Error while freeing an array within a data structure - data-structures

Status bit_flags_set_flag(BIT_FLAGS hBit_flags, int flag_position) {
Bit_Flags* temp = (Bit_Flags*)hBit_flags;
int* nums;
int i;
int old_size;
if (temp->size < flag_position) {
nums = malloc(sizeof(int)*flag_position+1);
if (nums == NULL) {
return FAILURE;
for (i = 0; i < temp->size; i++) {
nums[i] = temp->data[i];
temp->data = nums;
old_size = temp->size;
temp->size = flag_position + 1;
for (i = old_size; i < temp->size; i++) {
temp->data[i] = 0;
temp->data[flag_position / 32] |= 1 << flag_position % 32;
return SUCCESS;
according to the debugger the error is from the free(temp->data) part. however. I only run into the error the second time I go through the function. any ideas what is happening here.
am getting a heap corruption error on visual studio.

I am writing on some assumptions like you are assuming int size is 32 bits and you are trying to set the bit at flag_position in the bitset and you are using 1 int for 1 bit for setting and unsetting bits
Few comments now
temp->data[flag_position / 32] |= 1 << flag_position % 32; now this doesn't make any sense, this line role is to set bit at flag_position, this should be temp->data[flag_position] = 1; instead because if you see your code your are using ints for each bit.
Also this line temp->size = flag_position + 1; is also incorrect , this should be temp->size = flag_position;


Recursive algorithm to find all possible solutions in a nonogram row

I am trying to write a simple nonogram solver, in a kind of bruteforce way, but I am stuck on a relatively easy task. Let's say I have a row with clues [2,3] that has a length of 10
so the solutions are:
I want to find all the possible solutions for a row
I know that I have to consider each block separately, and each block will have an availible space of n-(sum of remaining blocks length + number of remaining blocks) but I do not know how to progress from here
Well, this question already have a good answer, so think of this one more as an advertisement of python's prowess.
def place(blocks,total):
if not blocks: return ["-"*total]
if blocks[0]>total: return []
starts = total-blocks[0] #starts = 2 means possible starting indexes are [0,1,2]
if len(blocks)==1: #this is special case
return [("-"*i+"$"*blocks[0]+"-"*(starts-i)) for i in range(starts+1)]
ans = []
for i in range(total-blocks[0]): #append current solutions
for sol in place(blocks[1:],starts-i-1): #with all possible other solutiona
return ans
To test it:
for i in place([2,3,2],12):
Which produces output like:
This is what i got:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef std::vector<bool> tRow;
void printRow(tRow row){
for (bool i : row){
std::cout << ((i) ? '$' : '-');
std::cout << std::endl;
int requiredCells(const std::vector<int> nums){
int sum = 0;
for (int i : nums){
sum += (i + 1); // The number + the at-least-one-cell gap at is right
return (sum == 0) ? 0 : sum - 1; // The right-most number don't need any gap
bool appendRow(tRow init, const std::vector<int> pendingNums, unsigned int rowSize, std::vector<tRow> &comb){
if (pendingNums.size() <= 0){
return false;
int cellsRequired = requiredCells(pendingNums);
if (cellsRequired > rowSize){
return false; // There are no combinations
tRow prefix;
int gapSize = 0;
std::vector<int> pNumsAux = pendingNums;
unsigned int space = rowSize;
while ((gapSize + cellsRequired) <= rowSize){
space = rowSize;
space -= gapSize;
prefix = init;
for (int i = 0; i < gapSize; ++i){
for (int i = 0; i < pendingNums[0]; ++i){
if (space > 0){
appendRow(prefix, pNumsAux, space, comb);
return true;
std::vector<tRow> getCombinations(const std::vector<int> row, unsigned int rowSize) {
std::vector<tRow> comb;
tRow init;
appendRow(init, row, rowSize, comb);
return comb;
int main(){
std::vector<int> row = { 2, 3 };
auto ret = getCombinations(row, 10);
for (tRow r : ret){
while (r.size() < 10)
return 0;
And my output is:
For sure, this must be absolutely improvable.
Note: i did't test it more than already written case
Hope it works for you

CUDA string search in large file, wrong result

I am working on simple naive string search in CUDA.
I am new in CUDA. It works fine fol smaller files ( aprox. ~1MB ). After I make these files bigger ( ctrl+a ctrl+c several times in notepad++ ), my program's results are higher ( about +1% ) than a
grep -o text file_name | wc -l
It is very simple function, so I don't know what could cause this. I need it to work with larger files ( ~500MB ).
Kernel code ( gpuCount is a __device__ int global variable ):
__global__ void stringSearchGpu(char *data, int dataLength, char *input, int inputLength){
int id = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
if (id < dataLength)
int fMatch = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < inputLength; j++)
if (data[id + j] != input[j]) fMatch = 0;
if (fMatch)
atomicAdd(&gpuCount, 1);
This is calling the kernel in main function:
int blocks = 1, threads = fileSize;
if (fileSize > 1024)
blocks = (fileSize / 1024) + 1;
threads = 1024;
clock_t cpu_start = clock();
// kernel call
stringSearchGpu<<<blocks, threads>>>(cudaBuffer, strlen(buffer), cudaInput, strlen(input));
After this I just copy the result to Host and print it.
Can anyone please help me with this?
First of all, you should always check return values of CUDA functions to check for errors. Best way to do so would be the following:
#define gpuErrchk(ans) { gpuAssert((ans), __FILE__, __LINE__); }
inline void gpuAssert(cudaError_t code, const char *file, int line, bool abort=true)
if (code != cudaSuccess)
fprintf(stderr,"GPUassert: %s %s %d\n", cudaGetErrorString(code), file, line);
if (abort) exit(code);
Wrap your CUDA calls, such as:
Second, your kernel accesses out of bounds memory. Suppose, dataLength=100, inputLength=7 and id=98. In your kernel code:
if (id < dataLength) // 98 is less than 100, so condition true
int fMatch = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < inputLength; j++) // j runs from [0 - 6]
// if j>1 then id+j>=100, which is out of bounds, illegal operation
if (data[id + j] != input[j]) fMatch = 0;
Change the condition to something like:
if (id < dataLength - inputLength)

bootloader avr atmega128RFA1

I am also working on the bootloader.
I had the problem in the following:
Once the cmd 'B' is received, later, 'F' is received, then I would start to call block load.
static void start_block_flash_load(uint16_t size, uint32_t *addr) {
uint16_t data_word;
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
uint16_t temp;
int i;
uint8_t my_size;
fprintf(lcdout, "B");
// Disable interrupts
(*addr) <<= 1;
if (size <= SPM_PAGESIZE) {
fprintf(lcdout, "%"PRIu16, size);
uint16_t i;
//store all values. PROBLEM here!!!
my_size = 208;
uint8_t buf[SPM_PAGESIZE] = { 0 };
for (i = 0; i < my_size; i++) {
//for (i=0; i<size; i++){
buf[i] = uart_getc();
// lcd_clear();
// lcd_setCursor(0, 2);
// fprintf(lcdout, "%3d", i);
// _delay_ms(500);
for (i = 0; i < my_size; i += 2) { //if size is odd, then use do-while
uint16_t w = buf[i];
w += buf[i + 1] << 8; //first one is low byte, second is high???
boot_page_fill((*addr)+i, w);
(*addr) >>= 1;
} else
boot_rww_enable ();
SREG = sreg;
I can see on the lcd that the size of the block is 256. However, when entering the loop to collect data, it will get stuck.
I tested with my_size and I found that only if my_size=208 the program will run further.
The strange thing is that if I put some statements inside the loop, e.g.
lcd_setCursor(0, 2);
then 'i' which I printed out on lcd will not go up to 140 something. I put different statements, the 'i' will give different value. That is very strange, since the uart_getc() will not lose data.
What I expect is that the loop will go up to 256. I cannot figure out what happened there.
Please help if you have any idea.

SDCC integer comparison unexpected behavior

I'm trying to get started on a project using a PIC18F24J10. Attempting to use SDCC for this. At this point I've reduced my code to simply trying to nail down what is happening, as I've been seeing bizarre behavior for a while now and can't really proceed until I figure out what is going on. Not sure if this is my only problem at this point, but I have no idea why this is happening. Timer interrupt fires off, coupled with a #defined for loop causes LEDs on PORTC to blink maybe twice a second. If I just do a PORTC=0xFF and PORTC=0 this works fine. But it gets weird when I try to go much beyond that.
#define _RC0 31
#define _RC1 32
#define _RC2 33
#define _RC3 34
#define _RC4 35
#define _RC5 36
#define _RC6 37
#define _RC7 38
#define HI 1
#define LO 0
void why(unsigned char p, int z)
if(z == HI)
if(p == _RC0) PORTCbits.RC0 = 1;
else if(p == _RC1) PORTCbits.RC1 = 1;
else if(p == _RC2) PORTCbits.RC2 = 1;
else if(p == _RC3) PORTCbits.RC3 = 1;
else if(p == _RC4) PORTCbits.RC4 = 1;
else if(p == _RC5) PORTCbits.RC5 = 1;
else if(p == _RC6) PORTCbits.RC6 = 1;
else if(p == _RC7) PORTCbits.RC7 = 1;
else if(z == LO)
PORTC = 0b11110000;
PORTC = 0b10101010;
void timer_isr (void) __interrupt(1) __using (1)
why(_RC0, LO);
why(_RC1, LO);
why(_RC2, LO);
why(_RC0, HI);
why(_RC1, HI);
why(_RC2, HI);
void main(void)
TRISC = 0b00000000;
INTCONbits.GIE = 1;
INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;
INTCONbits.TMR0IF = 0;
INTCONbits.TMR0IE = 1;
T0CONbits.T08BIT = 0;
T0CONbits.T0CS = 0;
T0CONbits.PSA = 1;
TMR0H = 0;
TMR0L = 0;
T0CONbits.TMR0ON = 1;
In the code above, four of the LEDs should blink, while the other four stay on. Instead, the LEDs stay on in the 10101010 pattern that happens in the "else" block, which should happen when "why" is called with any value other than HI or LO. I never call it with anything else, so why does it ever reach that?
UPDATE - Further reduction, no more interrupts or unspecified includes/defines. This is now the entirety of the program, and I am still seeing the same behavior. Changed the pattern from 10101010 to 10101011 so that I could verify the chip is actually being programmed with the new code, and it appears to be.
#include "pic16/pic18f24j10.h"
#define WAIT_CYCLES(A) for(__delay_cycle = 0;__delay_cycle < A;__delay_cycle++)
int __delay_cycle;
#define HI 1
#define LO 0
void why(int z)
if(z == HI)
PORTC = 0b11111111;
else if(z == LO)
PORTC = 0b11110000;
PORTC = 0b10101011;
void main(void)
TRISC = 0b00000000;
Once the interrupt is asserted it is never cleared. That results in timer_isr() being called repeatedly. No other code is ever reached. The TMR0IF bit must be cleared in software by the Interrupt Service Routine.
Keep in mind you not only need to spend less time in the ISR than the period of the timer - it’s a good practice to spend the minimum amount of time necessary.
Remove the delays and simply toggle a flag or increment a register. In your main while (1) loop monitor the flag or counter and make your calls to why() from there.

custom ITOA not working right?

I wanted to make a custom ITOA function to put large numbers into small strings, this is what I have coded :
printf("itoa(2000000000,36)= '%s'",itoa(2000000000,36));
printf("itoa(36,36)= '%s'",itoa(36,36));
printf("itoa(37,36)= '%s'",itoa(37,36));
return 1;
stock itoa(val, base)
new buf[1024] = {0,...};
new i = 1023;
new LETTERZ[37] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',0};
for(; val && i; --i, val /= base)
buf[i] = LETTERZ[val % base];
return buf[i+1];
It's based on 'C' code from this page:
But somehow this is the output:
[20:34:35] itoa(2000000000,36)= 'X'
[20:34:35] itoa(36,36)= '1'
[20:34:35] itoa(37,36)= '1'
And this is totally wrong, I don't know which output to expect but 36 and 37 for sure can't be the same output and 2 000 000 000 can't be just 'X', as X is suposed to be 35, not 2 000 000 000,
ZZ should be 1295 I think... I want to base this on the hexadecimal system, but with all the alfabet letters.
Could anyone tell me what's wrong here?
I'm working with a typeless language called PAWN (also known as SMALL) and later i want to use this code in VB.NET
/* itoa example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main ()
int i;
char buffer [33];
printf ("Enter a number: ");
scanf ("%d",&i);
itoa (i,buffer,10);
printf ("decimal: %s\n",buffer);
itoa (i,buffer,16);
printf ("hexadecimal: %s\n",buffer);
itoa (i,buffer,2);
printf ("binary: %s\n",buffer);
return 0;
You only give the number and the base, but parameter 2 needs a pointer to char already allocated. Use a buffer or try NULL, so the function will return the result.
THe solution seemed to be simple, the return buf[i+1] just returned one character so what I did is make it return an array:
new _s#T[4096];
#define sprintf(%1) (format(_s#T, SPRINTF_MAX_STRING, %1), _s#T)
new num = atoi("ABCDEFG",36);
return 1;
stock itoa(val, base)
new buf[1024] = {0,...};
new LETTERZ[37] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',0};
for(new pos = 0; val;++pos,val = floatround(val/base,floatround_floor))
strins(buf,sprintf("%c",LETTERZ[val % base]),0);
return buf;
stock atoi(val[], base)
new CURRNUM = 0;
new len = strlen(val);
new LETTERZ[37] = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z',0};
for(new i = 0; i < len; ++i)
for(new x = 0; x < base; ++x)
new y = (len-i)-1;
if(val[y] == LETTERZ[x])
CURRNUM += x*floatround(floatpower(base,i));
return CURRNUM;
