h2o sparkling water save frame to disk - h2o

I am trying to import a frame by creating a h2o frame from a spark parquet file.
The File is 2GB has about 12M rows and Sparse Vectors with 12k cols.
It is not that big in parquet format but the import takes forever.
In h2o it is actually reported as 447mb compressed size. Quite small actually.
Am I doing it wrong and when I actually finish importing (took 39min), Is there any form in h2o to save the frame to disk for a fast loading next time??
I understand h2o does some magic behind the scene which takes so long but I only found a download csv option which is slow and huge for a 11k x 1M sparse data and I doubt it is any faster to import.
I feel like there is a part missing. Any Info about h2o data import/export is appreciated.
Model save/load works great but train/val/test data loading seems an unreasonably slow procedure.
I got 10 sparkworkers with 10g each and gave the driver 8g. This should be plenty.

Use h2o.exportFile() (h2o.export_file() in Python), with the parts argument set to -1. The -1 effectively means that each machine in the cluster will export just its own data. In your case you'd end up with 10 files, and it should be 10 times quicker than otherwise.
To read them back in, use h2o.importFile() and specify all 10 parts when loading:
frame <- h2o.importFile(c(
) )
By giving an array of files, they will be loaded and parsed in parallel.
For a local LAN cluster it is recommended to be using HDFS for this. I've had reasonable results by keeping the files on S3 when running a cluster on EC2.

I suggest to export the dataframe from Spark into SVMLight file format (see MLUtils.saveAsLibSVMFile(...). This format can be then natively ingested by H2O.
As Darren pointed out you can export data from H2O in multiple parts which speeds up the export. However H2O currently only supports export to CSV files. This is sub-optimal for your use case of very sparse data. This functionality is accessible via the Java API:
water.fvec.Frame.export(yourFrame, "/target/directory", yourFrame.key.toString, true, -1 /* automatically determine number of part files */)


Solution to small files bottleneck in hdfs

I have hundreds of thousands of small csv files in hdfs. Before merging them into a single dataframe, I need to add an id to each file individually (or else in the merge it won't be possible to distinguish between data from different files).
Currently I am relying on yarn to distribute the processes that I create that add the id to each file and convert to parquet format. I find that no matter how I tune the cluster (in size/executor/memory) that the bandwidth is limited at 2000-3000 files/h.
for i in range(0,numBatches):
fileSlice = fileList[i*batchSize:((i+1)*batchSize)]
p = ThreadPool(numNodes)
logger.info('\n\n\n --------------- \n\n\n')
logger.info('Starting Batch : ' + str(i))
logger.info('\n\n\n --------------- \n\n\n')
p.map(lambda x: addIdCsv(x), fileSlice)
def addIdCsv(x):
fLogRaw = spark.read.option("header", "true").option('inferSchema', 'true').csv(filePath)
fLogRaw = fLogRaw.withColumn('id', F.lit(logId))
fLog.write.mode('overwrite').parquet(filePath + '_added')
You can see that my cluster is underperforming on CPU. But on the YARN manager it is given 100% access to resources.
What is the best was to solve this part of a data pipeline? What is the bottleneck?
Update 1
The jobs are evenly distributed as you can see in the event timeline visualization below.
As per #cricket_007 suggestion, Nifi provides a good easy solution to this problem which is more scalable and integrates better with other frameworks than plain python. The idea is to read the files into Nifi before writing to hdfs (in my case they are in S3). There is still an inherent bottleneck of reading/writing to S3 but has a throughput around 45k files/h.
The flow looks like this.
Most of the work is done in the ReplaceText processor that finds the end of line character '|' and adds the uuid and a newline.

Is it possible to write parquet statistics with pyarrow?

This option exists in Spark, and I saw that pyarrow's write_table() accepts **kwargs, but following up the .pyx, I couldn't trace it to stuff like min/max.
Is this supported, and if so, how is it achieved?
pyarrow already writes the min/max statistics for Parquet files by default. There is no option for that in pyarrow as the underlying parquet-cpp library writes them always. At the time of writing, only min and max are written. The other statistics can neither be provided nor are computed on-the-fly with parquet-cpp. When you require them, you should open an issue in (Py)Arrow's issue tracker and considering contributing the the missing code for that.

Save and Process huge amount of small files with spark

I'm new in big data! I have some questions about how to process and how to save large amount of small files(pdf and ppt/pptx) in spark, on EMR Clusters.
My goal is to save data(pdf and pptx) into HDFS(or in some type of datastore from cluster) then extract content from this file from spark and save it in elasticsearch or some relational database.
I had read the problem of small files when save data in HDFS. What is the best way to save large amount of pdf & pptx files (maxim size 100-120 MB)? I had read about Sequence Files and HAR(hadoop archive) but none of them I don't understand how exactly it's works and i don't figure out what is the best.
What is the best way to process this files? I understood that some solutions could be FileInputFormat or CombineFileInputFormat but again I don't know how exactly it's works. I know that can't run every small file on separated task because the cluster will be put in the bottleneck case.
If you use Object Stores (like S3) instead of HDFS then there is no need to apply any changes or conversions to your files and you can have them each as a single object or blob (this also means they are easily readable using standard tools and needn't be unpacked or reformatted with custom classes or code).
You can then read the files using python tools like boto (for s3) or if you are working with spark using the wholeTextFile or binaryFiles command and then making a BytesIO (python) / ByteArrayInputStream (java) to read them using standard libraries.
2) When processing the files, you have the distinction between items and partitions. If you have a 10000 files you can create 100 partitions containing 100 files each. Each file will need to anyways be processed one at a time since the header information is relevant and likely different for each file.
Meanwhile, I found some solutions for that small files problem in HDFS. I can use the following approaches:
HDFS Federation help us to distribute the load of namenodes: https://hortonworks.com/blog/an-introduction-to-hdfs-federation/
HBase could be also a good alternative if your files size is not too large.
There are practical limits to the size of values (e.g., storing 10-50MB objects in HBase would probably be too much to ask); search the mailing list for conversations on this topic. All rows in HBase conform to the Data Model, and that includes versioning. Take that into consideration when making your design, as well as block size for the ColumnFamily.
Apache Ozone which is object storage like S3 but is on-premises. At the time of writing, from what I know, Ozone is not production ready. https://hadoop.apache.org/ozone/

using pyspark, read/write 2D images on hadoop file system

I want to be able to read / write images on an hdfs file system and take advantage of the hdfs locality.
I have a collection of images where each image is composed of
2D arrays of uint16
basic additional information stored as an xml file.
I want to create an archive over hdfs file system, and use spark for analyzing the archive. Right now I am struggling over the best way to store the data over hdfs file system in order to be able to take full advantage of spark+hdfs structure.
From what I understand, the best way would be to create a sequenceFile wrapper. I have two questions :
Is creating a sequenceFile wrapper the best way ?
Does anybody have any pointer to examples I could use to start with ? I must not be first one that needs to read something different than text file on hdfs through spark !
I have found a solution that works : using the pyspark 1.2.0 binaryfile does the job. It is flagged as experimental, but I was able to read tiff images with a proper combination of openCV.
import cv2
import numpy as np
# build rdd and take one element for testing purpose
L = sc.binaryFiles('hdfs://localhost:9000/*.tif').take(1)
# convert to bytearray and then to np array
file_bytes = np.asarray(bytearray(L[0][1]), dtype=np.uint8)
# use opencv to decode the np bytes array
R = cv2.imdecode(file_bytes,1)
Note the help of pyspark :
binaryFiles(path, minPartitions=None)
:: Experimental
Read a directory of binary files from HDFS, a local file system (available on all nodes), or any Hadoop-supported file system URI as a byte array. Each file is read as a single record and returned in a key-value pair, where the key is the path of each file, the value is the content of each file.
Note: Small files are preferred, large file is also allowable, but may cause bad performance.

Spark/Hadoop throws exception for large LZO files

I'm running an EMR Spark job on some LZO-compressed log-files stored in S3. There are several logfiles stored in the same folder, e.g.:
In the spark-shell I'm running a job that counts the lines in the files. If I count the lines individually for each file, there is no problem, e.g. like this:
// Works fine
If I use a wild-card to load all the files with a one-liner, I get two kinds of exceptions.
// One-liner throws exceptions
The exceptions are:
java.lang.InternalError: lzo1x_decompress_safe returned: -6
at com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoDecompressor.decompressBytesDirect(Native Method)
java.io.IOException: Compressed length 1362309683 exceeds max block size 67108864 (probably corrupt file)
at com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzopInputStream.getCompressedData(LzopInputStream.java:291)
It seems to me that the solution is hinted by the text given with the last exception, but I don't know how to proceed. Is there a limit to how big LZO files are allowed to be, or what is the issue?
My question is: Can I run Spark queries that load all LZO-compressed files in an S3 folder, without getting I/O related exceptions?
There are 66 files of roughly 200MB per file.
The exception only occurs when running Spark with Hadoop2 core libs (ami 3.1.0). When running with Hadoop1 core libs (ami 2.4.5), things work fine. Both cases were tested with Spark 1.0.1.
kgeyti's answer works fine, but:
LzoTextInputFormat introduces a performance hit, since it checks for an .index file for each LZO file. This can be especially painful with many LZO files on S3 (I've experienced up to several minutes delay, caused by thousands of requests to S3).
If you know up front that your LZO files are not splittable, a more performant solution is to create a custom, non-splittable input format:
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.TextInputFormat
class NonSplittableTextInputFormat extends TextInputFormat {
override def isSplitable(context: JobContext, file: Path): Boolean = false
and read the files like this:
I haven't run into this specific issue myself, but it looks like .textFile expects files to be splittable, much like the Cedrik's problem of Hive insisting on using CombineFileInputFormat
You could either index your lzo files, or try using the LzoTextInputFormat - I'd be interested to hear if that works better on EMR:
.map(_._2.toString) // if you just want a RDD[String] without writing a new InputFormat
yesterday we deployed Hive on a EMR cluster and had the same problem with some LZO files in S3 which have been taken without any problem by another non EMR cluster. After some digging in the logs I noticed, that the map tasks read the S3 files in 250MB chunks, although the files are definitely not splittable.
It turned out that the paramter mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize was set to 250000000 ~ 250MB. That resulted in LZO opening a stream from within a file and a ultimately a corrupt LZO block.
I set the parameter mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize=2000000000 bigger as the maximum file size of our input data and everything works now.
I'm not exactly sure how that correlates to Spark exactly, but changing the InputFormat might help, which seems like the problem in first place, as it has been mentioned in How Amazon EMR Hive Differs from Apache Hive.
