Hello everyone I am finishing the last section of my firmware for my NFC project. I am attempting to communicate with an AD-740 NFC Tag which uses NXP's MF0ULx1 MIFARE Ultralight EV1 - Contactless ticket IC. The NFC reader that I am using is NXP's CLRC663. I am controlling the NFC reader with a PSOC5LP device over SPI.
Now that you have all of the background information I will now ask my question.
For this particular NXP Read Method I need to encode my Cmd and Addr into a CRC of length 2 bytes. The datasheet, which I can link to, references ISO/IEC 14443. Searching that in Google brings me to the Wikipedia page, which then shows four sections of a PDF. I am assuming that I need section 4 the transmission protocol section. The only problem is this PDF is blocked by a pay wall. Is this intentional??
Scrounging around on the internet I have found a few code examples that may prevent me from purchasing a 170$ PDF just to look at a polynomial...
Code example 1 - I can post source link in comments. Don't have rep to do it in main post.
// Calculate an ISO 14443a CRC. Code translated from the code in
// iso14443a_crc().
func ISO14443aCRC(data []byte) [2]byte {
crc := uint32(0x6363)
for _, bt := range data
bt ^= uint8(crc & 0xff)
bt ^= bt << 4
bt32 := uint32(bt)
crc = (crc >> 8) ^ (bt32 << 8) ^ (bt32 << 3) ^ (bt32 >> 4)
return [2]byte{byte(crc & 0xff), byte((crc >> 8) & 0xff)}
Code example 2 - I can post source link in comments. Don't have rep to do it in main post.
void iso14443a_crc(byte_t* pbtData, size_t szLen, byte_t* pbtCrc)
byte_t bt;
uint32_t wCrc = 0x6363;
do {
bt = *pbtData++;
bt = (bt^(byte_t)(wCrc & 0x00FF));
bt = (bt^(bt<<4));
wCrc = (wCrc >> 8)^((uint32_t)bt << 8)^((uint32_t)bt<<3)^((uint32_t)bt>>4);
} while (--szLen);
*pbtCrc++ = (byte_t) (wCrc & 0xFF);
*pbtCrc = (byte_t) ((wCrc >> 8) & 0xFF);
And now on to my final question with all of this information... Would it be safe to assume that:
CRC polynomial is: 0x6363
Seed Value is: 0x00FF
A visual representation can be seen here
I've found a few helpful resources in calculating CRC_A for ISO/IEC 14443:
Online calculator by Pavel Zhovner
Generic CRC calculator
Libnfc contains implementations for CRC_A and CRC_B as:
iso14443a_crc in iso14443-subr.c
iso14443b_crc in iso14443-subr.c
Each method also has a variant to append it to a byte array
For posterity, here's libnfc's implementation of iso14443a_crc:
iso14443a_crc(uint8_t *pbtData, size_t szLen, uint8_t *pbtCrc)
uint32_t wCrc = 0x6363;
do {
uint8_t bt;
bt = *pbtData++;
bt = (bt ^ (uint8_t)(wCrc & 0x00FF));
bt = (bt ^ (bt << 4));
wCrc = (wCrc >> 8) ^ ((uint32_t) bt << 8) ^ ((uint32_t) bt << 3) ^ ((uint32_t) bt >> 4);
} while (--szLen);
*pbtCrc++ = (uint8_t)(wCrc & 0xFF);
*pbtCrc = (uint8_t)((wCrc >> 8) & 0xFF);
ISO14443A Polynomial is 0x8408, initial value is 0x6363.
I am making a USB Bootloader for PIC24FJ. I am now in the process of writing to flash memory the application code hex file through a software and without using ICD3. After downloading the application code hex file, I checked the program memory of the PIC using the PIC Memory Views of MPLAB Window Toolbar, and this is what it looks like. PIC24_BOOT_APP_VECTOR_AREA As you can see in the picture, the opcode is not continuously written in every address. It alternates with 000000.
Also I compared the opcodes of the downloaded app code using the bootloader, to the application code without using the bootloader. I have found out that there are data in the opcodes that are not present in the application alone. Attached are the photos. Application_Code_Alone_User_Area, PIC24_Boot_App_User_Area This may create a problem in jumping to the application.
Below is my code for storing data in the buffer and writing to flash memory. (I use single word programming for flash)
#define USER_MEM_START_ADDRESS 0x004002
unsigned long rxBuff[60];
int rxIndexer;
int xfer;
lineStart = rxBuff[ 0 ];
positionAddress = (rxBuff[ 2 ] << 8) + (rxBuff[ 3 ]); // THIS IS THE ADDRESS WHERE THE DATA SHOULD BE ADDRESSED
recordType = rxBuff[ 4 ];
rxIndexer = 5; //Start of data index in a INTEL Hex file format
rxBuff[rxIndexer] = ((rxBuff[START_OF_DATA_INDEX + xfer]) &0x00FF);
rxBuff[rxIndexer] |= ((rxBuff[START_OF_DATA_INDEX + xfer + 1] << 8) &0xFF00); //end of lower word
rxBuff[rxIndexer] = ((rxBuff[START_OF_DATA_INDEX + xfer + 2]) &0x00FF); //start of upper byte
rxBuff[rxIndexer] |= ((0x00 << 8) & 0xFF00); // phantom byte (0x00)
if(lineStart == ':')
if(recordType == 0x00 && data_checksum == 0)
for(xfer = 0; xfer < numberOfData; xfer += 2)
FlashWrite_Word(programAddress + positionAddress, rxBuff[5 + xfer], rxBuff[5 + xfer + 1]);
positionAddress += 2;
else if(recordType == 0x04 && data_checksum == 0)
programAddress = USER_MEM_START_ADDRESS;
else if( recordType == END_OF_FILE_RECORD)
I'm currently looking for on how to determine the CRC produced from the machine to PC (and vice-versa).
The devices are communicating using serial communication or RS232 cable.
I do only have data to be able for us to create a program to be used for both devices.
The data given was from my boss and the program was corrupted. So we are trying for it to work out.
I hope everyone can help.
Thanks :)
The sequence to use for the CRC calculation in your protocol is the ASCII string
starting from the first printing character (e.g. the 'R' from REQ)
until and including the '1E' in the calculation.
It's a CRC with the following specs according to our CRC calculator
which means:
CRC width: 16 bit (of course)
polynomial: 1021 HEX (truncated CRC polynomial)
init value: 0000
final Xor applied: 0000
reflectedInput: No
reflectedOutput: No`
(If 'init value' were FFFF, it would be a "16 bit width CRC as designated by CCITT").
See also the Docklight CRC glossary and the Boost CRC library on what the CRC terms mean plus sample code.
What I did is to write a small script that tries out the popular 16 bit CRCs on varying parts of the first simple "REQ=INI" command, and see if I end up with a sum of 4255. This failed, but instead of going a full brute force with trying all sorts of polynoms, I assumed that it was maybe just an oddball / flawed implementation of the known standards, and indeed succeeded with a variation of the CRC-CCITT.
Heres is some slow & easy C code (not table based!) to calculate all sorts of CRCs:
// Generic, not table-based CRC calculation
// Based on and credits to the following:
// CRC tester v1.3 written on 4th of February 2003 by Sven Reifegerste (zorc/reflex)
unsigned long reflect (unsigned long crc, int bitnum) {
// reflects the lower 'bitnum' bits of 'crc'
unsigned long i, j=1, crcout=0;
for (i=(unsigned long)1<<(bitnum-1); i; i>>=1) {
if (crc & i) crcout|=j;
j<<= 1;
return (crcout);
const int width, const unsigned long polynominal, const unsigned long initialRemainder,
const unsigned long finalXOR, const int reflectedInput, const int reflectedOutput,
const unsigned char message[], const long startIndex, const long endIndex)
// Ensure the width is in range: 1-32 bits
assert(width >= 1 && width <= 32);
// some constant parameters used
const bool b_refInput = (reflectedInput > 0);
const bool b_refOutput = (reflectedOutput > 0);
const unsigned long crcmask = ((((unsigned long)1<<(width-1))-1)<<1)|1;
const unsigned long crchighbit = (unsigned long)1<<(width-1);
unsigned long j, c, bit;
unsigned long crc = initialRemainder;
for (long msgIndex = startIndex; msgIndex <= endIndex; ++msgIndex) {
c = (unsigned long)message[msgIndex];
if (b_refInput) c = reflect(c, 8);
for (j=0x80; j; j>>=1) {
bit = crc & crchighbit;
crc<<= 1;
if (c & j) bit^= crchighbit;
if (bit) crc^= polynominal;
if (b_refOutput) crc=reflect(crc, width);
crc^= finalXOR;
crc&= crcmask;
With this code and the CRCs specs listed above, I have been able to re-calculate the following three sample CRCs:
10.03.2014 22:20:57.109 [TX] - REQ=INI<CR><LF>
10.03.2014 22:20:57.731 [TX] - ANS=INI<CR><LF>
10.03.2014 22:20:59.323 [TX] - ANS=INI<CR><LF>
I failed on the very complex one with the DEF= parts - probably didn't understand the character sequence correctly.
The Docklight script I used to reverse engineer this:
Sub crcReverseEngineer()
Dim crctypes(7)
crctypes(0) = "CRC:16,1021,FFFF,0000" ' CCITT
crctypes(1) = "CRC:16,8005,0000,0000" ' CRC-16
crctypes(2) = "CRC:16,8005,FFFF,0000" ' CRC-MODBUS
' lets try also some nonstandard variations with different init and final Xor, but stick
' to the known two polynoms.
crctypes(3) = "CRC:16,1021,FFFF,FFFF"
crctypes(4) = "CRC:16,1021,0000,FFFF"
crctypes(5) = "CRC:16,1021,0000,0000"
crctypes(6) = "CRC:16,8005,FFFF,FFFF"
crctypes(7) = "CRC:16,8005,FFFF,0000"
crcString = "06 1C 52 45 51 3D 49 4E 49 0D 0A 1E 43 52 43 3D 30 30 30 30 0D 0A 1D"
For reflectedInOrOut = 0 To 3
For cType = 0 To 7
crcSpec = crctypes(cType) & "," & IIf(reflectedInOrOut Mod 2 = 1, "Yes", "No") & "," & IIf(reflectedInOrOut > 1, "Yes", "No")
For cStart = 1 To 3
For cEnd = 9 To (Len(crcString) + 1) / 3
subDataString = Mid(crcString, (cStart - 1) * 3 + 1, (cEnd - cStart + 1) * 3)
result = DL.CalcChecksum(crcSpec, subDataString, "H")
resultInt = CLng("&h" + Left(result, 2)) * 256 + CLng("&h" + Right(result, 2))
If resultInt = 4255 Then
DL.AddComment "Found it!"
DL.AddComment "sequence: " & subDataString
DL.AddComment "CRC spec: " & crcSpec
DL.AddComment "CRC result: " & result & " (Integer = " & resultInt & ")"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Public Function IIf(blnExpression, vTrueResult, vFalseResult)
If blnExpression Then
IIf = vTrueResult
IIf = vFalseResult
End If
End Function
Hope this helps and I'm happy to provide extra information or clarify details.
I recently saw a declaration of enum that looks like this:
Public Enum SiteRoles
ADMIN = 10 << 0
REGULAR = 5 << 1
GUEST = 1 << 2
End Enum
I was wondering if someone can explain what does "<<" syntax do or what it is used for? Thank you...
The ENUM has a Flags attribute which means that the values are used as bit flags.
Bit Flags are useful when representing more than one attribute in a variable
These are the flags for a 16 bit (attribute) variable (hope you see the pattern which can continue on to X number of bits., limited by the platform/variable type of course)
BIT1 = 0x1 (1 << 0)
BIT2 = 0x2 (1 << 1)
BIT3 = 0x4 (1 << 2)
BIT4 = 0x8 (1 << 3)
BIT5 = 0x10 (1 << 4)
BIT6 = 0x20 (1 << 5)
BIT7 = 0x40 (1 << 6)
BIT8 = 0x80 (1 << 7)
BIT9 = 0x100 (1 << 8)
BIT10 = 0x200 (1 << 9)
BIT11 = 0x400 (1 << 10)
BIT12 = 0x800 (1 << 11)
BIT13 = 0x1000 (1 << 12)
BIT14 = 0x2000 (1 << 13)
BIT15 = 0x4000 (1 << 14)
BIT16 = 0x8000 (1 << 15)
To set a bit (attribute) you simply use the bitwise or operator:
UInt16 flags;
flags |= BIT1; // set bit (Attribute) 1
flags |= BIT13; // set bit (Attribute) 13
To determine of a bit (attribute) is set you simply use the bitwise and operator:
bool bit1 = (flags & BIT1) > 0; // true;
bool bit13 = (flags & BIT13) > 0; // true;
bool bit16 = (flags & BIT16) > 0; // false;
In your example above, ADMIN and REGULAR are bit number 5 ((10 << 0) and (5 << 1) are the same), and GUEST is bit number 3.
Therefore you could determine the SiteRole by using the bitwise AND operator, as shown above:
UInt32 SiteRole = ...;
IsAdmin = (SiteRole & ADMIN) > 0;
IsRegular = (SiteRole & REGULAR) > 0;
IsGuest = (SiteRole & GUEST) > 0;
Of course, you can also set the SiteRole by using the bitwise OR operator, as shown above:
UInt32 SiteRole = 0x00000000;
SiteRole |= ADMIN;
The real question is why do ADMIN and REGULAR have the same values? Maybe it's a bug.
These are bitwise shift operations. Bitwise shifts are used to transform the integer value of the enum mebers here to a different number. Each enum member will actually have the bit-shifted value. This is probably an obfuscation technique and is the same as setting a fixed integer value for each enum member.
Each integer has a binary reprsentation (like 0111011); bit shifting allows bits to move to the left (<<) or right (>>) depending on which operator is used.
For example:
10 << 0 means:
1010 (10 in binary form) moved with 0 bits left is 1010
5 << 1 means:
101 (5 in binary form) moved one bit to the left = 1010 (added a zero to the right)
so 5 << 1 is 10 (because 1010 represents the number 10)
and etc.
In general the x << y operation can be seen as a fast way to calculate x * Pow(2, y);
You can read this article for more detailed info on bit shifting in .NET http://www.blackwasp.co.uk/CSharpShiftOperators.aspx
I'm attempting to convert some of my Java code to (J)Ruby, and due to my lack of experience of bitwise operations, I ran into a problem that I can't seem to be able to solve by myself.
Simply put, I don't know how to convert this piece of Java code into Ruby, as Ruby does not appear to have the unsigned right shift operator (>>>).
private static short flipEndian(short signedShort) {
int input = signedShort & 0xFFFF;
return (short) (input << 8 | (input & 0xFF00) >>> 8);
def self.flip_endian(signed_short)
input = signed_short & 0xFFFF
input << 8 | (input & 0xFF00) >> 8
This will swap the first 2 bytes and cut off all the higher bits of an Integer:
def self.flip_endian(input)
input << 8 & 0xFF00 | input >> 8 & 0xFF
I have some RGB(image) data which is 12 bit. Each R,G,B has 12 bits, total 36 bits.
Now I need to club this 12 bit RGB data into a packed data format. I have tried to mention the packing as below:-
At present I have input data as -
B0 - 12 bits G0 - 12 bits R0 - 12 bits B1 - 12 bits G1 - 12 bits R1 - 12 bits .. so on.
I need to convert it to packed format as:-
Byte1 - B8 (8 bits of B0 data)
Byte2 - G4B4 (remaining 4 bits of B0 data+ first 4 bits of G0)
Byte3 - G8 (remaining 8 bits of G0)
Byte4 - R8 (first 8 bits of R0)
Byte5 - B4R4 (first 4 bits of B1 + last 4 bits of R0)
I have to write these individual bytes to a file in text format. one byte below another.
Similar thing i have to do for a 10 bit RGB input data.
Is there any tool/software to get the conversion of data i am looking to get done.
I am trying to do it in a C program - I am forming a 64 bit from the individual 12 bits of R,G,B (total 36 bits). But after that I am not able to come up with a logic to pick
the necessary bits from a R,G,B data to form a byte stream, and to dump them to a text file.
Any pointers will be helpful.
This is pretty much untested, super messy code I whipped together to give you a start. It's probably not packing the bytes exactly as you want, but you should get the general idea.
Apologies for the quick and nasty code, only had a couple of minutes, hope it's of some help anyway.
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct
unsigned short B;
unsigned short G;
unsigned short R;
} UnpackedRGB;
UnpackedRGB test[] =
{0x0FFF, 0x000, 0x0EEE},
{0x000, 0x0FEF, 0xDEF},
{0xFED, 0xDED, 0xFED},
{0x111, 0x222, 0x333},
{0xA10, 0xB10, 0xC10}
UnpackedRGB buffer = {0, 0, 0};
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int numSourcePixels = sizeof(test)/sizeof(UnpackedRGB);
/* round up to the last byte */
int destbytes = ((numSourcePixels * 45)+5)/10;
unsigned char* dest = (unsigned char*)malloc(destbytes);
unsigned char* currentDestByte = dest;
UnpackedRGB *pixel1;
UnpackedRGB *pixel2;
int ixSource;
for (ixSource = 0; ixSource < numSourcePixels; ixSource += 2)
pixel1 = &test[ixSource];
pixel2 = ((ixSource + 1) < numSourcePixels ? &test[ixSource] : &buffer);
*currentDestByte++ = (0x0FF) & pixel1->B;
*currentDestByte++ = ((0xF00 & pixel1->B) >> 8) | (0x0F & pixel1->G);
*currentDestByte++ = ((0xFF0 & pixel1->G) >> 4);
*currentDestByte++ = (0x0FF & pixel1->R);
*currentDestByte++ = ((0xF00 & pixel1->R) >> 8) | (0x0F & pixel2->B);
if ((ixSource + 1) >= numSourcePixels)
*currentDestByte++ = ((0xFF0 & pixel2->B) >> 4);
*currentDestByte++ = (0x0FF & pixel2->G);
*currentDestByte++ = ((0xF00 & pixel2->G) >> 8) | (0x0F & pixel2->R);
*currentDestByte++ = (0xFF0 & pixel2->R);
FILE* outfile = fopen("output.bin", "w");
fwrite(dest, 1, destbytes,outfile);
Use bitwise & (and), | (or), and shift <<, >> operators.