SCSS How to use ampersand to get parent context - sass

I'm not sure this is possible but I feel that it probably is and it's just me doing it wrong. I want to use the ampersand to grab the context of a selector, but I get all it's parents as the context in the compiled CSS, and not just the direct parent. See my gist!
What I would like to do is to give .product-comparison--ftg__entry a width of 50% if it's a decendent of .product-comparison--2.
Play with this gist on SassMeister.

I try to avoid to much nesting and work only with the main identifier. For your case this could be solved like this:
.product-comparison {
&--ftg-entry {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
&--2 &--ftg-entry {
width: 50%;


Stylelint: Expected declaration to come before rule - order/order

The code is as follows:
.home-feat2 {
background-color: stencilColor("color-greyLight");
img {width: 10rem;}
margin-bottom: spacing("single");
#include breakpoint("medium") {
margin-bottom: 3rem;
Expected declaration to come before rule - order/order points to the line with margin-bottom: spacing("single"); however I tried looking up what this error meant but I can't find a lot of descriptive documentation on stylelint. Maybe it's because I just don't understand the terminology, but I'm having trouble finding anything on this subject. Any help is appreciated.
Your linters expects you to write declarations before rules.
In CSS, a declaration is the key-value pair of a CSS property and its value, like margin-bottom: spacing("single").
See a visual representation of a declaration block.
A rule is the block defined by one or multiple selectors, containing declarations, like: img { width: 10rem; }.
See a visual representation of a rule set.
What it means for you, it means that you should probably write the rule img {} after the declarations:
.home-feat2 {
background-color: stencilColor("color-greyLight");
margin-bottom: spacing("single");
#include breakpoint("medium") {
margin-bottom: 3rem;
img {width: 10rem;}
This specific rule purpose is to allow an easy to read code.
When applied, you can see at the first glance that background-color and margin-bottom are applied to .home-feat2 and width is applied to img.
edit: added some additional informations thanks to jeddy3

Custom postion for v-dialog Vuetify

I need to open a v-dialog of certain width and height on right bottom side of my page, but, I can't understand how to do.
V-dialog always are centered on the page, I searched on official doc, tried use CSS, but wasn't able
any ideas?
Note: Other provided solutions are not satisfying because they mess up transitions, or we can't use scoped-styles, or they suggest using !important etc.
Add arbitrary content-class class to your dialog:
<v-dialog content-class="my-custom-dialog">
Then we can use scoped styles:
<style scoped>
>>> .my-custom-dialog {
align-self: flex-end;
This feature is being looked at but for now you can use edit the CSS class yourself. For instance, to get it to display in the bottom right use:
.v-dialog {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
style="position: absolute; bottom: 0;"
On the first v-card inside the v-dialog
Add this to your styles:
.v-dialog:not(.v-dialog--fullscreen) {
bottom: 0 !important;
right: 0 !important;
position: absolute !important;
For anyone new coming to this post, its worth checking out VBottomSheet for this functionality.
Came to this page looking for answers but none of the above suggestions worked for me with Vuetiful 2.2.11. Ended up doing this:
.v-dialog__content {
align-items: flex-end;
justify-content: flex-end;
Using Vue 3 and Vuetify 3.0 alpha this solution allows to use the dialog with current mouse position. v-dialog is inside the v-overlay-container which is outside the v-app element hierarchy so the global CSS file must be used. In Vuetify 2.x v-overlay-container is inside the v-app hierarchy.
I guess a solution with scoped CSS and usage of deep() is possible in this case.
CSS variables are defined and a rule for v-overlay__content which is responsible for the position is added :
:root {
--dialog-xpos: 22px;
--dialog-ypos: 55px;
.v-overlay__content {
top: var(--dialog-ypos);
left: var(--dialog-xpos);
The click event handler modifies the variables before dialog activation :
function onClick(ev: MouseEvent) {'--dialog-xpos', ev.clientX.toString() + 'px');'--dialog-ypos', ev.clientY.toString() + 'px');
showDialog.value = true;

How to implement box-shadow like effect in IE8 - quirks mode

This might just be an impossible question, but I want to give it a try: so how can I have a box-shadow like effect in IE8 qirks mode. (Don't ask me why but we are not using DOCTYPEs).
I've already tried PIE, and that is not an option for me.
You could write a filter statement directly, rather than having PIE automatically generate one for you.
Depending on what kind of box-shadow you want, you could fake a simple box-shadow effect, directly below the element, using the :after pseudo-selector. Admittedly you might still have to use bg images for your shadow effect, but at least it would separate the BG image from the BG of your main element and keep things less fiddly to update.
Edit: although if it's Quirks Mode, that may not work :-/
So it might be something like:
myelement {
position: relative;
myelement:after {
display: block;
width: XXpx;
height: 5px;
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
content: '';
background: ...

SASS/SCSS: Refer to property without using an intermediate variable

Is it possible to refer to a property previously defined in a selector without introducing an intermediate variable?
I'd like to say something like:
.foo {
padding: 15px;
width: 300px - $padding;
I know that $padding syntactically looks for a defined variable, I only use it in the above example to illustrate what I want to achieve in functionality.
The above example would be equivalent to this:
.foo {
$padding: 15px;
padding: $padding;
width: 300px - $padding * 2;
No, you can't, and it would be great.
I haven't tested, but as far as I know the only css pre-processor that can do that is stylus. Look at the variable section in its documentation, where it says Property Lookup. It works that way:
.foo {
padding: 15px;
width: 300px - #padding * 2;
But no, in Sass you can't, as far as I'm concerned.
If its an option to use an other preprocessor then scss, I really recommend using Stylus. There is a feature called Property lookup which is exactly what you want.

CSS - Inheriting layered background images

CSS3 supports multiple background images, for example:
foo { background-image: url(/i/image1.jpg), url(/i/image2.jpg); }
I'd like to be able to add a secondary image to an element with a class though.
So for example, say you have a nav menu. And each item has a background image. When a nav item is selected you want to layer on another background image.
I do not see a way to 'add' a background image instead of redeclaring the whole background property. This is a pain because in order to do this with multi-backgrounds, you would have to write the base bg image over and over for each item if the items have unique images.
Ideally I'd be able to do something like this:
li { background: url(baseImage.jpg); }
li.selected { background: url(selectedIndicator.jpg); }
And have li.selected's end result appear the same if I did:
li.selected { background: url(baseImage.jpg), url(selectedIndicator.jpg); }
Update: I also tried the following with no luck (I believe backgrounds are not inherited..)
li { background: url(baseImage.jpg), none; }
li.selected { background: inherit, url(selectedIndicator.jpg); }
That is, in any case, not the way CSS inheritance works. inherit implies that an element should take on the attributes of it's parent element, not previous declarations affecting the same element.
What you want has been proposed as a way to make CSS more object-oriented, but the closest you will get is with a pre-processor like SASS.
For now you actually just have to re-state the first image along with the second.
I don't think this is possible, I think you'd have to redefine the whole rule every time.
For example, you could just add a "wrapper" around every item that has the initial background, with the actual item having a transparent background. Then add the background on the item itself when it's selected.
Additive CSS rules still aren't possible as far as I know.
You could try applying the second image to the ::after pseudo element:
li { background: url(baseImage.jpg); position: relative; }
li.selected::after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background: url(selectedIndicator.jpg);
I had the same need as you recently.
I finally thought about it and solved using css variables.
::root { --selectdropdown: url( '../elements/expand-dark.svg' ); }
select.gender.female { background-image: var(--selectdropdown), url( '../elements/female-dark.svg' ); }
When you resetting the attribute, just specify the variable again in the list!
