Configuration inheritance regarding the Maven Shade Plugin - maven

Currently I have problems with the configuration inheritance of the Maven Shade Plugin, what I mean by this is that artifactSet and all configuration options "underneath" it turn red whenever I remove the phase and goals options (which are meant to be inherited from the parents pluginManagement section.
I'll show what I have in my parent first and after that what I'm trying to accomplish.

1 - You are missing a type <execution> here -
2 - To inherit the configuration from the parent pom.xml, you need to make sure the child pom doesn't define the plugin again within <pluginManagement>. You can remove the tag to inherit the configuration from the parent.


Goal copy-dependencies in maven-dependency-plugin is not executed

I have the following plugin configuration :
When calling mvn dependency:copy-dependencies dependencies are indeed copied, and at the correct location (alternateLocation). But when I'm calling mvn package nothing is performed. What am I missing ?
As per documentation, you need to have your configuration inside the execution.
<!-- configure the plugin here -->
We only see parts of your POM, but I guess you put the plugin into <pluginManagement> and not into <plugins> where it belongs.

Spring Boot jar - META-INF inside BOOT-INF folder

Is there any way to have META-INF folder inside BOOT-INF in spring boot packaging jar?
This might be a trivial question, but not sure how to do it. Below is the way i am packaging right now which created three folders BOOT_INF, META_INF, ORG. The reason of asking this is because runnable jar is not able to locate a folder which is inside META-INF.
Any help which plugin i can use in order to do that?
Similar issue resolved in my case after adding META-INF folder under resources.

How to remove a a specific directory from the Maven's target directory at the end of the build?

I have a task to unpack all the jars mentioned in the pom.xml and then jar the unpacked content into one single jar. I am able to do this using the unpack-dependency goal of the dependency plugin and the jar plugin.
However, after i generate the new jar, I want to delete the folder that was created after unpacking. I am using the following code snippet in my pom.xml(Please read the comments above each plugin).
<!-- This part of the code is used to unpack all the dependencies mentioned in my pom.xml -->
<!-- This part of the code is used for creating a jar with all the contents of the "alternateLocation" directory above -->
<!-- I am using this part of the code to delete the "alternateLocation" after everything is done, but it deletes the target directory instead -->
The clean plugin is basically deleting the target directory by default.
So how can I delete the "alternateLocation" folder from the target directory at the end of the build. (I guess you can do it using the maven-antrun-plugin but i don't want to use this plugin.).
You can solved this by using the maven-assembly-plugin via the predefined descriptor jar-with-dependencies which can be done by the following:
Than you don't need supplemental configuration.

How can I combine jars using Maven?

The following snippet creates 2 JARS:
I would like to combine these two JARs into one using the assembly plugin, currently I have the following:
<!-- Combine all the JARs in the /target folder into one JAR -->
Currently only one of the two JARS in included in the final JAR that is created by the assembly plugin.
If I understand you correctly, you actually want to merge the jar files into one big jar file. This can be achieved using the maven-shade-plugin (instead of the maven-assembly-plugin).
For example:
<!-- Put your configuration here, if you need any extra settings.
(You should be okay with the defaults). -->

Maven and emma plugin

How to configure maven build to fail if some of bundles to instrument are misspelled or no target/coverage/coverage.xml file report is generated?
I did not check, try:
