I need to do AB testing and then compare the data between them.
I am going to run two separate tests for this. But I am not sure how to pass the AB parameters. Right now I am passing the site url and then calling the api in HTTP Request. I need to send ?site=test-a0 in the end of the url and then call the api.
example. let's say the url I used to test is www.google.com. Now I need to use www.google.com/?site=test-a0
I am not sure how to do it. Can someone help?
You can use HTTP Request Defaults to apply the parameter to all HTTP Request samplers in scope
You can also use __P() function as a parameter value like: ${__P(site,)} so you will be able to pass the property value via command-line arguments like:
jmeter -Jsite=test-a0 -n -t ....
I have a requirement to use randome url from a url list I extract from a json response.
Say I extract them in this mannser
In a following JSSR223 sampler I was able to generate a variable called "url" with one of the url names selected randomely
I was thinking to use them in my HTTP request to get the correcponding url as follows. ${${url}}. But soon found out its not giving me anything other than "${${url}}" :(.
JMeter Is it possible to place a varibale inside a varible name?
Basically I need to use one of the extracted urls randomely in my HTTP request.
The easiest way is going for __V() and __Random() functions combination like:
More information: Here’s What to Do to Combine Multiple JMeter Variables
Use __V function
The V (variable) function returns the result of evaluating a variable name expression.
I have csv file contains URL and port no.i want to pass in all samplers.How to do that?
I have tried ${URL},${Port_no}.but,it is of no use
It's working, If you CSV holds for example:
Configure the CSV Data Set Config:
And add HTTP Request with Server Name as ${URL} and port as ${Port_no}
If there is only 2 values you would like to parameterize the easier option would be:
Pass the URL and the Port_no via -J command-line arguments like:
jmeter -JURL=http://example.com -JPort_no=443
Add HTTP Request Defaults configuration element to your Test Plan and refer the properties using __P() function like:
In your HTTP Request samplers leave the relevant fields blank - they will be populated from the HTTP Request Defaults.
I want to test a resource that gets a token in the URL.
for example: localhost:8080/api/{TOKEN}/function
I want JMeter to choose from a list of 4 different tokens. is it possible?
Everything is possible given JMeter is open source.
If you have i.e. 4 User Defined Variables containing tokens like:
You can get a random one for the each request using __V() and __Random() functions combination like:
So you can change "Path" of the HTTP Request Sampler to look like:
and that should be it. See Here’s What to Do to Combine Multiple JMeter Variables article for more details.
As am new to jmeter please help me in passing the value from a webservice response as the input to the next webservice request
I guess that your web service returns XML (more likely) or JSON.
All you need is to use XPath Extractor Post Processor, get interesting response part, store it to variable and use in next request.
You can address variables next ways:
I prefer the second option as it allows combining several variables, evaluating functions, etc.
I am using JMeter to send HTTP POST requests.
My body of the request is JSON, for example something like {"Var1": "${Var1}","Var2": ${Var2},"Var3":"${Var3}"}.
These are set in the parameters of the HTTP requests with no name for the parameter. This works fine and I am able to send requests using the variables that I set in a beanshell pre processor (by setting the variables and using vars.put() ).
My question is how can I send programmatically through the preprocessor part of the parameters? For example:
send parameters `{"Var1": "${Var1}","Var2": ${Var2}` as my JSON
else {
send parameters `{"Var3":"${Var3}"}` as my JSON
vars.remove() doesn't work for me as it removes the value from the variable but still sends it in the request (for example as "${Var1}").
Replace the preprocessor by a Beanshell Sampler that will compute a boolean value a and put it as a var:
vars.put("a", value)
Then use 2 If Controllers where each one will contain a sampler with the different parameters.
Condition of first one will be ${a} and for be it will be the negation of ${a}.
Just use the "Body Data" tab. You can conditionally create the JSON string and then just "print" the variable in the body data using normal placeholders.
The easiest and fastest way of achieving what you want to do is to use the JMeter if controller (Add -> Logic controller -> If controller).
You add an if controller to the Thread Group that you're working on and place your expression that returns a boolean in Condition (default Javascript). As a child node for the if controller you place the HTTP Request sampler that you want to fire in case the if is successful.
Suppose you want to send a request if a property that you are passing to JMeter exists:
${__P(media)}.length > 0
The you add another if controller with a negated condition for what you just checked with another HTTP Request sampler.
You're done.