Disable services state remembering at Windows 10 - windows

I have WMware installed. But I don't use it often so I open Services, stop all WMware services and set start type for them as manual. So after restart windows all this services are stopped. When I need WMvare I just go to services and start them. This approach worked fine untill I upgraded to Windows 10. At Win 10 after restarting system MWware services works if they was working before restart. If I stop services before restart they will not work after restart. So I think Win10 somehow remember last service state and restore it after restart. This is not about WMware services only. Other services behaves the same way. So my question is there some way disable remembering last service state after restart at Windows 10?

Startup Type" for Service
Automatic - With a service in this state, it will start at boot time. Some services, when no longer required, will also automatically stop when not needed. If you find you do not need a service, place it into Manual or Disabled.
Automatic (Delayed Start) - With a service in this state, it will start just after boot time. Some services, when no longer required, will also automatically stop when not needed. If you find you do not need a service, place it into Manual or Disabled.
Automatic (Delayed Start, Trigger Start) - With a service in this state, it will start just after boot when specifically called.
Manual (Trigger Start) - This is a version of Manual mode that allows Windows to start a service when specifically called and Microsoft’s answer to “too many services running all the time”.
Manual - Manual mode allows Windows to start a service when needed. However, very few services will start up when required in Manual mode. If you find you need a service, place it into Automatic.
Disabled - This setting will stop a service from starting, even if needed. Errors in the Event Viewer will show up complaining of that fact. Some services, while Disabled, will constantly complain. However, this situation is taken care of if placed in Manual. The service descriptions identifies those that should be in Manual vice Disabled.


Stop RavenDB Service running when I don't need it

I've installed the RavenDB Service on my machine. I find it's quite memory hungry and it's on a computer i use for a lot more than developing on RavenDB, so I don't really want it running all the time (I don't want it starting the service on startup).
My current approach is to run msconfig.exe and disable the service. I will then re enable it when I need RavenDB, which (annoyingly) requires a restart. I don't see RavenDB in startup tasks, so disabling it there doesn't seem to be an option.
This question may turn out to be a simple windows service type question (if so, sorry, I should have posted this on superuser), but it may be the case that more adept configuration of RavenDB is called for.
Just like any other service, you can use the services management console to start, stop, and configure startup preferences.
Run services.msc or search for "Services" from your start screen.
You can use:
Raven.Server.exe /start
Raven.Server.exe /stop
Alternatively, run it in console mode, rather than in service mode.

How to tell a Windows service to restart or reload its configuration?

I have a GUI application that is used to configure a windows service and I want to start, stop or restart this service from thing GUI application.
One of the problems is that this service can run in two modes: windows service or manually from command line (so you have a console).
Now, I am looking for a way to communicate this, a way that would work in both cases.
It may be helpfull to specify that the service process already has and even handler that is dealing with:
It would be quite easy to extend the handler if I knew what event will be triggered by the service restart option. Still, I should be able to trigger the same event from my GUI application so I will be able to tell the "server" to restart itself even if it is running in background.
The best is would be if I could do this without having to detect in which mode the server application is running.
There are Service Trigger Events that your service can listen for, and then your GUI can send an event. In particular, you want to register for an SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE_CUSTOM trigger, which causes your service to listen for an ETW event; your GUI code would then write the ETW event to trigger the event.
There is no service restart action. All you would do is stop the service normally, then start the service normally afterwards. That is all the SCM restart does internally, it is just exposed as a single operation in the SCM UI instead of as two separate options.

Stopped service does not release its resources?

I'm trying to deploy a patch to a service I created and replace the service file.
For that reason I need to stop the service so the file will be released.
I'm using sc \\remote stop svcname, then I query the service using sc \\remote query svcname until I see that it's state is STOPPED.
At this point the service file should be unlocked, and to be on the safe side I also delete the service using sc \\remote delete svcname.
Still, it doesn't seem to release the file and any deletion or change attempt fails.
I know one solution might be polling the file repeatedly, but I want to avoid this method.
Any suggestions?
Windows don't ensure the process providing the service terminates when the service is stopped (the process may provide more than one service). It just considers the service stopped when it handles the message sent to it.
So if the service process has a bug and does not properly release resources, they may still be locked. I would probably wait a little and than simply terminate the process.
There is also a tool from Microsoft called handle.exe (this is command-line version, they also have a GUI-one) that can list which processes hold the file open. It should be possible to get the same information programmatically, but I am not sure of the exact calls to make (and you need administrator privileges; you have to give them to the tool too). That way you can check whether the file is open, by which process and wait for it to terminate or force-terminate it if you didn't know which one it is.

How do I start WebSphere 6.x admin service without starting my apps?

How do I start WebSphere 6.x admin service without starting my apps? Does anyone know how to do this (if its even possible)?
Since my app takes about 5+ minutes to start, I am hoping I can start the admin first , then login to the GUI and then manually start my app from the GUI. Another reason I want to do this is because the .ear update/upgrade process goes much faster if the app is turned off first and then I update the code and then I restart the app. If I try to update on the fly it seems to take much longer.
Change the default start up properties for the application to "Stopped".
The default is to start the applications as part of server start up.
Enterprise Applications --> Target Specific Application Status --> Disable Auto Start
I am assuming that you are a stand alone set up. If you are on ND environment, administration is essentially performed using the deployment manager and your application servers need not run for the activities to be performed.

When do windows xp services get started?

When a machine reboots, do all the services which are run under the accounts (system/service/network service) get run before a user logs on?
Services have a "start type" defined per-service, those types are boot, system, auto, demand, disabled. Services also have dependencies on each other, defined in the registry.
Services with boot and system start type are started during the time period when only NT Native binaries can run (the Win32 API is not yet ready). For example, these services include such as csrss.exe which provides some of the Win32 API.
Once Win32 has been initialized, the services with start type automatic are started. During this time, the service which allows the user to log in runs -- this displays the login prompt and does allow the user to log in.
In every case, if the service being start depends on other services, then the other services will be started in advance.
So, yes, it is possible for users to log in prior to the execution of a service. However, if the login service were to depend on your service... Better, though, if you detect that your service has started. Considering using a named global event with CreateEvent() api. Your service creates the event, your application awaits the event before calling the service. Also, your app can use the ServiceControl API to start the service only when in use.
The windows "Services.msc" management plug-in hides the boot and system services. To learn more about these startup types, refer to this API documentation: MSDN: ChangeServiceConfig Function .
Yes, using (by default) a built-in Windows account. In Services (run services.msc) there is a "Log On As" column that tells you the user that the service logs in as.
I do not think so. This should be asynchronous. If you are fast enough to log on, some of the services will still be coming up. This does not include "system" services
