Group totals in d3/dc.js data table - dc.js

I have a data table made with dc.js that groups data on month and shows daily data from various suppliers. I would like to include a monthly total within the table, in the row of the month group.
Is this possible? Here's the definition of my table:
.group(function (d) {
return formatDateMonth(parseDate(;
label : 'Date',
format : function(d) {
return formatDateDay(parseDate(
}, {
label : 'Supplier',
format : function (d) {
return d.Supplier;
}, {
label : 'Volume',
format : function (d) {
And the fiddle:

It's not something that's built into dc.js, but you can add it with a postprocessing step.
Here's one way:
var colspan = null;
.on('pretransition', function (table) {
var grouprow = table.selectAll('tr.dc-table-group').classed('info', true);
// fetch previous colspan only once
if(colspan === null) {
colspan ='td').attr('colspan') - 1;
// reduce colspan of group label by 1
.attr('colspan', colspan);
// for each row, join td's to a single-element array
// containing the sum. this is a trick to only create a child element once
var sum = grouprow.selectAll('td.sum').data(function(d) {
return [ {
}).reduce(function(a, b) {
return a+b;
sum.enter().append('td').attr('class', 'sum');
sum.text(function(d) { return d; });
First we select the existing group label rows. We need to reduce the colspan of the existing tds (and any that get created later) by one. (But we should only calculate the colspan once, or they would keep getting smaller.)
Then we can add another td for the sum. This uses a trick where you selectAll an element that doesn't exist, and join to an array of size one. The result is that the element will get created if it doesn't exist, but won't get added if it's already there.
The sum is just map-to-value and then reduce with +.
Finally we set the value of the td.sum, whether or not it is new.
Fork of your fiddle:


Merge selection with groups

I've worked out a consistent pattern for using the new selection merge which is brilliant for reusable charts where data and/or scales may change.
I've also been using the key function successfully.
However, I seem to get a problem when entering and appending a group with multiple elements. The data is successfully updated in the group but not the appended elements.
I've got round it by adding a fix (see below) but I'm sure it is something really obvious that needs to be changed to resolve it.
Any thoughts?
//define data group
var my_group = svg.selectAll(".data_group")
//enter new groups
var enter = my_group.enter()
//append items to group
enter.append("text").attr("class","group_item group_text")
enter.append("circle").attr("class","group_item group_circle");
//merge and remove
//fix added to reset changing data for bars.
d3.selectAll(".group_item").each(function(d){[0][0].__data__ =[0][0].parentElement.__data__;
.... add properties to text - ie x,y,fill,text-anchor,text
.... add properties to circle - ie cx,cy,fill,stroke,radius
There is absolutely no need for selecting the parent group, getting its data and rebinding it to the child elements, as the code in your question and the other answer do. This is bending over backwards. Also, do not delete/re-append elements, as suggested, which is not an idiomatic D3 approach.
The thing is simple: the new data is there for the children elements in the "enter" selection. You just need to use the parent's selection (with select()) to propagate them.
Here is a basic demo, using (most of) your code. The code generates from 1 to 5 data objects, with a random property called someProperty. You'll see that, using your each(), only the children elements in the "enter" selection are changed:
var svg ="svg");
d3.interval(function() {
var data = d3.range(1 + ~~(Math.random() * 4)).map(function(d) {
return {
id: "id" + d,
"someProperty": ~~(Math.random() * 100)
}, 2000);
function update(my_data) {
var my_group = svg.selectAll(".data_group")
.data(my_data, function(d) {
var enter = my_group.enter()
.attr("class", "data_group");
enter.append("text").attr("class", "group_item group_text")
enter.append("circle").attr("class", "group_item group_circle");
my_group = my_group.merge(enter);
d3.selectAll(".group_text").each(function(d) {
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important;}
<script src=""></script>
Now, if we use your parent's selection...".group_text").each(function(d) {
... you'll see that all properties are updated:
var svg ="svg");
d3.interval(function() {
var data = d3.range(1 + ~~(Math.random() * 4)).map(function(d) {
return {
id: "id" + d,
"someProperty": ~~(Math.random() * 100)
}, 2000);
function update(my_data) {
var my_group = svg.selectAll(".data_group")
.data(my_data, function(d) {
var enter = my_group.enter()
.attr("class", "data_group");
enter.append("text").attr("class", "group_item group_text")
enter.append("circle").attr("class", "group_item group_circle");
my_group = my_group.merge(enter);
console.log("---")".group_text").each(function(d) {
<script src=""></script>
Finally, in your now deleted answer you're using my_group.selectAll(). The problem is that selectAll() does not propagate the data.
Have a look at this table I made:
selects the first element that matches the selector string
selects all elements that match the selector string
Does not affect grouping
Affects grouping
Data propagation
Propagates data
Doesn't propagate data
Pay attention to the propagates data versus doesn't propagate data.
The more d3 way of copying the data bound to the parent g elements
No need to add the fix
.datum(function () { return; } )
// .... add properties to text - ie x,y,fill,text-anchor,text
.datum(function () { return; } )
// .... add properties to circle - ie cx,cy,fill,stroke,radius

How to wrap a group with a top method

I have a map display and would like to total all electoral votes of the states that have been selected and display it in a number display. I was given the advice in a previous thread to wrap my group with an object with a top method. I'm not sure how to do this, so far I have:
var stateDim4 = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return d.state; }),
group = {return d.elecVote }),
count =;
Please could someone help me on how to do this?
Previous Thread: Summing a column and displaying percentage in a number chart
Building on your previous example, here is a fake group with a top method that sums up all the electoral votes for the selected states.
var fakeGroup = {
top: function() {
return [,b) {
if(b.value > 0) {
a.value += elecVotesMap.get(b.key)
return a
}, {
key: "",
value: 0
Here is a working JSFiddle:
There are a bunch of other fake group examples in the dc.js FAQ, but I don't think any of them do exactly what you want here.

Using Custom reduce function with Fake Groups

I have line chart where I need to show frequency of order executions over the course of a day. These orders are grouped by time interval, for example every hour, using custom reduce functions. There could be an hour interval when there were no order executions, but I need to show that as a zero point on the line. I create a 'fake group' containing all the bins with a zero count...and the initial load of the page is correct.
However the line chart is one of 11 charts on the page, and needs to be updated when filters are applied to other charts. When I filter on another chart, the effects on this particular frequency line chart are incorrect. The dimension and the 'fake group' are used for the dc.chart.
I put console.log messages in the reduceRemove function and can see that there is something wrong...but not sure why.
Any thoughts on where I could be going wrong.
FrequencyVsTimeDimension = crossfilterData.dimension(function (d) { return d.execution_datetime; });
FrequencyVsTimeGroup =;
function (p, d) { //reduceAdd
if (d.execution_datetime in p.order_list) {
p.order_list[d.execution_datetime] += 1;
else {
p.order_list[d.execution_datetime] = 1;
if (d.execution_type !== FILL) p.order_count++;
return p;
function (p, d) { //reduceRemove
if (d.execution_type !== FILL) p.order_count--;
if (p.order_list[d.execution_datetime] === 0) {
delete p.order_list[d.execution_datetime];
return p;
function () { //reduceInitial
return { order_list: {}, order_count: 0 };
var FrequencyVsTimeFakeGroup = ensure_group_bins(FrequencyVsTimeGroup, interval); // function that returns bins for all the intervals, even those without data.

Filtering crossfilter dimension using dropdown

I am trying to filter my row chart by selecting values in a dropdown.
I do this by creating a dimension and applying a filter to that dimension based on selected values in the dropdown.
The row chart has to display average values, to do this I created ReduceAdd/Remove/Initial functions.
The average values are working as intended.
However, when I filter my dimension used for the dropdown, it seems to add duplicate values to my row chart.
Example code:
var dropDownFilterDimension;
function ReduceAdd(p, v) {
var value = v.value;
p.totalAvg += value;
return p;
function ReduceRemove(p, v) {
var value = v.value
p.totalAvg -= value;
return p;
function ReduceInitial() {
return {countAvg: 0, totalAvg: 0};
function filterDropdown(dropDownID){
dropDown = document.getElementById(dropDownID);
values = $(dropDown).val();
if( values != null ){
dropDownFilterDimension.filter(function(d) { if (values.indexOf(d) > -1) {return d;} });
Here for example, when "banana" is selected for filtering. ReduceRemove is called for all non selected values, but in addition ReduceAdd is called for banana (even though it is already in it).
So now when after selecting banana, apple is selected. Banana still has some value.
Can someone explain why this is happening? Or how i can avoid this from happening?
Thanks in advance!
I don't have fully understand what you are doing also because the jsfddle doesn't show nothing more than the js.
I can tell how I do:
you have a dimension associated to a dc chart (ex chartDim)
you have a group that calculate the average associated to a dc chart (ex averageGroup)
you have a dropdown with a set of values to be use as filter (#myDropDown)'#myDropDown')
.on('change', function(){
the call of dc.redrawAll() will update not only the chart but also the averageGroup and everything should go fine. If the dropDown has is own dimension just filter this one instead of the chartDim

Append Circles to 1 Line in a D3 Multi-Line chart

I have a multi-line chart representing 8 different series of values, for a given date:
I have managed to filter out series1 and append circles for each data-point for series1 only, using:
var filtered = city
return == "series1"
function(d){return d.values}
cx: function(d,i){
return x(
cy: function(d,i){
return y(d.pindex)
r: 5
However I am trying to append 4 circles to my series1 line, one for each of the following values only:
min value in series1,
max value in series1,
1st value in series1,
last value in series1.
I approached this problem by looking at the "filtered" array and I tried using something like this to catch the min & max values to start with:
.attr("visibility", function(d) {
if (d.pindex == d3.max(filtered, function(d) { return d.pindex; })) {return "visible"}
if (d.pindex == d3.min(filtered, function(d) { return d.pindex; })) {return "visible"}
else { return "hidden" }
But I'm somehow getting muddled up by the fact that the data I need is in an object within the filtered array. I know that filtered should look like this:
name: "series1",
values: [{date: "2005-01-01",
pindex: "100"},
{date: "2005-02-01"
pindex: "100.4"}, ...etc for all data points i.e. dates
So I tried something like this:
d.pindex == d3.max(filtered, function(d) { return d.values.pindex; })
but I'm still getting a bit lost. Does anyone have any ideas?
In general, you probably want to filter your data rather than DOM elements. So instead of using city.filter you might use cities.filter to get the data array you're interested in. More importantly, you probably want to filter the data passed to the new circle selection, rather than creating all circles and then selectively showing or hiding them. I might try:
var points = d.values;
// create the array of desired points, starting with the easy ones
var circleData = [
// first
// last
points[points.length - 1]
// now find min and max
function getValue(d) { return d.pindex; }
// d3.max returns the max value, *not* the object that contains it
var maxVal = d3.max(points, getValue);
// Note that you might have multiple points with the max. If you
// don't want them all, just take maxPoints[0]
var maxPoints = points.filter(function(d) { return d.pindex === maxVal; });
// same for min
var minVal = d3.min(points, getValue);
var minPoints = points.filter(function(d) { return d.pindex === minVal; });
// stick them all together
return circleData.concat(maxPoints).concat(minPoints);
// etc
Key points:
Filter your data, not your DOM. It's less expensive processing, easier to debug, and generally much easier to get your head around.
d3.min and d3.max don't return the object with the max value, they return the value itself, hence your TypeError.
