwards. Instead, you should be injecting the CompanyRepository (or its interface) into the controller's constructor. The UnitOfWork pattern has nothing to do with maintaining references for your known repositories. It is about tracking multiple changes made to related items so that they can all be pushed once as a single transaction. EF does this automatically, so as long as AutoFac is providing the same DbContext instance no matter whether your app requests an IQuery, ICommand, or IUnitOfWork implementation, then the only method UnitOfWork should be concerned with is SaveChanges().
thanks for your reply. The test I was trying to do was successful after spending few hours and changes my previous code.
Changes are follows:
1) Now using UnitofWork in my controller instead of a redundant service.
2) Added a parameter less constructor to the GenericRepository Class.(with out any DBContext!),because it will requied a DBContext as a parameter in Constructor,which can not be substituted by supplying a Mocked DBContext.
public class GenericRepository where TEntity : class
internal DbContext _context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;
public GenericRepository(DbContext context)
this._context = context;
this.dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
public GenericRepository() //newly added!
Complete Test
public void Index_Return_OneModel_WhenCalling()
AutoMapperExtension automapper = new AutoMapperExtension();
var moqentities = new Mock<SetupEntities>();
List<CompanyInformation> list =new List<CompanyInformation>();
list.Add(new CompanyInformation{ CompanyName = "a", CompanyAddress = "aa", Id = 1});
list.Add(new CompanyInformation { CompanyName = "b", CompanyAddress = "b", Id = 2 });
var unitOfWork = new Mock<UnitOfWork>(moqentities.Object);
unitOfWork.Setup(d => d.CompanyRepository).Returns(new GenericRepository<CompanyInformation>());
unitOfWork.Setup(d => d.CompanyRepository.GetAll()).Returns(list.AsQueryable());
var controller = new CompanyInformationController(unitOfWork.Object);
var result =(ViewResult) controller.Index();
var model =(CompanyInformationViewModel) result.ViewData.Model;
Assert.AreEqual(1, model.Id);
The best way is to create an interface for XService. If that is not possible for some reason (if XService is a third party class that doesn't implement an interface), then consider wrapping the functionality in a wrapperclass that does have an interface.

Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013, Class Diagram: how to show interface as base class, not as "lillypop"?

Since the interface is already on the diagram I would like to show inheritance reference explicitly. But I can't find how...
There is a bug in VS 2005 up to 2012 that won't allow it to work.
I have a work arround that might trick it into drawing the inheritance for interfaces.
Say your interface is called IMyInterface. You have to replace it with an abstract class implementing that interface and use it instead of your interface. The code would make use of the conditional compilation and will look like this:
//to generate class diagram, add 'CLSDIAGRAM' to the conditional symbols on the Build tab,
// or add '#define CLSDIAGRAM' at the top of this file
#warning CLSDIAGRAM is defined and this build should be used only in the context of class diagram generation
//rename your interface by adding _
public interface IMyInterface_
int MyProperty { get; }
void MyMethod();
//this class will act as an interface in the class diagram ;)
public abstract class IMyInterface : IMyInterface_ // tricks other code into using the class instead
//fake implementation
public int MyProperty {
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void MyMethod()
throw new NotImplementedException();
// this is the original interface
public interface IMyInterface {
int MyProperty { get; }
void MyMethod();
That's likely to show it as you wish.
In your case IMyInterface will become IMedicine.

How do I make my Entity Framework based Repository Class LINQ friendly?

How can I use LINQ if I have wrapped my Entity Framework data context with a Repository class?
I want to do something like:
class A
public IRepositiry<T> GetRepository<T>()
DbContextAdapter adapter = new DbContextAdapter(ctx);
return new Repository<T>(adapter);
class B
void DoSomething()
A a = new A();
IRepository<House> rep = a.GetRepository<House>();
// Do some linq queries here, don't know how.
rep.[get Linqu] (from ...);
To keep your repository LINQ friendly you need to have some methods or properties on it that return IQueryable<T> or IEnumerable<T>
So in class Repository<T> you would have a method like this:
public class Repository<T>
DbContextAdapter ctx;
// other methods omitted
IEnumerable<Houses> GetHouses()
return ctx.Houses
Then in DoSomething you could do this:
void DoSomething()
A a = new A();
IRepository<House> rep = a.GetRepository<House>();
var q = from house in rep.GetHouses()
where house.Color = "Purple"
select house;
foreach(var h in q)
The standard query operators allow queries to be applied to any
IEnumerable-based information source. - MSDN
As long as you write methods that return IEnumerable Collections you will be compatible with LINQ.
at the risk of been completely lazy, what you want to implement is known as the repository pattern, check out Huyrya as its a good article.
Also it's possible to extend the entity classes, so they return instances or lists of themselves (singleton pattern). Aka:
public partial class FOO : FOO
public IEnumerable<Foo> GetFooList()
using (var context = new FooEntities())
Or something like that (code syntax is not right but should give you the general idea). If your entity classes are going to implement similar methods, abstract them into interface contract and get your partial entity classes to implement that interface.
