Format of axes labels in gnuplot - format

I am using and old script to produce new plots.
In the old figures, the labels on the axes were something like :
1e-8, 2e-8, 3e-8, etc...
In the new plot, I now get something like :
1x10-8, 2x10-8, etc...
How could I go back to the previous format ?


trying to plot three lines using Amchart, but lines are not drawn

I am new to amchart. Trying to plot three lines in a graph where x-axis is time stamp with month-day hour:seconds format (HH-dd HH:s).
any kind of help will be appreciated.
setting time like this:
chart.dateFormatter.inputDateFormat = "MM-dd HH:S";
Here is the link to the jsfiddle

Animating XY Line in TecPlot

I'm an environmental engineer using TecPlot to plot come charts with some input data, let me explain my problem.
I'm studying the evolution of a river bed with a Fortran code which I wrote. As a output the code gives a detailed stratigraphy going some centimeters under the soils surface. Basically the output file looks like this:
0.03500000000 -0.18093000000 -0.17093000000 -0.16093000000 -0.15093000000 ...
0.10500000000 -0.18100000000 -0.17100000000 -0.16100000000 -0.15100000000 ...
0.17500000000 -0.18107000000 -0.17107000000 -0.16107000000 -0.15107000000 ...
0.24500000000 ...
and so on.
The first column is the x variable (horizontal evolution) and has 200 data.
The other columns are the evolution on the vertical coordinate.
So basically for each line we have, starting from the second colon, an horizontal line drawn thanks to 400 values.
For example if I plot the entire first column with the entire first row what I get is just a line on the plot.
For each time step my Fortran code create an output file which gives a plot with all the substrate lines.
What I want to do, and I really don't know how to do it, is animating this plots in order to have, for each time step of the animation, the ENTIRE plot with ALL THE LINES.
What I've done in TecPlot so far is:
1) import all the output files
2) put them in the XY Line plot of TecPlot using one zone for each output file I have (file 1 -> 1:ZONE001, file 2 -> 2:ZONE001, file 3 -> 3:ZONE001 and so on)
3) trying to turn them into contour plot (no results)
3.2) trying to animate them with XY Line plot animation (too bad, it animates every single line...)
I hope that I've been enough thorough to let you helping me.
I would appreciate each contribution and I thank You for each -even short, small- answer.
Best regards
Assuming you have already loaded the file, and have multiple zones. you can animate the mappings by Animate -> Mappings.., As far as
trying to animate them with XY Line plot animation (too bad, it animates every single line...)
is concerned, you need Map Skip value more than 1, to skip the mappings (lines). The animation can be saved as video or image sequences from the same dialogue box, by pressing the small video button besides the play rewind and forward buttons enter image description here

mapped imshow does not work in subplot if different palette

I found that apparently, a mapped version of imshow function does not work in subplot. Is this by design?
The following script
produces the following result
i.e. mapped version looks black. If I plot mapped version only (5 times) it looks ok. I.e. subsequent plotting apparently change the palette.
How to plot all these 5 images on same figure then?
Colormap is a property of the figure, not the axis. The second call to imshow resets the Colormap for the entire figure. Here is some more information and a Matlab file exchange solution to the problem. If you download the function described in that link, freezeColors, you can use it in your code like this.
rgb=imread('peppers.png'); % example image included in matlab
freezeColors % keep colors the same after other subplots are displayed
And the resulting second figure will look like this:

labels on a 2D plot, is it possible in gnuplot 4.0

I've seen several examples of labels in gnuplot (where two columns define the 2D plot, and a third column is used to make labels that apply to the points in the 2D plot) but I can't seem to get them to work on my gnuplot.
We have 4.0, and it seems like the standard examples are for 4.2 and higher.
Is there any way to use three columns to define a 2d plot with labels in gnuplot 4.0?
I've tried things like:
plot "datafile.gnu" using ($3+3):($4+3):2 with labels, "datafile.gnu" using 3:4 with lines
plot "datafile.gnu" using 3:4:2 with labels, "datafile.gnu" using 3:4
plot "datafile.gnu" using 3:4 with lines, '' using 2 with labels
3 & 4 are columns for the x & y and 2 is the column containing the label I want at each point.
No matter what I try I'm getting errors back.
gnuplot4.0 is ancient. As such, I don't have access to a copy of it -- However, you might try something like this:
!awk '{printf "set label \"%s\" at %f,%f point\n",$3,$1,$2 }' datafile.gnu > labels.gnuplot
load "labels.gnuplot"

Plot time series and image in R so that x axis labels line up perfectly

I am trying to plot a time series (a seismograph) with a corresponding spectrogram in R.
Since I would like to compare the time series with the spectrogram, the X axis labels on the time series need to line up with the X axis labels on the spectrogram. However, I'm having a lot of trouble with this. The best I've been able to do so far is use
and try to manually force the spectrogram labels to line up with the time series labels by tweaking the spectrogram margin. Of course this is only approximate and they still do not line up perfectly. Is there a way to make the axes generated by the code below match up with each other?
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l",xlab="Time",
ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series", xlim=c(1,10))
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram", xlim=c(1,10))
Thanks in advance!
This seems to work:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l", xaxs="i")
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram")
Just drop the xlim= arguments and use xaxs="i" in the plot() function to match the default for image().
You can either add xaxs='i' to the call to plot (this removes the extra padding so it lines up with the image plot), or you could use par('usr') after the 1st plot to see what the x limits are and use those values in the xlim call in image.
It turns out that this is way easier than it looked initially. The secret is to make a "dummy plot" and then add the image to the plot. So here's how the new, working code looks:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01),
type="l",xlab="Time",ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series")
plot(c(0,10), c(0,10), type="n") #Dummy plot with axis limits for our spectrogram
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram",add=TRUE)
Similar, but conversely, to Greg Snow's answer, you could add xaxs='r' to the call to image as follows:
plot(seq_len(1000)*0.01, sin(2*pi*seq_len(1000)*0.01), type="l",xlab="Time",
ylab="Amplitude", main="Time Series", xlim=c(1,10))
xlab="Time", ylab="Frequency", main="Spectrogram", xlim=c(1,10), xaxs="r")
Don't forget to save your par() setting first.
(maybe I should have put that above)
