Scripting telnet mailing - bash

I want to create a script that will be able to send mail easily with the user choices.
I did this but it does not work
mail_sender ()
echo " - FROM : "
read from
echo " - TO : "
read to
echo " - Subject : "
read subject
echo " - Message : "
read message
telnet localhost 25
mail from: $from
rcpt to: $to
subject: $subject
Do you have an idea ?

Redirect to telnet a here-document:
mail_sender ()
echo " - FROM : "
read from
echo " - TO : "
read to
echo " - Subject : "
read subject
echo " - Message : "
read message
telnet localhost 25 << EOF
mail from: $from
rcpt to: $to
subject: $subject
The content of the here-document will be redirected to telnet, effectively executing these SMTP commands in the mail server's shell.
It's important that the lines within the here-document don't have any indentation at all (no spaces or tabs at the start of the lines).
Notice that the indentation looks kind of broken in the way I wrote it above, halfway in mail_sender. It has to be this way,
because that's how here-documents work.
You can read more about here-documents and input redirection in man bash.

I've only used it for the simplest of testing:
but it boasts:
Completely scriptable configuration, with option specification via
environment variables, configuration files, and command line
so no need to re-invent the wheel here..


bash variable substitution without single quotes

I have the following bash script for sending an email reports. I am trying to get it working correctly with mail command on bash and want to use variable substitution conditional which requires to use eval.
echo "test" > $LOG
Email Body:
#Set STR based on some condition
STR=EXCLUDED # set conditional with if statement
SUB="email subject"
PARAMS="-r \" Sender <>\""
PARAMS+=" -s \"$SUB\""
PARAMS+=" -A $LOG" # use conditional with if statement
eval echo \"MESSAGE: "${BODY}"\" | mail $(eval echo ${PARAMS}) ""
While running the below code, I have to pass $PARAMS output without the quotes around the string as input to mail command, which does not recognise the diff options. The closest I can get to is using calling $(eval echo $PARAMS), but this garbels the subject since it remove the double quotes around the subject.
+ LOG=/tmp/error.txt
+ echo test
+ INCLUDED=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ EXCLUDED=bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ BODY='
Email Body:
+ SUB='email subject'
+ PARAMS='-r " Sender <>"'
+ PARAMS+=' -s "email subject"'
+ PARAMS+=' -A /tmp/error.txt'
+ eval echo '"MESSAGE:' '
Email Body:
++ echo 'MESSAGE:
Email Body:
++ eval echo -r '"' Sender '<>"' -s '$SUB' -A /tmp/error.txt
+++ echo -r ' Sender <>' -s email subject -A /tmp/error.txt
+ mail -r Sender '<>' -s email subject -A /tmp/error.txt
How do I pass the $PARAMS to the mail command with passing the subject (-s) as quoted string ?
Use an array instead and put each string in an array element.
params=("${params[#]}" ' Sender <>')
mail "${params[#]}"
Or simpler
params+=(' Sender <>')
mail "${params[#]}"
See here: Bash: add value to array without specifying a key
Update, because I think you lack some fundamental shell programming knowledge.
Don't use eval! If you need to delay an evaluation, write a function, which performs the evaluation, when you call it.
Use single quotes for static strings and double quotes for strings containing variables.
Use arrays, if you need arrays.
Group commands in curly braces, if you need to group commands.
This is you example updated according to the rules above.
echo 'test' > $LOG
body () { echo "
Email Body:
#Set STR based on some condition
STR=EXCLUDED # set conditional with if statement
SUB='email subject'
PARAMS=('-r' 'Sender <>')
PARAMS+=('-s' "$SUB")
PARAMS+=('-A' "$LOG") # use conditional with if statement
{ echo -n 'MESSAGE: '; body; } | mail "${PARAMS[#]}" ''
You can test your code by putting a mail mock-up at the beginning of the program.
mail() { echo mail "$#"; cat; }

bash script delete mails from specific address (pop3 account)

I want to clean my mailbox from mails from specific address
I have thousands of messages, I want to do this in bash script, and run it from time to time (a receive SPAM from different addresses, and unfortunately my "spam filters" have only small effect on them)
To interact with a mail server through command line, you could use either telnet or openssl.
You can connect to your pop server using the following command (I've taken gmail as an example. You'll have to look for your email host pop3 address and socket.) :
openssl s_client -connect -quiet
As this command is interactive, it will ask for a username, a password and a serie of commands.
expect is a tool that can automate interaction with interactive commands. The basic syntax is as follow : expect "somestring" action -> If the program we monitor displays "somestring", we execute the action.
Here is a script that would delete all the messages present on your email address :
#you can modify the timeout if the script fails
set timeout 1
#our connection variables
set ip ""
set socket "995"
set user ""
set pass "password"
#we set the address we want to remove mails from here. Escape special regex characters such as dots.
set target_address "mail\.example#gmail\.com"
#we launch the subprocess we want to interact with
spawn openssl s_client -connect $ip:$socket -quiet
#if connection went all right, we try to login
expect -re ".OK.*" {send "user $user\r"}
expect -re ".OK.*" {send "pass $pass\r"}
#if login went alright, we try to count the messages on the server
#you will get the following output :
expect -re ".OK.*" {send "stat\r"}
#if the stat command went alright ...
expect -re ".OK.*" {
#we extract the number of mail from the output of the stat command
set mail_count [lindex [split [lindex [split $expect_out(buffer) \n] 1] " "] 1]
#we iterate through every email...
for {set i 1} {$i <= $mail_count} {incr i 1} {
#we retrieve the header of the email
send "top $i 0\r"
#if the header contains "To: $target_address" (or "To: <$target_address>" or "To: Contact Name <$target_address>" ...)
#to filter according to the sender, change the regex to "\nFrom: ..."
expect -re "\nTo: \[^\n\]*$target_address" {
#we delete the email
send "dele $i\r"
expect default
You might need to alter your email account settings to allow the use of external programs
Here I have written a similar script in PHP, by use of the IMAP function of PHP. I did not have Linux, so I could not use the bash script. However. I thought that sharing the PHP-script would provide a solution for those running WINDOWS and having access
echo "My showmail.php script";
// This is the format for opening the email connection:
// domain prt foldr[.<.subfolder........>] xxxxxxxx
// $connection = imap_open('{}Inbox.<write subfolder here>','email-name','password');
// Execution: (write this in the browsers address bar)
// This line above, entered into a browsers address bar will execute this script (named showmail.php),
// from the servers root (, and
// will delete emails from the mail folder "Inbox" (case sensitive) for the user, by use of
// the IMAP domain (this is where you access emails from outside) and at port 143 (see this, further down)
$emailaddress = $_GET["email"];
$emailpassword= $_GET["password"];
$fromdate = $_GET["fromdate"];
$todate = $_GET["todate"];
$search = $_GET["search"];
$domain = $_GET["domain"];
$folder = $_GET["folder"];
echo $emailaddress." ".$emailpassword." ".$fromdate." ".$todate." ".$search." ".$domain." ".$folder;
$connection = imap_open('{'.$domain.':143}'.$folder,$emailaddress,$emailpassword);
$ccount = imap_num_msg($connection);
echo "Parameters = ".$fromdate.",".$todate.",".$search.":".'ALL FROM "'.$search.'" SINCE "'.$fromdate.'" BEFORE "'.$todate.'"';
// $some = imap_search($connection, 'ALL FROM "Twitter"');
$some = imap_search($connection, 'ALL FROM "'.$search.'" SINCE "'.$fromdate.'" BEFORE "'.$todate.'"');
print_r ($some);
echo "<br/>Elements: ".count($some)."<br/>";
$expunge = 0;
for($msgno = 0; $msgno < count($some) ; $msgno++) {
// echo "Fetching element ".$some[$msgno]."<br/>";
$headers = imap_headerinfo($connection, $some[$msgno]);
//$position = True;
$position = strpos(" ".strtolower($headers->fromaddress), strtolower($search));
$position2 = strpos(" ".strtolower($headers->subject), strtolower($search));
if ($position || $position2) {
if ($expunge<$maxtoexpunge) {
imap_delete ($connection, $some[$msgno]);
echo "<br/>Deleting:".$expunge." sequence [".$msgno."]=".$some[$msgno]." ".$headers->fromaddress.", subject:".$headers->subject;
} else {
echo "<br/>Skipping:"." sequence [".$msgno."]=".$some[$msgno]." ".$headers->fromaddress.", subject:".$headers->subject;
// The expunge command deletes after all action has been taken. DON'T call it until very end, as it will otherwise mess up message numbers!!
imap_expunge ($connection);
echo "<br/>Expunged!!<br/>";
/* Here are the keywords to be used for the imap search order.
toaddress - full to: line, up to 1024 characters
to - an array of objects from the To: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
fromaddress - full from: line, up to 1024 characters
from - an array of objects from the From: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
ccaddress - full cc: line, up to 1024 characters
cc - an array of objects from the Cc: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
bccaddress - full bcc: line, up to 1024 characters
bcc - an array of objects from the Bcc: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
reply_toaddress - full Reply-To: line, up to 1024 characters
reply_to - an array of objects from the Reply-To: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
senderaddress - full sender: line, up to 1024 characters
sender - an array of objects from the Sender: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
return_pathaddress - full Return-Path: line, up to 1024 characters
return_path - an array of objects from the Return-Path: line, with the following properties: personal, adl, mailbox, and host
remail -
date - The message date as found in its headers
Date - Same as date
subject - The message subject
Subject - Same as subject
in_reply_to -
message_id -
newsgroups -
followup_to -
references -
Recent - R if recent and seen, N if recent and not seen, ' ' if not recent.
Unseen - U if not seen AND not recent, ' ' if seen OR not seen and recent
Flagged - F if flagged, ' ' if not flagged
Answered - A if answered, ' ' if unanswered
Deleted - D if deleted, ' ' if not deleted
Draft - X if draft, ' ' if not draft
Msgno - The message number
MailDate -
Size - The message size
udate - mail message date in Unix time
fetchfrom - from line formatted to fit fromlength characters
fetchsubject - subject line formatted to fit subjectlength characters
I was looking for a bash script and as I did not found one I made my own, only external programm needed is socat for SSL/TLS connect to server:
#!/bin/bash -
USAGE="./ user pass [server] [port] [max_delete]"
# PARAMETER: user pass - login credentials, mandatory
# server - mail server, default:
# port - port on mail server, default: pop3s
# max_delete - maximum # of messages to delete, default: 1000
DESCRIPTION="delete max_delete messages in given pop3 mailbox"
# AUTHOR: KayM (),
# CREATED: 09.06.2021 18:03:58
# check args
if [[ "$1" == "-h"* ]]; then
printf "usage: %s\ndescr: %s\n" "$USAGE" "$DESCRIPTION" 1>&2
elif [ "$#" -lt 2 ]; then
printf "Missing args, usage: %s\n" "$USAGE"
exit 1
# assign values
# define actions
popserver() { socat - "OPENSSL:$SERVER:$PORT" 2>/dev/null; }
poplogin() {
printf "USER %s\n" "$USER"
sleep 0.5
printf "PASS %s\n" "$PASS"
sleep 0.5
deletemsg() {
for (( j = 1 ; j <= MAX_MESSAGE; j++ ))
printf "DELE %s\n" "$j"
sleep 0.5
popstat() { echo "STAT"; }
popquit() { echo "QUIT"; }
checkresult() {
local line
while read -r line
[[ "$line" == "-ERR "* ]] && MAX_MESSAGE=0
printf "%s\n" "$line"
# get message count, remove newline
RES="$({ poplogin; popstat; } | popserver | tail -n 1 )"
if [[ "$RES" == "+OK 0 "* ]]; then
printf "No messages to delete (%s)\n" "$RES"
elif [[ "$RES" == "+OK "* ]]; then
: "${RES#+OK }"; NUM="${_%% *}"
printf "%s Messages found (%s)\n" "$NUM" "$RES"
printf "Can't get number of messages: %s\n" "$RES"
exit 1
if [ "$MAX_MESSAGE" = "0" ]; then
printf "Keep all messages\n"
# delete messages
printf "Delete %s messages ...\n" "$MAX_MESSAGE"
{ poplogin; deletemsg; popstat; popquit;} | popserver | checkresult

How to send a mail with special characters as subject by using sendmail command in unix shell script

In my script i want to send a mail with some subject, some text as body along with csv file as attachement
My problem is subject has special characters in portuguese language
like this
Subject: Relatório de utilização do QRCODE
i am using sendmail command to send mail because i need to change sender name(not email id)
I tried this :
Subject=Relatório de utilização do QRCODE
mnth=$(date '+%m/%Y' --date="1 month ago")
echo 'mês:'$mnth>>mailBody.html
echo 'contagem de registros:'11090>>mailBody.html
cat mailBody.html>out.mail
echo "$mnth"
uuencode QR_Log.csv QR_Report_$fname.csv >> out.mail
sendmail -F "xyzname" "$subject" -f "" <out.mail
echo "mail sent"
when i run the above script i am getting message like this :
Syntax error in mailbox address "Relat??"
(non-printable character)
mail sent
How can i achieve this please Help me...
Help is very much appreciated. I'll just wait
Thanks in advance
I wrote a shell script like this and I got a valid title. Try to rewrite the code for sending mail like MIME:
echo 'To:'>>test.html
echo 'From: Some User <>'>>test.html
echo 'Subject: Relatório de utilização do QRCODE'>>test.html
echo 'MIME-Version: 1.0'>>test.html
echo 'Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"'>>test.html
echo 'Content-Disposition: inline'>>test.html
echo ''>>test.html
echo '<span style="color:red;">Your message goes here</span>'>>test.html
sendmail -i -t < test.html
rm test.html
Let me know if this helped :)
Below is my old answer...
Not a linux guy but this may help you. First you must encode the subject to base64. For example:
echo 'your subject' | openssl base64
Let's say you've put the encoded string into $subject variable. Next you set the subject like this when sending email:
Basically try to put =?UTF-8?B? before the base64-encoded subject and ?= after it without spaces.
As I said I'm not too much of a linux guy but you'll manage :)
Let me know if it helped.
rfc2045 - (5) (Soft Line Breaks) The Quoted-Printable encoding REQUIRES that encoded lines be no more than 76 characters long.
For bash shell script code:
echo -n "$1" | xxd -ps -c3 |awk -Wposix 'BEGIN{
BASE64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"
printf " =?UTF-8?B?"; bli=8
function encodeblock (strin){
b1=sprintf("%d","0x" substr(strin,1,2))
b2=sprintf("%d","0x" substr(strin,3,2))
b3=sprintf("%d","0x" substr(strin,5,2))
o=substr(BASE64,b1/4 + 1,1) substr(BASE64,(b1%4)*16 + b2/16 + 1,1)
if(len>1) o=o substr(BASE64,(b2%16)*4 + b3/64 + 1,1); else o=o"="
if(len>2) o=o substr(BASE64,b3%64 +1 ,1); else o=o"="
return o
printf "?=\n =?UTF-8?B?"
printf bs
printf "?=\n"
SUBJECT="Relatório de utilização"
SUBJECT=`subject_encoder "${SUBJECT}"`
echo '<html>test</html>'| mail -a "Subject:${SUBJECT}" -a "MIME-Version: 1.0" -a "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"

Code to count number of types of files on client in Unix

Hi I am new to shell scripting.
my requirement is:
There is one server & 3 clients. On each client error logs files are generated which are of 4 types.Say type 1 error , type 2 error like this type 4 error.
I want to write a script which read all the 3 clients from server & provide me number of times 4 different type of error logs are genereted on each client.
In short it should use ssh & grep command combination.
I have written the demo script but it's not providing me the number of times different type of logs occured on clients.
#error[1]='Exception: An application error occurred during an address lookup request, please contact IT'
#error[2]='SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out'
#error[3]='Exception: The search has produced too many matches to be returned'
#error[4]='Exception: No matching address found'
error_1='exception 1'
error_2='exception 2'
function get_list_of_clients()
NUM_OF_CLIENTS=$(wc -l ${CLIENT_IP_LIST} | awk -F " " '{ print $1 }' )
if [ "${NUM_OF_CLIENTS}" -gt 0 ]
for ((row=2; row<=$NUM_OF_CLIENTS; row++))
CLIENTS_IP=$(sed -n ${row}p ${CLIENT_IP_LIST}| awk -F " " '{print $3 }')
echo ${CLIENTS_IP}
# get_number_of_errors
# copy_count_errors
echo ${$error_$row}
function get_number_of_errors()
for((row_no=1; row_no<=4; row_no++))
/usr/bin/expect - <<- EndMark
spawn ssh root#${CLIENTS_IP} "grep $error[$row_no] var/error.log |wc -l" >> /tmp/${CLIENTS_IP}_error${row_no}.txt
match_max 50000
expect {
"*yes/no*" {
send -- "yes\r"
send -- "\r"
"*?assword:*" {
send -- "${CLIENT_PASSWORD}\r"
send -- "\r"
expect eof
function copy_count_errors()
/usr/bin/expect - <<- EndMark
spawn scp root#${CLIENTS_IP}:/tmp/${CLIENTS_IP}* /tmp/
match_max 50000
expect {
"*yes/no*" {
send -- "yes\r"
send -- "\r"
"*?assword:*" {
send -- "${CLIENT_PASSWORD}\r"
send -- "\r"
expect eof
please help.
This is not really an answer, an attempt to help you getting your own.
The Problem
If I understand it correctly:
Your script runs on the server
You have three clients, each has log files
Your list of clients is in a file named $CLIENT_IP_LIST, where the IP is the third field and the first line is some sort of header, which you want to exclude.
It seems you need to ssh and scp to the clients. If possible, I suggest setting up SSH Public Key Authentication between your server and clients. This will greatly simplify your scripts.
Use the -C flag for compression with the scp and ssh commands.
You should copy the log files from the clients to the server and do processing on the server.
If you can choose a different scripting language such as Python, Tcl (You used Expect, which is really Tcl). Bash can handle your problem, but you will find other languages work better. This is my opinion, of course.
Get one piece of your puzzle to work before moving on to the next. For example, right now, your get_list_of_clients() function does not yet working.
That being said, here is a rewrite of get_list_of_clients, which I tested and it works within my assumptions about your $CLIENT_IP_LIST file:
function get_list_of_clients() {
let row=1
while read line
if (( row > 1 ))
set $line # Breaks line into pieces
echo "$CLIENT_IP"
let row=row+1

Run cat on remote computer and send output a variable using expect

I have a bash+expect script which has to connect via ssh to the remote comp (and i can't use ssh keys, need password identification in here), read the file there, find specific line with the "hostname" (like "hostname aaaa1111") and store this hostname into the variable to be used after while. How can i get the value of the "hostname" parameter? I thought that line content will be in $expect_out(buffer) variable (so i can scan it and analyze), but it's not. My script is:
----bash part----
/usr/bin/expect << ENDOFEXPECT
spawn bash -c "ssh root#$IP"
expect "password:"
send "xxxx\r"
expect ":~#"
send "cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local |grep hostname \r"
expect ":~#"
set line $expect_out(buffer)
puts "line = $line, expect_out(buffer) = $expect_out(buffer)"
...more script...
When i try to see line variable, i see only this: line = , expect_out(buffer) = (buffer) What is the right way to get the line from the file into the variable?
Or is it possible to open the file on the remote computer with expect, scan the file and get what i need to the variable?
Here there is an example:
# Send the prebuilt command, and then wait for another shell prompt.
send "$my_command\r"
expect "%"
# Capture the results of the command into a variable. This can be displayed,
set results $expect_out(buffer)
seems that it doesn't work in this case?
You might just want to try and do it all from expect, as expect can control bash.
The following should do what you've described. Not sure if this is exactly what you are trying to do.
# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec expect "$0" "$#"
spawn bash
send "ssh root#$IP\r"
expect "password:"
send "xxxx\r"
expect ":~#"
send "cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local |grep hostname \n"
expect ":~#"
set extractedOutput $expect_out(buffer)
set list [split $extractedOutput "\n"]
foreach line $list {
set re {(?x)
regexp $re $line total extractedValue
if {[info exists extractedValue] && [string length $extractedValue] > 1} {
set exportValue $extractedValue
break # We've got a match!
send "exit\r" # disconnect from the ssh session
if {[info exists exportValue] && [string length $exportValue] > 1}{
send "export VARIABLE $exportValue\r"
} else {
send_user "No exportValue was found - exiting\n"
send "exit\r"
exit 1
# now you can do more things in bash if you like
