A*(Star) Prolog - algorithm

I have an A*(Star) Algorithm in prolog, and I need receive a list of destinations instead a single destination, and it should past for every element of the list and then back to the start.
NOTE: It can pass in the same place twice.
I tried it, but Swi-prolog returns false everytime, can I get any help?
The code above receive a single destination, and it works, but as I said I need a list of destinations, and pass through them all.
Example: astar(1,[2,2,4,6,8,9,10,13,15],C,P).
astar1([(_,_,Tp,[Final|R])|_],Final,[Final|R],Tp):- reverse([Final|R],L3),write('Path = '),write(L3).
NP is P+V,
NewSum is E1+NP),L),
estimation(C1,C2,Est):- area(C1,X1,Y1),area(C2,X2,Y2), DX is X1-X2,DY is Y1-Y2,
Est is sqrt(DX*DX+DY*DY).


With ruamel.yaml how can I conditionally convert flow maps to block maps based on line length?

I'm working on a ruamel.yaml (v0.17.4) based YAML reformatter (using the RoundTrip variant to preserve comments).
I want to allow a mix of block- and flow-style maps, but in some cases, I want to convert a flow-style map to use block-style.
In particular, if the flow-style map would be longer than the max line length^, I want to convert that to a block-style map instead of wrapping the line somewhere in the middle of the flow-style map.
^ By "max line length" I mean the best_width that I configure by setting something like yaml.width = 120 where yaml is a ruamel.yaml.YAML instance.
What should I extend to achieve this? The emitter is where the line-length gets calculated so wrapping can occur, but I suspect that is too late to convert between block- and flow-style. I'm also concerned about losing comments when I switch the styles. Here are some possible extension points, can you give me a pointer on where I'm most likely to have success with this?
Emitter.expect_flow_mapping() probably too late for converting flow->block
Serializer.serialize_node() probably too late as it consults node.flow_style
RoundTripRepresenter.represent_mapping() maybe? but this has no idea about line length
I could also walk the data before calling yaml.dump(), but this has no idea about line length.
So, where should I and where can I adjust the flow_style whether a flow-style map would trigger line wrapping?
What I think the most accurate approach is when you encounter a flow-style mapping in the dumping process is to first try to emit it to a buffer and then get the length of the buffer and if that combined with the column that you are in, actually emit block-style.
Any attempt to guesstimate the length of the output without actually trying to write that part of a tree is going to be hard, if not impossible to do without doing the actual emit. Among other things the dumping process actually dumps scalars and reads them back to make sure no quoting needs to be forced (e.g. when you dump a string that reads back like a date). It also handles single key-value pairs in a list in a special way ( [1, a: 42, 3] instead of the more verbose [1, {a: 42}, 3]. So a simple calculation of the length of the scalars that are the keys and values and separating comma, colon and spaces is not going to be precise.
A different approach is to dump your data with a large line width and parse the output and make a set of line numbers for which the line is too long according to the width that you actually want to use. After loading that output back you can walk over the data structure recursively, inspect the .lc attribute to determine the line number on which a flow style mapping (or sequence) started and if that line number is in the set you built beforehand change the mapping to block style. If you have nested flow-style collections, you might have to repeat this process.
If you run the following, the initial dumped value for quote will be on one line.
The change_to_block method as presented changes all mappings/sequences that are too long
that are on one line.
import sys
import ruamel.yaml
yaml_str = """\
movie: bladerunner
quote: {[Batty, Roy]: [
I have seen things you people wouldn't believe.,
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.,
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.,
class Blockify:
def __init__(self, width, only_first=False, verbose=0):
self._width = width
self._yaml = None
self._only_first = only_first
self._verbose = verbose
def yaml(self):
if self._yaml is None:
self._yaml = y = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ=['rt', 'string'])
y.preserve_quotes = True
y.width = 2**16
return self._yaml
def __call__(self, d):
pass_nr = 0
changed = [True]
while changed[0]:
changed[0] = False
s = self.yaml.dumps(d)
except AttributeError:
print("use 'pip install ruamel.yaml.string' to install plugin that gives 'dumps' to string")
if self._verbose > 1:
too_long = set()
max_ll = -1
for line_nr, line in enumerate(s.splitlines()):
if len(line) > self._width:
if len(line) > max_ll:
max_ll = len(line)
if self._verbose > 0:
print(f'pass: {pass_nr}, lines: {sorted(too_long)}, longest: {max_ll}')
new_d = self.yaml.load(s)
self.change_to_block(new_d, too_long, changed, only_first=self._only_first)
d = new_d
pass_nr += 1
return d, s
def change_to_block(d, too_long, changed, only_first):
if isinstance(d, dict):
if d.fa.flow_style() and d.lc.line in too_long:
changed[0] = True
return # don't convert nested flow styles, might not be necessary
# don't change keys if any value is changed
for v in d.values():
Blockify.change_to_block(v, too_long, changed, only_first)
if only_first and changed[0]:
if changed[0]: # don't change keys if value has changed
for k in d:
Blockify.change_to_block(k, too_long, changed, only_first)
if only_first and changed[0]:
if isinstance(d, (list, tuple)):
if d.fa.flow_style() and d.lc.line in too_long:
changed[0] = True
return # don't convert nested flow styles, might not be necessary
for elem in d:
Blockify.change_to_block(elem, too_long, changed, only_first)
if only_first and changed[0]:
blockify = Blockify(96, verbose=2) # set verbose to 0, to suppress progress output
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ=['rt', 'string'])
data = yaml.load(yaml_str)
blockified_data, string_output = blockify(data)
print('-'*32, 'result:', '-'*32)
print(string_output) # string_output has no final newline
which gives:
movie: bladerunner
quote: {[Batty, Roy]: [I have seen things you people wouldn't believe., Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion., I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.]}
pass: 0, lines: [1], longest: 186
movie: bladerunner
[Batty, Roy]: [I have seen things you people wouldn't believe., Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion., I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.]
pass: 1, lines: [2], longest: 179
movie: bladerunner
[Batty, Roy]:
- I have seen things you people wouldn't believe.
- Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
- I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
pass: 2, lines: [], longest: 67
-------------------------------- result: --------------------------------
movie: bladerunner
[Batty, Roy]:
- I have seen things you people wouldn't believe.
- Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
- I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
Please note that when using ruamel.yaml<0.18 the sequence [Batty, Roy] never will be in block style
because the tuple subclass CommentedKeySeq does never get a line number attached.

dask histogram from zarr file (a big zarr file)

So heres my question, I have a big 3dim array which is 100GB in size as a #zarr file (the array is more than twice the size). I have tried using the histogram from #Dask to calculate but I get an error saying that it cant do it because the file has tuples within tuples. Im guessing thats the zarr file formate rather than anything else?
any thoughts?
yes the bigger computer thing wouldnt actually work...
Im running a dask client on a single machine, it runsthe calculation but just gets stuck somewhere.
I just tried dask.map function across the file but when I plot it out I get something like this:
ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.
heres a version of the script:
def histo(img):
return da.histogram(img, bins=255, range=[0, 255])
histo_1 = da.map_blocks(histo, fimg)
I am actually going to try and use it out side of the map function. I wonder rather than the map funtion, does the windowing from map blocks, actually cause the issue. well, ill let you know if it is or now....
edit 2
So I tried to remove the map blocks function as suggested and this was my result:
[in] h, bins =da.histogram(fused_crop, bins=255, range=[0, 255])
[in] bins
[out] array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10.,
11., 12., 13., 14., 15., 16., 17., 18., 19., 20., 21.,
22., 23., 24., 25., 26., 27., 28., 29., 30., 31., 32.,
33., 34., 35., 36., 37., 38., 39., 40., 41., 42., 43.,
44., 45., 46., 47., 48., 49., 50., 51., 52., 53., 54.,
55., 56., 57., 58., 59., 60., 61., 62., 63., 64., 65.,
66., 67., 68., 69., 70., 71., 72., 73., 74., 75., 76.,
77., 78., 79., 80., 81., 82., 83., 84., 85., 86., 87.,
88., 89., 90., 91., 92., 93., 94., 95., 96., 97., 98.,
99., 100., 101., 102., 103., 104., 105., 106., 107., 108., 109.,
110., 111., 112., 113., 114., 115., 116., 117., 118., 119., 120.,
121., 122., 123., 124., 125., 126., 127., 128., 129., 130., 131.,
132., 133., 134., 135., 136., 137., 138., 139., 140., 141., 142.,
143., 144., 145., 146., 147., 148., 149., 150., 151., 152., 153.,
154., 155., 156., 157., 158., 159., 160., 161., 162., 163., 164.,
165., 166., 167., 168., 169., 170., 171., 172., 173., 174., 175.,
176., 177., 178., 179., 180., 181., 182., 183., 184., 185., 186.,
187., 188., 189., 190., 191., 192., 193., 194., 195., 196., 197.,
198., 199., 200., 201., 202., 203., 204., 205., 206., 207., 208.,
209., 210., 211., 212., 213., 214., 215., 216., 217., 218., 219.,
220., 221., 222., 223., 224., 225., 226., 227., 228., 229., 230.,
231., 232., 233., 234., 235., 236., 237., 238., 239., 240., 241.,
242., 243., 244., 245., 246., 247., 248., 249., 250., 251., 252.,
253., 254., 255.])
[in] h.compute
[out] <bound method DaskMethodsMixin.compute of dask.array<sum-aggregate, shape=(255,), dtype=int64, chunksize=(255,), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>>
im going to try in another notebook and see if it still occurs.
edit 3
its the stranges thing, but if I just declare the variable h, it comes out as one small element from the dask array?
Strange, if i call the xarray.hist or the da.hist function, they both fall over. If I use the skimage.exposure.histogram it works but it appears that the zarr file is unpacked before the histogram is a calculated. Which is a bit of a problem...
Update 7th June 2020 (with a solution for not big but annoyingly medium data) see below for answer.
You probably want to use dask's function for this rather than map_blocks. For the latter, Dask expects the output of each call to be the same size as the input block, or a shape derived from the input block, instead of the one-dimensional fixed-size output of histogram.
h, bins =da.histogram(fused_crop, bins=255, range=[0, 255])
Update 7th June 2020 (with a solution for not big but annoyingly medium data):
So unfortunately I got a bit ill around this time and it took a while for me to feel a bit better. Then the pandemic happened and I was on full childcare duty. I tried lots of different option and what ultimately, this looked like was that the following:
1) if just using x.compute, the memory would very quickly fill up.
2) Using distributed would fill the hard drive with spill to disk and take hours but would hang and crash and not do anything because...it would compute (im guessing here but based on the graph and dask api) it would create a sub histogram array for every chunk... that would all need to be merged at some point.
3) The chunking of my data was sub optimal so the amount of tasks was massive but even then I couldn't compute a histogram when i improved the chunking.
In the end I looked for a dynamic way of updating the histogram data. So I used Zarr to do it, by computing to it. Since it allows conccurrent reads and writing functions. As a reminder : my data is a zarr array in 3 dims x,y,z and uncompressed 300GB but compressed it's about 100GB. On my 4 yr old laptop with 16GB of ram using the following worked (I should have said my data was 16 bit unsigned:
imgs = da.from_zarr(.....)
imgs2 = imgs.rechunk((a,b,c)) ## individual chunk dim per dim
h, bins = da.histogram(imgs2, bins = 255, range=[0, 65535]) # binning to 256
h_out = da.to_zarr(h, "histogram.zarr")
I ran the progress bar alongside the process and to get a histogram from file took :
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 18min 47.3s
Which I dont think is too bad for a 300GB array. Hopefully this helps someone else as well, thanks for the help earlier in the year #mdurant.

Prolog output message understanding

This is a really quick one, I don't know the correct way to google it!
Say we have an output such it gives:
X = [4|_1218]
what generally has to be changed to get the output just to say 4?
member1(Head, [Head|_]):-!.
member1(Item, [_|Tail]):-
member1(Item, Tail).
findnotin([Head|_], RuledOut, [Head|_]):-
not(member1(Head, RuledOut)).
Edit Completedish program:
find_not_in([], _, _).
find_not_in([Head|Candidates], RuleOut, [Head|Legal]):-
not(member1(Head, RuleOut)),
find_not_in(Candidates, RuleOut, Legal).
find_not_in([_|Candidates], RuleOut, Legal):-
find_not_in(Candidates, RuleOut, Legal).

Prolog Tube Line Task

i have an assignment to make a simplified metro tube map in prolog, one part is asking to make a rule to check if two stations are on the same line, ive got a rule but it doesnt seem to work this is what i have so far:
direct_connect(X,Y,L,S,[Y|S]):- next(X,Y,L).
write('Direct Connection'),nl,
write('One change required'),nl,
revwrite([H|T]):-revwrite(T), write('->'),write(H).
and the rule;
sameLine(Stat1, Stat2, Line) :-
station(Stat1, Line),
station(Stat2, Line),
Stat1 \= Stat2.
sorry for the unclear and no code propey posted, posting from phone :/

Prolog find minimum in list error

Im trying to make my code work, but somehow I got stuck on a problem, Im very newbie to prolog. This is my code.
dist(valmiera, riga, 107).
%dist(riga, valmiera, 107).
dist(cesis, riga, 70).
dist(valmiera, rujiena, 50).
dist(rujiena, valka, 30).
dist(valmiera, strenci, 200).
dist(strenci, valka, 30).
dist(valmiera, cesis, 40).
dist(liepaja, saldus, 100).
dist(saldus, riga, 200).
dist(liepaja, jelgava, 270).
dist(jelgava, riga, 50).
path(A,B,C,[A,B]):- dist(A,B,C).
path(A,B,D,[A|As]):- dist(A,W,C), path(W,B,E,As), D is C+E.
%, findMin(YList, E), path(A,B,X,E),!.
shortestPath(A,B,X,E):-findall(Y,path(A,B,S,Y),YList), findMin(YList, E), path(A,B,X,E),!.
findMin([H,V],E):-H<V, E=H,!; V<H, E=V, !; H=:=V, E=H, !.
findMin([H|T],E):-findMin(T,U), H<U, E=H,!;findMin(T,U), U<H, E=U,!;findMin(T,U), U=:=H, E=U,!.
but when I call findMin() I get this error
uncaught exception: error(type_error(evaluable,'.'/2),(<)/2)
I'm realy stuck and don't know what to do. Any help will be appreciated.
Applications purpose is get shortest path by calling shortestPath(), paths are in dist (a,b,distance)
The exception is because the terms you are trying to compare are lists.
[liepaja,saldus,riga]<[liepaja,jelgava,riga] ?
An expression:
Term1 < Term2
succeeds if
eval(Term1) < eval(Term2)
So, Term1 and Term2 have to be evaluable terms (e.g., (1+1)<(2+2)).
Try to change the shortestPath/4 body:
findMin(WP_List, couple(Weight,ShortestPath)),...
In this way you have a list of couple(Weight,Path) and in findMin you can get the Weight per Path.
