Assistance in understanding the following methods: request.query_string - ruby

I've tried searching both the site and the Ruby docs, however, I am unable to find a clear answer to exactly what the above is doing.
From what I understand, 'request' and 'query_string' are two separate methods, however I'm really unsure what they do - the latter in particular.
Any help would be super appreciated!
Thank you.

In Rails, the #request method available in controllers and views returns a ActionDispatch::Request instance. The Request object allows access to data from the HTTP Request.
The #query_string method, defined in Rack::Request::Helpers, returns the query string from the request url. This is the part in the url following the "?" which specifies url encoded data in the format key=value&other_key=other_value.
ActionDispatch::Request is a Rails class that behaves similarly to a Rack::Request, including Rack::Request::Env and Rack::Request::Helpers in the current version of Rails v 5.0. In previous versions ActionDispatch::Request inherited directly from Rack::Request.
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Is it possible to specify parameters which go into the post body with blueprint?

I'd like to be able to document the parameters as if they were URL parameters, since I like how that bit of documentation renders a handy table. However, in my API, I would like those paremeters to plug into the JSON body rather than the URL. Is there a way to achieve this?
The dedicated syntax for describing, discussing (and thus also validating) message-body is in the making.
It will be based on the Markdown Syntax for Object Notation, similar to the actual URI Parameters description syntax (eventually these two should converge).
Also see related How to specify an optional element for a json request object and Is it possible to document what JSON response fields are? questions.

Ruby WebMock: Getting Actual Parameters Passed Through a Method and Using Them in Spec File

I'm using WebMock to stub out HTTP requests. I have this one particular call where, instead of creating dummy data to pass through, I want to be able to capture the actual parameters I would pass into my send() method. Therefore, I need access to those actual parameters in my spec and I imagine I would need to somehow capture that context.
So, for example, in my application I'm calling this method:
send(method, uri, :body => data_file)
And in my spec file I'm stubbing the method:
Is there any way I could -- in WebMock, Rspec -- get the context of when send() is being called in the application and grab those parameters I'm passing through to use them within the spec and replace them with args?
I've looked through the documentation and I don't see much of anything on this. If there's anyone aware of this, I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks.
Using WebMock you could use request callbacks to capture request data:
WebMock.after_request do |request_signature, response|
puts request_signature

Zend Framework 1 Ajax

Could somebody please suggest me a good beginner tutorial of using Ajax with Zend 1.I have been searching the net for some of this tutorials, but couldn't find an understandable one.In some they say you have to create a .json.phtml file for json response, the others don't.I am very confused about all these ajax calls with Zend Framework 1. Would be very grateful.
Well there really are some basic things.
Get your data (from DB, file, in-code array, whatever)
Get the controller helper
Send the JSON response
And that's it. OK, not exactly but basically yes!
Provided you have the data in $data:
$this->_helper->json($data, true);
will return a JSON response. The documentation is here.
Now there is the other notion of a Context Switch and AjaxContentHelper which:
The ContextSwitch action helper is intended for facilitating returning different response formats on request. The AjaxContext helper is a specialized version of ContextSwitch that facilitates returning responses to XmlHttpRequests.
To enable either one, you must provide hinting in your controller as to what actions can respond to which contexts. If an incoming request indicates a valid context for the given action, the helper will then:
Disable layouts, if enabled.
Set an alternate view suffix, effectively requiring a separate view script for the context.
Send appropriate response headers for the context desired.
Optionally, call specified callbacks to setup the context and/or perform post-processing.
Something like this:
$contextSwitch = $this->_helper->getHelper('contextSwitch');
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('index', array('xml','json'))->initContext();
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('get', array('xml','json'))->initContext();
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('post', array('xml','json'))->initContext();
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('put', array('xml','json'))->initContext();
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('delete', array('xml','json'))->initContext();
$contextSwitch->addActionContext('head', array('xml','json'))->initContext();
You don't really need a tutorial I think. All you need is a good basic knowledge of how the web works internally and to read the Zend Documentation. Anyway here is some tutorial on ContextSwitch.

Sinatra Url '/' interpretations

I am a ruby newbie and have been trying Sinatra for quite some time now, one thing that Iam not able to figure out is why does a '/' in the url make such a big difference.
I mean isnt:
get 'some_url' do
get 'some_url/' do
Supposed to point to the same route? why is that Sinatra considers it as different routes? I spent a good one hour trying to figure that out.
According to RFC 2616 and RFC 2396 (RFCs defining resource identity) those URLs do not define the same resource. Therefore Sinatra treats them differently. This is esp. important if you imagine the route returning a page with relative links. This link
click me
Would point to /bar if you're coming from /foo, to /foo/bar if you're coming from /foo/.
You can use the following syntax to define a route matching both:
get '/foo/?' do
# ...
Or the Regexp version mentioned in the comments above.
They are different routes. The second is a URL with a directory extension ('/'); the first is a URL with no extension. A lot of frameworks (like Rails) will interpret both as the same route, or append the `/' (e.g., Django, and Apache can be configured to do that as well), but technically they are different URLs.

How do I parse a POST to my Rails 3.1 server manually?

I have a Board model in my Rails server side, and an Android device is trying to post some content to a specific board via a POST. Finally, the server needs to send back a response to the Android device.
How do I parse the POST manually (or do I need to)? I am not sure how to handle this kind of external request. I looked into Metal, Middleware, HttpParty; but none of them seems to fit what I am trying to do. The reason I want to parse it manually is because some of the information I want will not be part of the parameters.
Does anyone know a way to approach this problem?
I am also thinking about using SSL later on, how might this affect the problem?
Thank you in advance!! :)
I was trying to make a cross-domain request from ie9 to my rails app, and I needed to parse the body of a POST manually because ie9's XDR object restricts the contentType that we can send to text/plain, rather than application/x-www-urlencoded (see this post). Originally I had just been using the params hash provided by the controller, but once I restricted the contentType and dataType in my ajax request, that hash no longer contained the right information.
Following the URL in the comment above (link), I learned the how to recover that information. The author mentions that in a rails controller we always have access to a request variable that gives us an instance of the ActionDispatch::Request object. I tried to use request.query_string to get at the request body, but that just returned an empty string. A bit of snooping in the API, though, uncovered the raw_post method. That method returned exactly what I needed!
To "parse it manually" you could iterate over the string returned by request.raw_post and do whatever you want, but I don't recommend it. I used Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query, as suggested in Arthur Gunn's answer to this question, to parse the raw_post into a hash. Once it is in hash form, you can shove whatever else you need in there, and then merge it with the params hash. Doing this meant I didn't have to change much else in my controller!
Hope that helps someone!
Not sure exactly what you mean by "manually", posts are normally handled by the "create" or "update" methods in the controller. Check out the controller for your Board model, and you can add code to the appropriate method. You can access the params with the params hash.
You should be more specific about what you are trying to do. :)
