Create a binary search tree with a better complexity - algorithm

You are given a number which is the root of a binary search tree. Then you are given an array of N elements which you have to insert into the binary search tree. The time complexity is N^2 if the array is in the sorted order. I need to get the same tree structure in a much better complexity (say NlogN). I tried it a lot but wasn't able to solve it. Can somebody help?

I assume that all numbers are distinct (if it's not the case, you can use a pair (number, index) instead).
Let's assume that we want to insert we want to insert an element X. If it's the smallest/the largest element so far, its clear where it goes.
Let's a = max y: y in tree and y < X and b = min y: y in tree and y > X. I claim that:
One of them is an ancestor of the other.
Either a doesn't have the right child or b doesn't have the left child.
Let it not be the case. Let l = lca(a, b). As a is in its left subtree and b is in it's right subtree, a < l < b. Contradiction.
Let a be an ancestor of b. If b has a left child c. Than a < c < b. Contradiction (the other case is handled similarly).
So the solution goes like this:
Let's a keep a set of elements that are already in a tree (I mean an efficient set with lower_bound operation like std::set in C++ or TreeSet in Java).
Let's find a and b as described above upon every insertion (in O(log N) time using the set's lower_bound operation). Exactly one of them doesn't have an appropriate child. That's where the new element goes.
The total time complexity is clearly O(N log N).

If you look up a word in a dictionary, you open the dictionary about halfway and look at the page. That then tells you if the search word is in the first or second half of the dictionary. Repeat, eliminating half the remaining words on each pass, and you soon narrow it down to a single word. 4 billion word dictionaries will take about 32 passes.
A binary search tree uses the same principle. Except as well as looking up, you can also insert. Insertion is O(log N), unless the tree becomes degenerate.
To prevent the tree going degenerate, you use a system of "red" and "black" nodes (the colours are just conventional), and you don't allow long runs of
either colour. The full explanation is in my book, Basic Algorithms
An implementation is here
But you will need some explanation if you want to learn about red black
trees from it.


Why is the number of sub-trees gained from a range tree query is O(log(n))?

I'm trying to figure out this data structure, but I don't understand how can we
tell there are O(log(n)) subtrees that represents the answer to a query?
Here is a picture for illustration:
If we make the assumption that the above is a purely functional binary tree [wiki], so where the nodes are immutable, then we can make a "copy" of this tree such that only elements with a value larger than x1 and lower than x2 are in the tree.
Let us start with a very simple case to illustrate the point. Imagine that we simply do not have any bounds, than we can simply return the entire tree. So instead of constructing a new tree, we return a reference to the root of the tree. So we can, without any bounds return a tree in O(1), given that tree is not edited (at least not as long as we use the subtree).
The above case is of course quite simple. We simply make a "copy" (not really a copy since the data is immutable, we can just return the tree) of the entire tree. So let us aim to solve a more complex problem: we want to construct a tree that contains all elements larger than a threshold x1. Basically we can define a recursive algorithm for that:
the cutted version of None (or whatever represents a null reference, or a reference to an empty tree) is None;
if the node has a value is smaller than the threshold, we return a "cutted" version of the right subtree; and
if the node has a value greater than the threshold, we return an inode that has the same right subtree, and as left subchild the cutted version of the left subchild.
So in pseudo-code it looks like:
def treelarger(some_node, min):
if some_tree is None:
return None
if some_node.value > min:
return Node(treelarger(some_node.left, min), some_node.value, some_node.right)
return treelarger(some_node.right, min)
This algorithm thus runs in O(h) with h the height of the tree, since for each case (except the first one), we recurse to one (not both) of the children, and it ends in case we have a node without children (or at least does not has a subtree in the direction we need to cut the subtree).
We thus do not make a complete copy of the tree. We reuse a lot of nodes in the old tree. We only construct a new "surface" but most of the "volume" is part of the old binary tree. Although the tree itself contains O(n) nodes, we construct, at most, O(h) new nodes. We can optimize the above such that, given the cutted version of one of the subtrees is the same, we do not create a new node. But that does not even matter much in terms of time complexity: we generate at most O(h) new nodes, and the total number of nodes is either less than the original number, or the same.
In case of a complete tree, the height of the tree h scales with O(log n), and thus this algorithm will run in O(log n).
Then how can we generate a tree with elements between two thresholds? We can easily rewrite the above into an algorithm treesmaller that generates a subtree that contains all elements that are smaller:
def treesmaller(some_node, max):
if some_tree is None:
return None
if some_node.value < min:
return Node(some_node.left, some_node.value, treesmaller(some_node.right, max))
return treesmaller(some_node.left, max)
so roughly speaking there are two differences:
we change the condition from some_node.value > min to some_node.value < max; and
we recurse on the right subchild in case the condition holds, and on the left if it does not hold.
Now the conclusions we draw from the previous algorithm are also conclusions that can be applied to this algorithm, since again it only introduces O(h) new nodes, and the total number of nodes can only decrease.
Although we can construct an algorithm that takes the two thresholds concurrently into account, we can simply reuse the above algorithms to construct a subtree containing only elements within range: we first pass the tree to the treelarger function, and then that result through a treesmaller (or vice versa).
Since in both algorithms, we introduce O(h) new nodes, and the height of the tree can not increase, we thus construct at most O(2 h) and thus O(h) new nodes.
Given the original tree was a complete tree, then it thus holds that we create O(log n) new nodes.
Consider the search for the two endpoints of the range. This search will continue until finding the lowest common ancestor of the two leaf nodes that span your interval. At that point, the search branches with one part zigging left and one part zagging right. For now, let's just focus on the part of the query that branches to the left, since the logic is the same but reversed for the right branch.
In this search, it helps to think of each node as not representing a single point, but rather a range of points. The general procedure, then, is the following:
If the query range fully subsumes the range represented by this node, stop searching in x and begin searching the y-subtree of this node.
If the query range is purely in range represented by the right subtree of this node, continue the x search to the right and don't investigate the y-subtree.
If the query range overlaps the left subtree's range, then it must fully subsume the right subtree's range. So process the right subtree's y-subtree, then recursively explore the x-subtree to the left.
In all cases, we add at most one y-subtree in for consideration and then recursively continue exploring the x-subtree in only one direction. This means that we essentially trace out a path down the x-tree, adding in at most one y-subtree per step. Since the tree has height O(log n), the overall number of y-subtrees visited this way is O(log n). And then, including the number of y-subtrees visited in the case where we branched right at the top, we get another O(log n) subtrees for a total of O(log n) total subtrees to search.
Hope this helps!

How can this be done in O(nlogn) time complexity

I had a question on my exams for which I had to come up with an efficient algorithm. The problem was like this:
We have some objects which have two properties:
H = <1,1000000>
R = <1,1000000>
we can insert one object into another if H1>H2 and R1>R2. The input contains pairs of H and R, one pair per line. if the current object can be inserted in any previous objects, we choose such with the least H and then we destroy both of them. print the number of left objects in the output.
I wonder how can this problem be solved in O(n.log(n)) time complexity using binary search trees or segment tree, or with fenwick tree.
Thanks in advance.
A solution with fenwick tree, as follows;
Let's sort the whole array by R at first (right now, we are not caring about H), and assign each item a token (which is equal to it's position in the sorted array).
Let's get back to our original array. We are going to run a sweep on the given array. Say, we have a fenwick tree, which will, instead of cumulative sum, store maximum (from beginning to that position) only for H.
For an item, say, we couldn't fit it into another item. Then we'll insert it into the tree. We'll insert in such position that is equal to it's token.
So, right now, we've a fenwick tree, which contains only the items we've dealt with till now. Other values are 0. The items in the tree are positioned in R sorted order.
Now, how to find out if we can fit current item to another object? We can actually run a binary search (upper bound) on fenwick tree for current item's H. And, as the items are already sorted in R order, instead of whole tree, we need to search in the effective range.
Binary search in fenwick tree can be done in O(log(n)). Check out the Find index with given cumulative frequency part of this article.

Missing number in binary search tree

If I have order statistic binary balanced tree that has n different integers as its keys and I want to write function find(x) that returns the minimal integer that is not in the tree, and is greater than x. in O(log(n)) time.
For example, if the keys in the tree are 6,7,8,10,11,13,14 then find(6)=9, find(8)=9, find(10)=12, find(13)=15.
I think about finding the max in O(log(n)) and the index of x (mark i_x) in O(log(n)) then if i_x=n-(m-x) then I can simply return max+1.
By index I mean in 6,7,8,10,11,13,14 that index of 6 is 0 and index of 10 is 3 for example...
But I'm having trouble with the other cases...
According to wikipedia, an order statistic tree supports those two operations in log(n) time:
Select(i) — find the i'th smallest element stored in the tree in O(log(n))
Rank(x) – find the rank of element x in the tree, i.e. its index in the sorted list of elements of the tree in O(log(n))
Start by getting the rank of x, and select the superior ranks of x until you find a place to insert your missing element. But this has worst-case n*log(n).
So instead, once you have the rank of x, you do a kind of binary search. The basic idea is whether there is a space between number x and y which are in the tree. There is a space if rank(x) - rank(y) != x - y.
General case is: when searching for the number in the interval [lo,hi] (lo and hi are ranks in the tree, mid is the middle rank), if there is a space between lo and mid then search inside [lo,mid], else search inside [mid, hi].
You will end up finding the number you seek.
However, this solution does not run in log(n) time, but in log^2(n). This is the best I can think of for a general solution.
Well, it's a tough question, I changed my mind several times. Here is what I came up with:
I assume that the left node holds inferior value and the right node holds superior value
Intuition of find(x): Start at the root and go down the tree almost like in a standard binary tree. If the branch we want to go does not contain the solution of find(x) then cut it.
We'll go through the basic cases first:
If the node I found is null, then I am done, and I return the value I was looking for.
If the current value is less than the one I am looking for, I search for x in the right subtree
If I found the node containing x, then I search for x+1 on the right subtree.
The case where x is in the left subtree is more tricky, because it may contain x, x+1, x+2, x+3, etc up to y-1 where y is the value stored in the current node. In this case, we want to search for y+1 in the right subtree.
However, if all the numbers from x to y are not in the left subtree (that is, there is a gap), then we will find a value in it, so we look into the left subtree for x.
Question is: How to find if the sequence from x to y is present in the subtree ?
The algorithm in python looks like this:
def find(node, x):
if node == null:
return x
if < x:
return find(node.right, x)
if == x:
return find(node.right, x+1)
if is_full(...):
return find(node.right,
return find(node.left, x)
To get the smallest value strictly greater than x which is not in the tree, the first call is find(root, x+1). If you want the smallest value greater than or equals to x that is not in the tree, the first call is find(root, x).
The is_full method checks if the left subtree contains all number from x to
Now, using this as a starting point, I believe you can find a suitable solution by yourself, using the fact that the number of nodes contained in each subtree is stored at the subtree's root.
I faced a similar question.
There were no restrictions about finding greater than some x, simply find the missing element in the BST.
Below is my answer, it is perfectly possible to do so in O(lg(n)) time, with the assumption that, tree is almost balanced. You might want to consider the proof that expected height of the randomly built BST is lg(n) given n elements. I use a simpler notation, O(h) where h = height of the tree, so two things are now separate.
assumptions and/or requirements:
I enhance the data structure. store the count of (left_subtree + right_subtree + 1) at each node.
Obviously, count of a single node is 1
This count is pre-computed and stored at each node
Kindly pardon my multiple notations for not equal to (=/= and !=)
Also note that code might be structured in little better way if one is to write a working code on a machine.
Moreover, I think, at this point in time, that this is correct. I tried as many corner cases as I could think of, and in general it works. Even if there is a counter example, I don;t think it will be that difficult to modify the code to fit that particular case; but please comment the counter example, I am interested.

IOI Qualifier INOI task 2

I can't figure out how to solve question 2 in the following link in an efficient manner:
You can do this in On log n) time. (Or linear if you really care to.) First, pad the input array out to the next power of two using some really big negative number. Now, build an interval tree-like data structure; recursively partition your array by dividing it in half. Each node in the tree represents a subarray whose length is a power of two and which begins at a position that is a multiple of its length, and each nonleaf node has a "left half" child and a "right half" child.
Compute, for each node in your tree, what happens when you add 0,1,2,3,... to that subarray and take the maximum element. Notice that this is trivial for the leaves, which represent subarrays of length 1. For internal nodes, this is simply the maximum of the left child with length/2 + right child. So you can build this tree in linear time.
Now we want to run a sequence of n queries on this tree and print out the answers. The queries are of the form "what happens if I add k,k+1,k+2,...n,1,...,k-1 to the array and report the maximum?"
Notice that, when we add that sequence to the whole array, the break between n and 1 either occurs at the beginning/end, or smack in the middle, or somewhere in the left half, or somewhere in the right half. So, partition the array into the k,k+1,k+2,...,n part and the 1,2,...,k-1 part. If you identify all of the nodes in the tree that represent subarrays lying completely inside one of the two sequences but whose parents either don't exist or straddle the break-point, you will have O(log n) nodes. You need to look at their values, add various constants, and take the maximum. So each query takes O(log n) time.

Finding closest number in a range

I thought a problem which is as follows:
We have an array A of integers of size n, and we have test cases t and in every test cases we are given a number m and a range [s,e] i.e. we are given s and e and we have to find the closest number of m in the range of that array(A[s]-A[e]).
You may assume array indexed are from 1 to n.
For example:
A = {5, 12, 9, 18, 19}
m = 13
s = 4 and e = 5
So the answer should be 18.
All I can thought is an O(n) solution for every test case, and I think a better solution exists.
This is a rough sketch:
Create a segment tree from the data. At each node, besides the usual data like left and right indices, you also store the numbers found in the sub-tree rooted at that node, stored in sorted order. You can achieve this when you construct the segment tree in bottom-up order. In the node just above the leaf, you store the two leaf values in sorted order. In an intermediate node, you keep the numbers in the left child, and right child, which you can merge together using standard merging. There are O(n) nodes in the tree, and keeping this data should take overall O(nlog(n)).
Once you have this tree, for every query, walk down the path till you reach the appropriate node(s) in the given range ([s, e]). As the tutorial shows, one or more different nodes would combine to form the given range. As the tree depth is O(log(n)), that is the time per query to reach these nodes. Each query should be O(log(n)). For all the nodes which lie completely inside the range, find the closest number using binary search in the sorted array stored in those nodes. Again, O(log(n)). Find the closest among all these, and that is the answer. Thus, you can answer each query in O(log(n)) time.
The tutorial I link to contains other data structures, such as sparse table, which are easier to implement, and should give O(sqrt(n)) per query. But I haven't thought much about this.
sort the array and do binary search . complexity : o(nlogn + logn *t )
I'm fairly sure no faster solution exists. A slight variation of your problem is:
There is no array A, but each test case contains an unsorted array of numbers to search. (The array slice of A from s to e).
In that case, there is clearly no better way than a linear search for each test case.
Now, in what way is your original problem more specific than the variation above? The only added information is that all the slices come from the same array. I don't think that this additional constraint can be used for an algorithmic speedup.
EDIT: I stand corrected. The segment tree data structure should work.
