How to add a hexadecimal watch in CLion? - debugging

I need to add a watch in hexadecimal format in CLion.
ltoa(variable, 16) doesn't work, at least, on my system.
In Java/Python, I can have a workaround: write a custom toString()/__str__ for my class and have it displayed the way I need. gdb has p/x. How do I do it in CLion?
Edit: ltoa(variable, 16) works if I define ltoa in my code, as it's not always present in standard library.

set output-radix 16
You can set this as a default option in a file called .gdbinit, which you can put in your home directory, or the working directory from which you start GDB (project root, for instance).

They added hex view as an experimental feature: Hexadecimal view
To enable:
Invoke the Maintenance popup: press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+/, or call Help | Find Action and search for Maintenance. Choose Experimental features.
Select the cidr.debugger.value.numberFormatting.hex checkbox
Go to Settings / Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Data Views | C/C++ and set the checkbox Show hex values for numbers. Choose to have hexadecimal values displayed instead or alongside the original values.
Now the hexadecimal formatting is shown both in the Variables pane of the Debug tool window and in the editor's inline variables view.

...after refining the formulation, I see it.
I wrote my own char *lltoa(long long value, int radix) function. I can use it in watches now.
Update: in the respective feature request, Chris White found a workaround on OS X with lldb:
I decided to do a bit more digging and found a way to set lldb on OS X
to force HEX output for unsigned char data types:
​type format add –format hex "unsigned char"
If you want to make this setting persistent you can also create a
.lldbinit file and add this command to it. Once you do this CLion
will display this data type in HEX format.
This makes ALL the variables of this type display in hex.
Update 2: My first workaround is pretty dirty, here's a better one.
You can assign formats to more specific types. The debugger keeps track of type inheritance. So, adding a hex format to uint8_t will not affect unsigned char. You can fine-tune the displays.
You can assign formats to structs also. Here's an example from my .lldbinit:
type format add --format dec int32_t
type summary add --summary-string "addr=${var.address} depth=${var.depth}" Position


Reading and writing Windows "tags" with Python 3

In Windows image files can be tagged. These tags can be viewed and edited by right clicking on a file, clicking over to the Details tab, then clicking on the Tags property value cell.
I want to be able to read and write these tags using Python 3.
This is not EXIF data so EXIF solutions won't work. I believe it's part of the Windows Property System, but I can't find a reference in Dev Center. I looked into win32com.propsys and couldn't see anything in there either.
I wrote a program that does this once before, but I've since lost it, so I know it's possible. Previously I did it without pywin32, but any solution would be great. I think I used windll, but I can't remember.
Here is some sample code that's using the IPropertyStore interface through propsys:
import pythoncom
from win32com.propsys import propsys
from import shellcon
# get PROPERTYKEY for "System.Keywords"
pk = propsys.PSGetPropertyKeyFromName("System.Keywords")
# get property store for a given shell item (here a file)
ps = propsys.SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName("c:\\path\\myfile.jpg", None, shellcon.GPS_READWRITE, propsys.IID_IPropertyStore)
# read & print existing (or not) property value, System.Keywords type is an array of string
keywords = ps.GetValue(pk).GetValue()
# build an array of string type PROPVARIANT
newValue = propsys.PROPVARIANTType(["hello", "world"], pythoncom.VT_VECTOR | pythoncom.VT_BSTR)
# write property
ps.SetValue(pk, newValue)
This code is pretty generic for any Windows property.
I'm using System.Keywords because that's what corresponds to jpeg's "tags" property that you see in the property sheet.
And the code works for jpeg and other formats for reading (GetValue) properties, but not all Windows codecs support property writing (SetValue), to it doesn't work for writing extended properties back to a .png for example.

Get the file type of a file using the Windows API

I am trying to identify when a file is PNG or JPG to apply it as a wallpaper. I am using the SHGetFileInfo to get the type name with the .szTypeName variable, but I just realized that it changes if the OS is in another language.
This is my code:
UINT sizeFile = sizeof(fileInfo);
// Getting file info to find out if it has JPG or PNG format
SHGetFileInfoW(argv[1], 0, &fileInfo, sizeFile, Flags);
This is how I am validating:
if (wcscmp(fileInfo.szTypeName, L"JPG File") == 0)
//Code here
When the OS is in spanish, the value changes to "Archivo JPG" so I would have to validate against all language, and does not make sense.
Any idea what other function I can use?
This API is meant to be used to produce a user-facing string representation for known file types1). It is not meant to be used to implement code logic.
More importantly, it doesn't try to parse the file contents. It works off of the file extension alone. If you rename an Excel workbook MySpreadsheet.xlsx to MySpreadsheet.png, it will happily report, that this is a "PNG File".
The solution to your problem is simple: You don't have to do anything, other than filtering on the file extension. Use PathFindExtension (or PathCchFindExtension for Windows 8 and above) to get the file extension from a fully qualified path name.
This can fail, in case the user appended the wrong file extension. Arguably, this isn't something your application should fix, though.
As an aside, you pass SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES to SHGetFileInfoW but decided to not pass any file attributes (second argument) to the call. This is a bug. See What does SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES mean? for details.
1) It is the moral equivalent of SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME. The only thing you can do with display names is display them.

Convert AnsiString to UnicodeString in Lazarus with FreePascal

I found similar topics here but none of them had the solution to my question, so I am asking it in a new thread.
Couple of days ago, I changed the format the preferences of an application I am developing is saved, from INI to JSON.
I use the jsonConf unit for this.
A sample of the code I use to save a key-value pair in the file would be like below.
Procedure TMyClass.SaveSettings();
c: TJSONConfig;
c:= TJSONConfig.Create(nil);
c.Filename:= m_settingsFilePath;
c.SetValue('/Systems/CustomName', m_customName);
In my code, m_customName is an AnsiString type variable. TJSONConfig.SetValue procedure requires the key and value both to be of UnicodeString type. The application compiles fine, but I get warnings such
Warning: Implicit strung type conversion from "AnsiString" to "UnicodeString".
Some messages warn saying there is a potential data loss.
Of course I can go and change everything to UnicodeString type but this is too risky. I have't seen any issues so far by ignoring these warnings, but they show up all the time and it might cause issues on a different PC.
How do I fix this?
To avoid the warning do an explicit conversion because this way you tell the compiler that you know what you are doing (I hope...). In case of c.SetValue the expected type is a Unicodestring (UTF16), m_customname should be declared as a string unless there is good reason to do differently (see below), otherwise you may trigger unwanted internal conversions.
A string in Lazarus is UTF8-encoded, by default. Therefore, you can use the function UTF8Decode() for the conversion from UTF8 to Unicode, or UTF8ToUTF16() (unit LazUtf8).
c: TJSONConfig;
m_customName: String;
c.SetValue('/Systems/CustomName', UTF8Decode(m_customName));
You say above that the key-value pairs are in a file. Then the conversion depends on the encoding of the file. Normally I open the file in a good text editor and find the encoding somewhere - NotePad++, for example, displays the name of the encoding in the right corner of the statusbar. Suppose the encoding is that of codepage 1252 (Latin-1). These are ansistrings, therefore, you can declare the strings read from the file as ansistring. Because UTF8 strings are so common in Lazarus there is no direct conversion from ansistring to Unicode, and you must convert to UTF8 first. In the unit lconvencoding you find many conversion routines between various encodings. Select CP1252toUTF8() to go to UTF8, and then apply UTF8Decode() to finally get Unicode.
c: TJSONConfig;
m_customName: ansistring;
c.SetValue('/Systems/CustomName', UTF8Decode(CP1252ToUTF8(m_customName)));
The FreePascal compiler 3.0 can handle many of these conversions automatically using strings with predefined encodings. But I think explicit conversions are very clear to see what is happening. And fpc3.0 still emits the warnings which you want to avoid...

Predefined Windows icons: Unicode

I am assigning to the lpszIcon member of the MSGBOXPARAMSW structure(notice the W). I want to use one of the predefined icons like IDI_APPLICATION or IDI_WARNING but they are all ASCII (defined as MAKEINTRESOURCE). I tried doing this:
MSGBOXPARAMSW mbp = { 0 };
mbp.lpszIcon = (LPCWSTR) IDI_ERROR;
but then no icon displayed at all. So how can I use the unicode versions of the IDI_ icons?
There is no ANSI or Unicode variant of a numeric resource ID. The code that you use to set lpszIcon is correct. It is idiomatic to use the MAKEINTRESOURCE macro rather than a cast, but the cast has identical meaning. Your problem lies in the other code, the code that we cannot see.
Reading between the lines, I think that you are targeting ANSI or MBCS. You tried to use MAKEINTRESOURCE but that expands to MAKEINTRESOURCEA. That's what led you to cast. You should have used MAKEINTRESOURCEW to match MSGBOXPARAMSW. That would have resolved the compilation error you encountered. You could equally have changed the project to target UNICODE.
But none of that explains why the icon does not appear in the dialog. There has to be a problem elsewhere. If the dialog appears then the most likely explanation is that you have set hInstance to a value other than NULL. But the code to set lpszIcon is correct, albeit not idiomatic.

Xcode 3.2 Debug: Seeing whats in an array?

Whilst debugging in Xcode_3.1.2 I am pretty sure I could see the contents of my NSString arrays. However after upgrading to 3.2 I only see the following ...
I know I can print the object in (gdb) using "po planetArray" or simply click in the debugger and "print description to console" I am just curious, as I am sure it worked prior to upgrading. Anyone know anything about this?
cheers gary
edit: data formatters is on and it shows what you see above ...
This is because GDB acts as if the variable you are viewing is out of scope while it really just is confused about what each part function or method call of the data formatter is returning (the data formatter is the "{(unichar *)Xcode_CFStringSummary($VAR, $ID)}:s" part you are seeing.
When you are debugging and you are in a method where you know a local variable must be in scope right now, open the debugger window and the area where you can see "Variable", "Value" and "Summary" column titles double click the "Summary" row entry for the variable you are interested in and enter the following (for array types like NSArray or NSCFArray):
"{(int)[$VAR count]} objects {(NSString *)[(NSArray *)$VAR description]}:s"
then press return. You have now overwritten the default data formatter provided by Xcode's GDB extension (to be found in various plists at "/Developer/Library/Xcode/CustomDataViews/") with your own data formatter string.
Your own overrides are saved at "~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/CustomDataViews/CustomDataViews.plist" and if you want to have the Apple default data formatter back just double click the row for a variable of the same type and delete whatever is there.
The nitty-gritty details: In the custom expression above the "{}" construct tells GDB to execute a command (as if you where executing it from GDB's debugger command line, which means the same restrictions apply: you need to specify the return type in cast parens in front of every function or method which returns something). The ":s" behind the closing curly brace tells Xcode and GDB to reference the "Summary" column. Also valid would be ":v" which references the "Value" column which most of the time is just the pointer value. Everything that is outside of the curly braces is shown verbatim.
Unfortuntely curly braces can't be nested which invalidates ternary operator conditionals.
So with the above data formatter you should see the following for an empty NSArray:
"0 objects (\n)"
If you want to write your own data formatters as GDB extensions (equivalent to specifying a function akin to Xcode_CFStringSummary above) you can do so. Take a look at the following header: "/Developer/Applications/"
it will tell you all you need to know. But it can be hard to get it right. It might be easier and less error prone to just define another method on your class and call that from the data formatter string instead of "description".
In the Run > Variables View menu in Xcode, is "Use Data Formatters" enabled?
I am not sure if this helps but if you select the array value to wish to see in the debugger window and the go to the Menu : Run > Variables View > View Variable As
you can change it from "NSCFString *" to "NSString *". You then see the value so "Planet_1" for example.
