What's the best practice to synchronise channels and wait groups? - go

What's the best practice to synchronise wait groups and channels? I want to handle messages and block on a loop, and it appears that delegating the closing of the channel to another go routine seems to be a weird solution?
func Crawl(url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher) {
ch := make(chan string)
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
go crawlTask(&waitGroup, ch, url, depth, fetcher)
go func() {
for message := range ch {
// I want to handle the messages here
func crawlTask(waitGroup *sync.WaitGroup, ch chan string, url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
if depth <= 0 {
body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
if err != nil {
ch <- err.Error()
ch <- fmt.Sprintf("found: %s %q\n", url, body)
for _, u := range urls {
go crawlTask(waitGroup, ch, u, depth-1, fetcher)
func main() {
Crawl("http://golang.org/", 4, fetcher)
// truncated from https://tour.golang.org/concurrency/10 webCrawler

As an alternative to using a waitgroup and extra goroutine, you can use a separate channel for ending goroutines.
This is (also) idiomatic in Go. It involves blocking using a select control group.
So you'd have to make a new channel, typically with an empty struct as it's value (eg closeChan := make(chan struct{}) which, when closed (close(closeChan)) would end the goroutine itself.
Instead of ranging over a chan, you can use a select to block until either fed data or closed.
The code in Crawl could look something like this:
for { // instead of ranging over a to-be closed chan
select {
case message := <-ch:
// handle message
case <-closeChan:
break // exit goroutine, can use return instead
And then in crawlTask, you could close the closeChan (passed in as another parameter, like ch when you return (I figure that's when you want the other goroutine to end, and stop handling messages?)
if depth <= 0 {

Using a separate 'closer' go-routine prevents a deadlock.
If the wait/close operation were in the main go-routine before the for-range loop, it would never end, because all of the 'worker' go-routines would block in the absence of a receiver on the channel. And if it were placed in the main go-routine after the for-range loop, it would be unreachable, because the loop would block with no-one to close the channel.
This explanation was borrowed from 'The Go Programming Language' book (8.5 Looping in parallel).


Why is this golang script giving me a deadlock ? + a few questions

I got this code from someone on github and I am trying to play around with it to understand concurrency.
package main
import (
var wg sync.WaitGroup
func sad(url string) string {
fmt.Printf("gonna sleep a bit\n")
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
return url + " added stuff"
func main() {
sc := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
urls := make(chan string)
results := make(chan string)
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for url := range urls {
n := sad(url)
results <- n
for sc.Scan() {
url := sc.Text()
urls <- url
for result := range results {
fmt.Printf("%s arrived\n", result)
I have a few questions:
Why does this code give me a deadlock?
How does that for loop exist before the operation of taking in input from user does the go routines wait until anything is passes in the urls channel then start doing work? I don't get this because it's not sequential, like why is taking in input from user then putting every input in the urls channel then running the go routines is considered wrong?
Inside the for loop I have another loop which is iterating over the urls channel, does each go routine deal with exactly one line of input? or does one go routine handle multiple lines at once? how does any of this work?
Am i gathering the output correctly here?
Mostly you're doing things correctly, but have things a little out of order. The for sc.Scan() loop will continue until Scanner is done, and the for result := range results loop will never run, thus no go routine ('main' in this case) will be able to receive from results. When running your example, I started the for result := range results loop before for sc.Scan() and also in its own go routine--otherwise for sc.Scan() will never be reached.
go func() {
for result := range results {
fmt.Printf("%s arrived\n", result)
for sc.Scan() {
url := sc.Text()
urls <- url
Also, because you run wg.Wait() before close(urls), the main goroutine is left blocked waiting for the 20 sad() go routines to finish. But they can't finish until close(urls) is called. So just close that channel before waiting for the waitgroup.
The for-loop creates 20 goroutines, all waiting input from the urls channel. When someone writes into this channel, one of the goroutines will pick it up and work on in. This is a typical worker-pool implementation.
Then, then scanner reads input line by line, and sends it to the urls channel, where one of the goroutines will pick it up and write the response to the results channel. At this point, there are no other goroutines reading from the results channel, so this will block.
As the scanner reads URLs, all other goroutines will pick them up and block. So if the scanner reads more than 20 URLs, it will deadlock because all goroutines will be waiting for a reader.
If there are fewer than 20 URLs, the scanner for-loop will end, and the results will be read. However that will eventually deadlock as well, because the for-loop will terminate when the channel is closed, and there is no one there to close the channel.
To fix this, first, close the urls channel right after you finish reading. That will release all the for-loops in the goroutines. Then you should put the for-loop reading from the results channel into a goroutine, so you can call wg.Wait while results are being processed. After wg.Wait, you can close the results channel.
This does not guarantee that all items in the results channel will be read. The program may terminate before all messages are processed, so use a third channel which you close at the end of the goroutine that reads from the results channel. That is:
done:=make(chan struct{})
go func() {
defer close(done)
for result := range results {
fmt.Printf("%s arrived\n", result)
I am not super happy with previous answers, so here is a solution based on the documented behavior in the go tour, the go doc, the specifications.
package main
import (
var wg sync.WaitGroup
func sad(url string) string {
fmt.Printf("gonna sleep a bit\n")
time.Sleep(2 * time.Millisecond)
return url + " added stuff"
func main() {
// sc := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
sc := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(strings.Repeat("blah blah\n", 15)))
urls := make(chan string)
results := make(chan string)
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for url := range urls {
n := sad(url)
results <- n
// results is consumed by so many goroutines
// we must wait for them to finish before closing results
// but we dont want to block here, so put that into a routine.
go func() {
go func() {
for sc.Scan() {
url := sc.Text()
urls <- url
close(urls) // done consuming a channel, close it, right away.
for result := range results {
fmt.Printf("%s arrived\n", result)
} // the program will finish when it gets out of this loop.
// It will get out of this loop because you have made sure the results channel is closed.

How to parallelize a recursive function

I am trying to parallelize a recursive problem in Go, and I am unsure what the best way to do this is.
I have a recursive function, which works like this:
func recFunc(input string) (result []string) {
for subInput := range getSubInputs(input) {
subOutput := recFunc(subInput)
result = result.append(result, subOutput...)
result = result.append(result, getOutput(input)...)
func main() {
output := recFunc("some_input")
So the function calls itself N times (where N is 0 at some level), generates its own output and returns everything in a list.
Now I want to make this function run in parallel. But I am unsure what the cleanest way to do this is. My Idea:
Have a "result" channel, to which all function calls send their result.
Collect the results in the main function.
Have a wait group, which determines when all results are collected.
The Problem: I need to wait for the wait group and collect all results in parallel. I can start a separate go function for this, but how do I ever quit this separate go function?
func recFunc(input string) (result []string, outputChannel chan []string, waitGroup &sync.WaitGroup) {
defer waitGroup.Done()
for subInput := range getSubInputs(input) {
go recFunc(subInput)
outputChannel <-getOutput(input)
func main() {
outputChannel := make(chan []string)
waitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
go recFunc("some_input", outputChannel, &waitGroup)
result := []string{}
go func() {
nextResult := <- outputChannel
result = append(result, nextResult ...)
Maybe there is a better way to do this? Or how can I ensure the anonymous go function, that collects the results, is quited when done?
recursive algorithms should have bounded limits on expensive resources (network connections, goroutines, stack space etc.)
cancelation should be supported - to ensure expensive operations can be cleaned up quickly if a result is no longer needed
branch traversal should support error reporting; this allows errors to bubble up the stack & partial results to be returned without the entire recursion traversal to fail.
For asychronous results - whether using recursions or not - use of channels is recommended. Also, for long running jobs with many goroutines, provide a method for cancelation (context.Context) to aid with clean-up.
Since recursion can lead to exponential consumption of resources it's important to put limits in place (see bounded parallelism).
Below is a design patten I use a lot for asynchronous tasks:
always support taking a context.Context for cancelation
number of workers needed for the task
return a chan of results & a chan error (will only return one error or nil)
var (
workers = 10
ctx = context.TODO() // use request context here - otherwise context.Background()
input = "abc"
resultC, errC := recJob(ctx, workers, input) // returns results & `error` channels
// asynchronous results - so read that channel first in the event of partial results ...
for r := range resultC {
// ... then check for any errors
if err := <-errC; err != nil {
Since recursion quickly scales horizontally, one needs a consistent way to fill the finite list of workers with work but also ensure when workers are freed up, that they quickly pick up work from other (over-worked) workers.
Rather than create a manager layer, employ a cooperative peer system of workers:
each worker shares a single inputs channel
before recursing on inputs (subIinputs) check if any other workers are idle
if so, delegate to that worker
if not, current worker continues recursing that branch
With this algorithm, the finite count of workers quickly become saturated with work. Any workers which finish early with their branch - will quickly be delegated a sub-branch from another worker. Eventually all workers will run out of sub-branches, at which point all workers will be idled (blocked) and the recursion task can finish up.
Some careful coordination is needed to achieve this. Allowing the workers to write to the input channel helps with this peer coordination via delegation. A "recursion depth" WaitGroup is used to track when all branches have been exhausted across all workers.
(To include context support and error chaining - I updated your getSubInputs function to take a ctx and return an optional error):
func recFunc(ctx context.Context, input string, in chan string, out chan<- string, rwg *sync.WaitGroup) error {
defer rwg.Done() // decrement recursion count when a depth of recursion has completed
subInputs, err := getSubInputs(ctx, input)
if err != nil {
return err
for subInput := range subInputs {
rwg.Add(1) // about to recurse (or delegate recursion)
select {
case in <- subInput:
// delegated - to another goroutine
case <-ctx.Done():
// context canceled...
// but first we need to undo the earlier `rwg.Add(1)`
// as this work item was never delegated or handled by this worker
return ctx.Err()
// noone available to delegate - so this worker will need to recurse this item themselves
err = recFunc(ctx, subInput, in, out, rwg)
if err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// always check context when doing anything potentially blocking (in this case writing to `out`)
// context canceled
return ctx.Err()
case out <- subInput:
return nil
Connecting the Pieces:
recJob creates:
input & output channels - shared by all workers
"recursion" WaitGroup detects when all workers are idle
"output" channel can then safely be closed
error channel for all workers
kicks-off recursion workload by writing initial input to input channel
func recJob(ctx context.Context, workers int, input string) (resultsC <-chan string, errC <-chan error) {
// RW channels
out := make(chan string)
eC := make(chan error, 1)
// R-only channels returned to caller
resultsC, errC = out, eC
// create workers + waitgroup logic
go func() {
var err error // error that will be returned to call via error channel
defer func() {
eC <- err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
in := make(chan string) // input channel: shared by all workers (to read from and also to write to when they need to delegate)
workerErrC := createWorkers(ctx, workers, in, out, &wg)
// get the ball rolling, pass input job to one of the workers
// Note: must be done *after* workers are created - otherwise deadlock
in <- input
errCount := 0
// wait for all worker error codes to return
for err2 := range workerErrC {
if err2 != nil {
log.Println("worker error:", err2)
// all workers have completed
if errCount > 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("PARTIAL RESULT: %d of %d workers encountered errors", errCount, workers)
log.Printf("All %d workers have FINISHED\n", workers)
Finally, create the workers:
func createWorkers(ctx context.Context, workers int, in chan string, out chan<- string, rwg *sync.WaitGroup) (errC <-chan error) {
eC := make(chan error) // RW-version
errC = eC // RO-version (returned to caller)
// track the completeness of the workers - so we know when to wrap up
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
i := i
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
var err error
// ensure the current worker's return code gets returned
// via the common workers' error-channel
defer func() {
if err != nil {
log.Printf("worker #%3d ERRORED: %s\n", i+1, err)
} else {
log.Printf("worker #%3d FINISHED.\n", i+1)
eC <- err
log.Printf("worker #%3d STARTED successfully\n", i+1)
// worker scans for input
for input := range in {
err = recFunc(ctx, input, in, out, rwg)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("worker #%3d recurseManagers ERROR: %s\n", i+1, err)
go func() {
rwg.Wait() // wait for all recursion to finish
close(in) // safe to close input channel as all workers are blocked (i.e. no new inputs)
wg.Wait() // now wait for all workers to return
close(eC) // finally, signal to caller we're truly done by closing workers' error-channel
I can start a separate go function for this, but how do I ever quit this separate go function?
You can range over the output channel in the separate go-routine. The go-routine, in that case, will exit safely, when the channel is closed
go func() {
for nextResult := range outputChannel {
result = append(result, nextResult ...)
So, now the thing that we need to take care of is that the channel is closed after all the go-routines spawned as part of the recursive function call have successfully existed
For that, you can use a shared waitgroup across all the go-routines and wait on that waitgroup in your main function, as you are already doing. Once the wait is over, close the outputChannel, so that the other go-routine also exits safely
func recFunc(input string, outputChannel chan, wg &sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for subInput := range getSubInputs(input) {
go recFunc(subInput)
outputChannel <-getOutput(input)
func main() {
outputChannel := make(chan []string)
waitGroup := sync.WaitGroup{}
go recFunc("some_input", outputChannel, &waitGroup)
result := []string{}
go func() {
for nextResult := range outputChannel {
result = append(result, nextResult ...)
PS: If you want to have bounded parallelism to limit the exponential growth, check this out

Attempting to use channels for synchronization causes deadlocks

so I'm new to the language and I know that the usual way of waiting for multiple workers to finish is by using a WaitGroup. However, I'm not sure why my code below that uses channels for this purpose is causing a deadlock. The simplified version is as follows:
func Crawl(url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher, done chan bool) {
body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
// do something with fetched data...
// create a separate channel to wait for all workers to finish
done_2 := make (chan bool)
// create workers
for _, u := range urls {
go Crawl(u, depth - 1, fetcher, done_2)
// wait for all workers to write to the channel, which indicates their completion
for i := 0; i < len (urls); i++ {
fmt.Printf ("On URL %v, iteration %v\n", url, i)
<- done_2
// indicate the completion of the current worker
done <- true
func main() {
done := make (chan bool)
go Crawl("https://golang.org/", 4, fetcher, done)
<- done
The program gives the desired output, but instead of exiting after that, it enters into a deadlock.

How to exit from main thread

func GoCountColumns(in chan []string, r chan Result, quit chan int) {
for {
select {
case data := <-in:
r <- countColumns(data) // some calculation function
case <-quit:
return // stop goroutine
func main() {
fmt.Println("Welcome to the csv Calculator")
file_path := os.Args[1]
fd, _ := os.Open(file_path)
reader := csv.NewReader(bufio.NewReader(fd))
var totalColumnsCount int64 = 0
var totallettersCount int64 = 0
linesCount := 0
numWorkers := 10000
rc := make(chan Result, numWorkers)
in := make(chan []string, numWorkers)
quit := make(chan int)
t1 := time.Now()
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
go GoCountColumns(in, rc, quit)
//start worksers
go func() {
for {
record, err := reader.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
if linesCount%1000000 == 0 {
fmt.Println("Adding to the channel")
in <- record
//data := countColumns(record)
//totalColumnsCount = totalColumnsCount + data.ColumnCount
//totallettersCount = totallettersCount + data.LettersCount
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
quit <- 1 // quit goroutines from main
for i := 0; i < linesCount; i++ {
data := <-rc
totalColumnsCount = totalColumnsCount + data.ColumnCount
totallettersCount = totallettersCount + data.LettersCount
fmt.Printf("I counted %d lines\n", linesCount)
fmt.Printf("I counted %d columns\n", totalColumnsCount)
fmt.Printf("I counted %d letters\n", totallettersCount)
elapsed := time.Now().Sub(t1)
fmt.Printf("It took %f seconds\n", elapsed.Seconds())
My Hello World is a program that reads a csv file and passes it to a channel. Then the goroutines should consume from this channel.
My Problem is I have no idea how to detect from the main thread that all data was processed and I can exit my program.
on top of other answers.
Take (great) care that closing a channel should happen on the write call site, not the read call site. In GoCountColumns the r channel being written, the responsibility to close the channel are onto GoCountColumns function. Technical reasons are, it is the only actor knowing for sure that the channel will not being written anymore and thus is safe for close.
func GoCountColumns(in chan []string, r chan Result, quit chan int) {
defer close(r) // this line.
for {
select {
case data := <-in:
r <- countColumns(data) // some calculation function
case <-quit:
return // stop goroutine
The function parameters naming convention, if i might say, is to have the destination as first parameter, the source as second, and others parameters along. The GoCountColumns is preferably written:
func GoCountColumns(dst chan Result, src chan []string, quit chan int) {
defer close(dst)
for {
select {
case data := <-src:
dst <- countColumns(data) // some calculation function
case <-quit:
return // stop goroutine
You are calling quit right after the process started. Its illogical. This quit command is a force exit sequence, it should be called once an exit signal is detected, to force exit the current processing in best state possible, possibly all broken. In other words, you should be relying on the signal.Notify package to capture exit events, and notify your workers to quit. see https://golang.org/pkg/os/signal/#example_Notify
To write better parallel code, list at first the routines you need to manage the program lifetime, identify those you need to block onto to ensure the program has finished before exiting.
In your code, exists read, map. To ensure complete processing, the program main function must ensure that it captures a signal when map exits before exiting itself. Notice that the read function does not matter.
Then, you will also need the code required to capture an exit event from user input.
Overall, it appears we need to block onto two events to manage lifetime. Schematically,
func main(){
go read()
go map(mapDone)
go signal()
select {
case <-mapDone:
case <-sig:
This simple code is good to process or die. Indeed, when the user event is caught, the program exits immediately, without giving a chance to others routines to do something required upon stop.
To improve those behaviors, you need first a way to signal the program wants to leave to other routines, second, a way to wait for those routines to finish their stop sequence before leaving.
To signal exit event, or cancellation, you can make use of a context.Context, pass it around to the workers, make them listen to it.
Again, schematically,
func main(){
ctx,cancel := context.WithCancel(context.WithBackground())
go read(ctx)
go map(ctx,mapDone)
go signal()
select {
case <-mapDone:
case <-sig:
(more onto read and map later)
To wait for completion, many things are possible, for as long as they are thread safe. Usually, a sync.WaitGroup is being used. Or, in cases like yours where there is only one routine to wait for, we can re use the current mapDone channel.
func main(){
ctx,cancel := context.WithCancel(context.WithBackground())
go read(ctx)
go map(ctx,mapDone)
go signal()
select {
case <-mapDone:
case <-sig:
That is simple and straight forward. But it is not totally correct. The last mapDone chan might block forever and make the program unstoppable. So you might implement a second signal handler, or a timeout.
Schematically, the timeout solution is
func main(){
ctx,cancel := context.WithCancel(context.WithBackground())
go read(ctx)
go map(ctx,mapDone)
go signal()
select {
case <-mapDone:
case <-sig:
select {
case <-mapDone:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
You might also accumulate a signal handling and a timeout in the last select.
Finally, there are few things to tell about read and map context listening.
Starting with map, the implementation requires to read for context.Done channel regularly to detect cancellation.
It is the easy part, it requires to only update the select statement.
func GoCountColumns(ctx context.Context, dst chan Result, src chan []string) {
defer close(dst)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
<-time.After(time.Minute) // do something more useful.
return // quit. Notice the defer will be called.
case data := <-src:
dst <- countColumns(data) // some calculation function
Now the read part is bit more tricky as it is an IO it does not provide a selectable programming interface and listening to the context channel cancellation might seem contradictory. It is. As IOs are blocking, impossible to listen the context. And while reading from the context channel, impossible to read the IO. In your case, the solution requires to understand that your read loop is not relevant to your program lifetime (recall we only listen onto mapDone?), and that we can just ignore the context.
In other cases, if for example you wanted to restart at last byte read (so at every read, we increment an n, counting bytes, and we want to save that value upon stop). Then, a new routine is required to be started, and thus, multiple routines are to wait for completion. In such cases a sync.WaitGroup will be more appropriate.
func main(){
var wg sync.WaitGroup
processDone:=make(chan struct{})
ctx,cancel := context.WithCancel(context.WithBackground())
go read(ctx)
go saveN(ctx,&wg)
go map(ctx,&wg)
go signal()
go func(){
select {
case <-processDone:
case <-sig:
select {
case <-processDone:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
In this last code, the waitgroup is being passed around. Routines are responsible to call for wg.Done(), when all routines are done, the processDone channel is closed, to signal the select.
func GoCountColumns(ctx context.Context, dst chan Result, src chan []string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
defer close(dst)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
<-time.After(time.Minute) // do something more useful.
return // quit. Notice the defer will be called.
case data := <-src:
dst <- countColumns(data) // some calculation function
It is undecided which patterns is preferred, but you might also see waitgroup being managed at call sites only.
func main(){
var wg sync.WaitGroup
processDone:=make(chan struct{})
ctx,cancel := context.WithCancel(context.WithBackground())
go read(ctx)
go func(){
defer wg.Done()
go func(){
defer wg.Done()
go signal()
go func(){
select {
case <-processDone:
case <-sig:
select {
case <-processDone:
case <-time.After(time.Second):
Beyond all of that and OP questions, you must always evaluate upfront the pertinence of parallel processing for a given task. There is no unique recipe, practice and measure your code performances. see pprof.
There is way too much going on in this code. You should restructure your code into short functions that serve specific purposes to make it possible for someone to help you out easily (and help yourself as well).
You should read the following Go article, which goes into concurrency patterns:
There are multiple ways to make one go-routine wait on some other work to finish. The most common ways are with wait groups (example I have provided) or channels.
func processSomething(...) {
func main() {
workers := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ {
workers.Add(1) // you want to call this from the calling go-routine and before spawning the worker go-routine
go func() {
defer workers.Done() // you want to call this from the worker go-routine when the work is done (NOTE the defer, which ensures it is called no matter what)
processSomething(....) // your async processing
// this will block until all workers have finished their work
You can use a channel to block main until completion of a goroutine.
package main
import (
func main() {
c := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
// This blocks until the channel is closed by the routine
No need to write anything into the channel. Reading is blocked until data is read or, which we use here, the channel is closed.

A channel is closed but all goroutines are asleep - deadlock

Yes it looks like one of the most duplicated questions on StackOverflow but please take a few minutes for the question.
func _Crawl(url string, fetcher Fetcher, ch chan []string) {
if store.Read(url) == true {
} else {
body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("not found: %s\n", url)
fmt.Printf("found: %s %q\n", url, body)
ch <- urls
func Crawl(url string, fetcher Fetcher) {
UrlChannel := make(chan []string, 4)
go _Crawl(url, fetcher, UrlChannel)
for urls, ok := <- UrlChannel; ok; urls, ok = <- UrlChannel{
for _, i := range urls {
go _Crawl(i, fetcher, UrlChannel)
close(UrlChannel) //The channel is closed.
func main() {
Crawl("http://golang.org/", fetcher)
I'm closing the channel after the loop ended. The program returns correct results but raises the error at the end:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
goroutine 1 [chan receive]:
main.Crawl(0x113a2f, 0x12, 0x1800d0, 0x10432220)
/tmp/sandbox854979773/main.go:55 +0x220
/tmp/sandbox854979773/main.go:61 +0x60
What is wrong with my goroutines?
Well after a first look, you can do a shorter for just using range like:
for urls := range UrlChannel { ... }
it will iterate until the channel is closed and it looks much better.
Also you have an early return in the first if of your function _Crawl(), so if that first condition is true the function will end and nothing will passed to the channel, so the code what is receiving from that channel will wait forever.
Other thing, inside your second for your're creating goroutines for each url, but you're not waiting for them and actually those goroutines will try to send something to a closed channel. It seems that this is not happening because in this case the code will panic, you can use a WaitGroup for this.
In resume you've a code with several possible dead lock conditions.
||| Super Edit |||:
I should write you that your code is a kinda messy and the solution may be a simple WaitGroup, but I was afraid of make you feel bad 'cause I found too many issues, but if you really want to learn how to write concurrent code you should think first in a code or pseudo-code without concurrency at all and then try to add the magic.
In your case what I see is a recursive solution since the url are fetched from a HTML document in form of tree, would be something like a DFS:
func crawl(url string, fetcher Fetcher) {
// if we've visited this url just stop the recursion
if store.Read(url) == true {
body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("not found: %s\n", url)
return // early return if there's no urls there's no reason to continue
fmt.Printf("found: %s %q\n", url, body)
// this part will change !!
// ...
for _, url := range urls {
crawl(url, fetcher)
func main() {
crawl("http://golang.org", fetcher)
now the second step identify concurrent code, easy in this case since each url can be fetched concurrently (sometimes in parallel), all we have to add is a WaitGroup and create a goroutine for each url, now just have to update only the for to fetch urls (it's only the for block):
// this code will be in the comment: "this part will change !!"
// this var is just a thread-safe counter
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// set the WaitGroup counter with the len of urls slice
for _, url := range urls {
// it's very important pass the url as a parameter
// because the var url changes for each loop (url := range)
go func(u string) {
// Decrement the counter (-1) when the goroutine completes
defer wg.Done()
crawl(u, fetcher)
wg.Wait() // wait for all your goroutines
// ...
Future considerations, maybe you want to control the number of goroutines (or workers) for that you have to use something like Fan In or Fan Out, you can find more here:
But don't be afraid of create thousands of goroutines in Go they're very cheap
Note: I haven't compiled the code, maybe has a little bug somewhere :)
Both solutions described above and range loop through a channel have the same issue. The issue is that a loop will be ended after a channel be closed but a channel be closed after the loop be ended. So we need to know when to close the opened channel. I believe we need to count started jobs (goroutines). But in this case I just lost a counter variable. Since it is a Tour exercise it shouldn't be complicated.
func _Crawl(url string, fetcher Fetcher, ch chan []string) {
if store.Read(url) == false {
body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("not found: %s\n", url)
} else {
fmt.Printf("found: %s %q\n", url, body)
ch <- urls
func Crawl(url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher) {
UrlChannel := make(chan []string, 4)
go _Crawl(url, fetcher, UrlChannel)
for urls := range UrlChannel {
for _, url := range urls {
go _Crawl(url, fetcher, UrlChannel)
if depth < 0 {
