Perform actions before all WebTests in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I want to run some code (obtain a oauth valid token) before sending the SOAP requests of my webtests.
I am using Visual Studio.
I want to run the code that obtains the OAuth code before ALL test, not on each one.
¿Is that possible?

Assuming the web tests are being run as part of a load test then you can create a load test plugin and run some code from the load test starting event.
Your question reads as if you need to run one web test (possibly it contains just one request) to get the token and then run all the other tests. This can be achieved by using two scenarios in the load test. The first scenario contains the get-token web test, it is set to have one user and one iteration. The second scenario runs all the other web tests, the only change to it is to set its Delay Start Time property to a value that allows the get-token web test to complete.


How to make several requests be made once? And the rest flow

I have 2 queries and a db connection that i would like to make once as part of testing
And then comes the API method I need that I'm testing. Here it needs to be run a number of times.
I read the documentation, but I still don't understand. Please help.
Put them under the Once Only Controller, its children are being executed only during the 1st iteration of the Thread Group
I also see a number of Listeners in your Test Plan, when you finish test development and debugging don't forget to remove them as they don't add any value and only consume resources, you should execute your JMeter test plan in command-line non-GUI mode with all listeners disabled or deleted and once it's finished you can use Listeners to analyze the .jtl results file (or just generate HTML Reporting Dashboard from it)

Visual Studio load test, changing identity of remote agent

With a visual studio load test project, I execute a simple call on a web service using a distributed pattern (the calls are made from a group of 4 remote agents).
The calls to the web service are executed with a user account corresponding to the name of the agent machine (e.g. domain\AGENT1$). I would like to influence the credentials of this call, so that a different user is transmitted in the http context, is this possible? I have played with the .testsettings file but to no avail.
The load test is composed of a single web test which calls a GET REST API method of the style: http://myserver/Something/1234. There is therefore no coded component and the credentials it seems are simply taken from the process executing the call, that is the test agent.

How to login a large number of users in Jmeter?

I have a project and need to test a large number of of users in Jmeter but the problem I am facing is how to login lots of users, it will be tedious for me to enter their data manually and the token.
Can we remove or bypass the session id/token? So I won't need to input it manually. Is there any simple way to login lacks of user so I can test the load and stress testing. Or is there any other open source tool in which I test this?
I think you should read the Apache JMeter User Manual first.
You work around to be like:
Try to record only one user login session using the Apache JMeter HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder.
Use CSV Dataset Config to pass all your login credentials in JMeter.
Add a Cookie manager in your test plan.
Use regular expression extractor or JSON path processor (Depending on your request type) if you need bypass any data in your subsequent request. Check this article.
You won't be able to simulate one lack users from your machine I guess.Actually, it depends on your hardware configuration. So check for the Distributed testing.
You have run your test in Non-GUI mode. You can use GUI mode for the only debugging purpose.
Do not add any listeners when you perform your load test since they consume more memory.
Try to tweak your JDK heap size accordingly.
Try to use updated JMeter version and JDK both.
It actually depends on your application design, for instance if usernames are matching some pattern like:
you should be able to just add __threadNum() function as a postfix
If your users are present in a database table you can use JDBC Test Elements to read usernames from the database
When it comes to logging in, it is not about single request which performs login operation, your web application test must always represent real users using real browsers as close as possible, so the login flow should look like:
Open Login Page
Extract token using one of JMeter Post Processors
Perform login providing credentials and the token from the previous step
More information:
Building a Web Test Plan
Building an Advanced Web Test Plan
How To Login Into A Web Application with JMeter

Recorded Web Performance Test in VS 2015 shows error

I'm new to load testing using VS 2015. Right now, I'm working on load testing for a web project which will need recorded web performance tests for each interaction that users would typically do with our application.
I recorded a web performance test for the simple logging-in of user in the website. After clicking the stop button in browser, the web performance test was generated in the VS 2015 but with an error.
Although I successfully logged in during the recorded web performance test, I was wondering if should I be worried with the error displayed and would affect the load testing which I will be using the recorded web performance test for.
Error message: 1 primary requests, 1 dependant requests and 0 conditional rules failed
When the error message is clicked, the following details would show up:
Access denied (authentication_failed)
404 - File or Directory not found SERVER ERROR
Please help. Thanks
After the stop button on the browser is pressed, Visual Studio runs the test once to help it find dynamic data, etc. Commonly this execution of the test fails, so do not worry about this failure.
You should then expect to run the test yourself a number of times, to make it work properly. Before each execution you may need to make changes, for example:
for data driving
for adding credentials
for adding verification rules
to sort out dynamic data that Visual Studio has not detected, this will probably include adding extraction rules

Web Performance Test that requires login: How do you make it work in isolation and in load test?

I have a Visual Studio 2010 Load test, which contains a number of web performance tests. Running the web performance tests requires you to be logged in to the website under test. Accordingly, the load test contains an initialization step - a small web performance test which does the log in, and which uses a plug-in to cache the cookie so obtained. The 'real' web performance tests - the ones that actually do the work also each have a plug-in that reads the cached cookie and adds it to the test, so that each test functions correctly:
public override void PreWebTest(object sender, PreWebTestEventArgs e)
if (CookieCache.Cookies != null) // CookieCache is a static class of mine
The problem is that while this all works absolutely fine when I run the load test, it means I can't run any of the web performance tests in isolation because if the load test initializer hasn't run then there's no cookie, so the web performance test won't be logged in and will fail.
Is there any recommended solution for this situation? In other words, if a web performance test needs to have logged in, is there any way to get it to run both in isolation and when it's part of a load test?
The obvious way to run each web performance test in isolation would be to have it call the login test first, but I can't do that because that'll be incorrect behaviour for the load test (where logging in should happen only once per user, right at the beginning of the load test).
The solution is to add the Login test to your individual web performance tests (via "Insert Call to Web Test"), but gated by a "Context Parameter Exists" Conditional Rule that looks for the absence of the context parameter $LoadTestUserContext. That parameter only exists if the web test is running in a load test.
This way you get just one Login whether in or outside of a load test.
Why not try and use the PreRequest Function instead of the PreWebTestFunction
Public Overrides Sub PreRequest(sender As Object, e As PreRequestEventArgs)
MyBase.PreRequest(sender, e)
Dim cookie As System.Net.Cookie = New System.Net.Cookie(...)
That way both the Load test and the Web Test will work.
I'm not familiar with Visual Studio 2010 Load Testing, but it sounds like you need the equivalent of NUnit's SetUp and TearDown methods which run once for all tests, whether you have selected a single test or all the tests in an assembly.
A bit of searching implies that the equivalent is the Init and Term tests.
1) Right click on a scenario node in load test and select Edit Test
2) In the edit test mix dialog, Look at the bottom the Form. You will
see 2 check boxes. One for an init test and one for a term test.
The init test will run prior to each user and term test will run when
user completes. To make sure the term test runs, you also need to set
the cooldown time for a load test. The cooldown time is a property on
the run setting node. This setting gives tests a chance to bleed out
when duration completes. You can set this to 5 minutes. The cooldown
period does not necessarily run for 5 minutes. It will end when all
term tests have completed. If that takes 20 seconds, then that is
when load test will complete.
