Why does PyCharm say "Unable to display frame variables" in debug mode? - debugging

I have several python projects loaded in one pycharm workspace. All but one I can step into normally. One project, however, when I set a breakpoint on, say, the first line of the boilerplate, pycharm says it's Collecting data... for about 10 to 20 seconds then says Unable to display frame variables.
Trying to step over or into the code freezes pycharm for another 20 seconds.
PyCharm still stops at breakpoints, I can see the stack and, with some patience, click on the frames.
I've checked the project configuration and everything seems the same as the other projects, or consistent from one project to another, including the Project, Environment variables, Python interpreter, Interpreter options (none), Script and Working directory.
I've tried running the project in a separate workspace with the same results.
I've reinstalled the debugger as suggested here
I've upgraded to 2016.3
I was using PyCharm 2016.2.3 with Python 2.7.12 :: Anaconda 4.1.1 (x86_64), now PyCharm 2016.3
What am I missing?

You should put the Pycharm Debugger in gevent compatible mode.
File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Python Debugger > Gevent compatible
The lines you removed probably had a purpose and you shouldn't delete them without knowing the consequences.

The code, which I didn't write myself, contained the following:
from gevent import monkey
Removing those lines resolved the issue.


Why does run fail after I compile a GoLang project to Web Assembly?

I created a Go(lang) project in Visual Studio Code. I created a main.go file that I will compile to WebAssembly, and another main.go that I will run as a server (to serve my Web Assembly glue file).
For reference, I'm following the tutorial here: https://golangbot.com/webassembly-using-go/
In a Visual Studio Code terminal, I do the following:
[cd to my wasm source folder with the first main.go]
${env:GOOS} = "js"
${env:GOARCH} = "wasm"
go build -o ../../assets/json.wasm
[cd to my server folder with the other main.go]
go run main.go
[I get the following error]
exec: "C:\Users\...\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build3258126417\b001\exe\main": file does not exist
I was able to run this server prior to the build. What's going on?
This should have just run. But now I'm not able to run the server. I get that strange "file does not exist" error.
I spent a lot of time trying to figure this out and finally got it! Here's the deal:
Either or both of the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables that are required by the build go command (for webassembly) seem to conflict with the go run command. I don't know why. I discovered this in a backwards kind of way.
(TLDR: use different terminals to build and run and don't set these environment variables globally -- set them prior to every build. Use the Terminal>Split Terminal to maintain the build settings between tests! ).
Using the Visual Studio Code Powershell terminal, I set these 2 variables (or so I thought) and then ran the build. Then I ran the server to try to see the fruits of my labor and got a strange error in the Chrome console (something about expecting one magic word but receiving another). It turns out this error is fairly generic and after some googling, determined it probably meant something happened with my build. After trying a few more times unsuccessfully to build, I decided to set the environment variables in windows (as SYSTEM variables) so that I didn't have to keep setting them when I did my build.
I built again (still no build errors), but then when I went to run the server, I got the
exec: "C:\Users...\AppData\Local\Temp\go-build3258126417\b001\exe\main": file does not exist
error. At this point, I couldn't run any of my Go servers in any project. Since the only "global" thing I'd done was set those 2 environment variables, I decided to remove them. I could now run my Go servers. But I still couldn't execute my builds in the browser. What's going on??
I figured that since setting the global environment variables had an effect (albeit, a negative effect) whereas I hadn't experienced that issue when manually setting them directly in the terminal prior to each build, then maybe there was something wrong with the way I was setting the variables (I don't use Powershell very often).
After more googling and some experimentation, I discovered the "correct" way to set these variables in the terminal (noted in my original question). So manually setting them (the right way) prior to the build fixed the build issue (it wasn't building correctly since those variables weren't being set properly).
Now I knew the variable were getting set properly because now I was getting that error when I set them manually prior to the build. So now what?
I killed the terminal after build, and then started a new terminal, and the run was successful.
So bottom line: the GOOS and GOARCH environment variables should not be set when running a server, so don't start a server in the same terminal that you used to build the web assembly code!

Build phase in Xcode 13.3 started failing

I have a build phase that calls some python scripts.
This has been working fine for well over 2 years, but after recently updating to Xcode 13.3 it now fails.
the error I started receiving is:
/Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-fsowouspdsdjjzfmlfafizjbkcae/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/MyApp/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/MyApp.build/Release-iphoneos/MyApp.build/Script-9002D8C42166BC850081D43D.sh: line 6: python: command not found
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
At a glance, it looks like xcode is attempting to run the script on the simulator instead of running in the local project directory.
python --version:
Python 3.8.3
I am wondering if there is some new configuration that I am unaware of for new xcode versions?
when i run the the lines in the script in my terminal, they run just fine.
You have installed Python 3 somehow (brew, perhaps), and it is in your PATH. That is why, when you say python, it is found.
But that same Python is not in Xcode's PATH! And it never has been. You've never noticed this, and you've never needed to notice it, because Xcode has always used the system Python, which was located in /SystemLibraryFrameworks. You and Xcode were probably using different Python versions (the system version stopped at 2.7), but this didn't matter.
But now (Monterey 12.3), it isn't. There is now no Python in Xcode's PATH. Thus, when your script says python plain and simple, it isn't found. You can fix this by using a complete path in your scripts that specifies where your Python is. You can find this out by saying which python.
So, Xcode seems to bundles its' own versions of python and python 3. It does not use the system version, so changes to Monteray 12.3 would not affect this.
Since that is the case, the correct solution is changing python to python3 since it looks like an Xcode update dropped python2.7 to parallel the OS dropping it later. I had to also update my python file to ensure compatibility.

How to debug code running from terminal in pycharm

I am running my code in Pycharm from Terminal. Is it possible to debug the code and put breakpoints inside the code during a run from terminal?
I don't know anyway to do this through the terminal, but the way I currently do it is:
Run > Edit Configurations > Add new configuration (the green + button)
Choose Python
Fill out Script path, Parameters, and other configuration fields.
Debug the newly added configuration. (Run > Debug...)
With the right configuration the result should be the same as running the script in a terminal.
I find the above process a little tedious. A PEP 553 breakpoint() might be nicer. It requires Python 3.7 and is not implemented yet. See the related issue.
Even if the program is started outside of PyCharm, we can attach PyCharm debugger to it.
Go to Run -> Attach to process.
This will show a list of python process that are currently running on the system. Select the appropriate process from it.
Now PyCharm debugger is connected to that process. We can add breakpoints and debug it.
There is a way using python console.
To run it: Tools -> python console .. or you can find it at the bottom of the IDE.
Then press on 'Attach debugger' line in the following picture:
Add a breakpoint in your code and then pass the file name to the cosole, like: %run my_file.py

Nuget.exe crashes when invoked from cmd.exe

I'm trying to automatically download Nuget.exe from a Rakefile, in order to minimize the amount of initial setup needed to run my samples on GitHub.
I've understand how to download a file (I'm using HTTParty) and how to save a binary file (using the b flag on File.new) but now I've got problem running Nuget.exe. In particular:
if I launch it directly or from PowerShell, the executable runs fine;
if I launch it from cmd or from a Rakefile (which in turn runs cmd), Windows tells me that the program "stopped working".
I reproduced the same behavior with the Nuget bootstrapper, so I thought that the cause was some configuration in my computer.
It then occured to me that I installed ansicom, a library to handle ANSI sequences. I disabled it and then Nuget started without any problem.

Jython Remote debugging Intellij Idea, using Pycharm plugin

Before marking this as a duplicate please read the full thread
OS - Windows XP
Primary Language - Java
Scripting Language - Jython
IDE - Intellij Idea
Python Plugin - Pycharm
I am trying to remote debug my application which runs in Java and uses Jython as a scripting language. I followed the steps mentioned in the below link
I can start the debugger
When my application starts up, it is able to connect to the debugger
However I am getting below critical WARNING -
pydev debugger: CRITICAL WARNING: This version of python seems to be incorrectly compiled (internal generated filenames are not absolute)
pydev debugger: The debugger may still function, but it will work slower and may miss breakpoints
pydev debugger: Related bug: http://bugs.python.org/issue1666807
The problem
Debugger doesn't stop at the break points.
I have searched lot of forums for the possible solutions -
delete all *.pyc files
reinstall python version
extract python lib folder to local file and add to sys.path
None of these work for me.
