Update a value on redux form - react-redux

I have a react-bootstrap class of a form. The code is something like that:
class MyReactClass extends Component {
// ....
render() {
return (
<Field name="combobox1" component={ComboBox} options={options} ></Field>
<Field name="textField2" component={My_TextField}></Field>
<Field name="textField3" component={My_TextField}></Field>
<Field name="textField4" component={My_TextField}></Field>
export default reduxForm({
form: 'myReactClass ',
)(MyReactClass );
I added an initialization to initialize some values:
componentDidMount() {
Now I want that when the user selects a value from the combobox, it'll automatically change the value of textfield3. I have a WORKING onChange function for the combobox, but I can't find a way to change textfield3's value. I tried to use "initialize" again -
this.props.initialize({textField3: this.getUpdatedValue()});
but it initialize the whole form and the form gets cleared and have only the value for textfield3.
I tried to access this.props.textField3 but I got undefined.
How can I update the form's value?

this.props.change('textField3', this.getUpdatedValue()) would work.
Optionally, if you need the user to understand that the value was autofilled but can be manually changed, you can use:
this.props.autofill('textField3', this.getUpdatedValue())
These are described in the docs here.


Redux-form validation breaks when using multiple components with the same form name

I run into the validation issue using multiple components decorated with same form name.
Let's say we have SimpleForm1 and SimpleForm2. When rendering Only SimpleForm1 with the name field validation works as expected, as well as when rendering SimpleForm2 with the surname field. But when rendering them both on a single page validation for SimpleForm1 is broken.
The question is how to avoid such behaviour and make both validation functions work.
Here is a fiddle which illustrates my problem
It's not a good idea to use same names for multiple forms.
As i understand you need to dynamically add form inputs(SimpleForm2 in your example) and have possibility to submit both forms with one button.
If yes, so you can add just an input to first form, you don't need second form.
const SimpleFormComponent1 = props => {
const {handleSubmit, pristine, reset, submitting, renderBoth} = props;
const onSubmit = (values) => {
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
renderBoth &&
Render function:
render() {
const {renderBoth} = this.state;
return (
<div className='forms'>
<SimpleForm renderBoth={renderBoth}/>
{renderBoth ? 'Show Single' : 'Show Both'}
Updated example
I was having interference with invalid and valid props of the Redux Form because I wrote the validate function on ReduxForm() in every file of my main form component.
You haven't to change the form name to solve this. You have to put the validation function on the parent component.
Here is an example:
I have 3 Components:
1. Main component to put the form ('editUserForm') elements (, , ...)
2. Field1 of the form ('editUserForm') that changes user's complete name.
3. Field2 of the form ('editUserForm') that changes user's email.
Inside the main frame, you call reduxForm() (it creates a decorator with which you use redux-form to connect your form component to Redux. More info here Redux Form docs). Your code would be like this:
class MainFrame ... {
<form ...>
<Field1 />
<Field2 />
const validate ({ name, email }, props) => {
// Validation around Field1
if (name === ...) errors.name = "Name error passed to Field1 component";
// Validation around Field2
if (email === ...) errors.email= "Email error passed to Field2 component";
return errors;
export default reduxForm({
form: 'editUserForm',
validate // <--------- IMPORTANT: Only put this function on the parent component.
This code is for the 2 children components. IMPORTANT: You call reduxForm() without validate Redux Form docs synchronous function.
class MainFrame ... {
const { invalid } = this.props;
// IMPORTANT: Don't put the validation function in Field1 and Field2 components, because their local validations will interfere with the validation of the other Field component.
form: 'editUserForm'
Now, the props: valid and invalid will work perfectly inside the children components (Field1 and Field2).
User Redux Form FormSection (docs) to split forms into smaller components that are reusable across multiple forms.

Unclear syntax in redux-form

Having trouble understanding the syntax in redux-form...
In redux-docs
const renderField = (field) => (
<div className="input-row">
<input {...field.input} type="text"/>
{field.meta.touched && field.meta.error &&
<span className="error">{field.meta.error}</span>}
</div> )
How is the spread operator used inside the input and why does the following returnes an error:
<input {...field.input, id} type="text"/>
The second syntax I dont understand is:
class MyCustomInput extends Component {
render() {
const { input: { value, onChange } } = this.props <---??
return (
<span>The current value is {value}.</span>
<button type="button" onClick={() => onChange(value + 1)}>Inc</button>
<button type="button" onClick={() => onChange(value - 1)}>Dec</button>
What is:
input: { value, onChange }
Queston 1:
The error from using {...field.input, id} should be something like the following:
Syntax error: ...: Unexpected token, expected }
If you already have props as an object, and you want to pass it in
JSX, you can use ... as a “spread” operator to pass the whole props
object (Spread Attributes)
So it appears the JSX attribute spread is not exactly the same as a es2015 spread. I believe it is limited to just the examples in the react docs.
Question 2:
The Field component passes these props to your wrapped component MyCustomInput
input.onChange(eventOrValue) : Function
A function to call when the form field is changed. It expects to either receive the React SyntheticEvent or the new value of the field.
input.value: any
The value of this form field. It will be a boolean for checkboxes, and a string for all other input types. If there is no value in the Redux state for this field, it will default to ''. This is to ensure that the input is controlled. If you require that the value be of another type (e.g. Date or Number), you must provide initialValues to your form with the desired type of this field.
In other words when MyCustomInput fires onChange the Field component will dispatch an action to update the form store.
The value prop is used to maintain the state MyCustomInput.

How to set initialValue with semantic-ui-redux-form-fields

I'm trying to create an Edit form w/ semantic-ui-redux-form-fields. The forms work fine w/ a blank starting point, but for an edit form where I have initial values, I haven't been able to get it to work.
If I'm using straight redux-form, this works fine for initializing the form as long as I have a prop of initialValues passed into my form component.
Using that logic, I would think to all I would need to do is change the Field#component attribute from "input" to {Input} (/w the appropriate import). Note that I never see currentValue being passed in via props. It's not clear how this prop would ever get populated.
{initialValues: {"first_name": "Bob"}}
Working Component:
import { Form, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react'
import { reduxForm, Field} from 'redux-form'
return <Field component="input" type="text" name='first_name'/>
Not Working Component:
import { Form, Button } from 'semantic-ui-react'
import { reduxForm, Field} from 'redux-form'
import { Input } from 'semantic-ui-redux-form-fields'
return <Field component={Input} type="text" name='first_name'
The Input component in semantic-ui-react has a defaultValue prop that I believe you should be able to use to initialize the Field with data since you are passing it the Input in it's component prop.

asyncValidation on key strokes and throttled (not on blur)

The redux-form asyncValidation is great but it only works on blur. Is it possible to make it happen during key presses, and throttled? So it runs only every 300ms and on final value?
Is it possible? The short answer is yes.
Is it tricky? Well, as you mentioned, theres the fact that the asyncValidation for redux-form option only works for the onBlur and you'd instead want it to work onChange.
So you could fork and add this feature into redux-form, so you can do this:
form: 'login',
asyncValidate: validator,
//asyncBlurFields: ['username','password'],
asyncChangeFields: ['username','password'], /* add this new option */
For the deboucing part, you'd want to somehow debounce the onChange handler rather than the validate function itself, which brings up another option...
redux-form exports its internal action creators which may be enough to hack it together. Particularly, there's the stopAsyncValidation action creator that lets you pass field-level async errors directly into a form. Pair that with the onChange prop for Field, and you actually have the right pieces to get it done like this:
import React from 'react'
import { Field, reduxForm, stopAsyncValidation } from 'redux-form'
import _debounce from 'lodash.debounce'
import renderField from './renderField'
#reduxForm({form: 'debouncedOnChangeValidation'})
class DebouncedOnChangeValidationForm extends React.Component {
customValidate = () => {
const { form, dispatch } = this.props
dispatch(stopAsyncValidation(form, { username: "thats wrong..." })) /* pass in async error directly! */
debounceValidate = _debounce(this.customValidate, 1000) /* decorate with debounce! */
render() {
const { handleSubmit, pristine, reset, submitting} = this.props
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<Field name="username" type="text"
component={renderField} label="Username"
onChange={this.debounceValidate} /* bind validation to onChange! */
<button type="submit" disabled={submitting}>Submit</button>
<button type="button" disabled={pristine || submitting} onClick={reset}>Clear Values</button>
Additionally, to access the form values for performing validation, you'd need to use the getFormValues selector.
Of course this won't be as robust as a more built-in solution, but it may work well enough for some use cases.

After button disabled its value did not posted to controller

I have an controller which has check like that
if (form["submit"].ToString() == "Continue")
and i have button which is doing submit
<button name="submit" value="Continue">Continue</button>
It was all working well until i decided to disable Continue button on submit to prevent double click using this function:
$('form').submit(function () {
if ($(this).valid()) {
$(':submit', this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
So now i don't get value form["submit"] posted on controller.
Any thoughts how may i fix that?
I want still prevent second click but be able to get form["submit"] value posted on controller.
Can you control the submit value in a hidden field in the form? I can't tell what other logic you might need, but when the form renders, you could set the hidden field's value to the submit button's value and change it when necessary using the first script below. As long as it has a name attribute and is enabled (which you'd rarely disable a hidden field) then it will post when the form is submitted.
$(function() {
// this assumes your button has id="myButton" attribute
And of course in your form, you would need a hidden field with name="submit"
<input type="hidden" name="submit" value="Continue" />
Then, whenever the state of your form changes, modify the disabled state of the button and the value of the hidden field to reflect the value (if it changed at all).
There are also frameworks you may find useful for UI features like this. KnockoutJS comes to mind. It can be used to "value" bind input elements. It's probably overkill for this small example, but it could be useful if your UI expands. I've added markup, script and comments below if you're interested.
$(function () {
var viewModel = {
submitValue: ko.observable("Continue")
$('form').submit(function() {
if($(this).valid()) {
// the following line will change the both the hidden field's value
// as well as the button's value attribute
viewModel.submitValue("some other value");
// I couldn't follow your selector here, but please note I changed
// the name of the submit button in the markup below.
$(':submit, this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
KnockoutJS requires you use the data-bind attribute to setup your elements. In your case, you'd bind one property to multiple elements like this:
<button name="submitButton" data-bind="value: submitValue"/>Continue</button>
<!-- and bind the same value similarly in the hidden field-->
<input type="hidden" name="submit" data-bind="value: submitValue"/>
