I want to extract two elements from response for this purpose Im using JSON path extractor in Jmeter. Right now I am extracting these two elements by using TWO extractor for each element.
Can i do the same by using only one extractor.I am attaching picture for reference Please let me know where I am wrong. As this is not working for me.
Use semicolon (;) to add one or more JSON Path expressions and Variable names and other applicable fields, in order to capture them in one JSON PATH Extractor.
From official docs:
Variable Names
Semi-colon separated names of variables that will contain the results
of JSON-PATH expressions (must match number of JSON-PATH expressions)
JSON Path Expressions
Semi-colon separated JSON-PATH expressions (must match number of
Similarly for Match Numbers and Default Values fields.
Image reference:
this works, but how can I ignore the quotation marks in the form of my token "token"
i don't want him to get the quotation marks
I would use Boundary Extractor
Put Left and Right Boundary as " and you will get the value
Allows the user to extract values from a server response using left and right boundaries. As a post-processor, this element will execute after each Sample request in its scope, testing the boundaries, extracting the requested values, generate the template string, and store the result into the given variable name
You need to provide the Template and specify the capturing group (in your case it will be 1)
More information:
JMeter: Regular Expressions
Using RegEx (Regular Expression Extractor) with JMeter
working in this way. maybe you will need it!
Problem Statement: in my API response, I am getting same set of xml tag repeated multiple times but with different values of the underlying tags which are also repeating across xml response. Also those two underlying values have mapping to each other. I need to extract all the mappings from response and write them to SQL. I am having trouble with extracting the mapping values from the API response.
I am trying to use regular expression extractor to fetch that repetitive main tag which hold those two values. Then I am trying to use for each loop on the output variable of regular expression extractor. And will then write respective values to target table for each of the iteration.
Following tag is repeating multiple times for each cycle. I need to fetch the two values present under <Value> tag for each of the <Object> tag. For example '{abc-def}' and 'D12345' in this case for this particular instance....and so on.
<Object classId="QueryResultRow"><Property i:type="fn40:SingletonId" propertyId="Id"><Value>{abc-def}</Value></Property><Property i:type="fn40:SingletonString" propertyId="DCN"><Value>D12345</Value></Property></Object>
I am unable to get the required two values from each of the tag while retaining the mapping. Also, I am not sure how to use only one of the generated variable from the output of regular expression as it's creating 4 types of variables for each target xml tag.
objVal=<Object classId="QueryResultRow"><Property i:type="fn40:SingletonId" propertyId="Id"><Value>{abc-def}</Value></Property><Property i:type="fn40:SingletonString" propertyId="DCN"><Value>D112345</Value></Property></Object>
objVal_g0=<Object classId="QueryResultRow"><Property i:type="fn40:SingletonId" propertyId="Id"><Value>{abc-def}</Value></Property><Property i:type="fn40:SingletonString" propertyId="DCN"><Value>D12345</Value></Property></Object>
objVal_g1=<Property i:type="fn40:SingletonId" propertyId="Id"><Value>{abc-def}</Value></Property><Property i:type="fn40:SingletonString" propertyId="DCN"><Value>D12345</Value></Property>
I would need to use only objVal from here and I am trying to use
Regular expression extractor
Flow of my Test
For Each loop to extract object tags
second for loop to extract two values out of extracted object tags
use of variable created in 4th step in my jdbc sampler
After you have xml in objVal variable,
Use XPath Extractor using JMeter variable Name to use your objVal variable
Use XPath query as /Object/Property/Value
And if Match No. is -1 you will get all values
allows the user to extract value(s) from structured response - XML or (X)HTML - using XPath query language
You can use the below regular expression to fetch the required values.
The values will be present in the below variables.
You can use a debug sampler to check the variables value.
Regular expression to fetch a single id from an array of values in Jmeter
some responses having multiple values under organization_ids and some responses will have a single value.
The current regular expression gets values as:
"org_ids": 1234
some responses:
When multiple values are present in the array need to get only one value.
Please guide which regular expression can give only one value from the above array.
You are grouping the entire array. You can group just the first hit:
So the group encloses a single ", then the largest possible non " match, then a single ". Or amending what you have:
So a non greedy search of everything between two ".
Your response seems utterly like JSON so parsing it using regular expressions is not the best idea, you can easily achieve the same using JSON Extractor
Add JSON Extractor as a child of the request which returns the above data
Configure it as follows:
Names of created variables: anything meaningful, i.e. org_id
JSON Path Expressions: $..org_ids[*]
Match No: 0
That's it, now you will have a random org_id available as ${org_id} JMeter Variable.
Jayway JsonPath
API Testing With JMeter and the JSON Extractor
In Jmeter, I can able to extract the value using regular expression extractor, but while parsing the value I need some changes in the value as below.
Suppose If I extract this value in regular expression extractor (single Value in multiple lines),
I Need to replace + by %2B, need to add %OD%OA at the end of each line and multiple lines to a single line as below.
I need to parse this as a single parameter value.
I think you can use __javaScript() function which allows calling arbitrary JavaScript code and inside JMeter __javaScript() funciton you can call EcmaScript EncodeURIComponent() function
It will automatically convert all newline characters \r\n to %OD%OA and + to %2B and in fact any character except alphanumeric and these ones:
_ . ! ~ * ' ( )
See Using JMeter Functions guide for comprehensive information on how to deal with the functions in JMeter
I want to capture the certain range of values using regular expression extractor in jmeter. Like "sessionid": "15F36C8A123D4483935062DDE73280CB\x2D0\x3A1",
In the above value I need to exclude the \x2D0\x3A1 and capture the value.
You will have to define two regular expression, assuming that x2 and x3 are good enough token to separate these two fields.
1st : x2([0-9A-Fa-f]+)
2nd : x3([0-9A-Fa-f]+)
Update: I misunderstood the original post and gave the solution to exclude the first part of the session id and extract the two values which seems like some range.