InterstageBPM : assign task to subset of role - interstage

How in Interstage BPM are we able to assign an activity to a subset of the Role to which it has been assigned?
For example, I have an activity DOSOMETHING which is assigned to GROUP X.
GROUP X is composed of users A, B, C, D and E.
If we need to assign the task (based on the value of an UDA) to a subset composed of users D and E, how can I proceed without having to duplicate the activity and adding a conditional node in the process definition to route the flow to the duplicated activity used to target the subset group?

So this is what the Role Actions are for. You will want to use the
Go to the Activity Properties.
Click on Regular Actions and select the Role Action Set.
Add the action: Assign Task to User in the Workload Balancing Actions folder.
You can then do a few things. You can hard code a comma separated list of users. Or, get the list of users from a UDA. Or, if you want to get the subset of users from another Role you can use the Get Role Members action from the Directory Actions. Pass it the Role name and then put the return value in a UDA and pass that UDA to the Assign Task to User action.


save a different value in the redux store than what is displayed on the frontend

I'm wondering if I can store a different value in the redux form FieldArray than what's displayed on the frontend.
Using the example from the docs: Each club has a club name and consists out of various members. I want to introduce another model called group which also consists out of at least one member.
I combine the firstName and lastName field to one field and let the user type in either the members individually OR the user can type in a group name which then fills in all members of that group but on the frontend, only the group name shows up, instead of each member name individually.
Currently, I allow this and then before I post the values to the server, I fetch the members of that group via a get request and then switch the group name for the member names.
I'm wondering if there is a more elegant (and faster) way to do this? I was looking at the parse method but it changes the value right away and doesn't let me display it how the user typed it in.

Microsoft graph API: query to list all users with NO group membership

Is there a Microsoft graph API query that will list all our users with NO group membership.
I can get all the users with
loop over them and evaluate the groups they are members of{}/memberOf
and return the ones with zero group memberships. We have a large number of users so this takes time. Quicker to ask the API to return the list I want the first time.
Can I, in one query, filter on just the users that are in no groups?
Yes, you can do that. Just try the query below:$select = userPrincipalName,displayname&$expand=memberof
With this query, you will be able to get a list that contains user data you selected with group membership data just as below:
So that you could filter users you want locally instead of calling APIs 1 by 1.

how to check whether any user exists as part of GROUP-FILTER in ldap

Say, I want to retrieve some users and I have provided both user_filter & group_filter to filter out the specific users that I need.
user_filter = (&(cn=ab*)(sn=cd*))
group_filter = (|(cn=gh*)(cn=kl*))
I know how to write individual queries for user & group. How can I combine the above filters to write a single query such that I get the users whose common name starts with 'ab' and surname starts with 'cd' and they either belong to groups which start with 'gh' or 'kl'?
It depends how you have membership defined. If you have membership on the groups, eg. group1 has member attribute for user1, this combined query is not possible. If you have groups defined on the user, eg. user1 has memberOf attribute for group1, then you may do something like

Apps activities - uniquely identify user

Is there any way how to uniquely identify user who caused an event? I want to extract all events from Appsactivity service, which belongs to specific user.
The problem is, that service.activities().list() returns also activities of other users of shared file, even if this request has set userId which indicates the user to return activity for. It returns all visible activities to given user and therefore it contains activities of other users.
I tried to filter list, but it seems to be impossible - events contains simple User object which does not have userId or userEmail.
One way is to compare user's photo url which is avalaible in appactivity User object. Note, that this can be done only if url is not null, otherwise it won't uniquely identify user.

Sharepoint Designer 2007 Workflows

In Sharepoint designer 2007, I am creating a workflow where I am trying to use 'collect data from a user' for multiple users. In my document library, I have a list name field. That list name field ties to a list which has between 1-15 users in the associated list. I only need to collect data from user for those users in the list that are not null/empty. I would also like to collect data from the users at the same time (parallel).
It appears you can only use parallel within one workflow step. Within one workflow step, it doesn't appear that you can set multiple conditions/actions.
What I need to do is this:
Condition 1: If variable:reviewer1 is not empty
Action 1: Collect Document Review from variable:reviewer1 (output to ...)
Condition 2: If variable:reviewer2 is not empty
Action 2: Collect Document Review from variable:reviewer2 (output to...)
Is there a way to do this that I'm missing?
It'll be tedious, but I'd suggest creating N steps (where N = the number of parallel tasks you want)
Each step will generally do the following:
Check if the current reviewer field is empty (if so, skip to the next step)
Create a new "Task" item in a (task) List
Send an email to the person you assigned the task to
Then you'll need to somehow stop your workflow until all of the tasks have been completed. This part gets a bit trickier, but do some searches on creating a State Machine workflow in SharePoint Designer and you'll be on the right track.
Really though, this sounds like a workflow that's too complex for SPD. Use Visual Studio or some 3rd-party workflow solution if at all possible.
