application which allows creating virtual serial port with parity support - windows

I am trying to create 2 virtual serial ports in my windows7-64 bit machine to run my applications which communicate over serial ports.
I have tried these software:-
FreeVirtualSerialPort, KerProAdvancedVirtualComPort, VirtualSerialPortDriver, VirtualSerialPortEmulator, VirtualSerialPortKit and com0com
The communication works fine, however I am unable to receive parity bit with the data. Just want to know if someone has used any of these or other software and received parity correctly. My applications use Mark and Space parity. Is there a software which supports 9-bit communication.

The parity errors are detected by hardware and reported to driver. It is then upto driver and serial port configurations about how to handle this error. If the application has requested to get notified about parity error operating system specific action is taken for example setting a particular flag which app can use to determine whether error happened or not.
Very few application uses 9th bit and also hardware supporting them are also less. There is an article also about 9th bit. BTW why you need 9th bit at app level.


WinRT/C++ issue with concurrent MIDI and BLE communication

My team has been struggling with a pretty strange issue while using the WinRT/C++ APIs for Windows to connect to both a MIDI port and receive BLE notifications through a proprietary service on the same device.
The WinRT/C++ library itself is really nice and provides easy and modern C++ interfaces to access the managed Windows runtime classes.
I've pushed a sample repo to Github where we've replicated the issue with a minimal example.
The repo's readme goes over the problem in detail, but I'll post the relevant bits here for completeness.
The sample program is performing roughly these steps:
Check for available MIDI devices using a DeviceWatcher.
Check for available Bluetooth LE devices using another instance of a DeviceWatcher.
Match discovered MIDI and BluetoothLE devices on their ContainerId property (see DeviceInfo for details). This is the method JUCE employs in the native WinRT code for their library, and works as expected.
Open the MIDI port and attach a handler to the MessageReceived event (see the code).
This causes the system to create a connection to the Bluetooth LE device. The program detects this state change, creates a BluetoothLEDevice, we perform GATT service discovery and attach a handler to the ValueChanged event for the characteristic we're interested in notifications from (see the code).
The program then counts how many MIDI messages are received on each port and how many BLE notifications are received from the corresponding device.
The behaviour we notice is that data from the most recently connected device streams just fine, while the throughput for the others is severly limited. We are at quite a standstill regarding this issue, and are not sure where the problem may lie.
We are at quite a standstill here. I'd be more willing to accept it if all the devices would exhibit this behaviour, but that's not the case. Is there any reason that creating both a MidiInPort and an BluetoothLEDevice from the same peripheral should cause this issue?
A BLE radio can only receive or send at any given time. And therefore only communicate with one device at any given time. It uses a scheduler to allocate radio time for every device when you have many devices. That way a second connection can "interrupt" a connection event from another device, decreasing the throughput for that device. See

How to ensure bootloader is started

I am working with openmote-cc2538 for the project:
Here when I was trying to flash openmote with this command
sudo make TARGET=cc2538dk BOARD=openmote-CC2538 bootload0/dev/ttyUSB0 slip-radio.upload
This error message is displayed
ERROR:Cant CONNECT TO TARGET:Ensure bootloader is started(no answer on sync sequence)
cc2538 script is available for uploading binary to openmote. But I don't have much experience about this. Can anybody give me some suggestions regarding how to proceed??
Grab a scope and probe different digital I/O pins on the CC2538. Typically a bootloader will initialize all the ports on the chip and you will see them change state, which is an indication that the bootloader is indeed running. I would guess one of the LEDs would change state as well (which doesn't require a scope).

how to find the number of COM ports and their resources?

I am writing a serial driver for UART in windows just for learning purpose. More specifically in WDM.
I will write both the bus driver and function driver.
Currently i am writing the bus driver. So my question is from where i can come to know in my driver that how many serial ports i have in my system, so that i can expose that number of PDO's from my bus driver?? And resources allocated to each port. Do i have to check some kind of registry or windows will provide some kind of structure.
Please help me!! Thanks in advance
Assuming your UARTs are part of the PC, there's already a bus driver which will enumerate them. ACPI.SYS gets information from the platform BIOS, which includes the number and resource assignments for built-in components like UARTs.
If you're writing your driver for an add-in multi-port serial board, then you would need to look at the documentation for the board to determine how you find the number of UARTs. It might be as simple as looking at the PCI Product ID and having a hard-coded count for the type of board you have.
When ACPI enumerates the device, your driver's AddDevice routine will be called to load on it, and you'll receive the assigned resources when handling the PNP START message.

Virtual COM Ports in Windows - Fax emulator

I have a Windows application that utilizes a 3rd-party tool (FaxMan) to send faxes via a COM port attached to the PC. In order to stress test my application I want to create some virtual COM ports that pretend to have fax modems attached. I then want to 'spoof' the sending of faxes, without physically sending anything. The virtual COM ports would need to respond to standard AT commands as if the fax was being sent. The ability to spoof failures would be an added bonus.
My first thoughts are using a virtual COM port driver to redirect to a telnet or other TCP session - I could then have a TCP server that pretends to go through the fax motions. However, I am happy to pay for a component if one exists.
I worked on this problem for several years, developing a LAN fax product. I doubt you can do it well.
Developing a virtual COM driver means developing a kernel driver (unless you can buy one off the shelf): which is doable (I did it) but I'd guess it's far more trouble than it's worth (I'd be surprised if it's worth your while).
Another problem is that there are a variety of fax modems and fax modem standards (and you say you're hoping to emulate one well enough to fool FaxMan).
Another (essential) problem is that the simpler (non-error-correcting) fax protocols are a (hard) real-time protocol: there is some (more or less) buffering on the fax modem, but the PC attached to the fax modem cannot to afford to underrun when sending or to overrun when receiving ... which means that redirecting this traffic via telnet (with the TCP timers and buffers) either breaks the fax session at worst (FaxMan will time out) or at best mean that your testing isn't representative of what the real-world (non-emulated) performance will be.
What are you trying to stress-test anyway: your application, or the third-party FaxMan?
I suggest that the cheapest solution and the most realistic test would be using real hardware: real COM ports, real fax modems, and real (or, possibly, simulated) telephone lines.
Edit to answer the questions from the comments in Michael's answer
Assuming that the transport of the data is a small problem (e.g. because you can simply connect two serial ports back to back), is writing software which emulates a fax modem a small problem?
It might be small: if your load test is merely "send fax data to the bit bucket" then your emulated modem mostly just needs to respond "OK" to every/anything that looks like an AT command, plus various other responses to the various fax-specific AT+F_whatever_ commands. But that's a pretty low-fidelity, not a very stringent, test.
That would be pretty simple - but isn't there some protocol involved in the FAX data transmission? Or is the protocol just a variant of the AT command set, and spoofing an "OK" is all there is to it? I honestly don't know, but I assumed there would be a somewhat more complex protocol.
The telephony protocols have names like "T.4" and "T.30". The PC-to-faxmodem protocol is usually a protocol called "class 1 fax" or "class 2 fax". The latter ("class 2" or "class 2.0") is the higher-level of the two: more ASCII and less binary data, not so timing-sensitive (class 1 is sensitive to 10s of msec iirc), because it encapsulates/wraps more of the underlying T.30 negotiation than class 1 does; it consists of extended AT commands (i.e. AT+F_something_ commands, and their responses) plus a dump of the binary-encoded fax image data.
Some of the responses are more than just "OK" (i.e. they represent the available/negotiated fax session parameters) but (in class 2 rather than class 1) they're ASCII-encoded rather than binary, so not too difficult really at all.
There has to be some sort of handshaking, right? Otherwise a plain, old FAX machine would likely lose a bunch of data when it was loading a new page.
Yes there's some handshaking ("May I send now?") between pages (i.e. before each page). A load-testing emulation which isn't testing the timing would just respond "yeah, go ahead (I'm only going to be dumping the data into the bit bucket anyway without even looking at it, so what do I care)" to the handshake enquiry.
The emulation would also have to watch the binary image data (which it's getting from the PC) for <DLE><ETX> and <DLE><DLE>, in order to respond OK at the end of the PC-dumps-image-data-to-the-modem.
I don't know what timers might be built into the FaxMan application (whether or not you might need to add artifical delays to your emulated responses, to prevent FaxMan's realising that the responses are abnormally quick): maybe not, but maybe.
There may or may not be any hand-shaking within the page:
With older fax machines/fax protocols, there isn't: instead the devices negotiate 'fax session parameters', including the baud rate, before the page: they negotiate a synchronous baud rate which both ends are able to support. That (ability to handle a whole page-worth of data, synchronously) is part of why it's a hard-real-time protocol.
Newer fax machines / fax protocols support 'error correction' within each page: the page is sent in smaller (but still synchrnonous) chunks: and each chunk acknowledged, or NAKed and retransmitted.
I think that ChrisW's advice is sound - particularly getting telephone line simulators - they're not too expensive and were very useful back when I did modem driver work.
That said, there is an open source driver package that (according to their claims) lets you set up pairs of virtual com ports:
You could connect the FaxMan application to one COM port then a FAX 'simulator' that handled the AT command set and whatever is in the FAX protocol you want to test. This sounds like what you were looking for - but...
I have no idea how well the com0com drivers work - I've never even downloaded them much less tried them (I'm not sure I should even post this answer...)
I have no idea how much work would be involved in writing a FAX simulation; I imagine it's no small task.
Virtual modem:

How can I send null characters to the serial port using the Windows API?

I am working on a Windows utility program which communicates with some custom hardware using a standard COM port. The communication protocol (which is out of my control) requires me to transmit and receive raw 8-bit data bytes.
I am currently using the following Windows API function to send data to the COM port:
WriteFile(hFile, lpBuffer, numberOfBytesToWrite, ...)
where hFile is a reference to the properly opened COM port, and lpBuffer is an array of bytes that I have stored in memory. The code works perfectly until a null character (ASCII zero) needs to be sent to the device. WriteFile stops sending as soon as it detects the null character because it assumes that it has reached the end of the string. This happens even though I set numberOfBytesToWrite properly.
How can I send raw data to the COM port using the Windows API? I would prefer to use a standard API call similar to WriteFile, but I am open to suggestions.
I am currently using RapidQ to build the utility, but all it does is call the Windows API function directly.
Edit: My setup consists of a Windows PC connected via serial port to the custom hardware module. The module has a small screen on which I am able to view the transmitted characters. I have tested this setup with another third-party utility program. I am able to communicate with the module using this third party program, and null characters show up properly. In my own program, when I use WriteFile, a null character anywhere in the transmit stream stops the rests of the stream from being sent.
I've done Windows serial port programming before, and am sure that I have been able to send null characters through the serial ports (various file transfer protocols wouldn't have worked otherwise). I can think of two possible explanations:
The receiving device is printing the data it received using a method that stops at the first null character. How are you determining that the transmitting device is terminating at the first null? Could the problem be somewhere further down the line?
The serial driver is broken. This is rather unlikely, but is a possible explanation. If you are using some dodgy proprietary third party serial port and its drivers, then they might be suspect. If you are using a standard built-in serial port with the normal Windows drivers, then this is probably not a problem.
I just had a quick look at RapidQ and there's a third possible explanation:
The marshaling that RapidQ may do in the process of calling Win32 API functions may have trouble with embedded null characters in the data to send. I don't know anything about RapidQ, but this is yet another link in the chain that must be considered.
Serial Communications in Win32
Greg is probably correct, but I would also check on your com port settings. Make sure your DCB settings are set properly. Look up SetCommState, and GetCommState for information.
Normally, Serial is 8N1, but your device might be using some other parity, or stop bit configuration, etc.
Like Greg, I've done a lot of work over serial myself, and this can often be the source of problems... Try talking with RS485 and an incorrect DCB structure... heh..
PS: If you don't already have one, I'd recommend getting yourself a good serial break-out box. I have one somewhere around the house, and it will show you what all the signals are, on all the lines during all of your communications, and is a very powerful debugging tool.
I have used WriteFile in the past and it worked fine with null bytes. I would dig into RapidQ, it could be the problem.
If none of this helps, you can always do what I do. Use Greg's COMM code to test the device with. Remember Qmodem? :) Very nice tool for testing/debugging serial routines. You ccould even use Qmodem and a simple Qmodem script to read the COM port on another box (or another port in the same box), and print out the hex value of every char sent. Oh wait. Qmodem has that built in. :) Use the Debug ASCII emulation and it will show the hex values of every char that comes across the serial port. Then, you could at least verify if your code is working correctly or not.
Now, Question. Does WriteFile return when it hits the NULL, or does it just sit and wait, and never return?
If it never returns, then it may not be your code. WriteFile only returns when it has sent all dwBytesToWrite, or if there is an error. Anything else, and it's TRYING to write, but there is a failure on the other end.
To send a NULL character through serial you can use the setEndOfFile() function, giving the port handler as file.
If you have too many NULL data to send it's probably not ideal, but it's a workaround.
Function details
