af:poll timeout is not working as expected - oracle

I'm using af:poll in a page.
<af:poll binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_pages_xyzView.p2}"
partialTriggers="resId1" timeout="36000000"/>
I have set a large value for timeout parameter as I don't want this page to timeout after the default 10 mins period.
However, page still times out after 10 mins time. Here's a screenshot.
Why is this happening? If I set a duration less than 10 mins as the timeout, it works.
Here is the documentation I referred
Note: This Oracle web app is configured to run in tomcat 7.0.16 (ADF version:
UPDATE: When I remove the partialTriggers="resId1" it works. Why?


Apache Ignite : SQLQuery doesn't seem to work for as expected TouchedExpiryPolicy

We set the TouchedExpiryPolicy to 10 seconds and we expected the cache content to be available as long as there is a access gap of 10 seconds or less. And the content should be expired after 10 seconds of non-usage.
But we find that the cache content is being removed at the 10th second mark after creation even when the the sqlQuery is accessing the data prior to the 10th second. It works fine if we use a scanQuery or cache.getAll. And it fails for sqlQuery().
Is it possible that the TouchedExpiryPolicy/getExpiryForAccess (JPA Method for setting cache access time) is not working for sqlQuery?
You're right, SQL SELECT indeed seems to work without updating the access-based TTLs. Filed for that. reset in JMeter [duplicate]

I have the next test plan in JMeter:
on the screenshot you can see the settings for the 1st ThreadGroup, wich has 50% of common amout of request in test plan (in each Thread Group are 10 different subrequests placed).
So, +1 request per second is added in average using these settings.
Then I ran this test and saw this picture (Error % column):
I save errors in file and all these errors have the same text:
<sample t="30129" lt="0" ts="1356710138314" s="false" lb="WebService(SOAP) Request 1" rc="000" rm="**Connection reset**" tn="jp#gc - Stepping Thread Group1 3-247" dt="text" by="0"/>
Server's cpu screenshot:
and for database:
After the errors have appeared my comp started work slowly and slowly (although the errors stopped to appear further)...
And in the same time the server's cpu progressively dropped to 0.
Could you tell me, please,
What is the reason of this error?
Have I reached the server timeout? (Because Max is more than 30s in the table).
UPD. I have rerun test with next settings: 1000 users per 02:46:40 (+1 Thread Group per 10 second and 10 requests inside each new Thread in the Loop).
I.e. I have reduced the time of test and total Thread Groups by 2 times, but save intensivity of Thead's adding.
The results are the same (including cpu usage on the server).
I've received the error «Connection reset» after 990 thread started. There are screenshots:
Any idea?
First, WebService(SOAP) Request is not the best way to test Webservices in JMeter, it will be deprecated in upcoming 2.9 version.
HTTP Sampler is the one to choose as it performs much better.
Second, Connection Reset means your server has cut connection. It could be coming from the CPU which seems high but it's not sure.
If what you call "my comp" is the computer hosting JMeter started working slowly then your JMeter instance is overwhelmed by the number of threads (2003 or more?) you've configured. It can come from a lot of factors, read this:

Oracle Coherence Refresh-Ahead: refresh doesn't work if the cache is queried earlier than soft-expiration period

I got strange behaviour of refresh ahead functionality.
Here is my configuration:
<socket-provider system-property="tangosol.coherence.socketprovider"/>
and if I request my service with a period of 6s (10s*0.5) seconds everything is fine. I have no delaying in response(except for the first time), but if i change a period to 3 seconds for example, then i start getting delays every 10 seconds. I have no idea why it is happening. It looks like if i request my service before expectable period (from 5 to 10 seconds) asynchronous loading doesn't happen even if after that i request it again. Is there any explanation of it and how can i bypass this behaviour?
The problem has been solved. The reason why i've got such a situation is that front-scheme didn't notify the back-scheme because of the same expiration time. In a few words, to use refresh-ahead functionality with near cache you have to set expiration time of front-scheme equal to soft-expiration time(in that case it will be 10s*0.5).

Error "Connection reset" in JMeter (SOAP XML web-service)

I have the next test plan in JMeter:
on the screenshot you can see the settings for the 1st ThreadGroup, wich has 50% of common amout of request in test plan (in each Thread Group are 10 different subrequests placed).
So, +1 request per second is added in average using these settings.
Then I ran this test and saw this picture (Error % column):
I save errors in file and all these errors have the same text:
<sample t="30129" lt="0" ts="1356710138314" s="false" lb="WebService(SOAP) Request 1" rc="000" rm="**Connection reset**" tn="jp#gc - Stepping Thread Group1 3-247" dt="text" by="0"/>
Server's cpu screenshot:
and for database:
After the errors have appeared my comp started work slowly and slowly (although the errors stopped to appear further)...
And in the same time the server's cpu progressively dropped to 0.
Could you tell me, please,
What is the reason of this error?
Have I reached the server timeout? (Because Max is more than 30s in the table).
UPD. I have rerun test with next settings: 1000 users per 02:46:40 (+1 Thread Group per 10 second and 10 requests inside each new Thread in the Loop).
I.e. I have reduced the time of test and total Thread Groups by 2 times, but save intensivity of Thead's adding.
The results are the same (including cpu usage on the server).
I've received the error «Connection reset» after 990 thread started. There are screenshots:
Any idea?
First, WebService(SOAP) Request is not the best way to test Webservices in JMeter, it will be deprecated in upcoming 2.9 version.
HTTP Sampler is the one to choose as it performs much better.
Second, Connection Reset means your server has cut connection. It could be coming from the CPU which seems high but it's not sure.
If what you call "my comp" is the computer hosting JMeter started working slowly then your JMeter instance is overwhelmed by the number of threads (2003 or more?) you've configured. It can come from a lot of factors, read this:

vbscript return empty data

I am using vbscript .vbs in windows scheduler.
Sample code:
objWinHttp.Open "POST",, false
CallHTTP= objWinHttp.ResponseText
strRESP= CallHTTP(strURL)
WScript.Echo "after doInstallNewSite: " & strRESP
Problem: blabla.asp is handling a task that need around 1-2 minute to complete.
It should return 'success' when the task completed.
But it return a empty result to the server vbs. (shorter than the normal time to complete the thing. I then go to check whether the task is completed, the answer is yes too.
I found this to happen when the task need longer time to complete.
Is this the weakness of vbs?
You can specify timeouts for the winhttp component:
objWinHttp.SetTimeouts 5000, 10000, 10000, 10000
It takes 4 parameters: ResolveTimeout, ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout, and ReceiveTimeout. All 4 are required and are expressed in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second). The defaults are:
ResolveTimeout: zero (no time out)
ConnectTimeout: 60,000 (one minute)
SendTimeout: 30,000 (30 secs.)
ReceiveTimeout: 30,000 (30 secs.)
So I suggest increasing the ReceiveTimeout
What is objHTTP specifically?
Looking at the target server's log, was the request received?
I can't find this in server log.
objWinHTTP is a standard protocol to send call and wait for response.
I did try using PHP and curl to do the whole process, but failed. Reason: PHP is part of the component in windows server. When come to global privilege and file folder moving, it is controlled by windows server. So I give up, and use vbs.
objWinHTTP is something act like curl in PHP.
sounds to me like the request to is taking too long to complete and the server is timing out. I believe the default timeout for asp scripts is 90 seconds so you may need to adjust this value in IIS or in your script so that the server will wait longer before timing out.
The AspScriptTimeout property
specifies (in seconds) the default
length of time that ASP pages allow a
script to run before terminating the
script and writing an event to the
Windows Event Log. ASP script can
override this value by using the
ScriptTimeout property of the ASP
built-in Session object. The
ScriptTimeout property allows your ASP
application to set a higher script
timeout value. For example, you can
use this setting to adjust the timeout
once a particular user establishes a
valid session by logging in or
ordering a product.
