Where does PuTTY and VT100 start row and column? - putty

I'm trying to figure out how the PuTTY terminal numbers its rows and columns.
Does it start from 0,0 or 1,1?
I'm using VT100 to set the cursor and it's important to send the right count.
I want to force the cursor location like this: ESC[1,0f and I expect it to set the cursor on the second row (starting from zero) and the first column.

The separator is semicolon (;), not comma (,).
VT100 escape sequences number starting at 1;1 and generally will interpret a zero as a missing parameter, which makes that 1 as well.
Some terminal emulators may do unexpected things with an explicit zero, most handle missing parameters, e.g., \033[1f means the same as \033[1;f


What is the "0G" terminal sequence

I have come across a lot of bash PS1 prompts like this export PS1="\[\033[0G\]${PS_INFO} ${PS_GIT}${PS_TIME}\n${RESET}\$ "
For some reason, virtualenv name printing was messing up in my terminal and was fine after I removed the [\033[0G\] from the beginning.
But what is the purpose of [\033[0G\]? Do I need it?
That's CHA:
CSI Ps G Cursor Character Absolute [column] (default = [row,1]) (CHA).
and moves the cursor to the first column of the current line. A 0 is redundant (and happens to be treated identically with 1 for numbers like this).
Whether you need it or not depends on what else might be on the line. Someone used that to make certain that the prompt begins in a known position.

Space characters inside the ESC[ (0x1b/0x5b) sequence invalidate the sequence?

I can not find information about what should be done to spaces within ESC sequence. Example: position cursor
is a valid ESC sequence, but is the one including spaces like
ESC[ 10; 20H
valid too? The point is that while ESC character is a control character with code 0x1b, text following it is human and machine readable text, and in general spaces should not harm the meaning of ESC sequence, thus I would just remove all the spaces found within ESC sequence.
Lots of article on the internet talking what ESC sequence is and what they may consist of (however there're only just few good and really informative ones), but none of them clarify this matter.
I found this one, and it says
Since ASCII control functions do not follow a structured syntax, the notation used to describe function sequences and parameters is important to avoid confusion. Escape sequences are shown with a space between each character to make them easier to read. These spaces are not part of the Escape sequence.
While it says that space char separates characters for readability, they do not say if keeping space invalidates the ESC sequence.
Is there any related RFC for it? I hope it unambiguously defines this case.
Update: thanks Thomas to pointing to space char being one of the ESC sequence operators. So now it is clear that [ should follow ESC character, and space is not allowed between them.
But what is about following arguments? As in the example above, spaces in row and column coordinates ESC[SP10;SP20H makes sequence invalid and I must stop processing it starting displaying space character instead?
Update1: I did small test using Windows telnet application. Logged into the remote server, and that server responds with ESC sequence. The result is:
ESC[2;5H positions properly row 2 column 5
ESC[ 2; 5H displays "2; 5H" in current cursor position
ESC[2 ; 5H displays "; 5H" in current cursor position
So basing on the empirical findings I suspect spaces are NOT allowed, and space char invalidates/cancels the sequence.
ECMA-48's the place to look (if you want an RFC). Look for mention of 02/00 (the way it represents the hexadecimal 0x20 for space).
For what it's worth, there are DEC control sequences (VT220 and up) with an embedded space, e.g., the ones marked with SP:
Controls beginning with ESC
This excludes controls where ESC is part of a 7-bit equivalent to 8-bit
C1 controls, ordered by the final character(s).
ESC SP F 7-bit controls (S7C1T), VT220.
ESC SP G 8-bit controls (S8C1T), VT220.
ESC SP L Set ANSI conformance level 1 (dpANS X3.134.1).
ESC SP M Set ANSI conformance level 2 (dpANS X3.134.1).
ESC SP N Set ANSI conformance level 3 (dpANS X3.134.1).
In your examples, the whitespace is just for readability, and non-printing characters such as ASCII escape (decimal 27, hexadecimal 01xb) are shown by a name such as ESC.

How can I make my terminal prompt extend the width of the terminal?

I noticed in this video, that the terminal prompt extends the entire width of the terminal before breaking down to a new line. How can I set my PS1 variable to fill the remaining terminal space with some character, like the way this user did?
The issue is, I don't know how to update the PS1 variable per command. It seems to me, that the string value for PS1 is only read in once just as the .bashrc file is only read in once. Do I have to write some kind of hook after each command or something?
I should also point out, that the PS1 variable will be evaluated to a different length based on the escape characters that make up it. For example, \w print the path.
I know I can get the terminal width using $(COLUMNS), and the width of the current PS1 variable with ${#PS1}, do the math, and print the right amount of buffer characters, but how do I get it to update everytime. Is there a preferred way?
Let's suppose you want your prompt to look something like this:
left text----------------------------------------------------------right text
This is pretty straight-forward provided that right text has a known size. (For example, it might be the current date and time.) What we do is to print the right number of dashes (or, for utf-8 terminals, the prettier \u2500), followed by right text, then a carriage return (\r, not a newline) and the left text, which will overwrite the dashes. The only tricky bit is "the right number of dashes", but we can use $(tput cols) to see how wide the terminal is, and fortunately bash will command-expand PS1. So, for example:
PS1='\[$(printf "%*s" $(($(tput cols)-20)) "" | sed "s/ /-/g") \d \t\r\u#\h:\w \]\n\$ '
Here, $(($(tput cols)-20)) is the width of the terminal minus 20, which is based on \d \t being exactly 20 characters wide (including the initial space).
PS1 does not understand utf-8 escapes (\uxxxx), and inserting the appropriate substitution into the sed command involves an annoying embedded quote issue, although it's possible. However, printf does understand utf-8 escapes, so it is easier to produce the sequence of dashes in a different way:
PS1='\[$(printf "\\u2500%.0s" $(seq 21 $(tput cols))) \d \t\r\u#\h:\w \]\n\$ '
Yet another way to do this involves turning off the terminal's autowrap, which is possible if you are using xterm or a terminal emulator which implements the same control codes (or the linux console itself). To disable autowrap, output the sequence ESC[?7l. To turn it back on, use ESC[?7h. With autowrap disabled, once output reaches the end of a line, the last character will just get overwritten with the next character instead of starting a new line. With this technique, it's not really necessary to compute the exact length of the dash sequence; we just need a string of dashes which is longer than any console will be wide, say the following:
DASHES="$(printf '\u2500%0.s' {1..1000})"
PS1='\[\e[?7l\u#\h:\w $DASHES \e[19D \d \t\e[?7h\]\n\$ '
Here, \e[19D is the terminal-emulator code for "move cursor backwards 19 characters". I could have used $(tput cub 19) instead. (There might be a tput parameter for turning autowrap on and off, but I don't know what it would be.)
The example in the video also involves inserting a right-aligned string in the actual command line. I don't know any clean way of doing this with bash; the console in the video is almost certainly using zsh with the RPROMPT feature. Of course, you can output right-aligned prompts in bash, using the same technique as above, but readline won't know anything about them, so as soon as you do something to edit the line, the right prompt will vanish.
Use PROMPT_COMMAND to reset the value of PS1 before each command.
set_prompt () {
Although some system script (or you yourself) may already use PROMPT_COMMAND for something, in which case you can simply add to it.

Easiest way to react on cursor keys (arrows) in interactive shell script

I'd like to write a shell script which shall be interactive and react on the use of cursor keys. My current approach seems a little complicated. I would determine the escape sequence for the cursor keys using tput kcud1 etc. and then use read -s -n 1 a to read byte-by-byte, append the byte to a collected string, and then compare the collected string to the determined escape sequences. If one matches, then I can react.
This is problematic because I've got no idea where an escape sequence ends. For instance, tput kcud1 (down arrow) here returns "\eOB". I would use a timeout in order to ignore unknown escape sequences (and probably start over if an escape character arrives). This all doesn't look nice to me.
Isn't there a simpler way of reacting on arrow key usage in a shell script?

How to escape unicode characters in bash prompt correctly

I have a specific method for my bash prompt, let's say it looks like this:
CHAR="༇ "
prompt=\" \[\$CHAR\]\"
echo -e \$prompt"
PS1="\$(${my_function}) \$ "
To explain the above, I'm builidng my bash prompt by executing a function stored in a string, which was a decision made as the result of this question. Let's pretend like it works fine, because it does, except when unicode characters get involved
I am trying to find the proper way to escape a unicode character, because right now it messes with the bash line length. An easy way to test if it's broken is to type a long command, execute it, press CTRL-R and type to find it, and then pressing CTRL-A CTRL-E to jump to the beginning / end of the line. If the text gets garbled then it's not working.
I have tried several things to properly escape the unicode character in the function string, but nothing seems to be working.
Special characters like this work:
COLOR_BLUE=$(tput sgr0 && tput setaf 6)
prompt="\\[\$COLOR_BLUE\\] \"
echo -e \$prompt"
Which is the main reason I made the prompt a function string. That escape sequence does NOT mess with the line length, it's just the unicode character.
The \[...\] sequence says to ignore this part of the string completely, which is useful when your prompt contains a zero-length sequence, such as a control sequence which changes the text color or the title bar, say. But in this case, you are printing a character, so the length of it is not zero. Perhaps you could work around this by, say, using a no-op escape sequence to fool Bash into calculating the correct line length, but it sounds like that way lies madness.
The correct solution would be for the line length calculations in Bash to correctly grok UTF-8 (or whichever Unicode encoding it is that you are using). Uhm, have you tried without the \[...\] sequence?
Edit: The following implements the solution I propose in the comments below. The cursor position is saved, then two spaces are printed, outside of \[...\], then the cursor position is restored, and the Unicode character is printed on top of the two spaces. This assumes a fixed font width, with double width for the Unicode character.
PS1='\['"`tput sc`"'\] \['"`tput rc`"'༇ \] \$ '
At least in the OSX Terminal, Bash 3.2.17(1)-release, this passes cursory [sic] testing.
In the interest of transparency and legibility, I have ignored the requirement to have the prompt's functionality inside a function, and the color coding; this just changes the prompt to the character, space, dollar prompt, space. Adapt to suit your somewhat more complex needs.
#tripleee wins it, posting the final solution here because it's a pain to post code in comments:
prompt=\" \\[`tput sc`\\] \\[`tput rc`\\]\\[\$CHAR\\] \"
echo -e \$prompt"
PS1="\$(${my_function}) \$ "
The trick as pointed out in #tripleee's link is the use of the commands tput sc and tput rc which save and then restore the cursor position. The code is effectively saving the cursor position, printing two spaces for width, restoring the cursor position to before the spaces, then printing the special character so that the width of the line is from the two spaces, not the character.
(Not the answer to your problem, but some pointers and general experience related to your issue.)
I see the behaviour you describe about cmd-line editing (Ctrl-R, ... Cntrl-A Ctrl-E ...) all the time, even without unicode chars.
At one work-site, I spent the time to figure out the diff between the terminals interpretation of the TERM setting VS the TERM definition used by the OS (well, stty I suppose).
NOW, when I have this problem, I escape out of my current attempt to edit the line, bring the line up again, and then immediately go to the 'vi' mode, which opens the vi editor. (press just the 'v' char, right?). All the ease of use of a full-fledged session of vi; why go with less ;-)?
Looking again at your problem description, when you say
prompt=\" \[\$CHAR\]\"
echo -e \$prompt"
That is just a string definition, right? and I'm assuming your simplifying the problem definition by assuming this is the output of your my_function. It seems very likely in the steps of creating the function definition, calling the function AND using the values returned are a lot of opportunities for shell-quoting to not work the way you want it to.
If you edit your question to include the my_function definition, and its complete use (reducing your function to just what is causing the problem), it may be easier for others to help with this too. Finally, do you use set -vx regularly? It can help show how/wnen/what of variable expansions, you may find something there.
Failing all of those, look at Orielly termcap & terminfo. You may need to look at the man page for your local systems stty and related cmds AND you may do well to look for user groups specific to you Linux system (I'm assuming you use a Linux variant).
I hope this helps.
