queue is missing sometimes in web logic jndi tree - jms

We are facing jndi issue.
We have four manage servers. for this servers we have 80 queues,
After restarting the server in console we have seen all queues, But after some time one of the queue is missing. In log file there is no error.While restarting that server it will appearing missed queue.
Can anyone help on this issue...


HUGE Number of MQGET and MQINQS requests logged against a MQ channel

We have a BatchJob application which is configured in Websphere Application Server ( The application processes the requests put in the source MQ queue. Through WAS, the MQ queue is polled to see if there are any new requests available for processing.
We have been recently notified by a MQ resource that, there is high CPU resource utilization due to the MQ channel used by our application. When looked at the numbers, the MQGETS and MQINQS requests are humongous. This is not a 1 off incidence. It has always been like that since the day our application was installed. So I believe there is some configuration at Websphere that is causing this high volume of MQGETS and MQINQS requests.
Can somebody give any pointers which configs need to be checked? I am from application development side, so don't have in-detailed knowledge about WAS.
Thanks in advance.

JMS Listener Not Picking Up Message From the Queue

I am planning to do code change for an existing application which has a JMS listener.
To test whether the listener works on my local server, I deploy the application to my localhost and shutdown other containers that running the same application.
But my local listener won't pick up any message. It is confirmed that other containers work fine and can pick up and process new messages in the queue.
Can you think of any possible cause of this?
Way too general, too many missing points...but some things to look at:
if the message queue is on a different server, can you ping it from the local device? could be that development environment can't see production server, perhaps
does a netstat -n show the correct port number, you should see a remote port with the port on which the message provider is listening itself
can you verify that the messaging provider sees you as a consumer? I use activemq, I can look at the management console, dive into a specific queue, and view active consumers, most providers will have something similar
are you running in an identical environment? Running a listener in a JEE environment where the queue is a jndi reference might be different running in a debugger where you need the actual queue name
any JMS filtering going on, where the filter for your local envionrment doesn't match up with what's already on the queue?
any transaction manager stuff that may be getting in the way?
Again, just throwing stuff to see what sticks to the wall, but these are the really obvious things.
Thanks Scott for answering my question.
I finally find that Eclipse somehow created another container and my listener was deployed to it. That's why I cannot find it working in my current container.

ActiveMQ crash after some times

I am using ActiveMQ 5.10.0. I have many consumer that connect through stomp connection to ActiveMQ. I have about 2000 consumer that connect to unique queue. My problem now is that ActiveMQ always crash/hang after a couple of hours and the log not showing any error. It makes me difficult to trace where is the problem. As far as I know, the new consumer can't create new connection and subscription to queue after ActiveMQ crashed. I can't open the web console too. Is there any way to improve the performance of ActiveMQ to handle many connections or anything else for performance tuning?
In order to debug to exact issue, try:
Enable debug logs of active mq
Add TransportListener to active mq connection/connection factory. Logging connection interrupt, resume and exception.
Refer http://activemq.apache.org/maven/apidocs/org/apache/activemq/transport/TransportListener.html
JMX monitoring via jconsole or jvisual vm, thread dump might help in debugging the same.
We faced similar issue in production env. where producers were able to produce but consumers were not consuming after 24-48 hrs of everything running fine. Restarting active mq lead to consumers starting consuming messages. We haven't found the exact cause/fix yet but recently added above debugging steps.

All JMSs Message from Distributed Queue across the Cluster

Currently using WebLogic and Distributed Queues. And I know from the documentation that Distributed Queues allow you to retrieve a connection to any of the Queues across a cluster by using the Global JNDI name. It seems one of the main pieces of functionality Distributed Queue gives you is load balanced connections across multiple managed servers. So we have 4 Managed Servers (two on each physical, that communicate over multicast), and each Managed Server has an individual JMS Server which is configured to it's own Data Store.
I am 99% certain I already know the answer to this, but it appears that if you wanted to do a Consume a message off of a Queue, and that Queue exists on each Mgd Server in the Cluster, you cannot technically pull a Message off of any of the Queues (you can only pull the Message off the Queue to which you are connected to). So if I have a Message on Mgd Server 4, and I connect to Mgd Server 1, I won't see the messages on the Queue from Mgd Server 4.
So is there a way in Java EE or WLS to consume a message from all the nodes of a Queue (across the Cluster). Like a view into every instance of the Queue on each Mgd Server? It doesn't appear so and the documentation makes it seem like this is not possible, as well as this video (around minute 5):
No you cannot consumer a message that is delivered to one managed server when your client is connected to another managed server of the same cluster.
Here's how it works.
When using UDT, wls provides a JNDI name that resolves internally into 4 distinct JNDI names for each of the managed server, the JMS servers on each of the managed servers are distinct.
When using the UDQ JNDI name when you post a message, it gets to one of the 4 managed servers using the algorithm you chose and other configuration done in your connection factory.
When a message consumer listens to the UDQ it gets pinned to the JMS server on one of the managed servers. It has no visibility about messages in the other servers.
Usually UDQ is used in scenarios where you want the message to be consumed concurrently by more than one managed server. You would normally deploy a MDB to the cluster, meaning the MDB will be deployed to each of the managed server and each of these will be able to consume the messages from their local JMS server.
I believe you can if your message store is config'd to use a database. If so, then I would think removing an item from the queue would remove it from the shared db table. I.e. all JMS servers are pointing to the same db instance and table. That should be pretty easy to test, too.

NServiceBus DBMS connection timeout

I use Nservicebus with Oracle Queues OAQ instaed of MSMQ.
I have a problem working with a dbms server that is shutdown every day at the same time.
In particular when my nservicebus host can't get the dbms connection it starts logging on.
When the dbms is restarted my host restart or not randomly! However restarting my host everything is ok!
Another detail is that when my nservicebus host can't restart it logs a 'connection timeout message' every 15 seconds!
What's the behavior of NserviceBus when it's reading from a queue and the dbms crash? What could i do to solve this problem?
thank you,
I'm afraid the problem you're facing is the result of the design of your system. By having the queues in the DB, when the DB becomes unavailable, so do the queues. NServiceBus assumes that it is always able to communicate with its queues, as is the case when using a distributed/federated queuing system like MSMQ.
You can look at what some people in the community have done to combat this same problem when they were using IBM MQ (http://code.google.com/p/nservicebuswmq/) - ultimately falling back to MSMQ under those conditions and then syncing back up with MQ when it came back online.
