What is the difference between write and respond in prolog - prolog

Based on the code I've got, there is no explicit difference between those two procedures. I can use both of them to print things I want to.


Storing variables as a list in prolog

I've been searching around a bit for way to store variables as a list for future use in different methods. So say one method produces X, another method has one produces Y and so on, I don't know if there is a way to declare a list, append each variable to that list and than call it at the to output everything I've saved in it.
Hope this makes sense. Any help would be great, thanks
You can use assert/1 to store things, like
then you can just say
later to get X = 100
It sounds like what you want is to have each module call assert with a different predicate.
You can use lists also, but it will probably not be better in any way.
Addition: it is customary in this situation to use predicate names that are unlikely to be used in the interpreter, e.g. ones containing spaces, as in
assert('My Data from Module X'(100,200,300))

Run user-submitted code in Go

I am working on an application which allows users to compare the execution of different string comparison algorithms. In addition to several algorithms (including Boyer-Moore, KMP, and other "traditional" ones) that are included, I want to allow users to put in their own algorithms (these could be their own algorithms or modifications to the existing ones) to compare them.
Is there some way in Go to take code from the user (for example, from an HTML textarea) and execute it?
More specifically, I want the following characteristics:
I provide a method signature and they fill in whatever they want in the method.
A crash or a syntax error in their code should not cause my whole program to crash. It should instead allow me to catch the error and display an error message.
(In this case, I am not worried about security against malicious code because users will only be executing my program on their own machines, so security is their own responsibility.)
If it is not possible to do this natively with Go, I am open to embedding one of the following languages to use for the comparison functions (in order of preference): JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C. Is there any way to do any of those?
A clear No.
But you can do fancy stuff: Why not recompile the program including the user provided code?
Split the stuff into two: One driver which collects user code, recompiles the actual code, executes the actual code and reports the outcome.
Including other interpreters for other languages can be done, e.g. Otto is a Javascript interpreter. (C will be hard :-)
Have you considered doing something similar to the gopherjs playground? According to this, the compilation is being done client-side.

Complex RSpec Argument Testing

I have a method I want to test that is being called with a particular object. However, identifying this object is somewhat complex because I'm not interested in a particular instance of the object, but one that conforms to certain conditions.
For example, my code might be like:
some_complex_object = ComplexObject.generate(params)
And in my test I want to check that
test_complex_object = ComplexObject.generate(test_params)
But I definitely know that ComplexObject#== will return false when comparing some_complex_object and test_complex_object because that is desired behavior (elsewhere I rely on standard == behavior and so don't want to overload it for ComplexObject).
I would argue that it's a problem that I find myself needing to write a test such as this, and would prefer to restructure the code so that I don't need to write such a test, but that's unfortunately a much larger task that would require rewriting a lot of existing code and so is a longer term fix that I want to get to but can't do right now within time constraints.
Is there a way with Rspec to be able to do a more complex comparison between arguments in a test? Ideally I'd like something where I could use a block so I can write arbitrary comparison code.
See https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/v/2-7/docs/argument-matchers for information on how you can provide a block to do arbitrary analysis of the arguments passed to a method, as in:
expect(subject).to receive(:my_function) do |test_complex_object|
# code setting expectations on test_complex_object
You can also define a custom matcher which will let you evaluate objects to see if that satisfy the condition, as described in https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-expectations/v/2-3/docs/custom-matchers/define-matcher

How can I reuse a Prolog data structure?

I am writing a small program using Prolog. There is a data structure that I want to reuse, so I tried assigning it to a variable:
CitizenProfile = voter_profile(citizen,not_in_prison).
Then I used it like this:
state(alabama, [CitizenProfile]).
However, I am encountering this error when I compile my file from the console:
**[No permission to modify static_procedure `(=)/2'][1]**
I even tried declaring the equal sign dynamic, but that didn't solve anything. :(
:- dynamic (=)/2.
The reason for the error is that it looks to Prolog like you're trying to do this:
=(CitizenProfile, voter_profile(citizen,not_in_prison)).
This looks just like any other fact definition. =/2 could just as easily be foobar/2:
foobar(CitizenProfile, voter_profile(citizen,not_in_prison)).
Now, if we were in the middle of some rule body, this might be a legitimate way to establish a variable binding. Then everything would be culminating in this:
foo :- ...,
CitizenProfile = voter_profile(citizen,not_in_prison),
state(alabama, [CitizenProfile]).
That would be the same as saying this:
foo :- ...,
state(alabama, [voter_profile(citizen,not_in_prison)]).
If this expansion is what you're trying to accomplish, there is unfortunately no way to create shorthand in a fact database like this. You could, as #hardmath says, use assertz/1 to accomplish it, which would look like this:
make_database :-
CitizenProfile = voter_profile(citizen,not_in_prison),
assertz(state(alabama, [CitizenProfile])).
This would be kind of sketchy behavior though, because you're putting static information into the dynamic store. In my experience, one doesn't usually want to build up large structures in the database. It's usually cleaner and easier to build several relations and "join" across them in a relational manner. I'm not sure what all you're going to want here, so this is just a sketch, but this is kind of what I'd expect to see:
voter_profile(voter1, alabama, citizen, not_in_prison).
voter_profile(voter2, alabama, citizen, in_prison).
voter_profile(voter3, new_mexico, citizen, not_in_prison).
rather than what I presume you'd be building (eventually), which I picture more like this:
state(alabama, [voter_profile(citizen,not_in_prison), voter_profile(citizen, in_prison)]).
The temptation to create a bunch of lists is understandable, but Prolog's database can't really help you with processing them. You'll wind up resorting to a lot of member/2 and O(N) searching which will add up to pretty bad performance. By default, Prolog will index on the first argument, but each implementation defines some indexing declarations you can use to make it index the second or Nth arguments in addition or instead. You can then use bagof/3 or findall/3 to reconstitute the lists if you need all the results.
Probably what you want is to define a dynamic predicate voter_profile/2 and assertz new facts "dynamically" to be remembered by that predicate store (the clause database). I say "probably" because you haven't made it clear how a state (e.g. Alabama) should be related to a particular citizen profile.
See here for the SWI-Prolog builtin assertz/1 documentation and much more on database mechanisms of SWI-Prolog.

Using a for loop as a condition in an if statement

Is there a way to use a for loop as a condition? Something like this?
if((for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++){if(x == 2){return true;}return false;}) == true)
Another example
if(for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++) == 2)
I just wanted to know if it could be done. I expect that Blagovest Buyukliev and marzapower answers are accurate, based on my question. Thank you SO for you helpful responses.
That wouldn't make much sense, as C-ish loops are just execution control structures. There's no type that you can say loops in general have.
From your examples, what it looks to me like you are asking for is the ability to add simple inline functions without having to actually go somewhere else and write down a full function with its own name and whatnot. These are called lambdas.
If you are using C, I'd suggest just making small functions (perhaps even macros - ick) that build and return the type you want.
If you are using C++ there is some stuff in the standard libary in <algorithm> and <functional> you might be interested in. For your given example, I think find_if() would do what you are looking for. Generally that stuff is more of a PITA to use than it is worth though. You have to create a full-blown predicate object to do it, which is way more code and work than just creating your one-line function would have been in the first place.
Boost adds lambda support to C++, and the next standard is supposed to add it properly to the language.
Most functional languages support lambdas, but they generally don't use C syntax like this.
It will probably depend on the language you are writing your code. Generally the for loops do not return a value, unless you include them within an anonymous function also commonly known as lambda function.
In ruby you could accomplish something like that this way:
res = lambda {|array| for i in array do return true if i == 2 end }.call(0..4)
but in Java you will never be able to do such a thing easily without defining a new method.
Generally speaking procedural methods (like ruby, perl, python, lisp, etc.) will provide you with built-in methods for handling anonymous functions, while other languages like C, C++, Java, etc. do not have these characteristics.
By the way, it should be clear that a for loop is a construct in all the languages and not a function, so it should never return a value (like an integer or a boolean or whatever else) but only handle the flow of the code through the processor. Anonymous functions provide us with the ability of incapsulating simple control codes in an inline function.
No, since they are both statements. You need an expression into the if condition. Furthermore, the return statement returns the function in which it has been used.
Why would you do that anyway?
In most languages, no.
for is a statement, not an operator. Unlike operators, statements do not yield a result and cannot be nested into expressions. The condition of the if statement expects an expression that can be evaluated to a boolean value, not a statement.
In languages like Perl and Python you may want to look at the map operator.
This is not good style. Split it up. If you are trying for one-liners Java is the wrong language my friend.
