Activemq web console in Spring - spring

I am creating an embedded ActiveMQ broker in Spring application like this:
public class MqConfig {
public BrokerService broker() throws Exception {
BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();
return broker;
How can I embed the ActiveMQ Admin Web console also in the same spring application? Searched the net for 2-3 hours, but found no useful answer. The only thing that ActiveMQ site mentions is this, however is not useful with Spring


How to config max-delivery-attempts for Spring Boot with Embedded ActiveMQ Artemis?

I would like to config the max-delivery-attempts of dead letter as described in the manual.
I tried Spring Boot with embedded ActiveMQ Artemis JMS server, but cannot figure out how to set max-delivery-attempts value.
After debugging the Configuration instance I finally find the method. Here's the code:
public class RedeliveryConfiguration implements ArtemisConfigurationCustomizer {
public void customize(org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.Configuration configuration) {
Map<String, AddressSettings> addressesSettings = configuration.getAddressesSettings();
// # is the catch all address or default address

Can a Spring Boot standalone application integrated with Camunda consume JMS messages from JbossFuse?

I have a activemq:queue inQueue in my JbossFuse. How do I consume those JMS messages which are enqueued so that my process instance is triggered in the Spring boot application integrated with Camunda ? Any link to references or samples would be helpful ?
Currently I am able to consume messages from activemq but I am not sure how to consume the messages from Jboss Fuse ActiveMQ ?
public class ActiveMQConsumer {
CamelContext camelContext;
ProducerTemplate producerTemplate;
#JmsListener(destination = "inQueue")
public void consumeMessage(JSONObject employeeRecord) throws Exception {
if (employeeRecord instanceof JSONObject) {
HashMap<String, Object> employeeRecordMap = (HashMap<String, Object>) employeeRecord.toMap();
Exchange exchange = ExchangeBuilder.anExchange(camelContext).withBody(employeeRecordMap).build();
HashMap<String, Object> employeeDetails = (HashMap<String, Object>) employeeRecordMap.get("employeeDetails");
exchange.setProperty("CamundaBpmBusinessKey", employeeDetails.get("employeeADId"));
producerTemplate.send("camunda-bpm:start?processDefinitionKey=camunda-camel-activeMQ", exchange);
# activeMQ config
Expected to consume messages from JbossFuse.
I would recommend using the maven archetype io.fabric8.archetypes spring-boot-camel-amq-archetype version 2.2.197. This can be found:
Spring Boot example running a Camel route connecting to ActiveMQ
This will get you a nice sample project that has all of the Camel and Spring dependencies and some nice samples.

JMS with spring boot, sender and receiver on same package: what is its use?

I am learning JMS with spring boot and nice to know that spring boot comes with embed Active MQ JMS broker.
I started from spring page on how to achieve this and it works like charm. Now i went little further and create two separate spring boot application one containing jms sender code and another containing receiver code.
I tried starting and application failed as both application are using same port for JMS. I fixed this by including this on one application
public BrokerService broker() throws Exception {
final BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();
return broker;
But now sender is sending message successfully but receiver is doing nothing. I search on stackoverflow and look at this and this. And they are saying:
If you want to use JMS in production, it would be much wiser to avoid using Spring Boot embedded JMS brokers and host it separately. So 3 node setup would be preferred for PROD.
So my questions are:
1. What is the purpose of putting both jms sender and receiver on same application? Is there any practical example
2. Is it really not possible to use spring boot embedded JMS to communicate two separate application.
You might have sender and receiver in the same application if requests arrive in bursts and you want to save them somewhere before they are processed, in case of a server crash. You typically still wouldn't use an embedded broker for that.
Embedded brokers are usually used for testing only.
You can, however, run an embedded broker that is accessible externally; simply fire up a BrokerService as you have, but the other app needs to connect with the tcp://... address, not the vm://....
public class So52654109Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public BrokerService broker() throws Exception {
final BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();
return broker;
private JmsTemplate template;
#RequestMapping(path = "/foo/{id}")
public String foo(#PathVariable String id) {
template.convertAndSend("someQueue", id);
return id + ": thank you for your request, we'll send an email to the address on file when complete";
public class So526541091Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
#JmsListener(destination = "someQueue")
public void process(String id) {
System.out.println("Processing request for id");
Clearly, for a simple app like this you might just run the listener in the first app.
However, since there is no persistence of messages with this configuration, you would likely use an external broker for a production app (or enable persistence).

Spring Boot ActiveMQ embedded Broker

I am using Spring Boot with embedded Broker as below:
public class JmsConfig {
public BrokerService brokerService() throws Exception {
BrokerService broker = new BrokerService();
return broker;
How can I do, if I want to detect when a client connected?

Ensuring Spring Integration deployment's JMS listener threads are cleaned up on Tomcat undeploy

I have a simple Spring Integration application which runs on Tomcat (v7.0.x) and consumes messages off a Websphere MQ Queue. When I un-deploy the WAR from the Tomcat server, the WAR un-deploys okay but, a JMS listener thread is left running on the Tomcat server which will still consume messages off the Websphere MQ Queue. I am therefore assuming that I am not handling the JMS listener clean up part of the application properly?
Here is the stack I am using:
Java 8
Tomcat 7.0.55
Spring Integration 4.0.4
Spring Integration Java Dsl 1.0.0.M3
In terms of my SI application's configurations, I have a JmsConfig class:
public class JmsConfig {
private Properties jndiProperties;
private ConnectionFactory mqConnectionFactory() throws NamingException {
Context ctx = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);
try {
MQQueueConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (MQQueueConnectionFactory)
return connectionFactory;
} finally {
public ConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory() throws NamingException {
CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory();
return connectionFactory;
I have an Integration config class:
public class IntegrationConfig {
private ConnectionFactory cachingConnectionFactory;
public IntegrationFlow requestFlow() {
return IntegrationFlows
Web Initialiser config class:
public class WebInitialiser implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext)
throws ServletException {
AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext rootContext =
new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext();
rootContext.register(ApplicationConfig.class, JmsConfig.class,
IntegrationConfig.class, DatabaseConfig.class);
servletContext.addListener(new ContextLoaderListener(rootContext));
During the un-deploy stage I see the following in the catalina logs which may or may not be related:
SEVERE: The web application [/service-a] appears to have started a thread named [Thread-7] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.
Is there anything that I have yet NOT set or configured or annotated in order to ensure that the deployment's JMS listener thread is cleaned up from Tomcat's JVM during the WAR's un-deploy stage?
Thanks in advance,
To ensure that JMS listener threads are cleared up upon the application's un-deploy stage, I simply created a CachingConnectionFactory bean with its targetConnectionFactory being that of the MQConnectionFactory. Then, in the Spring Integration flows, I simply pass in the cachingConnectionFactory bean to the JMS adapters instead. I've updated the configs in this post to show this. Cheers, PM.
