xcode error message when I'm trying to Archive my project: line 7: /resources-to-copy-project.txt: Permission denied - xcode

I'm trying to Archive my project in xcode. When I press run everything working fine and I can test my app on my ios device. I'm using cordova for all things. Now when I want to Archive project I got some type of error message:
/Users/eUser/ui_app/cordova/platforms/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-project/Pods-project-resources.sh: line 7: /resources-to-copy-project.txt: Permission denied
Any solution for this?

I also faced exactly the same issue.
This works for me:
sudo chmod -R 755 Project-folder


Jenkins with flutter 'flutter clean' is showing 'Operation not permitted'

I was trying to do CI with Jenkins for Flutter project on MAC.
I have added the environment variables for HOME, ANDROID_HOME and PATH. But, flutter commands are not working. They are showing 'Operation not permitted'.
This is exact error:
bash: /Users/mdhasnain/Documents/flutter/bin/flutter: Operation not permitted
What I have tried so far:
1. Changed admin user's sudo command NOPASSWD and tried flutter command with sudo.
2. Tried to change flutter file's permission in flutter/bin folder: chmod a+x+w+r /Users/username/Documents/flutter/bin/flutter
3. Also tried to change the permission manually.
N.B. flutters commands are working fine from terminal.
I am stuck. Advance thanks for your help.
You need to grant Java with Full Disk Access privileges.
Please see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/62678687/1844385

zsh: permission denied: reading anyway

this is the error its showing now
I was installing "Laravel" through a tutorial and now i am facing this error "zsh: locking failed for /users/vishnu.zsh_history: permission denied: reading anyway"
macos:- catalina v10.15
I am using macbook air,
I don't have any idea what happened it happened while I was installing composer and a file was missing to get that file I ran some "chown" command and now I cant even open my chrome browser
Please Help
You can run this command :
sudo chown -R ${LOGNAME}:staff $HOME
to make sure the owner is correct for your files.

Xcode Build Issue - permission denied

I am using Xcode 10.1. Everytime I build my project I get this error:
line 2: /Users/{username}/path_to_app/Pods/Target Support
Files/pod_name/... Permission denied
I already tried the accepted answer here. I also tried doing the sudo chown but those did not fix the error. These are the actual steps I did, multiple times:
Remove all files in the DerivedData
Do the sudo chown in both paths: DerivedData and path_to_app
What am I missing?
What worked for me is using chmod. Here's the command chmod -R 755 {my_working_folder}. For an explanation of what the numbers represent, you may read this article.
Here's what worked for me.Navigate to the directory which contains the file (for which you receive "Permission Denied" error) ,Then in terminal type chmod 777 (your_file_name). What basically you are doing is giving read/write/execute permission to your file . For more info check this article - https://www.maketecheasier.com/file-permissions-what-does-chmod-777-means/

What is causing this project to fail on Macbook Pro when It runs just fine on windows 10

I have a nativescript application in windows that deploys to the emulator just fine, but when I git clone onto the MacBook Pro and run the same process, I get:
new-host:nativescript jbaird$ tns run android
Searching for devices...
Starting Android emulator with image Nexus_5X_API_26
Waiting for emulator device initialization...
Executing before-liveSync hook from /Users/jbaird/Documents/development/gr8dates/Nativescript/hooks/before-liveSync/nativescript-angular-sync.js
Executing before-prepare hook from /Users/jbaird/Documents/development/gr8dates/Nativescript/hooks/before-prepare/nativescript-dev-typescript.js
Found peer TypeScript 2.4.2
Preparing project...
Project successfully prepared (Android)
Building project...
Unable to apply changes on device: emulator-5554. Error is: spawn EACCES.
Executing after-watch hook from /Users/jbaird/Documents/development/gr8dates/Nativescript/hooks/after-watch/nativescript-dev-typescript.js
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
The error is a permission error. Therefore, all you need to do is give access to the the folder you are running your apps from. The process involves you to copy and paste the command below into your terminal.
sudo chmod -R a+rwx /AppFolder
The command is an administrator command, therefore, you may have to insert your system password.
PS: Definitely, you hit enter and there will be a prompt for you to insert your password.
Let me know if you have any challenges with this solution!
emulator-5554. Error is: spawn EACCES.emulator-5554. Error is: spawn EACCES.
Seems a permission error. You could solve it by:
Or, by giving +x permision to your hooks folder?

How to gain root access to Xcode to Disable Code Signing

I am trying to push an app to a jailbroken iPhone for development testing. I want to follow the steps in the second answer in this post, which involves editing Xcode's SDKSettings plist:
When I try to edit this file, I get an error that I'm not the owner and cannot unlock it. How do I get root privileges for this file?
Run the following command in Terminal:
sudo chmod 777 /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.1.sdk/SDKSettings.plist
